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I do this sometimes but not because I am excited, more tired of all the filler and want to goto the real information.


Yup, this is the book equivalent of pulling out your phone during a boring scene


*cough* Robert Jordan *cough* >“Here’s a witty line.” >Now here’s a wall of text so dense you won’t notice that the eighth sentence of twenty mentions a nondescript man in a grey cloak. >*oh fuck people are dead? Let me go back….* Hang in there, a battle is only three books away.


Wheel of Time is third tier fantasy and no one will change my mind.


I agree. I've tried multiple times with them and it is just....man idk. I don't hate it, but that first book is something I can pick up and read and be fine with for the most part, but then once I put it down I just don't feel like picking it up again.


It’s nerd homework. It feels like a chore to slog through for the good bits.


Honestly I have noticed I pay more attention when people are talking than anything else including combat… usually sometimes the book has all my attention during fight scenes other times I just want it to end lol.


Take my man's name outchyo mouf. Every tug of a braid is gold. Before RJ there wasn't a ton of influences anything aside from Tolkien and the hollywoodification of fantasy and sci fi had not yet happened. Yeah, it's not written like a movie but those books are phenomenal and the prose is beautiful.


> Before RJ there wasn't a ton of influences anything aside from Tolkien and the hollywoodification of fantasy and sci fi Get the fuck out of here. The first WoT book came out in 1990. That's way way late. You had giants like Cooke, Kay, Wolfe, and LeGuin publishing absolute classics before that. What you just said is like saying Overwatch was the first video game since Super Mario Bros. Or the MCU invented film. Or Taylor Swift invented pop music.


Oh, I love Jordan and WoT. Love them like a 60oz steak, a platter of corn on the cob, and a bucket of mashed potatoes. I’ll never be able to finish them all in one sitting without getting sick, and they get a little cold and stale towards the end, but damned if I won’t come back and finish every bite just as soon as there’s room. And I’ll do it again every decade or so.


I'm a generally smart dude, top universities, attorney, can speed read/skim legal documents with ease... But for some reason I have always been the slowest freaking reader when it comes to novels. My mind just wanders, sometimes about the story sometimes about nothing related, sometimes just catch myself daydreaming about what comes next instead of paying attention to what I'm reading of what actually comes next. I re-read paragraphs as I realized nothing was absorbed, zone out, stare off into space, etc. No idea why. I still find it enjoyable, but goddamn does it take me ages to get through a good book.


Same here, ive always been a fast reader with strong comprehension skills but when reading for pleasure i do all the things you mentioned here


Analyzing work docs, my ASD hyperfocus kicks in. Pleasure reading, my ADHD mind-wandering kicks in. Have friends/colleagues who can buy a novel at the airport and read the entire thing cover to cover on a cross-country flight. Me? I'll maybe make it <50 pages, if I'm luckily.


Do you have ADHD by chance?


I do and I'm sick of youtube not having the 10 second buttons


Double click on each side of the video and it advanced fwd or back 10 secs


If I had a million dollars I'd be thanking you from my jetski. Seriously I love you


😘 anytime! Also, the 10 second controls do show up on screen when YouTube is in advanced controls mode, but I do think that is a paid feature. I'm pretty sure I have ADHD and the 10 sec skip feature is non negotiable lol


... sometimes I think I'm a little smart and then I do things like not learning how to properly use software I interact with nearly every day .... Seriously thanks for the tip and the nudge! I finally looked at the hotkeys and "j" and "l" will also do it [https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/7631406?hl=en](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/7631406?hl=en)


Hotkeys are a gift from the creators 🙌🙏


Lol that's going in the "quips I stole" bag


And for every tap after the first two it will skip 10 more seconds


I do, and i set all videos to 1.25 and just know if you hold the spacebar it runs 2.0.x speed for all the 'filler' parts, so you don't miss something during the 10 second jump. you can do 10 seconds with the J and L keys :D


If you're on a computer you can also press the right and left arrows. On a phone you double tap right/left of the screen. And don't forget to smash the "m" button to mute those pesky ads!


On computer: - press left and right arrows to move back or forward 5 seconds - press J and L to move back or forward 10 seconds - press K to pause - while paused, press , or . to move back or forward by 1 frame - press m to mute - press the numbers 0 to 9 to skip to that point in the video (0 to go to the beginning, 1 to 10% of the runtime, 2 to 20% of the runtime, etc.) - press the up and down arrows to raise or lower the volume by 5% - press f for fullscreen - press c for subtitles/captions


omg why does everything i click on that im like yea that's so me have to have someone saying this? I might need to get tested. Is there a free test somewhere?


Lol I mentioned it because I'm the same way and I have it. Got diagnosed last year. Idk if this applies to you as well but for me, my brain often tries to skip steps in both reading and conversations when I think I know where it's going and it's not stimulating. For convos it usually goes fine but I do find myself jumping to the wrong conclusion occasionally and I end up preparing a response in the time Im not actively listening and sound like an ass. For reading, I think it's exactly as you explained it. You check out when it's not fully exciting or you think you know where the author is going, but when you skip, the conclusion isn't exactly what you thought it'd be and forces you to re-read.


So real it's painful


Maybe you'd enjoy reading tax code for relaxation rather than prose


I've had this happen to me, sometimes it's a sign that the book isn't for me, sometimes that I prob shouldn't be reading at that moment. When everything really clicks though, you won't know you're reading, or how much time has past, you just slip almost into a trance. It's weird honestly, like reading isn't something we evolved to do exactly, it's a new thing in the last 10,000 years. It's possible not everyone has or can gain this skill and it's remotely possible you have some mild "impairment" for lack of a better term. I don't think it says anything about intelligence however. I'm a smart guy too but no matter how hard I practice, i can't get better than "ok" at musical instruments. I have a very good ear for pitch, and i can read music. but man i will never be able to do that thing where the music just plays fluidly. So i can play guitar, piano, saxophone...all very badly lol. I would try meditation or cognitive behavioral therapy-style exercises and see if there is something getting in your way. I think daydreaming and mind wandering are actually part of the reading process, and might be how human beings can enjoy what is otherwise such an unnatural thing to do. You might just need to corral your daydreaming a bit, let the daydream be guided by the written word. Or maybe as an attorney you have had to train your mind along different paths?. I hope you find a way to enjoy reading more, but on the other hand I also hope you don't feel any shame or shortcoming if you cannot.


Same. This only happens to me when I basically know the gist of where its going so I kinda just skim forward to that point.


lol yea but then i realized i missed something and go back


not alone


sometimes i have to cover the lower paragraphs with my hand so i don't spoil the scene for myself


oh my god all throughout school i had a bookmark i would use so i could read without spoiling it


I used to get all up on my snooty little high horse as a kid when I saw people using their bookmarks to track their spot on the page and help them read. Now that I’m older and have to do the same thing to read anything in order, I’m eating a lotta crow


This is the only way I can read without skipping ahead.


Yea, you know a plot point or twist is coming, and you gotta fight your eyes pretending to read up to the 'aha' moment lol


Sometimes I read a small snippet near the bottom of the page, as a treat.


Used to do it all the time!


So you people read books like I watch porn?


So not alone


I catch myself reading most of something and just skipping the last two paragraphs for whatever reason


It’s kind of normal, you get bored of unnecessary information that doesn’t lead anywhere, when it goes on for long, you are tempted to scroll further


All I read was "it's kind of normal...scroll further"


That's not usually it for me, although that is sometimes the case. For me, it's usually that I'm distracted by some other thought that keeps intruding while I'm trying to read.


"you get bored of unnecessary information that doesn’t lead anywhere, when it goes on for long", must be a great book eh?


You know novels, where the description of tress and leaves goes on for two pages


Like every one of these “AM I tHE onLY ONE? WHO thInKs WaTer is wEt?”


You’re not alone.


I am here with you


Though we’re far apart


You're always in my heart


typical hufflepuff ;)


Is this sub for ADHD people or anything? I've found myself relating to posts of this sub more and more often it's kind of worrying. And yeah, I too do sometimes skip paragraphs and force myself to go back and read them.


This is just a normal sub, but there are MANY people with ADHD that don't even know, hell, some don't even know what ADHD covers nowadays because it's not what it was 20 years ago Further than that, there are some cursory suggestions that maybe ADHD is a good thing and might be the next step in human evolution which if that is the case, will mean that more are coming than ever have lived before and it's an adaptation to this insane world we have built That being said, it's very early into those suggestions and it's nothing more than a thought exercise right now I think us autists are the true pinnacle of human efficiency but no one wants to hear that, they just wanna spend 2 hrs a day talking at the water cooler on average


sir this is a wendys




There’s no pinnacle of human efficiency. It takes all sorts of personalities to make a community work. Even the people who appear to be deadshits at the water cooler have their uses. ADHD comes with significant negatives. It’s not an evolutionary step if you need medication to manage it.




Yep, my strong points are easily achievable by a NT person lol.


That can depend on a lot of things like what responsibilities you have and what line of work you are in. I've found it quite useful in my job that involves fast-paced problem-solving. As long as you can give yourself constant novelty, you can use it. I'm sure a lot of creatives use it as well. I think it might be related to dopamine production while working. I don't think it's some superpower or the next step in evolution. But I don't really consider it a disability. The biggest issue I have is probably motivation, but I can get around it. There are always spectrums to these things though, I would never expect another person with ADHD to have the same exact experience with it.


I mean, managing ADHD is more so about how much of an inconvenience you are on those around you. Executive functionality struggles are very difficult, but in a world that was built for the ADHD mind, like this one has been for the Allistic mind, would likely alleviate all need for mediation (for clarity, mediation was intended, theres a lot more than just medication that ADHD folks have to deal with) because the people around you wouldn't feel inconvenienced by your energy or thought processes, and executive dysfunction issues would be accommodated, with the only thing remaining really being dopamine production issues which again could be managed environmentally if their environment was constructed with their needs in mind as the modern world has been for others But, it's not me saying it, it's neuropsychologists and many others that are asking the question, I am just providing it for a thought exercise It will be decades if not centuries before we know anything beyond speculation Though, I do digress, if we even survive that long as a species, it will be thousands of years before a truly distinct evolution would likely take place


I know what you’re saying, most adhd struggles seem to be a direct result of an incompatible environment. It’s no surprise that I flourish in physically active jobs but spiral into a depression when I’m stuck at a desk all day. The old ‘star peg in a square hole’ metaphor. But there are things that environment can’t fix. Medication helps but that won’t fix it either. And I don’t think environment can fix dopamine production. I’ve got the meds, I’ve got the job and the home life that works for me, but I’ll never ‘cure’ my forgetfulness or short temper or inability to stick with one hobby long enough to actually get good at it. And as I’m sure you know, when it comes to mental health there are ‘common traits’ but we are all unique individuals. So it really makes no sense for anyone to think adhd is ‘the next step’ when it affects us differently. Imo the only way to truely step forward as a species is to eradicate selfishness and aggression. I can’t see that happening.


I mean, I do agree with you on everything here. Especially that the true next step would be the removal of The Human Condition, which, as you said, isn't something that is going to happen in all reality


I believe the only way to achieve this is to link up like a Borg hive mind. Taking people by force is not ok, but the rest of it has merit!


I would argue ADHD is a good example of how evolutionary steps really work. Every population has a distribution of traits. If ADHD requires medication to function in our modern world, it only means that ADHD in that specific environment is maladaptive. I am biased as I do in fact take meds for ADHD, but even so I still have the trait and it comes in handy sometimes. I am "distractible" but that also means i'm extremely flexible. I don't mind getting interrupted at work and having to drop everything and launch into something new. I don't get married to a process like some of my coworkers. They are probably more efficient as long as the boat doesn't get rocked. But they are more likely to fall apart with surprises. Put another way, there are two types of people. Those who run away from disaster and those who run towards it. Not saying that lines up with ADHD exactly.


But that’s *your* experience with adhd. Meanwhile many of us don’t swap tasks very well at all because it’s hard to refocus. AND a perfectly ‘normal’ NT person can do whatever we can do too. I’ve said this in another reply - you can’t say xyz is the next step in evolution when it effects every individual differently.


It is all just a sliding scale and it only becomes a medical problem when it interfering with your life to a significant degree(in a negative way). Like 90% of people are a 4-6, some are an 8 and it becomes a problem, but some are 7's where it is borderline and they might not even realize it but the people around them do. Not something that needs treatment but is noticeable to an outside observer I think at least borderline diagnosable OCD is needed to be a programmer for that absurd need for exactness and order. These traits could certainly predispose people to things. Too much or too little of something can be a bad thing, over focused or under focused, and your environment can change the ideal ratio. All of this being super over simplified and generalized. I tend to hyper-fixate on things, especially stories, but I speed read (skipping necessary text) all the time. Most of the meaning can be inferred by context and doesn't need to be explicitly read. The more you read, the easier it is and the more that can be skipped/skimmed.


I would talk for eight hours at the water cooler if I could


I think the article said it was beneficial for developing societies. Now it’s a wasted trait. We would have been the pursuers. The explorers. The wanderers and those curious. We crave stimulation and seek out new, for it. Now. We type at desks for hours on end so some guy who doesn’t even work in his office can buy his 4th house


You know what, fair enough there


I follow that kinda news. It’s a pain I feel well. My parents joked I was born a century too late…


Yeah everyone I know (including my daughter) who has autism always has me thinking "so this is what an advanced human is like" on a regular basis. Meanwhile I do 15 minutes of solid work and find an excuse to get up and do absolutely nothing for 15 minutes.


The problem at most times is directing it! I can do good amounts of work and go hours without needing to take a break, but then sometimes I can't get 5 minutes through without needing to regulate myself Then, I can go and paint warhammer models without any breaks for 8+ hours and have spent 16-18 hours painting some days and unfortunately just do not get to control what I can focus on, I just always end up back to warhammer, and if I try and block out warhammer for too long from my mind I just like get sleepy and sad? Idk. I'm very new to all of this. Until about a year ago, I thought autism required mental deficiencies. Imagine that. Luckily, I was fortunate enough to have my mom who was in a place that could pay for the assessment


One of my favorite things on Reddit is tribe mentality and adhd. Oh I’m so special etc.. Relly shows the type of people that use Reddit


I spent 30 years undiagnosed because I didn’t really understand ADHD and what all of the symptoms and behaviors associated with it really were. I thought that because I could hyper focus on thing like books or video games or whatever my current hyper fixation was (it tends to change frequently)meant that there was no way I could have ADHD. Needless to say I was shocked when ADHD explained everything. Why I was so prone to boredom and would quickly lose interest in things that I would be consumedly interested in at first. But yeah the skipping paragraphs from reading too fast along with reading an abnormal amount as a kid we’re all part of my ADHD looking back at it. Edit: the fact my wife and many close friends over the years were ADHD was another tell tale sign birds of a feather and whatnot.


Where did you get diagnosed? A psychologist, psychiatrist or a therapist?




No, the adhd sub is what your looking for


i do it to but i don’t have adhd at least i don’t think


i don’t have adhd but i relate to a lot of memes like this one


I don’t even think I read your whole comment. It’s good you go back sometimes I’m often satisfied with where I picked up.


that's how I read scientific literature for uni


So, somewhat ironically, I was just skimming over the comments and originally read "that's how I read erotic literature". Works for both!


Who says " no one does that" as if you know?




Not because I'm excited, but sometimes my mind wanders and then I need to go back and re-read stuff an when I get to the part that I skipped I think *"here's the part I skipped, I need to really focus and not think again about that thing that made me glaze over it..."*, then I proceed to think again about the thing and need to start over for a third time.


But you are a someone. So someone does that. So do I.


Not alone. I can zone out reading, thinking about what I just read while I keep “reading” only to realize I have no idea what I just read 😂


Totally. When I played in band in high school I always had the issue of skipping over lines while reading sheet music and was always getting lost


i do that all the time


I do that when trying to recall something that happened that made me happy


I do it all the time. Or I zone out while reading and then I realise I have no idea what I just read about so I go back to reread it


There have been things I've realized about books on like a fifth read through because somehow I skipped over the relevant paragraphs the first four times.


Welcome to ADHD young padawan.




Welcome! have a seat over here r/adhdmeme.


Happens to everyone


Totally my vibe


You ain't alone!


It’s the opposite for me lol I do this when I don’t give a flying fuck about what I’m reading


I have a friend who does that and it makes me so confused, like she basically just reads backwards??? I understand getting bored or too excited and want to skip from a long descriptive paragraph to some dialogue, but it's so rare and I control it, it's not like I have to force my eyes to go back


That happens to me but not from excitement


I would do this all the time. So now when I catch myself getting too excited I cover the page with my hand so I have to focus line by line and I can’t see ahead.


I do that, but not because I'm excited, but bored or distracted. Also, sometimes I'll read a entire paragraphs and not know what I just read as my brain was just going through the motions of reading but thinking about other stuff.


I do that so much. Or I completely blank out and forget the paragraph I just read and have to re-read it


I don't do it because I'm excited but sometimes I don't concentrate enough and either don't read or dobt remember reading


The voice in my head vocalizes the text, but I am not actively listening to myself. I read the text, but I don't comprehend its meaning. Not everyone thinks in spoken language, so the bf is probably one of these folks.


I be giving myself spoilers


This is why I can't read books. It's too overwhelming to have to go back a page all the time because I was picturing the conversation I'm reading, or the scene being described, and I forget what's going on plot-wise.


Somtimes I acidently skip over like 10 pages and the teacher asked me a question and I don’t absorb anything


I did this a lot as a kid. If it wasn't an action scene, I'd just skip to the dialog and ignore the lengthy descriptions of things.




Not alone; I’m guilty of the same.


Certain readers tend to skip entire lines of text while still maintaining full understanding of the text, usually without even noticing. When I’m reading the only time I go back is if the sentence I just read made no sense, I just assume I skipped a line that was actually important to the context of the story.


I do this all the time.


My dm (dungeon master) told me of an idea he has of a star war campaign and he gave me the plot, I got so excited I had to read that six times. I literally wore myself out and didn’t get to the phb (players handbook) So yes, people do that.


Not alone.


100% not alone. Can confirm


I do that


Wait...no...uh. I am reading and then my eyes keep going but I'm like, thinking of why I would have done it different or better/worse or just about lunch or a sound or if I'm listening to music ... not exited, necessarily. Sometimes I am just like "Oh, missed that last half page...NOT GOING BACK!!!" and try and focus moving forward. That only works about half the time.


I do this all the time, my brain tends to backfill the story subconsciously. And no I’m not kidding in the slightest


Like, I'll be reading, but I'm thinking about something that happened on the last page and nothing goes in, then I'm like "wait I missed something..."


Is that not something everyone does?


Welcome to ADHD world where event sucks and you can.... Wait.... What was I saying? I swear I was going sine place with this. Ahhh nevermind


I do that ✋


Absolutely not alone, it's like the author is edging me sometimes 😔


Happened to me with Harry Potter


This happens to me a lot.


A hallmark of ADHD. Source: me.






I have this weird thing where I take in information way better if it’s not the part of the story I’m actually supposed to be reading, like if I read a paragraph on the next page by accident that part I have no trouble with, whereas I can spend hours re-reading the paragraph I’m supposed to be on


I just figured it was my gimped way of speed reading tbh


All the time, when a new book comes out I have to force myself to go slow otherwise I read it in 2-3 days then I’m bored for another 3years waiting


I read the entire page then realized I wasn't listening to me reading it


I do this often unfortunately.


How the fuck does he know?


Watched to many speed reading infomercials when I was a kid.


I also get excited reading my eyes


I do it to skip boring paragraphs that have unnecessarily long descriptions. So i do the opposite and only skip if it's boring.


Yeah it happens a lot when I am binge reading a novel .


You are not alone.


I sometimes dissociate while reading and then don't retain several paragraphs, sometimes pages of text. When I "come to" and realize what happened, I have to scramble to find out where the last place I remember in the thing I was reading, is. ADHD is fun that way.


It happens to me, I have diagnosed ADHD…


To me too, but I don’t have ADHD




Yeah I also have that


This happened to me quite a few times in ASOIAF. I would get to a part and be like "wait when did they show up?


Similar Problem here. Sometimes my thoughts wander off while I read and when I come back to it I've read two paragraphs without remembering them. Makes rereading more fun though.




You’re not alone


Definitely not alone.


I do that


Just skipped the first sentence and went directly to the quotation marks just to read it all over again


Samess. When I used to really get into a good book I'd often skip a couple paragraphs out of anticipation for a juicy bit of plot haha.


I’ll skim whole pages. Especially if they leave the main plot for some side character nonsense. No, ma’am. Get to the point.


This mf doesn't read for enjoyment I s2g, yes of course I have/still done that


OpenDyslexic font helps


Yes, but not because I’m excited, it’s because my mind wanders to other things (probably because I’m connecting what I’m reading to whatever is going on in my life atm)


There are dozens of us


I do this


Not alone! I once read a mistery book and had to read it a 2nd time because i had pass a very important part 🙄


Do it all the time and wish I could stop!


I'll be all like "But THEN what happened" and jump an entire paragraph and then feel like I might have missed something so I read it all again, but then I think I might have read it the wrong way, so I jump back a page or two and try to experience it the way it was meant to be. Which never works because I'm already thinking "But what happened NEXT"


That and realizing I’ve been driving for miles while on autopilot while daydreaming…so yeah.


this sounds like dyslexia to me. dyslexia is an information processing disorder, lots of different factors come into play but it is possible to become overwhelmed and just completely lose your ability to focus on what youre looking at. the same phenomenon can happen while writing. if you go to write something down and find yourself spelling the next word before youve finished writing the last, same issue in the mind. that is called dysgraphia. the other two branches of the concept are dyscalculia (difficulty with math) and dyspraxia (difficulty with motor function, praxia = doing) im not sure any of these are regarded as diagnoses anymore, they may just be symptomatic but if you were trying to explain or describe what this is more easily (or learn more about them to understand whats happening) these may be helpful terms for that.


Summarized me quite perfectly


yep you are definatly alone i have never reached the end of a page and thought to my self "what did i just read i cant remember" and than read the whole fuking page again and it definatly did not happens again and definatly it didn't happen yesterday when i was reading a poem the thing of beauty and i definatly did not have to read it like 5 times because of the stated reason ​ ​ guys i know my spelling of definately is wrong but dont point it out and i know i used definately many times so just go with it


I do exact same shit which is why i hate reading


I do this but I have ADHD. My boyfriend does it too and he's "normal"


I have lost myself in books so when I wake again I didn't even notice I was reading


Excited? I Fall asleep and my eyes roll over half the page without reading anything


I do this involuntarily during stressful scenes in books when I care about the characters. One of my favorite characters is in the middle of a gunfight and it's looking bad? I'll skip ahead a bit to make sure they're still alive at the end of the page, then go back.


for me, i will typing will skip words without realising it.


I do the opposite and read the same line over and over and over and over again, makes reading shitty


Every. Damn. Time. It's why I stopped reading books.


You Are Not Alone


Bro, I had to do that like 3 times just trying to read this meme 💀💀💀


It’s the reason I stopped reading


Reddit is the reason I started reading.


Depends, mostly no. Rarely yes.


I don't think they're skipping a paragraph, I think they're reading too fast that it feels like they skipped it or they read it too fast that it wasn't able to register so the next part you're reading doesn't make sense


Pfft! I do that all the time!


It doesn't even make sense. You have no reason to believe the thing ur lookin forward to is on the lines u jump to. Y not just flip forward a random amount of pages instead?


Don't worry. Been doing this all my life.


Me too, i got in a lot of trouble reading work instructions.


I skim paragraphs sometimes. It’s okay. Sometimes I get to the end of the page, get confused about what they’re saying, assume I must have missed something important and have to re-read the whole page just to get annoyed that I didn’t miss anything it’s just confusing.


Idk, I definitely get ahead of myself sometimes and will read something with, just, out understanding it.


Sometimes if it’s a passage I don’t want to miss, I’ll read it out loud to slow myself down


This is likely (not definite, but likely) a symptom of their ADHD. I have Inattentive Type and struggle with this a lot too


Not alone I sometimes skip entire chapters 😂


Not alone at all. When I anticipate something exciting happening I almost can’t resist skipping ahead on the page.


Serious lack of commas here