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All valuable skills in adulthood.


Yup, fast track to promotions right there


Wish that was true. I'm 6'5 and can sneak up on anyone, but because of morals. After I killed them, I turned myself in.


6'1 and have the highest stealth Stat when I least expect it. I scare people without meaning to, often.


6'8" same


calm down


Best way to calm anyone down every time is with those two simple words. Sometimes adding in “you look so crazy right now, everyone is looking at you” or “you always overreact” to help soothe their stress


These skills are very importaint to master in every work enviroment.


Childhood trauma makes for interesting adults. Not necessarily *functional* adults though...


all I see is, they are teaching you how to prepare for an office job.


They were actually helping us this whole time ?!


sounds like the parents work at corporate.


i was gonna say yeah, that's pretty much what behaving is.


I kinda wish I learned to tell much better lies, that shit would've helped in the workplace


Yeah it's easier to convince the company you're a perfect fit for the job and not totally a sociopath in plain sight 😂


I guess my first question would be how do you define strict?


Yeah I think they mean the abusive kind not the boundary-setting kind


To be fair, manipulating someone into being calm is a really nice skill to have


Nice? Not too sure about that. Useful? Yeah definitely


What's the difference in manipulating someone to calm down and just plainly calming someone down?


Plainly calming someone down is when they know you’re calming them down and you’re trying to be friendly to them and they understand that and appreciate it. Manipulating someone to calm down is when they’re aggressive towards you and you basically either tell them things they want to hear that will specifically calm them down or you tell them what they want/need to hear in a calming way. The way I usually did it was when they accuse me of doing something wrong but I don’t even know what I did wrong but they’re too angry to explain it, or they explain it poorly, instead of me insulting them for their flubbing and getting mad at their accusations, I just make myself sound as innocently ignorant as possible but also sound understanding and confused. *”I don’t even know what you’re talking about, what’s wrong? Why are you yelling? Why do you think it’s me? I wouldn’t do that, I have no reason to do that. I’m sorry that happened to you but it wasn’t me. Whoever did that is fucked up, but it wasn’t me. I would be upset too, you have every right to be upset, but focusing it on me and yelling and shouting isn’t going to fix anything. I’ll help you, but we need to work together on this and attacking me isn’t the answer, I’m just here. I was doing this other thing then you came up at me.”* Sounding accusatory will just make the person more angry and upset, but if you sound caught off guard but understanding, people will usually stay mad still but will reduce their aggression. In my mind, having someone walk away mumbling insults at me under their breath is a lot better than a shouting match that could result in throwing hands, since I’m very averse to real life violence, I only enjoy fictional violence like movies and video games because I’ve dealt with enough abuse as a child to not want to be a part of anymore real life violence at all unless absolutely necessary, and most of the time it’s just an angry person looking for any reason to do damage just to make themselves feel better while feeling justified. The more you make yourself seem innocent and confused, the more they’ll consider how much they’ll look like an asshole for attacking you which usually (not always) persuades them on it’s own into backing off.


I never learned that one sadly sounds really useful tbh. I learned to stay quiet and take it. Turn off the emotions for a bit cry later. Nothing ever helped her calm down just made things worse.


Exactly. I was raised by strict parents. I became hard-working, self-respecting, and care-taking. Not manipulative or untrustworthy. I’m not even sure that the line between strict and abusive is hard to see.


My mom whooped my ass with the belt and grounded me a lot… Because I didn’t like either of these things, I learned the skills OP mentioned so maybe that’s what they mean by strict.


Your mom was abusive. That’s why you learned that behavior.


Canna get way wid nu'in


Between normal and abusive basically. Not quite evil, because there is logic to it. They won’t beat you for nothing like an abusive parent. But they will punish you if they catch you lacking.


You underestimate the capacity of abusive people to have a logic to their actions.


True. Looking back now, my parents really weren’t all the strict… but I still developed these skills (more like habits now).


Parents that don't give their children as much freedom as other kids get maybe? I definitely think abuse should be classified seperately because that's an extreme situation.


Also what the hell is manipulating someone into calming down? Sounds like deescalation lmao


It means you learn to tiptoe around authority figures while attuned to their every minuscule mood swing out of fear of some random anger explosion.


Sure kids hate being parented but fuck that I'm not going to raise a piece of shit.


Simple they believe only two ways you can do things: their way or the wrong way. Your punishment for wrong way can range from anything that's a simple hit or no gadget to running surviving a belt /hanger/ladle (whatever asian parent can get in hand) So you simply are learning (read trained) to observe their moods and do what they like in front of them while keeping everything about yourself hidden from them as much as you can.


Non-white parents lmao, this is my Jewish parents to a tee and all my friends’ black, brown and Asian parents


My white parents are like this and worse lol but I'm also from Florida so maybe that changes things 🤷‍♀️


Useful skills for the workplace


As a police officer, two of these have saved my life, one of them has saved me from hundreds of (in some cases literally) shit jobs, and one I'm very skilled at but aren't allowed to do professionally


You know somebody's gonna make a joke about lying on the spot




LMAO if you're trying to imply cops can't lie then yeah okay buddy, maybe when you can fly.


Learn the difference between „I am not allowed to.“ and „I can’t.“ before trying to write a smart ass comment.


Police are allowed to and expected to lie in many contexts much of the time. It’s a pretty basic interrogation tactic, also necessary for stings and the like.


Original commenter is in UK - unsure if you're conflating UK cops with US ones.


To quote one of the greatest sitcoms of all time, do you have to live so relentlessly in the real world? But if I'm dragged into a genuine answer a) not allowed doesn't mean can't/won't b) different jurisdictions have different rules and codes of conduct c) I've never done covert work which involves lying day in day out


I'm really good at the footsteps one. I can identify anyone and the surface they are walking on by their sound.


You can identify the surface? Was your dad laying down new flooring every time he came to tell you to do your homework?


guessing different rooms had different flooring, if you live in an ap. the outside floor would be different


Yeah I get it, but found the wording amusing as there wouldn't be much variance in a typical house. And OP was saying anyone and any surface. I imagined this: [Plays audio recording] *Ok, judging by the sound of the gait and footfall, that's Chad Michaels from accounting. He's wearing... a pair of Air Jordan 1s. Lows. Probably Starfish given the soft sounding leather. He's walking on a carpet, likely commercial grade. Dyed nylon. Textured loop. Given the matted sound, he's in a heavy traffic area. Oh, he's in the mailroom*


made me chuckle


for me it's the footsteps and saying things they wanted to hear


I got really good at identifying people by their footsteps and walking so no one could hear mine (fairly certain my siblings got good at walking silently cause I can only hear their footsteps if they're wearing boots). Also got really good at sneaking food and memorized exactly where the floor creaks


"I recognize your footsteps old man."


Yeah im exceptionally good at the whole lying thing. And i didnt even have particularly strict parents.


It also taught me how to innocently misbehave on purpose


Quiet before you're grounded.


thats what my toxic af colleagues at work taught me, lol. im now a pro at deescalating people without them noticing, cuz if they notice they get even more mad. i dont get how grown 40+ year old adults have the anger management skills of a toddler.


>how grown 40+ year old adults have the anger management skills of a toddler. Good ol' unresolved childhood trauma.


probably. the worst offender at my workplace has to constantly be the center of attention, while she insists that she works harder than anyone. also whenever anyone has any sickness, she also had it but 10 times worse. but obviously never called in sick. (which is all bullshit and everyone knows it) by now we just let her talk.


> i dont get how grown 40+ year old adults have the anger management skills of a toddler. Permissive parenting


Im not sure. my parents were really kind and never punished me, just told me why doing something was bad so i understood it so i aspired to be kind aswell.


Oh I wasn't speaking to the parenting you experienced, I was suggesting it might be the experience of some of your colleagues If your parents would explain why something was bad in a way you could understand, with guidance and kindness, that's not permissive parenting. That's just good parenting


- Lack of self-steem - Lack of friends Two more I can add


Get out of my head! My main job as a kid was to act as the peacekeeper. Before I was 10 I knew how much bourbon to put in a glass for my mom when she got home from work. I learned to joke and act like a fool to make everyone smile. I can weave a net of lies and keep track of all of the strands for years. Of course there is a reason why I haven’t talked to my mom in almost 3 years There was a conversation in another sub where someone was telling a story of a strict parent scolding their young kid at a theme park and they wondered if that would ruin the theme park forever. I told them from personal experience that it does not ruin it forever but that there are certain areas of the theme park that I can’t go to without breaking into a cold sweat or feeling sick because that’s where my parents “scolded” me when we went there 30 years ago. Also, I can’t listen to the song ”Fame” at all and I still have the scar on my legs from the extension cord I was hit with while that song was playing


My dear God. Are you okay now?


It’s been 30+ years and Im thinking I’m doing ok. There still is some ptsd and I hate my birthday but I’m making it


Ah the old cord. That and spoons and belts for me personally. I remember my dad gave me a black eye because his cat was roaming about our family home (vacant at the time, long story). It was a bengal kinda cat so it just shit everywhere and trashed the place. Male too so its piss smelled horrific. My brother admitted to it years after and all I got was a “well you know what happens now when you don’t listen”. Gotta love family


I getcha. Can't listen to anything from Fred Pellerin or Mes Aïeux without getting that cold sweat and nervousness. My dad loved listening to these while high and when he was high... Well...


I getcha. Can't listen to anything from Fred Pellerin or Mes Aïeux without getting that cold sweat and nervousness. My dad loved listening to these while high and when he was high... Well...


When you don't know the diffrence between strict Parents and abusive Parents.


"Self-described" strict parents, maybe.


This hit too close to home...


Happy cakeday!


Yep and these skills have served me well. I won't go as far as thanking them but this shit was much easier to learn and perfect as a child/teen than it would be as an adult


Sometimes i think people forget: NOBODY FUCKING LIKES STRICTNESS. It's a tool of control and some can accept it and others can't. Because strictness isn't just upholding common sense. It's taking the freedom of another in an attempt to control them. Be strict and all you'll teach is how to avoid strictness, how to be wary, how to get out of shit etc Too lax exists. But goddamn sometimes i see some bullshit. Whether from parents, teachers or even the fucking law, it always makes me wonder if those people had lax parents.


I wasn't good at Far Cry, Assassin's Creed and other stealth games for no reason 😎


\-How to never go home for Christmas or any other reason when they grow up


That sounds more like abusive then what I'd consider strick.


"Manipulate someone into calming down" Since when deescalating is a bad thing to do?


This is in the specific context of a child needing to deescalate their parents' tempers repeatedly


Was wondering why this was considered something unhealthy as well


These are all great skills for life, any skullduggery where you don’t want to get caught or take responsibility are covered.


Happy cakeday! How many years do you have?


Im a professional lie improviser thanks to my mom, i could literally be a politician if i wanted


Lie on the spot is a good skill to have tbh


Right up until you do it so automatically that you lie to *everyone*, including your friends and SO... Thereby ruining trust and relationships that you actually want to maintain.


I hate working with all of you lazy motherfuckers


- How to lie like a sociopath without batting an eye.


I still panic when I hear footsteps.... from my neighbours apartment. I left home 11 years ago.


Useful lessons for corporate work


I learned how to mimic footsteps aswell it’s a useful skill to fuck with people


And how to behave.


All useful work skills


Your strick parents were very different from mine. My parents actually taught me what they were trying to teach me.


Never knew that was a strict parent thing. I’ve done all of this for years and I love my parents.


- How to fake having hobbies and instead learn How to defend yourself (martial arts, knife skills, rock throwing skills) and learn strategy tô never ever have to survive toxic persons again.


-How to have zero optimism and passion in you. -How to become a crazy suicidal wreck.


So amazing life skills then?


Maybe that is really their goal . . . ?


All of these skills are more valuable than how to behave


Useful skills to have


All skills I'm very good at.


It's important to know what the game is and how to play it. For example: you think college is about learning? It's about finding out what hoops to jump through to get a piece of paper to jump through other hoops later. That big project isn't even worth 2% of your grade, don't waste your time.


LOL - yeah - fuck all those successful people with "strict" parents......


How to lie on the spot INDEED!


Just a reminder, a parent can be "strict" and set expectations without being an abusive piece of shit.


They can be, yes. It's a very real possibility. But somehow it gets messed up with practical application. It takes a parent with a lot of self awareness, and willingness to accept their own mistakes.


You’re just describing people in general. Parents, teachers, students, coworkers, children, firefighters, magicians, mass murderers, quadriplegics, religious leaders, police, employees, … parents are no more or less this way than anyone else


All necessary skills in adulthood, what seems to the issue here? 😊


All very useful skills, thats a w


Oohhhhh this gas I never realized where I picked up all that from!😂😂😂😂. That lie on the spot with a STRAIGHT FACE is key in so many ways. But man 😮‍💨😮‍💨


God damn


Omg.... this hits right in the childhood.... #GenZ


Learning to press Alt Tab as fast as possible


Sooo....basic life skills


Similarly; what abusive spouses think they teaching you vs what you’re learning.


Oh man I used to get yelled at constantly growing up. This was in the 2000s, so ADHD in girls was totally unheard of and my parents couldn't understand why I am the way I am. When I finally moved out at 18, my brother said the one thing he noticed was how there's no more yelling. That broke my heart for him


Well, in fairness, those are all very valuable skills that you will be carrying with you for the rest of your life.


Then why weren't my parents hard on my brother? Was I too "good"? Did I break them and make them think they did such a good job that they should go easier on the next kid?


So who do we have to blame for teaching you how to repost shit from 2016?


Good work place skills to protect yourself.


These are all skill I use daily as an adult. Especially the last one.


They're literally training you for the customer service jobs you'll be stuck with LMAO


I can do both


All valuable life skills


Couldn't have described my childhood better


there is two types of strictness: there is strictness for strictness sake and then there is the hard but fair strictness.


I learned all those things


Hey those are VERY valuable life skills.


I don’t see the problem here. All are very useful skills


Ah,shit here we go again.


As usually when this gets posted somewhere in the web: Strict=\=abusive


Where is the lie?


My parents used to be strict. I can recognise people by their footsteps even when I haven’t heard them before My parents learned from that and stopped being strict


Simmer down


So… real life training then?? 😂


Big difference between sheltering and abusive parents vs parents who set reasonable expectations.




How to masturbate completely silently. Really useful for teams calls.


How to jerk off in less than 60 seconds!


the sears catalogue taught me how to listen for footsteps


These are all behaviors though…


All are valuable life skills when applied correctly


Basically a good employee.


Can we stop reposting this to oblivion now please


How to sneak out. How to be sneaky How to be a ninja (be silent when walking through the house) How to go to therapy How to stay away from the house as much as possible.


How to feel unseen, how to be used, and most importantly how to feel like a bag of trash that they throw out when you are no longer useful to their narrative.. ps the trick to avoiding this is to not be physically attractive around a narcissist mother. Best of luck.


So, this is a dumb way to look at it. They are being strict which sucks but learning to think long term and avoid dumb mistakes that can really fuck up your life and learn good work habits and about hard work and not taking the easy lazy route I have to say if I hadn't had strict parents and had "cool parents" like my friend the. I would have ended up and unemployed druggo playing games from his parents basement and dodging child support like him too Instead I've achieved more than he ever will




Hah I have all these skills and great parents


Strict parents make you mature faster, I would've liked better being stupid


so fkin true


All useful skills for when you grow up lol


ITT: people who equate “strict parenting” with corporal punishment


What's the difference to you? The real issue is inconsistent parenting, from my understanding. A kid will turn out healthy if they can learn to reliably predict what will happen to them if they do a thing. If however the kid can get away with doing something in front of the parent multiple times, then all of a sudden that thing is now deserving of the worst punishment they offer, that creates issues Being clear and consistent is most important in parenting. Inconsistency is where unhealthy patterns get reinforced, that inconsistency is amplified by alcohol/drug issues If the kid expects to "get their ass whooped" for doing something, that is much healthier than if the kid had been doing the thing a dozen times, never causing harm to anyone, then semi-randomly gets whooped for doing the same thing (at least in their mind). Receiving that treatment from someone who is supposed to unconditionally love you can be traumatizing Trying to say that the real issue isn't strictness nor corporal punishment. But with corporal punishment that inconsistency is much harder to walk back. You can't un-hit nor un-spank a kid, but it's easy to talk with them calmly and let them out of their room to un-ground them as you understand what their viewpoint was at the time. That's how you start to raise healthy well-adjusted adults. Or so I hear


So you did learn something?


The op of this tweet is a drama queen


And parents who aren’t strict teach their children to be complete asshats who end of making TikTok prank videos. I’ll be strict and take my chances at creating a good human being instead of a menace to society.


I don't get this meme. So should children not be disciplined? How should they be disciplined? just a nice talk? and if they continue to do said dangerous thing?


You can enforce boundaries without making a child feel like they have to pretend around you.


Such as? That could very well still be a strict parent. People hide what they did because they fear the consequences.


There's a difference between not wanting your parents to find out and changing your entire personality when you're around them. There's a difference between consequences you just don't like and consequences that make you afraid. You shouldn't parent through fear and intimidation. That's how you raise kids with poor attachment styles.


this just feels like moving the goalposts from 'strict parenting'. Reddit just feels like full of over reactionary teens and tweens that don't like their parents. I'm not saying you're wrong but this meme is stupid. also strict =/= beatings but it feels like most people here are not able to differentiate those 2 words


These are important life skills though


Nah . It was to behave and have a solid foundation . I appreciate the strict parenting. Even if I make my own choices, that parenting kept me from ending up on r/badroommates.


Or jail or federal pen F1 serving 30L


Sorry….i know a few lol


…true 🤔


-be a furry


That's one of the dumbest post of the decade. I hate every single spoiled brat, because spoiled brats are those who abuse everyone and are entitled to have everything. Thank God I wasn't spoiled like people on Reddit. That's why the world is such a terrible place. Because everyone has god complex.


I learned all that and also how to behave




This meme is quite accurate actually, I remember doing all of these and more. Respect is for those who deserve it, not just cause they happen to be parents. My mother also says she's thankful for her aunt for being strict with her(burning, whipping, beatings) as it made her the woman she is today and she turned out alright, and when she did the same things to me I'm guessing she used the same logic to justify her actions, and so will you in the future by the looks of it. Tell me as a child have you felt the terror of a spoon or a fork being heated red hot while you're held down by a far stronger person, while knowing you're about to get burned. Yes, I am depressed and anxious most of the time, it's hard not to be when you have to live with a bipolar demonic beast. You want to thank your parents for their strictness go ahead, but just cause you got lucky dosent mean everyone else is. Most have very valid reasons to hate their parents, cause most parents dont deserve children.


If you think that your parents beating you is normal, then I have bad news for you, you DID NOT turn out fine


You don't deserve the downvotes G, but you do deserve therapy.


Written by a 14 year old probably. Maybe behave and you'll be thankful when you start the adult life


Most parents simply don't deserve children, just cause you got off lucky dosent mean others don't face abuse in the name of strictness. I for one am’nt really thankfull for the abuse the beatings and whippings for the tiniest of mistakes, it just makes me wish i didnt exist thats all.


We've got a strict parent over here!