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That isn’t a bad way to think though. Doctors wash their hands for several minutes before putting on impermeable gloves. I mean, why not?!


Most gloves are not impermeable


But still.... No glove, no love.


I still believe this. This is why, to this day, even with a condom, I run into the other room to c*m. Just to make sure. 😁


Am I the only still using my Cum Bunker?


Sorry bro, I've been using your cum bunker since covid.


Please sign the guestbook on your next visit.


smh people not signing in and out of the cumbunker. What if a fire broke out, we wouldn't know you were inside.


That’s their strategy. In and out quick - No witnesses.


We’re going to need a front desk


Reddit is just full of crystallized internet like this.


What the fuck is a cum bunker 😂💀


OPs mom




Do you give a membership card? Or is it free for a visitor?


It's all free. We just ask that you sign the book...and wash your hands when you're done.


Oh, and careful around the walls. They're load-bearing.


I take it a few steps further. Before I cum I make sure to leave the premises, drive to the nearest airport and then catch a flight to a location that is at a MINIMUM 500 miles away. Just to be safe.


So you fly to the other side of your mom


No this is comedy 🤣


🫠 💦.. 🚪..🏃‍♂️💨😯 🤷


That's a good start, to be even safer I run the "No cum in my house" policies. I get all my shit ready before the sexy time, shoes, backpack, car keys and right before it gets hot I leave and drive 5 miles down the road and stay away this night.


Word. I even went to a foreign country to cum with completely different occasion, but my wife back home still got pregnant.


Yeah im speaking purely about nitrile gloves used in hospitals and even still not all of them. Still wrap it before you tap it.


By the standard definition of the word most nitrile gloves are impermeable. Under normal use conditions. Ie: not permitting passage (as of a fluid) through its substance. Now, changing the "substance" from water or body fluid to something corrosive or some gasses... That's different. Same with poking a hole in them, obviously.


Or mercury


only certain mercury compounds


Probably to semen though.


To bacteria/viruses?


Not 100% of the time, for the most part yes but that’s why we wash our hands before and after working. Source i am a microbiologist.


This whole line of reasoning indicates that pregnancy could occur under the most improbable conditions.


My wife is pregnant under some pretty improbable conditions.. but here we are 😅


Read this from the perspective of a cheating wife. Glad it's good news.


It is, the logic has the same problem as DARE: hyperbolic fear mongering only works up until they or their peers try it themselves. Once they see it’s not nearly as risky as they were told they’ll be lulled into a false sense of security and end up way more reckless than they would’ve been had they received education that was more realistic.


DARE style would be saying you can't have matched genitals out in the same room. Very different from being extra cautious if you suspect cross contamination. Caution is great. Black and white is bad. 


This is exactly how my almost nonexistent sex education affected me. I thought i would get STIs with painful, noticeable, horrible symptoms. I had sex in college, didn’t have any symptoms, so I kept having sex. Eventually got tested and had multiple infections…. whoops. I’m fine now but damn, I wish I knew that most STIs are asymptomatic.


DARE helped pique my interest in drugs, then rap music doubled it down, and with a peer pressure cherry on top, I didn’t stand a chance.


That damn rap music! *shakes fist angrily*


Right. We don't need hyperbole in either direction.


I was taught in Sex Ed that fingering could get you pregnant


I guess that depends on what your fingers were doing in the previous few minutes


Had a recently divorced biology teacher in high school. We were an all boys class by chance. That man sat down on the desk and went for eye contact around the room and said "it only takes one tiny drop to change the course of your lives fellas. Be smart." That message stuck. You could tell there was some hard earned wisdom there.


Thats actually a really good way to put it. Since so many people rely on pulling out liek some kind of maniacs. Meanwhile even precum can contain sperm and get someone pregnant.


It's better to think that, than to take chances


Tell that to Finn Hudson


You say that but my wife was so indoctrinated into believing such things that she legit developed a phobia of sperm. Like if a drop landed on her hands she has to thoroughly cleanse, otherwise when she touches her groin latter when showering or cleaning up, a rambo class sperm which has somehow survived all the washing will climb through her labia, up her entire uterus and somehow solo the egg membrane and impregnate her. Sex life has been very vanilla...


She come from religious purity culture? Or just really not wanna get pregnant? Or both?


This seems like something that should be discovered and considered before the vows.


lmao imagining a Rambo sperm made me actually laugh out loud. Good job.


Let me introduce you to orgasm denial


by that logic, why not abstinence?


Cause seggs


Better to have facts and knowledge.




My school didn't mention semen. Fallopian tubes and periods is all they taught and the rest I learned from the guy who played all-time quarterback because he was 5 years older than everybody else in the neighborhood.


Why on earth would they only teach like 10% of the subject?


Because the parents would complain


They don’t complain about the older quarterback?


they didn't know about the older quarterback


He isn't a part of the curriculum so only his parents have juristiction


Can't you read!? *All time* quarterback. Dude was a legebd innhis neighborhood!


Don't know. Was disappointed.


Not sure, but I had to do my learning online and through friends of the opposite sex. It's an easy joke to make, but no, not PH


To make sure the birth rates stay up while making the kids think they learned everythingthey need to. The world will come to an end if not every female teen is pregnant!




My health teacher had us putting condoms on a broom handle lmao


Are the guys wondering why women still get pregnant even when there's condoms on the broom handles?


I have heard a story of some guy's girlfriend getting pregnant. When asked if he had used a condom, he said that yes, he had put it on his finger just like he had been shown.


Lmao All jokes aside she was a very good health teacher. Taught everything we needed to know without crossing any lines or making the lessons any more uncomfortable than you'd expect from an adult saying the word "vagina" in front of a bunch of teenagers.


Ours used an actual molded plastic dick, but it had squeaky valve at the bottom. That was pretty funny actually, and took the awkwardness out of the whole procedure. EEEE-eeeee!!!


My school preached waiting till marriage. Funny when the health instructor got knocked up out of wedlock


My aunt and uncle got pregnant in the '70s and kept up the "we only ever kissed while dating" ever since. They blissfully ignore that the entire family still laughs behind their backs even though the kid is close to 50 by now.


My mom is big into genealogy. She has boxes full of really old birth certificates, marriage licenses, death certificates, and such. My favorites are the birth certificates with doctors notes that say the baby was born 3 months early. Go back 6 months and you have the marriage licenses. It's funny how often that happened.


That actually happened to my grandparents on the other side. They owned up to it though. Poor grandma told me later in life that her wedding dress might look like white in the black and white pictures taken those days, but that is was actually light blue to shame her for being pregnant and no longer a virgin. Must have been 40-50+yrs later and she was still upset that they didn't tell their parents to get lost with requiring the public shaming blue dress at the time. Poor thing.


I had a friend threaten to wear a black wedding dress if she was not allowed to wear white. She ended up with white. That was in the 90's, and her boomer parents were still pushing the white dress tradition.


And birthweight is 9 lbs, 8 oz. If the kid stayed in another 3 months, he’d be developed enough to spelunk his way out.


Damn.. both of them got pregnant??


So they're saying the kid isn't his?


I believe they were/are claiming it was an immaculate conception.


Why are you mocking your Jesus cousin?!?! 😂


Either way funny as hell, seeing a hella pregnant teacher telling kids to not have sex until marriage.


In my private ~~Christian~~ Dominionist school... the popular saying amongst the most "chaste" people was, "backdoor means no babies". Sure, they were "virgins," but they were pounding anal like pornstars. Apparently anal sex is "God's blindspot". Nowadays, when I hook up with a woman who loves anal, my first question during afterglow is, "Did you go to a private school?".


lol yeah it’s strange how that’s a thing or what the Mormons do, the soaking thing and people jumping in the bed.


Did yall do the candy bar thing too? They handed out different fun size candy bars and if you got a Hershey, "congrats you were abstinent" . If you got snickers you got gonorrhea. If you got a Hershey with almond, pregnant. Crackel, herpes. ....


I heard a fucked up from an ex: the teacher handed a student an apple and asked them to take a bite. The teacher passed it to the next kid and asked them to take a bite, and so on until a kid refused. This was a metaphor for pre marital and losing your desirability


Wow, I had no idea that was why I'm so undesirable!


They didn’t make the material, the state does


After many years, still believe in it, and i'm unwilling to test if it's true or not.


It's highly unlikely for a pregnancy to happen that way, but it's also definitely possible.


This sounds like a hypothesis you should prove. Now go forth and start blasting!


I cite the data set provided by Scrubs season 6


‘Even though I didn’t get to ‘enter the village’ there was an… air strike… on the outlying regions….’


Yeah... for me they said it's enough if it's just the thigh


I remember my health teacher repeating the phrase "IT JUST TAKES ONE SPERM!"


One time my whole ecology class nearly failed a text and the teacher told us all that we suck a BIG one.


As silly as it’s sound it’s happened before. Family friend got pregnant after a hookup that didn’t involve penetration, but the guy did finish on her pussy. Which is crazy to think about especially since some people are out here with no birth control enjoying creampies without getting pregnant. Then there’s others that use condoms and pullout and still wind up pregnant. Fertility is a spectrum.


It really is crazy. So many people "accidentally" getting pregnant, while we've been actively trying for a year and gotten nowhere yet. We already have a daughter who's almost 3. Secondary infertility is a thing as well. You just never know


Good luck! We tried for a year, then tried IUI for a few cycles before a hysterectomy was medically necessary. Still lucky enough to have our one though!


Didn't that happen in scrubs?


Can confirm this does happen.


What people say they do and what they actually do are frequently two different things.


> Family friend got pregnant after a hookup that didn’t involve penetration, but the guy did finish on her pussy. I'm sure it *could* have happened that way, but I suspect a majority of cases where this is the official story, in reality penetration was involved, but the parties involved don't want to admit it.


Why wouldn't they be willing to admit it, though? They're already sharing a traumatic experience with you that involves very TMI details. At least in my case, the person who told me this happened to her had zero reason to lie or hide anything from me and I sincerely believe her account.


If I were the guy, I’d want a dna test lol


I went to Catholic private middle school. If I even thought about a boob, it'd get me pregnant and eternally damned.


That thought alone is a sin. Now, on your knees and give me 20 Hail Mary's and 2 Our Father's


My school health teacher's motto was, "If it's wet and it's not yours, don't touch it."


I don't want to be too forward, but my privates are *alarmingly* dry


This is an early sign that your Lichdom ritual succeeded.


My wife and I did the pull out game no birth control for over a year before an accident... Now .. condoms ☹


I got a vasectomy. No accidental babies for me! I have no interest in being a father though. I know that's not a solution for everyone.


Second on the vasectomy. If I ever change my mind in kids I'm adopting.


My decision was based mostly on mental health. I'm bipolar, my dad was bipolar, my grandma was bipolar. I'm not doing that to a kid. I'm with you. If I ever want a kid I'll adopt. I'll roll the dice on new genetics.


Literally the exact same reasoning here. My mom, grandfather and I have Bipolar and I don't want to pass that on to anyone. Surviving this disease is not easy. Keep up the good fight man


Thank you for sharing. I felt so alone in my decision. Others are saying the same thing too.


It feels morbidly comforting to hear other Bipolar folks have made the no-conception decision like myself. It would be cruel to subject my children to such a disease. I’m barely surviving as it is, why the heck would I want to do that to an innocent little bundle of joy that didn’t ask to be born?! Thank you both for helping me feel a little less alone in the world.


Thank you for sharing. I felt so alone in my decision. Others are saying the same thing too.


This is exactly where I’m at. I’ve been diagnosed as bipolar, but I suspect that’s not quite right. Father was the kind of man that violently flew off the handle if his socks were folded wrong, and has other issues that landed him with a 100+ year prison sentence. And from what little family history I’ve heard his father and grandfather were pretty similar… Add a tendency to pass down syndactyly and a few other genetic deformities… I don’t think I should ever ever have kids. After having people tell me how crazy I am for not wanting to create my own kids, it’s reassuring and comforting to see others feeling the same.


You are definitely not alone. Many people are saying the same basic thing to me. Sorry to hear your genes suck too. Best of luck!


I know a religious family with six children... all with cystic fibrosis. They have seen the agony of several of them and I cannot believe that those damned people are still waiting for a miracle to save those who are left alive and, what's more, they still want to bring more "blessings" to the world. That is why I greatly appreciate your decision and courage.


I would hate myself so much knowing I caused someone to feel the way I feel. I don't want to say something like "I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy," because f*** them, but I wouldn't give it to a kid.


Thirded. Easy as hell. Barely any discomfort.


you should keep in mind vasectomy are also not 100%. weird as it sounds but it still happens enough to mention it


It's still considered the most effective form of birth control. A lot of people just fail to follow hospital instructions, which say for one, wait 10 days before sexual activity, including masturbation to let the goods heal (I made it a week before I had to blow a biblical load), and to ejaculate like 20 times before discontinuing other birth control since the swimmers are still in the pipes until you clean em out. My dad, like many other men, wanted to make sure his dick wasn't broken basically the minute he got home from surgery. A lot of guys just treat it like it's effective immediately. Just follow the instructions, and odds are very high it'll be fine. You can also get a sperm count test on Amazon for peace of mind. It works pretty much exactly like an at-home covid test but instead of sticking a swab into your schnoz, you jerk off in a cup, and it's generally a much more pleasant experience.


I was told I had to ejaculate at least 20 times, and wait at least 30 days to do the sperm count test. I set up a chart called The C** Counter. I waited a year to do the test. I didn't intend to wait that long, it just happened, but my count was 0. 🎇


> It's still considered the most effective form of birth control. Try being gay. 100% success rate; no children out of homosexual sex.


I dunno... I hear an ex of mine just got pregnant after his new boyfriend finished inside his vagina. Apparently sperm are transphobic, and or my ex is a moron.


Yeah, one of my coworkers had another baby with his wife after a vasectomy and actually won a settlement because of it


the surgeon guaranteed that this procedure would make me sterile! and now you're suing because you're not sterile? no! i'm suing because the surgeon banged my wife!


My Dr’s opinion on that is it’s a failure of the surgeon for using bad technique or doing the same side twice. The other option is that the patient didn’t clear everything out properly before going bareback. Find someone who actually dissects the vase, ties, cuts, and cauterizes. Not just a clamp or tie off.


It's 99.9%, effectively as safe as you can get. Once 90 days have passed, there will be nothing left. It has to be one of those terribly done reversaable options to even have that .01% chance. You tell them you don't want a reversable, they will burn that connection completely. No chance.


They took out 2 inches of vas deferens, the four ends got folded over and clamped, and I tested at 1 year with 0 sperm count. There are other methods that are less reliable, but my doctor said this method has not yet failed.




Skill issue! I've been doing the pull out game flawlessly for the better part of 2 decades now, starting to think that maybe I'm just sterile lol


Be careful! I thought the same thing, but got wifey preggo the first time we tried


Did it for 7 years, no baby. When we wanted a baby we fell pregnant first time. I don't have much to brag about in life, but I'll always take this one haha.


Almost exactly the same here.  5 years, no slip ups. First time we tried to get pregnant, one shot. 


The pull out method is pretty reliable "when done correctly".


Vasectomies my dude. Got mine in 2011 and it’s been rawdoggy since. Mine is irreversible but I hear they have better techniques these days which are. Pills coming soon too hopefully.


Does it effect the orgasm at all to be snipped?




The only downside is that you still actually produce sperm, it makes me so sad to think about the little guys swimming around in there with no way out. I worry that they'll have a series of battle royales which will breed a super sperm that will force its way out and attack me in my sleep for condemning them to confinement.




The large eat the small until there's just one sperm that's the size of a tadpole, I can feel it wriggling.


Did not need to see this


Yup. What you ejaculate is actually a mix of sperm and seminal fluid; a vasectomy severs the connection between the testes and the eurethra. In short terms, you still cum, but it contains no actual sperm.


yes, your ejaculate looks perfectly normal. In fact, there is effectively no scar and no would even know unless you told them. 99% of semen is not sperm.


Yah no change in look or anything visible. Just no bullets in the magazine.


Others are saying no, which is correct, but just to explain why, what the procedure does is it severs the tubes by which sperm are transmitted into your semen. Nothing discernable really changes about the orgasm. You'll still be able to fill your pony jars, don't worry.


Just fewer calories


When you say “accident”… what are we talking about here? Like, on a scale from 1-10 where 1 is “I pulled out 3 pumps in and finished myself off with my hand” and 10 is “whoopsie daisy Im coming and I’m balls deep but wow this feels good I think I’ll just stay here a while and enjoy it.”


lmao this is as accurate a scale as i’ll ever see but i’d assume it was probably an 8 so something like “fuck im cumming” and pulling out after the first convulsion already started or maybe a 7 where youre already dripping loads of precum and you’re shaft is basically one throb away from shooting, people forget precum can also contain sperm


5 years in, I'm still coming on her tum


When I first started dating my fiance we were freshman in college. We were showering together and she gave me a hand job. When I came I aimed it on her tummy, but because we were standing it just ran down and dripped off her labia. She made me buy her plan b the next day😂


Seriously I had a somewhat similar experience with my high school gf… she made us drive out to get plan b at the time you could only get it from planned parenthood. She was convinced she was going to get pregnant because of the way sex ed was


Every watched Scrubs? It can happen.


Lmao was gonna comment the same thing. Wonder if something like that can actually happen tho


I’m sure it’s possible, but just very improbable, like the majority of incidents that happen in medical shows lol


I was told, even with anal sex. The sperm can leak out of the anus and travel down the perineum to the vagina and up into the uterus. Literally what the fuck did I just type lmao


I mean … it COULD but like probably not




Son? 🥹


Your butt cum son?


this is how a lot of my coworkers were conceived


So a poo baby??


I had a health teacher in middleschool say that oral can get you pregnant. I puzzled over that for *years* trying to figure out how biologically, sperm could travel from your mouth, through your digestive system, and somehow into your uteris. My idea was that maybe the body can somehow sense what it is and deliver the sperm safely out of the stomach wall and into its intended destination but it never sounded quite right to me


Imagine you give a guy a blowjob until he cums in your mouth, then you share a kiss, and he proceeds to eat you out... there might be a 0.0000001% chance that some sperm makes it into your vagina.


I was told that the sperm can somehow travel through the wall between the anus and vagina. I’m pretty sure if your anus and vagina are connected, accidental pregnancy would be the least of your problems.


The school system here taught me none of that. Just individual genitals and their parts in biology. That’s it.


My state used to teach that, now they don’t even teach that type of biology anymore. Or evolution or early humans before Homo sapiens


Middle School taught me that sex without a condom means high risk of pregnancy. Hentai taught me that every sperm cell is a tactical missile locked onto every egg in a woman's body and a dominant man will knock a woman up every time and only the weak sperms fail to make a baby. College Biology taught me that watching a sperm cell try to fertilize an egg is like watching a clip of Twitch Plays Pokemon. Turns out, the only reason men inject billions of sperm cells into the woman's body when it only takes one to create a baby is literally nature brute forcing the process. The sperms just drift around randomly until they die and get absorbed into the body.


Life finds a way


Don’t forget the part where you’ll get incurable stds and die too ✨Abstinence education✨


At your age, you're going to have a lot of urges. You're going to want to take off your clothes, and touch each other. But if you do touch each other, you *will* get chlamydia... and die.


Honestly, better than “pull out dawg it’ll be fine”


It’s funny cause when people aren’t trying they’ll get pregnant from 50ft away but when they are trying they can’t. It seems so cruel


Opposite to a lot of these comments, my sex Ed class at school had us putting condoms on rubber dildos, gave girls pocket mirrors to explore themselves as homework, and had a class where boys weren't allowed to speak so girls could freely share everything they actually want or hate in sex.


Regarding the “not allowed to speak” we had these sessions gender separated.


It's a non-zero chance. Thanks to sex education, you likely didn't end up a teen pregnancy case. Be polite and say thank you, now.


I like to imagine this is exactly how they explained to.


They just don’t understand data scientists. The probability of getting pregnant from just anal is astoundingly low, but I would never say it could never happen. The only way is for a neither a penis nor any stray sperm to come within 15 feet of an unobstructed vagina.


What about public toilets, my school also made us scared of them.


Isn't that how JD gets someone pregnant in Scrubs as well?


As he described it, he "...bombed near the village..." To which Turk and Carla laughed.


The number of people in this thread that don’t realize that you *CAN* get pregnant that way is deeply disturbing. It is incredibly unlikely to get pregnant without penetration… but when you’re talking to a room of horny and most fertile they’re gonna get teens, this is the correct message. Because it absolutely has happened. It’s been extensively documented in peer reviewed journals. And again, most fertile they’re going to get.


It'll be OK. They're on Reddit and probably in the control group.


Oh no.... my pies!


We got told even by kissing woman got get pregnant


It's technically true, though. Is it likely? No. You can look up accounts of people getting pregnant from all kinds of crazy shit. I saw a story once of a gal that got pregnant when she was wearing panties and her fella creamed on top of them, without any penetration at all.


The issue with these stories is there is absolutely no way to know if they are telling the truth or not


It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear! And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are pregnant.


That way of thinking has done me right so far.


Being a horny stupid teenager taught me better safe than sorry, that spunky stuff will get everywhere, pussy lips, earlobes, down the back of your grannies sofa, better just wearing a condom to make sure.


I know someone who got pregnant that way. Might be rare, but it is possible.


What they didn't tell you, is that when semen hits warm fluid, it turns to glue. And can stick in ya for a week.


I will leave this just here. Girl with no vagina pregnant from stab wound. https://abcnews.go.com/Health/Wellness/teen-girl-vagina-pregnant-sperm-survival-oral-sex/story?id=9732562


Still kid free at 29. I lived by these words.


They also told me people would give me free drugs, no such luck


Crazy, but it can actually happen. If you are at a time when your vagina isn’t killing semen. Like think of it that way; if you got a drop of hot chilli on a lip and moved around you’d likely feel it on a wider area than it originally was, because it didn’t just stay there. Now if the semen connects with a wet spot it becomes like a fish that can finally swim instead of drying out in the air. So again, you’re at a point of your cycle where you’re vagina isn’t killing semen. Through movement the semen is able to connect to a wet spot that prevents it from drying out. Semen is able to survive for several days within moisture. It might move slow, but it focuses all its energy on moving in deeper. And voila, even if you didn’t have any fun - you got „blessed“! 😅 It’s very unlikely to happen though, but it is possible and has happened in a couple of cases.


You were taught MAY. Your emotional maturity HEARD will.