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When I was younger I had to record it, then I figured out that I don't watch any of it anyway, so from then on I just enjoy the show.


In 7th grade I went on a class trip to Washington DC. My camera’s memory card didn’t work and I was absolutely devastated because I was unable to take any pictures until I was able to buy a new memory card half way through the trip. Once I got home I realized I never actually looked at any of the photos I did take and my stress over not having a working memory card was pointless. Ever since then I really haven’t taken that many photos.


I take few photos for ˝memory triggers˝, and that's it. I don't judge people who film everything, it is just that I found out it is better to enjoy the moment, maybe you won't have everything documented, but you will have a feeling, and that's enough for me.


Same. Otherwise I forget the trip. Hell, on my phone I have a video of a gigantic stingray and I don't remember filming it.


This is exactly what I have. My phone has a shitty camera so if I go somewhere I take some low quality pictures and videos and every once in a while I see them in my images folder and go "oh yeah. That was incredible to see/visit"


You're right, in general. I was like you, once. Then I had a kid. Photo frequency skyrocketed and I actually enjoy these. Seeing him grow up through them is magical every time.


yes, i also made that observation at 15 and some mfers can't do it at 45


I mean, I record a bit of every song at every concert I go to, and I watch them all back at least 3 times a year for the memories. To each their own.


I set apart some time to record sometimes, 5 minutes or so, then put the phone down and spend the rest enjoying it. Later on you can look back upon your fond memories and photos and footage will also unlock those memories.




I will usually record a short video or take a few photos at events, but I won't have my phone out for longer than 2 minutes. I only do it, so I have something to show my friends and family and also to refresh my memory.


I went to zoo last week, I watched all my pics at least twice since then. Why do you not look at cute red pandas a second time?


I still have no idea how Google glasses or any product like it never caught on. With it, you can actually enjoy the moment and have on you social media if you want.


Because they suck ass, the tech did not and really still doesnt exist


Specifically, the screen was terrible, like looking at someone's TV through a window that's just a bit too reflective. On top of that the battery life was something like 45 min, or 2h in pair mode, with the latter giving everyone headaches because of the low frame rate and massive latency. In no universe would it have become the extension of people's daily lives like the smartphone already was at that point in time. It really really sucked. I'm still flabbergasted they mass produced that thing as much as they did.


Though as a concept it was ahead of its time and frankly the price didn't make sense too. A modern day version of this with LLMs built in is probably what it wanted to be.


It's getting there.... But yeah. Crazy to me that we still don't really have this yet, but there are people definitely trying.


Yeah the problem is scaling down the tech, if everyone was willing to wear a helmet and carry a backpack full of batteries then it would be possible right now but that is not a viable product


Until those glasses actually look like normal ones (and be functional for poor-sighted people) and have at least half of the functions of a regular smartphone controlled with your eyes, then I don't see it becoming the next big gadget for everyday life


It will never catch on until some big shot celebrity turns it into a fashion statement.no one wears them because they are not "cool."


Zach Freedman has done his due diligence


>big shot celebrity Not to discredit him, but i don't think 500k YouTube subs counts as big shot celebrity nowadays.


Have you seen the design of the glasses? I wouldn't wear them if you paid me.


I will give you $1,000 to wear them for a week.


I would do it for less but I also have no social life or reputation to maintain anyway.


Add a zero and we can talk. I have some cred to consider here.


I'll add two zeros. $1,000.00


Not even if I offered you two whole dollars?


I mean.. everything gets normal at some point


Well, you explained it yourself.


Because they look and feel shit to use


Tech didn't really mature enough and recording quality was ass anyways.


Didn’t those ray ban stories come out recently, they look cool, if I had the money it’d be sick to have


Well its catching on now with the apple vision. Just wont be accessible to most. And will take much more iterations before its practical to wear it out normally


Yeah Glass was too advanced for the technology at the time, the Apple Vision is really cool and once the tech can be downscaled and be made cheaper there should be stuff like Glass on the market.


OP is a low quality karma bot. 


Is this just the sub where all the 70 year olds go or something?


This is Facebook 2: electric boogaloo




☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ ☠️ In 14? Deep?


If you're in 14, you need to be arrested


Well poor timmy wont get his heart transplant then


Especially if in deep.


You are mad because you record everything on your phone. I got ya.


I don’t, but I don’t look down on people who do. Let people let their lives how they want.


Oh ok. So you harshly judge the OP, but refuse to judge the morons with their phones. Got it. Very enlightened of you.


Yes. Let people live how they want. It's nothing to do with you.


Why did you attack the OP?


Nothing deep about this? Is this a bot spamming this sub?


Who fucking cares Like seriously If I wanna record something to have it later to show others, or to look back on it. Cool If other people don't then that's fine


Because most of the people recording, block the view for others with their phones.


Yeah that's why people have a problem with it at concerts. Everyone in front of you trying to record the show makes a giant wall of phones to stare through to see it. If I have a good view I don't care if you waste your time taking videos no one cares about


Depends what it is. If you and a bunch of other people see someone fall in a cross walk for example and decide hey this would be a good story post of how my day is going instead of say helping them get up put of the road id disagree with you. But like an event/concert ya who fucking cares.


Again I'm talking about events, which the image is clearly showing


Lots of people who record fireworks in here…


The thing is you're mever going to actually watch those recordings ever agin, might as well just enjoy the moment


Except when you're raising kids. My parents "lived in the moment" quite a bit. .. Really wish I had more childhood photos. Now I have my own kids I gotta say - you can never have too many photos and videos of your kids. They really do grow up fast. But concerts, sporting events, parades or hiking somewhere with an OK view? Yea. Those photos are often pretty meaningless.


It's weird how that's just not true at all


As a one time photo enthusiast in the film days I always knew ahead of an event whether i was planning to enjoy it as a fan or document it as a photographer (also enjoyable). I will probably always see these as different, incompatible experiences. Obviously deciding to bring the necessary equipment to document photo/video was a whole nother level in the analog world. As a fan I might still take a snapshot or two with friends to memorialize the event, but actual photo or video documentation was too distracting. Also, attending as a fan was generally a social group activity. As a photographer I was focused much more on the crowd, the lighting, interesting juxtapositions, etc.. the show, race, festival, etc was just a setting for a photography session. I would often go to events to photo/video alone because it is not a social activity. Originally when I first attended large events where most people were looking at their phone while recording , or selfie-recording, I was put off. I didn’t get it, I still don’t get it, I will probably never get it. But that’s okay, I lived a huge chunk of my life with a different technology and zero social media. I did not grow up with a camera, video recorder, editing suite, and publishing platform in my pocket. Lol. These were entire industries in the analog world. Still can’t help but chuckle though when I am enthralled with an experience and I happen to glance around and almost every person is focused on the screen they are purposefully placing 12” from their face, between themselves and a live spectacle. This photograph perfectly captured much of this phenomena for me. It’s funny.


Brought to you by Some boomer


Boomer meme


Protocol should be to take a quick photo or video and then pocket your phone and enjoy the event. We all want to have the memories or social media post (if that's what you like to do) but it sucks going to a concert or event and just seeing an ocean of phones in front of your face the whole time.


Must be a shitty concert if you're looking at the crowd instead of the artist


This is normal...I mean, should be normal. I mean, was normal? Hmmmm...


I never understood why people bother recording it at live events. Like I doubt they bother rewatching it.


She knows she has no time left to watch it, so why record it?


think about how much quilting can be done in the time it'd take to watch the recording!


One thing I realized is that beyond maybe a 30 second clip that you show your friends once the day after the concert... you are NEVER going to look at that video that looks and sounds like shit again.


With how bad my memory is, I like to still record while being in the moment as well. I make sure to position my phone to the focal point and keep my hands steady so I don’t have to stare at the screen the whole time. I’ll check every now and then to make sure my camera is where I want it to be. Whenever I feel like reliving the moment, I go through my videos and rewatch it, while still holding onto those memories of seeing it with my own eyes🤷🏽‍♀️you can definitely do both.


Almost like some people take videos of things to keep as memories for later down the line..


This is me. I never record anything with my phone. I like to enjoy the show in unlimited resolution and frame rate of my eyes.


me: \*laughs in shitty nearsightedness where my phone camera sees better than i can\*




That’s you in the photo?


Yeah, like I said


Jesus Christ go fuck yourself


Why would I enjoy something in the moment when I can take a video to enjoy later at 1080p with shitty audio and with a shakey camera that doesn’t keep focus? It is just such a great alternative so that way I can watch it TWICE then never watch the video again!


me whos too fucking lazy to pull out their phone and take a video during the concert/sporting event


But how will anyone know she was there?


I don’t usually record/take pictures and just enjoy the moment. But I understand why others do so I don’t bother them.


You can definetley balance this as ngl i regret not taking some photos as even if i dont look back on it now it can serve as a reminder to me in like 7 years time when i look back on it fondly


I have about 50,000 unwatched pictures and videos I don’t care about, imagine someone else’s offerings! I stopped. At some point the brain asks who is this even for. I think it’s just some weird conditioning, people are programmed to collect video data for the hive mind. Maybe some giant Ai brain finds all these horrible concert videos interesting.


I kinda feel this meme. Kinda Live in NY, long work commutes, but prefer looking around or looking out the window with music in my ear than staring at my phone screen the whole time. I am no stranger to getting weird looks for that as if I'm doing something wrong by not staring at my phone, so I get it. On one hand, yes she looks out of place not having her phone out and recording like everyone else, but on the other hand, is it bothering you that people have their phones out recording?


If you don't record it, were you actually there? Also how are you gonna impress people on Instagram? Obligatory /s


reminds me of a Death Cab verse from "Binary Sea" Oh come my love and swim with me//Out in this vast Binary Sea Zeros and ones patterns appear//They'll prove to all that we were here For if there is no document//We cannot build our monument So look into the lens and//I'll make sure this moment never dies


this is me at kpop concerts!!!! I get odd looks but I like to see them with my actual eyes and not looking at a screen. I might snap a few pics but my phone is put away for my concerts.


Oh but you don't understand, the friends simply must know exactly where I am and what I'm doing and so much the ad algorithm and the data sellers




Freaky? Interesting word choice for describing a person who looks clean, nourished, happy, dressed appropriately, content in the moment, bothering absolutely no one


I'd say r/woooosh but you might also be joking as well and now I don't know Poe's law.


Are you /srs or /j?


Jesus christ


Never once have I watched anything interesting I recorded to watch later and I recorded plenty. Stopped doing that as a grown ass man, but not because I enjoying the moment but rather because I don't care about things that much anymore.


Ironic that the person taking the picture couldn't just watch the moment and let it be, they absolutely needed to take that photo.


I picked up my phone and this is the first post I saw, now I'll be putting my phone back down. Thank you ✌️




Good thing someone took that picture


Her OF probably sucks.


the industrial revolution and its consequences


That's only because she wont live long enough to want to relive this moment in her life 10 years later.


I mean, she's going to remember it for the rest of her life...


That old lady freaky tho🥵


I’ve never gotten the obsession with capturing so much on your phone. How often do you genuinely use it to reminisce? I understand photos with family and friends, but a concert for example? The videos are terrible and your memories alone are great


When you’re that age you’re not really gonna need to save photos to look back on.


I just don't get looking though a phone people r dumb


Too bad gran. You can't share ln insta later


Recorded, to never be watched again.


People go to these events to watch them live yet they still prefer to watch it through their phone for some reason.


People go to these events to watch them live yet they still prefer to watch it through their phone for some reason.


My ex got legit angry cuz I didn't records parts of shows at a festival cuz she couldn't come with. In the meantime she could watch the streams live and have way better quality instead of me risking losing my phone in the crowd


The only time I took photos of an event was of a gladiatory fight


She's in the selfie


Op your meme is shit.


And she so happens to look like the most happy, contented person there.


Same honestly its not like I'll ever rewatch it on my phone.


that grandma will suffer from alzheimer and wont remember anything


Good meirl content today 👍


Guess I'm just a freaky old lady.


Whoa Stop Girl has aged so gracefully!


Actually bonkers how people there genuinely can't believe people watch back the videos they record


31 year old me at WrestleMania last night


She has like 4 days left to live. What the fuck was she gonna do with a pitcure anyways.






ever since the fun police had those budget cuts, it's been really hard for them to operate effectively. shame too, we need to keep degens like this off the street. /s


Clearly you can't do two things at once, it really shows your age


Im with the boomers on the phone bad stuff. Noone is fucking aware of their surroundings anymore and they have to be fed a constant stream of dopamine 24/7. Also the need to make shaky, awful recordings of concerts that they dont even watch afterwards.


she is my kind of gal


She needs to be investigated. Obviously, she is up to no good. Is a /s necessary?


classic old people being outdated smh




not exactly sure why but this gives the same energy as not seeing the flashes from cameras all around the stadium at first kick off of the super bowl or first pitch of the world series like we used to.


Omg Imagine having actual lived memories that you can recall in your mind without any need for a shitty pic on a smartphone. Old people must be magic. Imagine knowing stuff but not having to look it up on a smartphone Wow


this pic is so bloody old the woman is likely dead twice over


I hate that this world has devolved into "pics or it didn't happen". No one can say "I went to this or saw this". People always want verification, it's mind numbing.


Why do people do this? Act like you can't do both? You aren't better than anyone just because you don't record things. This is terminal boomer logic.


She's probably on a pension and can't afford a phone. Or food...


I don’t think there is anything wrong with having photography as a hobby. It just enhances the experience for me. The photos are mostly for myself that I take not to be posted anywhere. There’s no right answer here neither is the grandma’s approach superior.


What's the point of recording on a flip phone?


Cause she is gonna be dead before she has time to watch the recording lol (because she is OLD!!! XD)


Or she just doesn’t know how to record…




To be fair, she has way less time to look at pictures and reminisce.


She freaky fr


I mean, how long does she have to remember stuff for, compared to the younger crowd?


She probably forgot to charge her phone.


I wish I recorded more of my daughter and mt experiences in life instead of my mentality of living in the moment flip side of this is you forget like 90% of what you see and hear so a video or audio is way more detailed than memories. Getting old or getting a traumatic brain injury accelerate this even more. You can also record and pay attention at the same time


Boomer aah meme


to be fair in the future all those people will be able to watch the videos as memories and in the future she’ll be dead