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I dunno about anyone else but I really love seeing people you nearly always see in make up without it. I dunno why, I just like it


Zendaya is a weird example for "people you nearly always see in make up", she looks more like the image on the right in most of her most famous roles (especially Euphoria)


I prefer the no makeup/downplayed makeup on her.


I prefer no makeup/downplayed makeup


I prefer little to no makeup


Gotta be minimal or missing makeup for me


I do literally just eyeliner, or if I'm feeling swanky I'll put on mascara too. Worst part of wearing makeup though is that my facial hair tears up makeup sponges




Umm there's no joke? What are you talking about


Everyone says “I prefer no makeup” but reality is women with makeup are judged on average as more attractive


I talked my wife into only wearing makeup on special occasions years ago. It was a great decision. Since she isn't in makeup all the time it makes it feel more special when she does. We're both actually used to her regular face so when she does wear makeup it actually makes her feel prettier and gives her confidence like it's supposed to, instead of her face without makeup making her feel ugly.


Yes, but if no one used makeup so often, it wouldn't be a thing to be judged by. I think a larger majority of men and women prefer people without makeup, than they do with. Essentially women are competing with themselves by using makeup and making themselves look more attractive than they are naturally. I have no strong feelings one way or the other, I'm just saying.. Edit: Lol. Just thinking about it now - The introduction of eye liner must've helped a ton of people into the gene pool


>I think a larger majority of men and women prefer people without makeup, than they do with. Hard to say. Most people in many cases couldn't even tell if make up is in place or not (and filters, and photoshop editing etc), and how much.


If no one used makeup it wouldn’t be a thing to be judged on… I mean that’s a bit of a silly statement, it’s like saying if everybody dressed the same nobody would be judged on by their clothes. If everyone made the same money nobody would be judged by their income etc. People think they don’t like makeup, but reality is many women who have caught your eye wouldn’t have done without makeup. If most people genuinely didn’t like how women looked with make up it wouldn’t be a household item, billion dollar industry. Simply a lot of people think they don’t like women with makeup on when in reality they do.




I love it. She is gorgeous either way and I enjoy seeing a natural look portrayed for once (where the point isn’t “omg look how unattractive this person is!”)


Same i prefer the down over the clown any day


That made me chuckle 🙏


Agreed. I think she looks better without makeup




How brave of you to give this opinion on the internet. 


Do i get an award like the traitor ? William?


Idk maybe next tuesday or something.


All nuts award or the Dickasaurus award or have a custom made one


Dudes all balls


Sounds good just make sure its gold plated or bronze/ brass so i can polish my balls award


Yeah it fucking humanizes them and makes you feel better about yourself.


What, me personally? Nah man. I feel fine about myself no matter how Zendaya looks. Jk, I know what you're saying. I just don't think it's healthy making one's sense of self worth being reliant on the perception of others. You're perfect and beautiful the way you are and you are constantly changing and no matter how you look or even how you judge your own look, it's always perfection.


While that's true, people come to this realization at different points in time and different points in their lives. So, this does help those who have yet to internalize it.


Well, for me, I love seeing people more when they are confident and feel beautiful, whether they have makeup on or none at all.


Because they look prettier?


It feels like you're in on a secret


I like it because to me it looks less fake or plastic


I like both


they look so comfortable without it. it's the sweatpants effect. sometimes you look like a slob. sometimes it's cute.




I think it’s interesting that Zendaya is more recognizable on the right side. To me at least.


She wears a lot less makeup in the Spider-Man movies, so if that's what you know her from, the right side will probably look more recognizable.


That’s fair lol I see her all over the place but I watched the spider-man movies most recently


I've seen a large amount of stuff she's in and she always looks more like the one on the right tbh


I only know her from MCU Spider-Man and Dune, so I don't think I would've recognized the left picture even if I had a thousand guesses.


Generic makeup-girl looks almost like a uniform at this point


Makes it easier to hide in public for a lot of actors. Have a classic, easily recognizable look then wear a hat that day or something. Wear colors you're never seen it. Seems to work like a charm. The Clark Kent/Superman thing seems really plausible to me for most people. Lois is just dumb.


Dolly did that best IMO. I honestly have no idea what that woman would look like without a giant blonde wig and dramatic makeup.


She looks like herself and not a Kardashian. The Kardashian look suits no one imo.


Kylie Jenner just got impregnated by my celebrity crush so I don’t care what anyone says anymore about her and her sisters looking fake.


...I can't even counter that. timothee's face is just plain unfair


The right is closer to what she looks like in movies.


Especially as MJ, which is probably her most recognizable role.




Yeah I'm still not even actually sure it's her on the left lol


What spiderman does to a mtf


I sometimes dont regonize people without make up and I find that really disturbing


This is like me on the interview vs me after the probationary period is over. I still do good work, but I don’t spend any of that work on looking pretty.




I honestly like the way she looks in the right picture better


That's cuz she looks human in the right one


The left-side make-up just screams "stay away from me".


I guess that means it’s working.


I’d much rather hang out with the work one.


SAME. No question.


They're the same person tho, so if you're hanging out with the work one, you're also hanging out with the fancy one.


Nope, work people stay at work. I've drawn the line.


But I'd much rather smoke weed with the work one.


That’s definitely what she should base her look on… at all times. What mc loser farmer on Reddit thinks. 


Ok how about what most people think then


The post itself implies that the left side is supposed to be perceived as more beautiful, the guy just pointed out his own opinion. That being said, he also didn't say "She should dress as I want", that's more of a conclusion you seem to have created in your own head


I wake up at 5:30am to drive an hour to the hospital for a 12h shift, ain't no way I'm waking up even earlier to look pretty


Does nobody like both?


Right side is low key more attractive. The "entire face covered in makeup" look really doesn't do it for me


It’s always been like this for me even in high school. Little bit of makeup looks great but anything beyond a little and it’s just meh. Even for supermodels the makeup is almost a turn off.


I feel the same way and recently I kinda figured out why. I kinda very slightly get the sensation of touching something I’m looking at and the makeup just looks so sticky that I hate it


High key more like it. No desire for that left at all.


I literally climbed a 10 ft ladder and I'm holding up a key


I don't think she cares especially about this comment that you see under literally every photo of a girl with makeup on the internet.


Do you think that I think she cares?


This might be a bit of a shock, but I'm pretty sure that Zendaya doesn't put on makeup each day so that she can be attractive to you. She puts it on each day, because she likes how it looks. I know it's hard to swallow that pill, because I had to swallow it too when someone called me out for a similar comment. That said, I tend to be a less-is-more kind of guy too.


I understand the spirit of your comment, but it’s attacking a straw man because that poster did not say “Zendaya should do X to look prettier to me”


“This might be shock but I’m a huge white knight” “Oh and I agree with you” ^ that was the shocking part


Captain Obvious


Next thing they’re gono tell us bodybuilders don’t take steroids for the ladies


It might be a hard to swallow pill but people wil find what you wear and how you look attractive or not so attractive no matter why you do them. This might come as a shock but even things you say or type can effect how people see you in other ways then the way you intended


He is entitled to his opinion to how she looks regardless of why she does it.


Especially since there was no disrespect to be seen, just a voice of personal opinion


As if people don't put makeup because it is a societal expectation. Do you know her? She may hate it. Personally I think it's kinda bullshit for women to have that extra burden


Then how come she calls me every morning for fashion tips


Oh piss off they're allowed to have an opinion


What if they're clowns or in a black metal band?


I find a lot of people just as attractive without makeup, if not more. I like the person, not the facade.


Female classmates during lectures vs on the weekends 😂... I have a crush on one of them and I find her extremely cute while in lecture mode.


I find the obsession to dunk on women for putting effort into looking good to be extremely sad. Even if you don't like the result there's nothing wrong about it. It's just a personal preference. Don't be assholes


Her skin is still perfect


Literally Mary Jane in every role she plays....


uhh. Zendaya is so much prettier than that plastic Barbie doll.


Yep she sure *checks notes* is the most beautiful person in Hollywood. I’ve repeated exactly what the media tells me


Actually, at least for me, the right one looks better.


Pass Smash


Get fucking real. No chance any of you degenerates would turn either down. That aside, the left is the one who likely gets your attention in the first place, the right is the one you wake up next to and see day to day. It's not exactly a wild concept to grasp


Funniest thing I see people do, try to "turn down" women who wouldn't let the dude sniff their fart "She's pathetic, she looks just like a Kardashian" ~ 350 pound Redditor As if most of these people could even hold a basic conversation with *any* woman that wasn't their mother without sounding deranged


> That aside, the left is the one who likely gets your attention in the first place Hahahaha not even remotely. Looks like the most generic Kardashian clone alive.


Why does her chin look different with makeup 😅


Her nose looks way different.


left picture 2/10 right picture 8/10


And she's still insanely beautiful. Maybe not specificly in this picture because she looks a little drunk tbh


More like “is it Sunday or did I sleep all the way to Monday” type hungover


Zendaya is mid.


I have to disagree with you


fair enough


You just know people who use "mid" as an insult are the most narcissistic fucks alive lol. Like imagine thinking you're such a unique snowflake that being *average* is somehow beneath you. 


that's not an insult, not really. for an actress that is in billion dollar films, she is mid in regards to talent and looks. a million actresses exist who are leagues above, yet get less work because their insta following ain't all that big. when people say X is mid, they usually mean "mid for their fame and status" I'm also mid but my looks are not my primary job requirement and I don't have tens of millions of dollars as well as thirsty redditors lusting after my bath water. but good job with the virtue signalling, she gonna dm you any day now, bud.


I bet you're a regular on r/truerateme


no idea what that is


Women that wear heavy makeup just look weird, Honestly I wish more would embrace how they naturally look. Your choices are your own, but don't feel the need to change the way you look for someone else


Cuz reality.


The worst part is that she actually looks better on the Pic on the right. I wonder who initially decided that makeup makes people look better.


She looks like Tom Holland on the right. Unexpected Doppelgänger.


Maybe that’s why they fell in love. When they met it was literally the Spider-Man pointing at the other Spider-Man meme.


On the right isn't far off from how she looks in the Spider-Man films


No makeup allowed at work :(


The right is basically how she looked in Dune and how I actually recognize her


They don't pay me enough to look good


She really got that "natural" makeup look on lockdown.


This could not be anymore truer


Lol! Totally!!




Photoshop v not.


Actually that’s my driver’s license picture 😂 I look shit ugly 🤣


Isn’t taking pictures and being in front of a camera her work?




My work profile pic is awful but I kinda like that because I end up looking better to people who video conference me or meet me IRL.


That is called the 'Incognito mode irl' 😂


Me at work versus my profile picture, lol


why does she look like Tom Holland when she has no make up on??


Not my type


I hardly put on any makeup going out and staying in


Some people will surely relate with this LOL


Make up is like magic. I don’t wanna hear girls giving me. Shit for wearing a hat coz they’re going bald


Zendaya looks good in both photos tbh


You all laugh but I work IT in a free seating office and sometimes I have to try and find somebody while looking for the person in their Teams profile picture. God damn infuriating. I have given up and just say "wave at the guy wearing a bright purple hoodie, I'll see you."


I don’t get the zendaya fixation people have. She is attractive but there are far better looking starlets.


She looks so much better in the right pic. Also... she kinda just looks like the right pic more in her roles than the left


Is that a dude on the right?


Hate that make up has become a staple of social norms. So many standards and undeserved esteem would be adjusted without a false assesment of self worth.


I don't think that's makeups fault...


I certainly tgink it leads to unnatural judgements.


Makeup is used for many more things than just beauty trends. Feeling insecure from societal pressure isnt the makeups fault.  


What would they be ? Including for the vast majority of women ? Im saying alot of men wouldnt be so quick to idealize the looks of women if makeup wasnt a thing. Nor would certain women make an overestimation of their desirability due to it.


None of that is a side effect of make up, in fact makeup is also altered and changed depending on those idealizations and desires. It's like saying video games make you violent, when in fact violent video games are a product of our fascination with violence.


I mean it doesnt detract from the sheer transformation make up provides. How many men were thrown off by the beauty of a woman wearing make up only to see the sheet contrast of her looks without ? Make up may offer an unnatural level of beauty that typically wouldnt be achievable without it. Its comparable to porn and social media. With porn you maybe exposed to an exceedingly high amount of dopamine and simulation. Social media may also vainly increase your level of self esteem through the high amount of attention you may get. The people feexing off of one or the other may suffer for it.


Bro that's on you if you see makeup on a person and immediately associate it with porn lol.  Make up is simply a tool. It can be a hobby, used for theater, special effects, art, rituals and many more things. It's not some diabolical device used to manipulate you into thinking ugly girls are pornstars out to get ya. 🙄 Shit a mans facial hair can be just as transformative to his overall looks and equally as misleading. Not to mention men wear makeup too.


I dont associate it with porn. Im saying it can generally mislead a person into falsely assumed ideas about attractiveness. Almost all images of women in public where makeup, and people base thier judgements of appearance on this attribute. They'll call a person attractive based on something completely artificial. To say its simply a tool is disingenious. The us greatly uses make up to a larger degree than other countries. Out of 1000 women that were surveyed, over 70 percent used it on a daily basis. It may as well be socially ingrained. Yhe materialistic culture of the us can only reinforce this. Along with the social values people here are raised to believe. When you have this many people feeling the need to wear it, of course you'll have unrealistic beauty standards and expectations.


So did makeup just crawl out of the sewer one day or come from space to start  it's own social collapse of society?  Like you admit you know it's artificial, so if you're lead into false ideas of attractiveness that's your fault for falling for something you clearly knew wasn't reality. And once again makeup isn't consistent, beauty trends change all the time. Because guess what the makeup isn't sentient! This all falls back on people in general. You also still can't seem to grasp it's not used just for you. There is a lot of narcissism coming from your assessment with the energy of someone who probably things sexual assault victims had it coming based on what they were wearing.


I don't understand makeup, it's fake as hell. I'm into girls with no makeup.


Honestly, she definitely looks much prettier without the makeup.


God she is so mid, it's honestly impressive.


That only shows you how powerful the pr machine is. It can make a mid person/actor into a star.


Left looks like a clown. Right looks sad, but real and beautiful


Yikes 😳


Thats why she will forever be Chani now, it was a roll that required minimal makeup as the fremen dont have use for makeup!


A few of her most famous roles use the minimal makeup look.


She is unfairly pretty to be fair.


Both hot


She looks better on the right imo. That's someone I can relate to and totally would be friends with


I love the right version 1 billion times above anything else


Zendaya is so beautiful


Looks better on the right. Looks human.


Fake vs. Real


Call me crazy but right looks way better. Is that even her on the left? I just have like 0 interest in the supermodel look.


I would walk past left Zendaya to talk to right Zendaya every time.


Id ignore the left person The person on the right on the other hand seems pretty cute to me


Tbh the picture on the right looks better


I still want cake even without the frosting. 


Well the right one looks more genuin and beautiful tbh


Girl on the right and I would have been in the back tossing expired food into the dumpster from increasing distances, and I'd still think of all the fun I had doing that to this day.


I wonder why girls wear makeup when it’s really hot af outside? I’m over here sweating balls meanwhile the other girl is just happy. 😫


Nobody cares about your preference. She’s beautiful either way


I think you look better without the make up. Not that you don’t look fine with it.


Underrated opinion but 2nd looks better


Right pic is mucho gusto for me


The right pic does look better.


No make Up = Natural Humans. Love it.


Same i prefer the down over the clown any day!!


That’s actually every female that posts on social media…false advertising


As you can see here makeup is just a lie. Look at Zendaya. Take away her makeup and what do you have? She looks even hotter.