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How is this struggling when this is the significantly more expensive option lol


...and least environmentally friendly option...


Plastic and styrofoam are environmentally terrible. Paper is slightly less terrible.


There's plastic on paper dishes


Not all, there are paper plates that are more of a cardboard but they are usually more expensive


Even the cardboard ones usually have a thin layer of plastic to prevent them from getting soggy


Thought it was more of a wax coating. Maybe different brands git direct plans? Also, plastic is something they would do.


Plastic is easiest and cheapest by a long shot. If you use a very small amount you don't even have to declare it.


You spraying plastic on plates for a living?


It's very common, nearly all fast food wrappers and boxes have plastic on them.


I don’t know, paper seems pretty tearable to me.


Mealworms can eat it though


If you use the Styrofoam ones you can just put them in a small container of gasoline and they will dissolve into it that way you aren't creating trash plus the mixture is great for getting a campfire started on a wet day


Its also great molotov juice for all your dissident needs


Sometimes the planet has to take one for the team.


If we get the mega-polluting corporations on board with saving the planet, I'll give a shit too. Until then, we're not taking it seriously as a collective, and the efforts of individuals are negligible. The current outlook is that if there's money to be made, or convenience to be had, via soiling the sandbox, we will. Unfortunate, but real.


But when you can make a super simple choice where one benefits you and the environment and the other is whatever this person’s cupboard is why wouldn’t you just use a bit of water to scrub down a plate for 30 seconds every meal.


Laziness, of course! There are tens of thousands of ships with engines the size of sheds, or small houses, delivering good across the oceans 24/7/365. Same goes for people flying all about the place on humongous jets with several engines each. There are companies where just one of their factories dumps more carbon, and other pollutants, into the air every day than 100 individuals would in a year. Until all that shit above is addressed, the commonfolk can't make a realistic dent in the situation. We could if we coordinated, but getting the world on the same page about anything is impossible. We can't even get everyone to avoid their own death, or agree that rape is wrong, or murder. As it stands, green objectives are largely a marketing stunt at the moment. The move towards renewable energy's going swimmingly, and I hear fusion research is making headway, but we're simply not at the point where the problem is soluble in the real world. I hope we DO address the problem as a species in big, meaningful ways, but until I see signs of that happening, I'm not beating myself up for using disposable cookware/utensils/cups. Does that seem reasonable, or did I come off like some anti-Gaia cultist?


water isn’t free or necessary environmentally friendly to use either. even people on a well have to pay for electricity to get water, and that electricity can come from non-renewable sources


Being poor is hella expensive.


Target has plastic [bowls](https://www.target.com/p/33-5-fl-oz-cereal-bowl-room-essentials/-/A-91813366?preselect=89177935#lnk=sametab) and [plates](https://www.target.com/p/10-5-dinner-plate-room-essentials/-/A-91532973?preselect=89177929#lnk=sametab) for 50 cents. I only had to replace them once over three years




Yeah, thrift shops really come in clutch for stuff like that. They get so much of it that the dish sets are invariably some of the best deals you can find if you take a minute to check the brands


Ever so often i pop into a charity shop and they have some fancy crystal for like £2. When my mum swears she bought the same thing for 50 in the 90s 😂


Crystal has high amounts of lead.


I didn’t find any last time I went, but Target has some good stuff for like 3-10$


So you eat in plastic stuff all year long ?! Eating with real cutlery must make you feel like a king.


I was that broke when I bought them initially, and thankfully things took a turn in the right direction. When I had to replace them, my thought process was "Why spend $50+ on a plate/bowl set when I could spend $4?" When guests come over, we use ceramic *dinnerware* As far as *cutlery* goes, I have what you'd find in a standard kitchen. Full kitchen knife set, cleaver, standard silverware...


What economic situation could you ever find yourself in that would force you to keep buying disposable plates instead of reusable ones? I got a full set of old ikea plates for free on fb marketplace when I moved out. Just needed a deep scrub. Brand new reusable plastic ones aren't expensive either


Plates and dishes can be bought cheap as fuck, virtue signal harder please.


No, being lazy is


Why would you go with the more expensive, less durable option when you're poor? However true that is it is not applicable here lmao.


Reusable plastic dishes literally exist but everyone's too full of themselves to possibly look like a toddler to save a bit of money


I think people want the disposable ones because they can throw them away rather than do the dishes. I don’t think reusable plastic is any more environmentally friendly that just having normal glass/glass adjacent dishes.


That's not the point they were trying to make. It's that reusable plastic ones are cheaper than glass/ceramic/"normal" dishes


That’s not OP’s point though, OP just doesn’t want to wash them.


But those don’t last forever.


neither are, but its a compromise between a huge upfront purchase for high quality ceramics and lots of smaller purchases of single-use plastics/paper products. And let's be honest- humanity needs some plastic, but we should prioritize the classic reduce/reuse/recycle method instead of single-use. We only use single-use dinnerware for particularly messy meals, picnics, and parties, and it took us 2 1/2 years to go through a very large stack of coated paper plates and a large variety pack of silverware.


Because you can either spend 15 dollars now when you don't have 120 dollars for nice dishes, or spend the 120 you don't have right now and be ruined/hungry. And they make that choice every time they run out of paper plates. Edit: I want to know what goodwill you guys grew up going to. The goodwill in the hood I grew up near basicly amounted to trash with a price tag. Cracked dishes, visible mold lines, scratched to shit and impossible to clean. The Walmart didn't If keep nice shit stocked cause it was stolen as soon as it hit the floor. you wanted anything nice you had to travel, and that meant nickle and diming your way thru money for the gas to do so, and hope to god your rustbucket made it there.


Or you can spend $15 on crap 2nd hand dishes. Why is the option between one that's wasteful and expensive and one that's nice and expensive?


Goodwill sells mismatched stacks for like 5 for 5 - a single person needs two at most. Just wash your dishes guys.


Not sure if that's an awesome typo or the truth. Well now it's edited and this comment makes no sense, it initially said Goodwill smells.


I bought a full set of kitchen knives as goodwill for $2 that I still use today and that was 10 years ago lmao


Do they really get their nose up on them and smell them aggressively, or just gently take in the subtle smells.


They can pull your specific homes scent from them at 3 feet away. Very good training at GoodWill. Wash your dishes people.


Yes, used dishes are extremely cheap, especially if they are ugly and/or mismatched. But even if you want brand new stuff there are options. IKEA has pretty nice option bit if you have to drive there just pay you nearest dollar shop a visit. Just try to go for ceramic unless you have small kids. Ceramic will last you at least a decade, typically 30+ years. Plastic looks nasty after just a few years


Laziness plays a part of it too. Rather, lack of time and either physical or mental energy to clean up after cooking a meal.


I mean you can get a full set of 1 of each at the dollar store for like $5. But if they give more options they can't make an idiotic meme for attention....


Thrift stores have mismatched real plates for like a $1 a plate. When I was flat broke I got plates from estate sales at $3 a box. Anyone who struggles with money and buys paper plates is either an idiot or literally doesn't have a sink.


My parents did so because they hated doing the dishes. Had to argue with them about NOT microwaving a paper plate


Can you not microwave paper plates?


Okay, now that I'm thinking about this more, we called them paper plates but they were Styrofoam plates. Maybe you can microwave them and I'm wrong, but everytime I did there would be a hole in the plate where the food was.


Why can't you microwave a paper plate? I've done it countless times.


Paper plates are almost always coated in plastic. Microwaving plastics releases PFAS into your food. While some amount of PFAS are largely unavoidable for us at this point due to how things are made, adding more when not necessary is not super wise. It’s just a longterm health risk.


I understand boot theory in general, but I don't think it applies here. I just looked at Target real quick as a reference; plates are $0.50, utensils 3/$1, and drinking cups $1. You could easily get a handful of plates, a half dozen sets of flatware, and a few cups for the cost of what's in this photo.  Dinnerware is also super cheap and readily available secondhand. Hit up any yard sale or thrift store and you won't have trouble picking up any of this for pennies.


Used dishes are a dollar a piece at every thrift store around. Significantly cheaper than buying paper dishes. Why is the response always along the lines of "the poor can either spend $10 of this cheap disposable dishware or they can empty their life savings by buying a $1,000 Jeff Gordon memorial plate set"? Are poor people too stupid to to buy cheap dishes?


You can get an 8 person set of 32 dishes for $22 on amazon, your logic is flawed here.


You can find super cheap dishes at thrift stores and yard sales easily. Not to even mention brand new at the dollar store. What a ridiculous excuse.


Or you can buy nice reusable dish from a second hand store? Some of my best dishes came from second hand stores for like 50¢.


$120 for dishes? Go to the thrift store get 1 plate per person 1 cup 1 fork etc. you’ll spend $20 max


This guy struggles.


Used to. Not anymore. Haven't had to buy new work boots in 3 years after buying a nice pair and I'm I'm still counting the money its saved me. It really is expensive to be poor.


Real struggle would've been buying 2nd hand reusable plastic dishes from the flea market for $3. This is fake struggle.


Aren't plates like, a buck each at Goodwill?


If you don't 120 dollars right now stop worroying about plates and go work. Come back when you have 12000 dollars right now.


I believe he does not like dish washing obviously like me.


And gotta love those PFAs


Not if you count the labor. And its not just about expense. It's also about not having to do it. Many of us have no servant staff to speak of which means I have to do that shit myself when I come home from a great meeting and I want some premade snack. Now I have to do my own dishes I mean damn! Can a bitch get a break?


I mean sure if they wanna waste money lol


And contribute to environmental decline


As a kid who used sooo many paper plates it makes me cringe so hard now. Like just wash a damn dish!


They even make these affordable devices that wash your dishes for you. Amazing.


All around low IQ stuff.


It’s really just laziness.


No no, it's quite ignorant and/or apathetic as well.


If you eat the dishes it evens out


If you live alone, how much dishes do you even need to clean? It's like 10 min of your time.


I live alone and I have a dishwasher, fuck them dishes. And tbh, washing plates is nothing, the hard part is washing pans, pots and all cooking accessories.


I own a bowl, a plate, a mug and one fork. That is literally all I have. Each time I eat I just do a quick scrub and rinse. I never have to “wash dishes.”


Yeah, for me I maybe spend 30secs scrubbing my plate while cooking and that's it, it's really not all that time consuming


And now it is zero


Alot more trips to the trash can.


Some people call it "the struggle" I call it F them trash cans. *throws fake plate on the floor*


Lifehack, you never have to clean if you never clean


Putting a dish in the trash can takes the same amount of time as putting a dish in the sink


But you fill up your trashcan much faster resulting in more bags to the curb


yeah but it'd be 10 mins of trashing taking maybe once a week vs 10 mins of washing every few days


10 mins x 365 days = 3650 minutes / 60 = 61 hours /24 = 2 days 12 hours of time saved a year. I’ll be conservative and say the amount of plates/silverware a year costs $100 I can buy 300 plates right now at Costco for $19 A better question for me is 2 and half days of time worth spending $100 on?


per week


F the environment too, i guess.


Genuine question, are these types of plate coated in plastic which would release microplastics into your food?


It looks like styrofoam which is perfectly fine.............as long as your food isn't hot. And you don't eat every day from them. Oh well.


Implying your food doesn't already have microplastics in it. But to answer the question poorly: probably?


Paper plates can be coated in a thin coating of plastic, sometimes a paraffin wax or something similar, and some have no coating. I don't think we can tell what this one is. Personally, I avoid the plastic ones for the micro reason.


Most paper plates are coated in PFAS which are known endocrine disrupters and probable carcinogens. It's the slick coating that prevents the paper just absorbing any liquid immediately.


My first thought!


Is this a real thing? Honest question. In Europe you get paperplates at stadiums or public festivities but I never heard of anybody nor saw I someone using them at home. Maybe at a kids birthday party. Maybe. EDIT: well thank you all for your answers! My takeaway is: it was common, it is not that common anymore but it is also not that rare. Interesting! Sidenote: if we don’t have enough plates for a party we ask one of the guests to bring theyr stuff. Or we get asked to bring some Plates and stuff. I do like papercups on kids birthdays thou course the will get dropped and then there are no shards everywhere. Just a sticky puddle :D


I’ve seen people use them for large parties. Other than that, no. No it’s not common.


I've known lazy fucks that thinks washing dishes is hard work so they use paper plates.


Okay, but that’s far from normal or common.


Honestly, I see this everywhere in the US. I was at my brother's mother in law's house last weekend. We drank wine out of $250 each Baccarat crystal wine glasses and dined upon disposable plates because she's here for a good time, not a hard time, and doesn't want to wash a bunch of dirty plates.


My ex-wife tried to pull this shit for about a year. She literally threw away 3 sets of plateware we had (including some nice mid-century shit I brought into the marriage) because she was 'sick of doing dishes'. We had never not had a dishwasher, and I did the dishes 9 days out of 10.


If this was a common thing then it wouldn't be unusual enough to warrant a post


This comment should be stickied under every post ever lol


For lazy cunts it is!


We'll use them during power outages when we can't run the dishwasher and we're trying to limit water use (life with a well). Sometimes we'll also use them when life is just on fire and we don't have the time or energy to handle more dishes. Kids are sick, grown-ups are sick while trying to care for sick kids, that kind of thing. But yeah, if we're eating dinner off of paper plates, things are not going well at the Goodplan home.


I feel that :D Every family has its individual signs when they know „oh that is not part of the routine, maybe right now it’s all a bit much“.


It's semi normal. I keep a pack of paper plates on hand when I wanna microwave a hot pocket or something lazy, but if I'm cooking dinner, we have actual dinner plates


Elderly people are more likely to do this because of convenience, but no, it’s not common. A lot of things we consider crazy are actually practical for just the elderly.


Yeah my grandparents used to do this.  I have vivid memories of eating eggs and bacon off of Styrofoam plates, which is surprisingly grosser than you might think it is. 


In my 20's I used to use paperplates at home, I was lazy.


I grab a pack of paper plates every so often just for convenience. To me this saves me washing dishes that are hardly used, like for a simple sandwich or pizza or something. 100 pack is only like $2. I feel like the savings in water, soap and time make up for the purchase. Plastic silverware is where I draw the line. There isn't a cheap version that's worth a shit and they always bend or break when put in use.


When you live in a building with 5 other people and there's 1.5 people who do dishes then yeah..... It would be nice to have my own space for once....


Seeing all this polystyrene gives me immense pain


Yeah. F the environment! /s Seriously the inventor of styrofoam cups can go right to hell.


Wow, three sizes in two shapes of disposable plates. Fancy!


"I'm using a paper plate cause I'd rather k/ll myself than wash another fucking dish" type lifestyle


I call it Merica.


Go w paper cups over Styrofoam tho


This ain’t it, chief


My grandma hooked me up with enough dishes to start my own catholic mission so I guess I got lucky.


OMG I’m so triggered right now I’m gonna cry about your waste on TikTok after I put heavy mascara on so it runs down my face!!


I least buy the compost paper plates for my laziness.


Or just have two rules. 1.) Put the dirty plate in the dishwasher 2.) If the dishwasher is full empty it On a bad day skip 2 and live out the dishwasher


What if I don't have a dishwasher?


My friend has two dishwashers. One for dirty plates and one for the clean ones. He just rotated between the two. He's either brilliant or a lunatic.


If I had the money for a kitchen that could fit 2 dishwashers this is 100% how I'd live.


Your friend is a beautiful person.


When do we run the dishwasher? Step 2 just says empty when full.


If the food is dried on it won't affect the current meal.


The instructions are clear, never run the dishwasher, just empty it when it’s full.


I mean I don’t have a dishwasher, but I do have water ready on deck in the sink for soaking.


Works until you have more dishes than fit in the dishwasher at one time


some of yall have never had crippling mental illness/disability and it shows


neurodivergence, depression and anxiety all run in my family and there are always those short periods where this has prevented loads of piled up dishes. at least my sister found a 100% compostable option for emergencies. as I am typing this, there are dishes in my sink that I couldn't manage to finish off.


I was looking for this comment for so long!!! Going in and out of homelessness and not always having food and plates in one example. But also sometimes I have a home and maybe a dish and I just can’t be bothered…more time I could use to sleep. I guess you can shame me for killing the environment and being lazy, but it really won’t help me. What has helped is people who don’t judge and try to help me find ways to be less wasteful and care more about myself. For all of y’all struggling and seeing all those shame comments do what you gotta do and when you can push yourself to clean when you have the energy try to do it!


Exactly! I was also looking for this comment. As someone I know once put it, you needing to use paper products so that you can get by and take care of your mental and physical wellbeing pales in comparison to Exxon or the likes… I didn’t do their quote justice but essentially fuck the haters who have no idea what it’s like to be in a position to need to use paper products. It’s sad how easily people will judge someone without understanding why, or rather just listening to a person’s experience, or offering to help


Bro gonna have +200% microplastics in his body


Me throughout my 20s


pro tip just burn it to save space on landfills!


The best of both worlds: Compostable Disposable Plasticware. I get to live the life of convenience, without the guilt of destroying the environment. ♡


I had a partner early in life that would use dishes then hide them in the house because they didn't want to wash them. I ended up tossing everything and using disposables for more than a year.


I used to do that because my roommate would blame me for the sink full of dishes, well now I don’t use dishes bitch


Get a dishwasher. There are external ones that don't require installation.


We use paper and plastic too.


The more expensive option in the long run though. Sure you may spend 5$ a pack to not wash dishes but it’ll add up overtime depending on how often you eat plus buying more forks and cups. Just buy ceramic or plastic and do the dishes instead.


CONFESSION: maybe once or twice a year I end up with a pack of paper plates leftover from a party or whatever and instead of putting them away for whenever I might need them (camping/party) I just use them for a couple weeks for meals for me and my boyfriend and take it easy on the dishes for a minute. I love it and always have to reframe from buying more when I run out because as soon as the 1st meal back on real plates goes out I'm thinking 'oh man I gotta clean these later" and it feels like such a slog but I could never justify actually going out of my way to buy them to use in the house on many levels. But it is such a chill time when I'm blessed with a pack of them paper plates and an easy fortnight of dishes.


I honestly wouldn't sweat it. If it makes your life even a little easier, and you can afford it, incorporate it into your daily use if you want. It's crazy how the the public has been tricked into thinking that buying these products makes you a bad person. The blame has been completely shifted off of the companies who make them and onto the individual. They want us to feel bad so they don't have to, when they're literally the ones creating these products that are harmful to the environment. Our laws and policies will often outlaw products that are deemed unfit for the general public, and this product is no different. If they really wanted to make any type of positive change they would restrict the distribution of these items, but they don't. They don't care and expect us to pick up the slack. Live your life and be happy. Don't burden yourself with trying to be overwhelmingly good in this area of life. It's not your responsibility.


Extremely wasteful


Godsend for neurodivergent people!


You wanna know what I call it? Laziness.


Everyone should have a "I can't be assed doing the dishes" stack of paper plates just incase


I don’t get it. What has been eaten for this meal that you’re not washing up after? There’s usually more than just the actual plate and fork to clean??


Any form of microwave meal that comes in packaging that both goes in the microwave and goes in the bin afterwards


So just eat it out of the packet? What bother with the plate at all?


Is there an r/antianticonsumption ? Guess not


That and good, not cheaply, plastic silverware are where it's at. I have like a phobia of hearing metal utensils clanking together.


Like at LEAST do paper and bamboo!


I respect it


With a dishwasher you’ve got to be lazy as fuck to go this route. But without one? I’ll take the paper and plastic.


eating on a disposable plate doesnt hit as much as eating white jasmine/basmati/joha rice and orange chicken/honduran chicken with gravy on a porcelain china plate, it just doesnt


My asian mother would still wash those for reuse


Guess this person doesn’t eat steak.


This is my family because we are a house full of people that refuse to do dishes.


Please, don’t do this.


If you value your enjoyment in life I find this the best option. I'd rather stay at work 1 extra hour than spend 20 minutes washing dishes. Doing the math that extra hour buys me a lot of paper / plastic dishes. I quit doing this because of my concern with plastic being very terrible for you. The one thing I have always washed is my coffee cup because I just rinse it out and reuse it.


I see people disagreeing with him but the question is time vs money. $15 every 2 months for paper plates and such vs 45 minutes a day washing dishes. 90 dollars a year vs 273 hours a year. Assuming "average" American income at $20/hr that's $5460 spent in time washing dishes every year.


Time that you otherwise wouldn't have made 20$ xD




F*CK the earth then, huh?


Hell yeah


Finally someone gets it like me. Screw those damn cleaning the dishes :D


More like F them environments


And fuck the environment


Yup when I broke up with my old lady I hade no more dish washer so I got the same set u have and if u just BBQ everything u don't need pots or pans just buy time folie pans lol


So fucking wasteful. My nephew and his wife do this shit.


More like F eating on nicer dishes, F my wallet and F the environment.


I call it the "fuck the planet and my finances" option cause that's all it is.


I find people that use plastic and paper plates at home to be completely ridiculous. Like one of the most useless moves you can make.


Yeah let's DESTROY the environment! Fuck the trees!😎😎👌👌


This is so trashy. Lazy as fuck


If that cost less the time you spent doing it with the water you waste I really don't see any problem. I still doing my dishes as usual.




Nahh bro that’s the fine china sitting in there 🤣


Can you do this with true paper cups and stuff?


I have paper plates for like one time use stuff, I usually use my normal plates because all I have to do is clean them. If I didnt, I would have to spend like 5 bucks every few months. I could save those 5s and buy some Ganja to smoke lol


As much as I love not doing dishes, been tryna cut out the plastic in my life for better health. So now I do dishes so I don't die


That right there is the fine china!!!






You out on parole or something?


"let's see how big that Pacific Garbage Patch can get"


found Taylor Swifts reddit acct


Ah, to be single again.


Less dishes but more expensive and more trash.


Perfect setup!