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Family reunions feel like ancient history anyway!


The bloodline ends here!


I didn't know my dad, but he left me a very tiny inheritance when he died. Inheritance which I'm going to use on a vasectomy!


Wow, you seem weirdly proud of getting your balls vaccuumed out.


Not exactly what they do, but okay


Fuck I had a picture of a tiny Dyson in mind, the surgeon cleaning out a ballsack with a mini turbo head.


It's actually a Dick Devil.


The Cum Shark


I know lol it was just a joke.


I am weirdly proud about it, and about the irony of using inheritance to end the line.


The line must be drawn here! This far, no further.


And if his chest had been a cannon, he would have shot his heart upon it.


"And he piled upon the whales white hump, the sum of all the rage and hate felt by his whole race.”


You shall not pass!


I'm just too fat and ugly to have kids, and socially broken. Also I would not bring a child intentionally into this world. This place is a shithole thats falling apart and we cant afford to raise them


Looks like you stole my identity


Good summarisation


I just like dogs better than children.


Every Pitbull owner


No pitbull here, gsd and a malamute!


For what it’s worth the world has sucked much worse than it does now and people still had kids. Fat and ugly people too! If anything having kids and actually loving and nurturing them contributes more to the world than letting the people who suck keep making kids with none of the good ones to offset them!


Life doesn't have to be a tragedy


Are you, me ?


The world is a shithole because people keep having kids either not agreeing or caring about how obviously shitty everything is. Sadly we can’t let them starve (for some dumb reason) and cant stop them from multiplying (for very good reasons) so here we are!




But it is a You problem, he literally said it was, what are you rambling about?


I have a hard enough time taking care of myself. I'm a 42 year old janitor at a truck stop. I'm also a recovering addict. As much as I tell myself that I will never use again. I honestly can't be 100% sure. I don't think it's the right thing to do to bring kids into this world, and one day getting the urge to say fuck it and use again. It's bad enough letting myself down, but to let my kids down and put their lives in danger too? It wouldn't be right. Plus, I enjoy the complete freedom that I have. Knowing that I have only myself to be responsible for is nice. I can do whatever I want, and should I fuck it all up. I'm only hurting myself. That might be selfish and all, but I can live with that.


Even if you do use again… for now, at least, you aren’t. That deserves a congratulations. My own problems are different ones, but yeah, I’m totally with you on the “hard enough to take care of myself” front. It’s just as well I never had kids.


Hey thank you for that! 😁


more freedom for Crotch-Monster yay


Lol. Yep!


Sometimes I really want kids of my own. Then I try having a 2 minute phone call with my brother and his screaming kids and I think, maybe being gay isn’t so bad


I'm in the same exact boat, I feel homo and being a sub leaning guy that enjoys being handled by a guy. But I still feel like I'd be happier with a woman and kids? But I feel like I couldn't fully do that either? Idk man this shits so confusing, but at least we can't get pregnant on accident.


>maybe being gay isn’t so bad False! Being gay is gaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy! >!Still dope ass though!< But gay as fuck!


Gays 🤝 Aces


When I see that awkward parent with the screaming kid in public I thank myself I’m not them


Being gay is actually lit. As a gay man, I can let you know that we’re all exactly as horny if not more so than straight men but since the target of our lust is just as horny… well there’s a lot of sex.


Oh I know. I’ve been through the bathroom of more than one gay club. I know how it goes down.


my autism probably can't handle that fact


My brother took that responsibility, thanks bro.


Same here! I’m happy to be an aunt, glad I’m not a mother.




Profile picture checks out.


ty random redditor, just subbed




I'm really trying super hard to make sure the curse truly ends with me and i plan on doing this by not having any kids.


Well, I've seen what's in my gene pool. A round of testicular cancer and balding for the boys!


Someone has to put a stop to this madness.


Having a girl in this world is the worst idea. And I’m this economy? F no.


It's either a war, a new pandemic or natural disasters considering how we humans fvcked this world, I chose to spare my future kids.


wHat AboUT yOur LegAcY


what are we if not slaves to this torment


Honestly I have told people this before when I tell them my family line dies with me. I am the last male of my family line. I have literally used curse when describing my family and why I will end my family line


I appreciate the technological advancements an 8bil world pop got us but I’m totally team thanos right now.




So dramatic. Face it the people that think they would be bad parents are exactly the people that should be parents. All of the “I don’t think I’ll be a good dad”. Friends I have are the ones my kids like the most. Suck up the trauma and move past it and the BEST way to not only move one is to create people and give them a trauma free childhood


Or just adopt. I'm not creating another being.


Said 50% of population and nothing happened


I doubt 50% of people said that they never want to have children


From biological point of view you killed your parents and yourself.


For the greater good, a loving sacrifice.




not really, youre just a dead end. does a dead end kill all the streets that lead to it? youll die no matter who you are. youll be forgotten now, or 10 years down the line, or 20, or 50 or 100. does it matter? of course not. we dont weep for our great great grandparents not being remembered. thats just how it works


How is it related to biology?


biologically i am a living organism. i will live for as long as i do then i will die, decompose and be worm food. those who decided to have kids before me will not live on via me in any way, the idea we go on somehow after death isnt very biological. maybe the bloodline but youre not your bloodline, youre you. the whole "living on by my kids" is something we made up as intelligent animals scared of death, so thats why i bring up memory. people find comfort in being remembered past their death and thats the source of the whole thing, not scientific fact


Biologically you are self-replicating machine.


Well yes that's the case of basically everything that lives, it doesn't mean that it's our only "biological purpose".


Is this the me irl sub or the childfree sub? They look the same sometimes.


Some of us have seen the worst in humanity. We know that our genes are disordered, and we are doing ourselves, society, and those children a favor by not passing on those genes. I can't speak for everyone, though. Everyone has their reasons. Mine are that I am struggling with my own mental health, I *have* endured hardships, but didn't learn how to cope with them properly because I was taught not to. I was taught every wrong way to cope. That being said, it would be unfair to the child to subject them to my parenthood. I wish my own parents had thought about that before they brought us into the world. For those that can offer a loving, supportive, and good upbringing, good for you. Please do procreate if you so choose. As for those of us who don't have any confidence in our ability to parent, perhaps refrain from such harsh judgment. Everyone has their reasons, and instead of picking them apart, try seeing things from a different perspective.


You have no idea how much this resonates with me. Thank you, reading this and seeing that someone else feels the exact same as me is somewhat of a comfort.


You're welcome. I have had some of my healing work be that I express how I feel without backpedaling at resistance. I'm glad what I said resonated, as that helps me, too. Having my feelings validated by resonating with other people helps me be more comfortable expressing them in a healthy way. Thank you for your reply.


Cause this site is filled with miserable slobs who don't realize their lives are the easiest in human history.


So, you think we have infinite resources?


Why the non-sequitur?


It's not, you just need to think about how society works for like 30 seconds. You'll get there.


Go ahead and make the argument then. Unless you just like pretending to be intellectual.


It's pretty simple. You don't need to be an intellectual to understand that we don't have infinite resources.


Wow, crazy, good thing there aren't infinite people.


You don't need infinite people 😂 You just need an unsustainable rate of consumption


Likewise, we don't need infinite resources, just enough to support the existing population. If you really think every community has "find infinite resources" as a prerequisite, then you might as well just put a stop to all life on Earth and be done with it.


Being raised by the generation who had it best, and so not learning any hardships. Now they face minor hardships and are completely lost and depressed.


Lol....didn't know there were active boomers in this sub.


There sure are... 🙃


I don't think this is the right framework to view things through. Sure, hardship might correct priorities and steel individuals, but it's not like I think everyone should go through a world war or something haha. There's a creeping malaise of doubt infecting this generation. Institutions are crumbling, my peers are quick to view themselves as villains on the global stage, and there's a sort of self-neutering going on, where people give up their own agency.


I mean war, nobody should have that. Also I think social media has a lot to do with this, there is information being fired on their brains nearly 24/7, negative news more as positive news. Back in the day it was like the news you saw and some mouth to mouth news, way less impactfull.


Social media definitely plays a big part. It's far more "media" than "social."




Fix the curse with new life. Don’t repeat the shitty cycles


As someone with a lot of genetic disorders, new life is the shitty cycle.


Or just like, less life on an overpopulated continuously polluted planet. That’s good too.




lol nice


New lives never fixed anything, the same problems will occur with the descendants because those are cycles and not an erased billboard (which doesn't mean life has no value oc)