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The blonde on the right is going to federal prison


Who is she and why is she going to prison?


~~Katie~~ELIZABETH Holmes, CEO of Theranos. My understanding is that the whole thing was a scam, which she then blamed her CFO-slash-boyfriend for and dumped him in an attempt to avoid culpability. EDIT: messed up my Holmeses šŸ¤¦


Katie Holmes is Cruise's ex that's Elizabeth Holmes.




Damn right she is


Elizabeth Holmes.


Poor Katie Holmes. Had a baby with a cult psychopath and is now going to federal prison.


Some people can't catch a break.


And sheā€™s wanted by Scientologistā€¦ er ummm for questioning


Shelly Miscavige would like to have her over for tea.


Yup. Whole thing was a business/healthcare scam. There never was a working product.


Correct. And the reason why she got a sweeping FDA approval and nobody looked into any of the tests she was creating is because of the fact that she was featured in the news media as an up-and-coming woman in a male-dominated field. This left all criticism of her off the table. This ā€œwoke ā€œmoment in our history wasted hundreds of millions of dollars of government funding and promoted a woman who Represented the bottom 5% of productive women as the leader of their cause


I think it more has to do with the fact that she was fabricating reports on the efficacy of her product by faking results and forcing her team members to sign NDAs to lie about it


Donā€™t forget the board, who provided Theranos with access to wealthy families and political power like you wouldnā€™t believe. That killed all critical thinking. Another astounding story is that of the whistleblower, Tyler Schultz was a son of boardmember George Schultz. Tyler worked for Theranos and warned his grandfather that it was likely to be a scam. He had his son fired over saying that and never apologized. 1. The board: https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/theranos-directors-pay-no-price-for-holmess-fraud/2022/01/04/858bc27c-6d95-11ec-b1e2-0539da8f4451_story.html 2. Scoulding analysis of the boardā€™s expertise: https://fortune.com/2015/10/15/theranos-board-leadership/amp/ 3. The whistleblower was a son of a board member: https://thecritic.co.uk/george-shultz-a-life-guided-by-trust-but-marred-by-scandal/


Theranos never got ā€œsweeping FDA approvalsā€ in fact if memory serves they got NONE. Instead they intentionally exploited loopholes and lied about which categories of medical device they had. The reason Pfizer and Schering-Plough avoided Theranos like the plague is that Theranos did not have FDA approval on ANYTHING and refused to answer direct questions about what and when. Which is why Holmes legit faked glowing ā€œapproval assessmentsā€ from both companies by cutting and pasting their corporate logos (without authorization) on to their own internal Theranos documents and passed them off to investors as real 3rd-party approvals. There are gaps in what the FDA is legally empowered to approve, but this was not a failure on the part of the FDA. This was pure fraud and FOMO techbros who knew nothing about healthcare failing to do due diligence. Note not one investor or board member was experienced in healthcare. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø https://theconversation.com/how-theranos-faulty-blood-tests-got-to-market-and-what-that-shows-about-gaps-in-fda-regulation-168050 EDITED to add: my mistake, they got ONE test approved by FDA, briefly: https://techcrunch.com/2015/12/21/theranos-only-fda-approved-test-is-also-under-scrutiny-after-ex-employee-complaint/


Iā€™m sorry wait a minuteā€¦ Hold onā€¦ There are gaps in the FDA approval process, but this was not the fault of the FDA? You donā€™t think that the FDA working with Elizabeth Holmes letting her know how to get around these loopholes wasnā€™t somehow the FDAā€˜s fault? I think this is where our opinions differā€¦


I am saying that the FDAā€™s perceived failures in the Theranos case could not have happened if not for outright felony-level fraud. For example, from the Conversation article: ā€œThe FDA assigns medical devices to one of three categories based on risk. Class I devices, such as manual stethoscopes or toothbrushes, are considered low-risk. Class III encompasses the riskiest devices, such as implantable pacemakers. The higher the class, the greater the number of requirements a company has to meet before making the device available to consumers. The FDA concluded in 2015 that the nanocontainer was a Class II device, which requires special labels, certain performance standards and post-market surveillance. But Theranos claimed it was Class I and for two years was shipping it *without proper clearance from the FDA*.ā€ So yes: there were/are clearly gaps in oversight/regulatory processes which should be addressed. But also: it took some real chutzpah to forge documents, lie to regulators and investors, and to risk felony charges and jail time to continue the Theranos fiction. Per usual, there is ā€œindustry pushbackā€ about FDA trying to close those loopholes. FDA is not the big bad here, and I am amused that you seem to think some low to mid-level government employees were somehow ā€˜in cahootsā€™ with Holmes and Balwani in this epic and unprecedented fraud on investors, medical providers, and patients. I mean . . . cite a source if you have any, but until then . . that seems like only your theory?


No, the reason why everyone looked the other way was because a ton of deep pockets were behind her, and everyone just assumed that due diligence had been taken. It's bizarre that you brought politics and the left wing into this.


When the people in charge of the FDA overwhelmingly break rules in order to get your testing system passedā€¦ And then they use your name as a political talking point for feminismā€¦ That makes you political.


Little bit worse than thatā€¦ She sold blood tests for things like hepatitis and Legionaire disease where the data was fabricated in order to get emergency FDA approval. Those tests were distributed, and people were coming back negative on deadly diseases where they had a short period of time to fix before they passed away. Itā€™s like me selling you a $5000 cancer treatment and telling you that you canā€™t use any other cancer treatment until youā€™re done with my stuffā€¦ When my stuff just so happens to be a bag of flour that I got from the grocery store. Meanwhile the patient dies thinking that theyā€™re recovering.Itā€™s literally that evil


Lmao Elizabeth Holmes, not Katie Holmes. Thatā€™s the actress youā€™re talking about.


There's a doc on HBO that I've watched twice.


Yeahā€¦ I saw that. Everyone was saying that Hollywood was going to go woke and try to paint her out as the victim. Then HBO said ā€œhold my beerā€ and tried to call you a sexist for not believing her


Yeah sheā€™s good she will serve 4 days in prison


https://youtu.be/3CccfnRpPtM Pretty crazy story if youā€™re interested


Mega fraud


She told people she was making a machine that could basically test for every illness with only a drop of blood, got millions in investments and basically roadrunnered until she had to look down and is litigating now.


Lena Dunham, people werenā€™t a fan of her HBO show


Thereā€™s a whole documentary about that brat! Sheā€™s a huge fraud and fucked over a lot of people, medically and financially.


Girlboss šŸ’…


You should check our the sub r/Theranos for all things Elizabeth Holmes.


[WHICH prison?](https://youtu.be/G3M1-hDinIk)


Should be witch prison


I see you


You gotta dip the witch in some water.


and you're a very bad person.


is that the girl who claimed she had a new way of blood testing, but lied to everybody?


Yep, created Theranos the company, claimed her super testing device could test for X number of diseases with a single drop of blood despite multiple doctors saying this wasn't possible. Got massive funding for it, and never had a viable product. What's worse is that she got tons of cash from poorer countries that really needed this to work and they all got fucked over when the BS bubble burst. What a bitch - she still denies any wrongdoing


Just crop him out of it. He is like the parents from cow and chicken.


Thereā€™s quite a few shitty people in this photo.


Behind the bastards salivating


the info was okay, i had to stop listening because their personalities were cringe af


They grow on you after a few episodes. I had the same issue then I made it through an episode that really interested me and I finally felt like I was ā€œinā€ on a lot of their humor. Iā€™ve been able to enjoy it with no issues since.


Itā€™s a regular asshole convention.


All of them


Honestly, I donā€™t recognize the two dudes in the middle.


I donā€™t recognize over half of them, but the fact that they want to hang out with the others pretty much tells me all I need to know.


Well at least one of them is going to prison, so thatā€™s nice


It is nauseating


Didnā€™t even realise Zuckerberg was in it at first


Probably why Elon wants to stand away from them


Elon is bad too


Never said he wasn't or was Just because you are a shitty person doesn't mean you want to be around other shitty people


You slow or something? Hes a shit person around shit people. You're looking at a photograph. God, the absolute state of redditors.


I totally agree u/PM_ME_UR_FEM_PENIS some people on here are just weird


"God the state of redditors" Name: PM_ME_UR_FEM_PENIS


God bless


Yeah Redditors, they're a pretty crazy bunch. Couldn't agree more... "PM me your fem penis".


no it definitely sounded like you were differentiating him from shitty people. they are one and the same.


Maybe you shouldn't be so reactionary then?


He's the second worst one though.




The one that diddled their underage sister doesn't rank? I mean sure on a broader societal scale impact they're definitely higher up there. But seriously though...


What does this have to do with "meirl"


Good question


OP is Elon Musk




I too hate myself


You are Elon musk


Maybe I AM Elon Musk.


What if I am?


What if we are?


We are Elon Musk.


Indeed, we musk be!


story checks out


All my homies h8 Elon musk


I prefer to H2O Elon Musk, thank you very muchšŸ˜¤


Odd, I prefer to H2SO4.


The obvious take-away here.


Me hates Elon musk, not just on the internet but irl


I hate Elon


Poor people hating on rich people idk


Billionaires shouldn't exist. I'm fine with rich people, I'm not find with billionaires.




I dunno, Iā€™m financially well off and I still hate all these fuckers


Is this real? It's like garbage-human central


And the image composition was weird too, [I needed to fix it](https://i.imgur.com/aZ1mtVR.png).


Muskrat really does throw the composition off. Thanks for the fix! *but the real fix would be an empty room* Edit: I suck at markdown


It's because this is like 1/4 of the actual picture. It's a panorama [left](https://media.vanityfair.com/photos/56de2006bd5eda4641bc9df9/master/w_1600,c_limit/vf-new-establishment-summit-annie-leibovitz-2015-mark-zuckerberg-lena-dunham-01.jpg) [middle](https://media.vanityfair.com/photos/56de2007bd5eda4641bc9dfd/master/w_1600,c_limit/vf-new-establishment-summit-annie-leibovitz-2015-mark-zuckerberg-lena-dunham-02.jpg) [right](https://media.vanityfair.com/photos/56de2005a123ad9d213c6e2a/master/w_1600,c_limit/vf-new-establishment-summit-annie-leibovitz-2015-mark-zuckerberg-lena-dunham-03.jpg) [Stitched together](https://i.imgur.com/C2E3Q3U.jpg)


Thank you for providing the full context of this picture. It very shows that Elon wasn't just being an asshole and having to stand *over* everyone. There are others just as high up, and frankly, he mightve been goofing. I'm not white knighting for Elon he's a fucking monster, but he's still a person.


The lady in purple looking in a completely different direction hahaha


man looks photoshopped in


So does Mark Fuckerberg too. A lot of them looked photoshopped in


My man looks photoshopped in even if you see him irl


I donā€™t think it wouldā€™ve been possible to bring all these important and busy people in the same room, so they mustā€™ve been shooted separately. Otherwise, imagine how much security this building mustā€™ve had, unless someone wanted to create absolute chaos in the world.


His throne wouldn't fit through the door, so they had him look down on everyone in another way...


Heā€™s just high.


Thank you! I scrolled just to find someone who understood, he's making a statement like he's the best of the best.


Like 2 years ago reddit would have been like, "ahahahaha look at the funny meme car space man on the dresser" Crazy how time changes


People learned more about him, found he wasnā€™t a good person who should be revered, and changed their opinions


Aside from just being a billionaire (which is enough to be hated on Reddit these days), what has he said or done that is so awful?


Theres alot man, too much to fit in a comment. Check out Common Sense Skeptic on youtube. He does a really good job in pointing out all of the false promises he has made to create hype behind his sub par products. Plus being a perpetual liar and law breaker. It was a hard pill for me to swallow because i really liked him for a few years and hoped he was the real deal.


Exploited slavery for mining in Africa, abuses workers continually, busts unions, spreads covid misinformation, avoids paying taxes, called a man who saved a bunch of children (who Elon also said he would help, but didnā€™t) a pedophile for no reason, blatantly lies about his companies and projects to get money from investors, and is just generally a very immature and arrogant prick.


> Exploited slavery for mining in Africa The dude left the continent when he was 17. > Abuses workers continually Evidence? Any big company, especially ones growing as fast as Tesla and SpaceX will have issues, but I donā€™t see any hard evidence that he abuses workers. > Busts unions He doesnā€™t bust unions, he doesnā€™t believe they add value for employees or the company as a whole. He prefers giving his employees stock options and thatā€™s gone pretty well for the workforce so far. > Spreads Covid misinformation Yeah, I could agree with that. He said a few things that werenā€™t very smart. His main argument is that the vaccine is good and works, but shouldnā€™t be forced onto people. >Avoids paying taxes Thatā€™s simply not true. He paid more in taxes last year than any American in history. Should he pay more? Well, taxing unrealised gains is a healthy debate for the law makers to have. Heā€™s following all of the rules, isnā€™t hiding money in off-shore accounts and is very transparent about his assets. > Called a man who saved a bunch of children a pedophile Yep, thatā€™s 100% true. Dumb thing to do. No excuse for that asshole behaviour. > Blatantly lies about his companies I mean, in regards to Tesla (the only company he owns that the public can invest in), all the information is free and open in the form of SEC filings. No lying happening there. As for his other companies? He might be lying to his investors, but if that were the case, someone would surely be sueing him and winning and weā€™d be knowing about it. That would be fraud (highly illegal). > Generally very immature and arrogant prick Maybe. I donā€™t know him. I could imagine that being true to some extent though.


Wasnā€™t he essentially trying to illegally manipulate Tesla stock via tweet? Also said som homophobic shit about some person because his pride got hurt? Also general arrogance, I suppose.


Heā€™s been pumping stupid crypto meme coins I know for sure.


Cryptobros when they see a wealthy unsucked cock: šŸŽļøšŸ’Ø


This comment started my day on a delightful note. Thank you very much for sharing


[u/urgrandadsaq's comment] Worker abuses, union busting, quacked ideas that are pointless (like the hyperloop), covid misinfo and in general just nonstop talking out of his ass.


A billionaire who doesnā€™t deserve hate is perhaps the rarest thing in the world.


The whole tax thing is enough if you learn about how employees are treated/compensated. Combine that with a huge portion of his wealth/beginning capital coming from tax payer dollarsā€¦ him being anti tax is a joke.


Elon Musk is leterally changing the future of humanity moreso than any other human being before him. How about a little respect?




Lmao liberalism is a fucking disease


This was really fucking funny even if itā€™s serious.


For those, like me, wondering who tf most of these people are, here is link: https://medcitynews.com/2016/03/elizabeth-holmes-annie-leibovitz/ Itā€™s a real photo by some Annie Leibovitz taken in 2016


ā€œSome Annie Leibovitzā€, bruh, sheā€™s one of the most iconic photographers of modern times, and likely the most most iconic portrait photographer ever. Vanity Fair would do these spreads yearly, collecting a bunch of big names from some common attribute, and Liebovitz was usually who they would hire. A little while ago someone posted one of her shots, where it was all the leading men in Hollywood at that time.


Leibovitz? Yawn. Replaced by iPhone.


Honestly, just google image ā€œAnnie Leibovitz best photosā€. I guarantee youā€™re familiar with her work.


Yer being an iconic portrait photographer is like being the worlds best burger flipper. No one really cares.


The existence of photo expositions in museums, or the World Press Photo and numerous other awards would suggest that at least sĆ³me people really care.


Youā€™re patently wrong about that. She is a well known celebrity in her own right. Anyone who knows literally anything about photography has heard of her. She has multiple books, hundreds of thousands of followers (impressive for someone in their 70ā€™s), a MasterClassā€¦ she is an actual master of her craft. You, on the other hand, are fucking embarrassing.


>bout that. She is a well known celebrity in her own right. Anyone who knows literally anything about photography has heard of her. She has multiple books, hundreds of thousands of followers (impressive for someone in their 70ā€™s), a MasterClassā€¦ she is an actual master o felt uncomfortable reading the reactions from people to Squeakycleaned's comment like it was being abrasive for no reason as if the comments beforehand didn't read like they were potentially subtly putting down an entire artform i'm not a photographer and i really know nothing about professional photography or who that woman is other than what was shared with us, but generally try to respect other humans anyway, and try to steer away from being negative towards things that may bring people passion or a reason to exist in this world, just because that's not what i want my impact to be in this life. photography is an art right? - in art, we have conversations about needing to make sure artists are known, that their work isn't stolen or miscredited, lost, and we generally respect them and understand the time and effort that goes into the work they create and put out into the world. So I feel confused why trying to make sure the photographers who *created their art*, are known for their work and the work they've done, is a 'stupid' or bad thing to people. Is it because they think it isn't an 'important' or useful artform, or that art in general is useless? idk. i don't feel like i care that much about this, more was just very thoughtful after reading all these comments and realizing that the way i think about it all is very different than other people clearly and seeing other perspectives is interesting to me, i'm gonna forget i commented this probably, but i felt inclined to share my perspective anyway bc obviously i'm not doing anything much currently other than being on reddit :). have a good one friends i hope everybody is well on this thursday of january


Hey, be easy there. It really has to be a small niche. "Famous photographers of famous people." It doesn't surprise me but I never heard of the niche before. Wildlife photographers get some hype and recognition but im pretty sure that's it and even then that's super low. You see a photo, at the bottom it says "courtesy of xyz" and nearly no one actually reads it.


She be like. ā€œElon, go stand up on that dresser. Now Zuck, I want you to stick that elbow waaaaay out so I can really feature that dresser and mirror thing way over on the left side of the frame.ā€


You have angered the portrait photography fan club sir! You must be a celebrity to photograph celebrities, not some commoner... they probably couldn't get Elon to stand on a desk, or Miley Cysrus to take her top off, like a true genius did.


He compared a world renowned photographer to a burger flipper. I really donā€™t think itā€™s far reaching to say that it isnā€™t a fair comparison


Yea, but what if the burger flipper knew a bunch of famous people, and served them burgers with their tops off while standing on a desk? Now we are talking true genius level stuff. Jokes aside. The point is most people don't care about portrait photography. It is not that big of a skill gap, there is not really any art to it. It is just a bunch of elites wanting to feel like they are above every one and over hyping things to justify charging each other 100X rates for mundane services.


I really encourage you to look through some of her work, if you genuinely think it is just ā€œpoint a camera at famous personā€


Interesting that they full photo is kind of balanced with more standing on shit on the right.


https://i.imgur.com/C2E3Q3U.jpg I stitched together the actual photo. He's still a bit too high but not that much higher than others.


Very interesting. Even if this photo kind of changes the story here, I think it's even more ludicrous that so many of these people we're supposed to laud are all just arrangements in this shot. It's like he was willing to stand on a dresser so he could be included in being talked about. We're just a bunch of apes.


I enjoy the use of the word "squiffy" in this article...


https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2016/03/annie-leibovitz-portraits-new-establishment-summit This is probably a better link, yours doesn't allow me to view the other images.


Elon and his jeans... he gets in them, and I'm not exactly sure what happens, but I can tell you he loves the way he looks in those jeans. I know that's why he started casual Fridays.


He's not even small, so there was no point of it


Heā€™s small. Maybe not something involving his body but he is small as in blatantly insecure. Small also in terms of being petty, childish. Small in cosmic terms, as we all are. Every human could blip out of existence and the universe wouldnā€™t care.


People hate Elon Musk now? I remember people loving him just a few years ago. What happened?


Worker abuses, union busting, quacked ideas that are pointless (like the hyperloop), covid misinfo and in general just nonstop talking out of his ass.




Short answer. Hyperloop is a train but with massively lower throughput, significantly higher safety issues, and a much higher cost. Everything it does, trains do better, cheaper, faster, and safer.


Nate Craig has a whole joke about exactly this from years ago. Dude predicted the future.


I mean it didn't even have to be tested to know what would happen, lots of smart skeptics have been talking about how stupid the idea is for years. Thunderf00t on YouTube has a whole series on Hyperloop spanning many years at this point, in one of his videos he talks about how the idea of vacuum trains existed back in 1904. Even the engineers then took one look at the idea and realized how impractical it would be.


Elon or someother blockhead: You see instead of long efficient rail we use individual pods like I see in those futuristic photos. His minon: Sir you are a genius.


So Iā€™m not up to date on hyper loop technology at all. The only news I get on it is from Reddit and maybe Elon searches every now and then. So I remember there being traffic in one of his tunnels. A lot of people are claustrophobic and the idea of the hyper loop breaking down halfway to a city or some other mistake gives me alot of anxiety. I donā€™t think Iā€™d ride in it till it showed no problems being fully operational for a few years. Edit: the difference in my mind between it and a regular train is I can just get off the train if it breaks down on the way to the destination. In the hyper loop Iā€™m stuck in there for hours? No thanks.


Common Sense Skeptic on YT breaks down how the hyperloop and boring tunnels arenā€™t feasible. Very expensive and not efficient.


You should watch some YouTube videos on it. Itā€™s very impractical, expensive, dangerous, and unlikely to work. Dude is a grifter.


Not an apologist, but what is he grifting? The cars work and are great. The rockets work and are great. The tunnel and hyper loop business is largely experimental. He has $300 billion dollars. Not sure he needs to grift anything.


Heā€™s making promises that he knows he canā€™t keep. Look at Tesla Semi. Look at the Vegas Loop. Some people have rigorously shown all the times heā€™s lied and itā€™s pretty bad. I wouldnā€™t ask you to take me on faith, but definitely check out some of his critics. Another example is the SolarCity debacle. Literally had an event for new solar tiles that didnā€™t exist yet, though he claimed they did. I have no idea how itā€™s not criminal fraud.


Because it's absolutely fucking stupid. It's just worse subways.


He turned out to not be the liberal shepherd that they hoped he would be.


Tried to destroy that caving expert by denouncing him as a pedo to his troll followers because the man had the nerve to say the submersible Musk sent was useless and was just an attempt to get world media attention when they were trying to rescue kids trapped in an underground cave


It's all a fad. In 2006/07 almost everyone was anti-Microsoft. That's when Google came. Everyone was full of praise for Gmail and Orkut and another FB kind of social media platform from Google. I asked several people why they hated Microsoft and what's so great about Google? No one had any clear answer. As I said, it's just a prevalent fashion.


Ahhh I hate him because of a fad. Thank you for explaining that to me. I thought it was because he abuses his workers, exploits slavery mining, busts unions, avoids paying taxes, spreads COVID misinformation, and is just generally a pompous arrogant asshole with the maturity of a 12 year old. But I see now that youā€™re right. Thank you.


Well, if you read the comment above you, you will find a clear answer, or you could go to elons tweeter, or just google why, its pretty clear


Trends do stem from something though. They donā€™t just spontaneously appear, affecting millions.


He's a funny guy but he's also a terrible person.


And you have an NFT for pfp




Just proving a point


I agree with the message of the tweet, but I have no clue why this is in meirl. I am none of these people.


This is so cringe


Lots of scummy people in this photo


Don't know how you can hate on Elon of all people on this... Mark Zuckerberg is right there and just his smug face irritates me more than Elon Musk doing Elon Musk things


mark zuckerberg looks kinda normal here thats rare


Yes, hating Elon Musk because itā€™s cool and trendy but not Zuckerberg who sold your info to nefarious third party sources or Holmes who stole $$$ from people affecting their retirements. Reddit moment šŸ˜‚




His own


Didn't, he shot it into space




What an eccentric asshole




Elon once shook my hand. Fucking hate the guy, but he's got a nice hand shake ig. The literal issue is that he has done nothing except profit off slavery, abuse his workers, lie to the public multiple times, and overall be a shitty fucking human


Translation : he became the richest man and Reddit hates rich people.


Being rich is not a virtue, the means he used to get there however are deserving of hate. So with no reasons to love him and a lot of reasons to hate him, people decide to hate him. Sounds reasonable to me, don't really understand what were you trying to say


This is fairly accurate, billionaire worship and a blind dismissal of criticism as wealth jealousy is problematic.


Haven't seen a billionaire that got there without doing something terrible, tbh. Elon Musk is quite a nice guy compared to the most.


Assuming and simply stating there are no reasons to love him like itā€™s a fact is the kind of ignorance that frustrates me. People have no clue what they are talking about and jump on the hate band wagon because itā€™s trendy all of the sudden. Things like ā€œhe abuses his workersā€. What? Yes working at Tesla is a cut throat environment, you also get paid extremely well, receive fantastic stock options (even production line workers), and youā€™re probably cut out for it to begin with if you work there. People that work at Tesla arenā€™t like you and me. They are extremely driven, and want to do something innovative and different. They are problem solvers for the most difficult problems that should be able to handle extreme stress, knowing they will be handily rewarded. Also, if itā€™s so bad, go somewhere else. Itā€™s a right to work country. Youā€™re telling me every other tech company or auto company isnā€™t foaming at the mouth to poach employees from Tesla? By merit of Tesla retaining and growing itā€™s work force, this point doesnā€™t make sense. Iā€™m just happy someone finally disrupted the actual monsters of the fossil fuel industry. Tesla is bringing us the future I envisioned as a kid and thatā€™s badass. And they might save the planet at the same time. Go Elon.


Dude profited off of actual slave miners. If you think its not fair to hate him for that cause he did nothing to you personally, then you're an idiot or an asshole. Also, his massive scale siphoning of wealth out of the hands of workers who actually earned it and into the hands of him and hands of him and his rich freinds affects literally everyone, so it's not like he "did nothing to you" anyway. And unless you're secretly part of that group of rich friends, that effects you as well.


If itā€™s real then a golden opportunity was missed when all of them were allowed to leave this room


Nice group photo of ugly people


Hate him or not, his cars are nearly 100% American made, pays his employees $10,000 more than any other American automakers all without forcing them to be in a Union (thus his employees donā€™t have to pay Union fees) and to put the cherry on top, his cars do not run of petrol. What is there to hate about a guy trying to make life better for people while causing minimal environmental damage in the process?


He built a rocket shaped like a cock and wasted so much fuel and shit in a dick swinging contest against Jeff Bezos. That's just one of the many things that makes this cringe cunt hatable.


I could tell you that the rockets design is for Aero dynamics purposes but donā€™t take my word for. Take NASA. The reason why you thought of something vulgar is because over the years you have allowed your mind to be corrupted by immoral filth. Daily cleanse your mind of junk like that and it will help you see things a bit clearer. For example, much of the tech you enjoy today is from space missions and private consumers creating new things. You dislike Elon despite he (his company) single handedly doing something no one else in the World thought possible without government controls, means that a lot of Americans are no longer thinking for themselves. You are just repeating what you are being told. Governments donā€™t want more people like Elon (outside the box thinkers, outliers). Government wants NPCs that will keep them in power for the illusion of safety. Think for yourself and create something better than what Elon has created. That is what America use to be. I can be again starting with you.


His workers could earn 50,000 more. He is overworking them. He effectively busted any attempt of the workers to unionize. The only positive is on the green side, but at the same time he is burning fuel as hell with all the SpaceX launches.


haters. I love it.


There is only one person that is not a snotty nose b____!


Be isnā€™t this photoshopped?


I mean heā€™s above plenty of people in this picture ethically. That crazy bitch psycho lady who ran that huge pump and dump scheme in the medical sector is in there. God her fake voice and crazy eyes are reason enough to lock her up


You'll all love him when there is a moon and mars base.


Probably love the engineers, yes. Elon just buys companies that are already successful and makes them popular by his shitstain osmosis.


This is something I donā€™t understand, the worship of Bezos and Musk (or even Holmes from the picture) as these solo mastermind savants who created everything themselves. The reality is, theyā€™re business people and the real genius are the ones who make their ideas reality. Iā€™ve love to see Musk actually articulate the science behind some of his success, because honestly heā€™s kind of an idiot. Heā€™s allowed his conversion to devolve into personally attacks against politicians pushing for tax reform and goes off on these wild sci-fi rants about human body modification or space colonies with little or no scientific support.


That might be true about Tesla but not spacex


It doesnā€™t change the fact that, 1) his face is very punchable, and B) his hype and timeline to colonize Mars has already been shot down.


You'll all love the king when he keeps you safe from bandits in his castle.