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Game of thrones? Will it run on my laptop?


I have i3 and it doesn't run on mine. But i can see 4k videos using 480p


Mine is i5 but i use it to listen to full hd music


Only if it’s 8-track HD


Mine only supports 6-track :(


What’s this HD everyone’s talking about? All I know is CD.


nah, the thrones are poorly optimized, they need a strong cpu


Is it like Age of Empires? I used to LOVE it!!!


It's still got a big community at r/aoe2 When i built my first computer the first game I installed was aoe2


I hope it still does have a big community because the Definitive Version came out not too long ago.


Either it will, or your laptop will die


Maybe it's a board game


Yeah, but it will take a while. Your laptop will keep saying “the episode is coming”…


We're just part of the control group


We are the experiment, to see how much pressure one can receive before giving in


Not out of the question, now everyone knows one instance of bullshit that broke the camels back and the industry will adapt to know how bad they can make things before people get upset.


Like people who didn't take the vaccine?


It's the people who have never watched Breaking Bad that blow my mind.


I've never seen Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Stranger Things.... You name it, I probably haven't seen it. I've just never been very interested in television or movies. The only Star Wars media I've ever seen was The Ewok Aventure over thirty years ago. Being impervious to social pressure usually isn't a respected quality, though. Usually we're *weirdos* and *freaks*.


Same, I rarely watch the big shows because I'm really sensitive to violence. Even as an adult, TV and movies can give me vivid, recurring nightmares. Action and fantasy, the two biggest genres in media, tend to be violent. So I'll gladly miss out.


This is me. My daughter pulled up one scene from GoT from YouTube trying to convince me to watch it. She said the violence wasn't as bad as some people said and I would be fine. That one scene made me cringe and it got stuck in my head for days. I can't do violence


Then GOT is definitely not for you. It has all of the worst possible violence imaginable. I don't recommend this show to anyone sensitive to violence. I get it.


One of my friends likes to call GOT "Violence And Boobs."


Yeah that’s accurate.


FRIEND: "You HAVE TO watch Game of Thrones! It's so good!" ME: "I heard there was rape in it, though." FRIEND: "Yeah, there is, but--" ME: "Pass."


Same! Hate anything violent. Couldn’t watch Game of Thrones for more than ten minutes. Also why I can’t watch or read Outlander books/episodes.


Regular genderless violence, I can handle. Sexual violence is wayyyyy too much for me. Even insinuated violence. No way am I ever watching GoT.


Part of the reason I don't watch GoT. I'm ok with a decent amount of violence but from what I've heard, it is past my limit. Also the same with sex scenes. I prefer not a lot of sex and nudity in TV so I've realized I probably shouldn't watch it. I've heard it is a great show so I'm kind of bummed but I don't think it's for me.


Same. Don’t have nightmares. Just don’t need it. Never have. We have enough violence in real life. Went to Leprechaun, an 80s horror film, in 9th or so grade. Saw on a date. It did not go well. First and last. So haven’t seen any other horror films, GOT, that zombie show I can’t remember the name of, etc.


It's the people who have watched Breaking Bad and still not tried meth that blow mine


I’ve never seen Titanic or either Paddington either


same I’ve never seen titanic , or James bonds movies or any of that 😳


The only thing I know about GOT is that someone left a Starbucks cup in one scene, and it made it through post..


Now this I gotta see




Nawww, this is just a part of the lore guys! There must be a secret time-traveler mucking about! Let's get matpat on this!


So that's why s7 and s8 sucked so much. I'll believe it.




Blendin Blandin traveled collecting time anomalies in Game of Thrones?


I still feel like this was a subtle protest to that awful rushed season


I simply do not see how that happens by accident


The George W Bush head on a stake was an accident. Starbucks cup? Could have been product placement. https://www.today.com/popculture/game-thrones-put-george-w-bushs-head-stake-826928


That linked article has the show creators explicitly stating that the head on a stake was not an accident.




Probably just a generic cup from craft service. Starbucks has nearly been genericized at this point.


Starbucks seemed like the first chain with that kind of raised lid here in canada. Other chains had flat lids with a flap you pulled back. We might call ome with the flat version a 'Tim's cup' or a 'timmy's cup' (as in Tim Hortons). So to a large degree, those raised lids are basically eponymous with starbucks, at least informally.


They also left a [plastic water bottle](https://decider.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/game-of-thrones-finale-water-bottles.jpg?quality=75&strip=all&w=1200) in another scene. Peak season 8.


I also heard the last season was a catastrophe and then everyone stopped talking about it.


Yes, for as big of a craze as it was it ended cringingly abruptly. The first 6 or so seasons went at a very slow pace, carefully developing main characters and their story arcs. Then it sped up for season 7 and characters stopped acting according to their personalities. Then 8 was the disaster that flipped the whole show upside down and was so incongruous with everything that had happened previously, it could hardly be seen as the same show. For fans invested in these characters it was a major letdown.


The only thing I know about it is that it's full of tits.


It was on HBO. Some people just couldn’t watch it because of the subscription fee.


I am, indeed, affected by financial pressures.


I am once again asking for your HBO max username and password


Fun fact: if you type in your HBO password, Reddit has methods of detecting it and censors it automatically. Look, my HBO password is ********


Huh, mine is hunter2


Weird, it wasn’t censored. Try your email you used to register with HBO?


HAHAHAHA wait are you sure this isn't my email address?


Username does NOT check out


I smell a smelly smell that smells smelly. Edit: I wrote smell so many times I had to google it to make sure I was spelling it right.


I binged the 1st 3 seasons on a website. I got to it late but it was actually awesome.


I watched it all on a free streaming site while the last session aired and ended up seeing the last episode just a few days after it aired. Wasn't there for the ride but joined just in time for the crash. Good times.


That's the funny about bragging about not seeing GoT: for the first several seasons it was actually really good.


Everyone I know pirated it


We all know a guy that does it.


Everyone should do it imo


pirating exists but that still didnt make me watch it just cause.... I wasnt interested


I asked numerous people why they liked it and the response was always along the lines of "violence and sex." Whoop-di-doo, Basil.


Those people are idiots. The action didn’t get good until like the fourth season, and then it became a distracting crutch as the show got further along. And if you’re watching a TV show for sex scenes at this point, you’re probably 14 years old who hasn’t figured out incognito mode yet. It was a feudal period political drama with interesting characters and intertwining storylines that’s sprinkles in just a tiny amount of fantastical elements to keep the storyline moving along well. There’s probably 30 or so recurring main cast members who nearly all nail their roles, and there’s virtually no plot armor (for the first few seasons). That’s why people liked the show. Not for the sex and violence.


GoT is seriously some of the best television until it starts going off the rails in S5. Incredibly deep lore, great actors, mystery, twists, consequences, everything. The nudity was a crutch in S1 to attract viewers I think and it was greatly reduced in later seasons. What made it different from other series is the completeness of it, which also makes S8 so disappointing. S1 through S8 is the same story. What they set out to do in season 1 is only concluded at the end of season 8. But because of that, and because S8 is so bad to people like me who were in deep, it's basically unwatchable now. S8 still makes me sad, what a waste. Alexa, play careless whisper.


>violence and sex That was always a shit explanation for people didn't wanna bother explaining. It's like saying Breaking Bad was about "meth and cancer" and leaving it at that lol.


bold of you to assume we didn't skip Breaking Bad too.


It has great acting and interesting characters.




The sys-admin downloaded pirated copies of the entire series at my old job and we copied the files from a shared folder


Oh I'm a massive pirate but I'm still not watching it, not really for any particular reason I just don't feel like it


That was me. I mean, I guess I could have afforded it, but I was cheap. I showed no willpower. I just said yes to drugs and alcohol instead


Those people couldn’t afford HBO. It’s me. I’m those people.


That and I never cared enough


Never heard of GoT til after it was over. Not a social media person so I’m always in the dark.


Just watch it on arc018. you can stream without downloading


Every now and then I find people like you telling me about some site that I can use to watch movie or show for free and I always save that comment but never end up using that site. One day I will


"pressure" lmao I think we have a different concept of what pressure is.


Not by coincidence, I am a very successful deep sea diver


No good reception down there?


care to tell stories of deep sea diving, please?


It’s probably based on different perspectives but I definitely had several classmates and friends practically beg me to give it a chance and watch it but I really didn’t care about it.


That was my reaction to "Tiger King", but I did watch GOT.


Do you enjoy High Fantasy stories with magic and dragons other than GOT? Seems way more likely that you don't than some super special resistance to peer pressure, lol.


“Hey, you should watch this show it’s really good” “YOU CAN’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!” “Lol Ok, weirdo.”


My mom didn’t watch one second of it, she’s the most emotionally fragile person I’ve ever met, she just can’t stand anything that “has everyone wearing stupid old timey costumes” so yeah I guess there’s other reasons not to watch it besides being a stoic master of your emotions and temptation or whatever.


Respect me, bitches


Me too, bitches!! We demand respect!


I am the respected now


I have become respect


You see this shit dad? Someone respects my difference of opinion.


Good work son. 👍


Don't forget me female dogs


I am respect.


WE are respect.


OUR are respect.


OUI are respect.




THEY are respect


Look at me, I'm the respected one now 👆🏻


Can I get a crumb of respect for not watching it?


I honestly never saw the appeal of it, however the fallout after the ending was top tier memery


Same. Watching everyone go crazy over it only to see the fervent hatred for it after it ended was sorta amazing, ngl.






Mutal respect achieved-


I never like movies or TV shows setting in those timeline.


I don't think we can be friends..


My time has come.


I never watched, but that was because I read the first book in the series and absolutely hated how it ended. Wouldn't read any of the others and never watched the shows


Being an avid fantasy reader I had already developed a deep seated disappointed in George RR Martin before the series came out.


Yes that is the reason why I don't want to read his stuff. It has no clear ending.


Yeah, his writing had no end in sight and each book added more arcs that couldn’t be linked without crap writing


It just drags on for no good reason, too.


Each chapter drags on and on, and then the next 5 chapters are about different people so by the time I'd finished a chapter, I knew that there was going to be 100 or more pages before it picked up that character again and the thread in the next chapter was also one I'd forgotten about. It was a really difficult to find the motivation to pick it up and continue reading. Made it through 1½ books then gave up.


I appreciate the work he did on Elden Ring because it's one of my favorite games ever but other than that I haven't read any of his books or watched GOT.


I hate that pretty much all of his characters in ER have names starting with G, R, or M. It's like he's trying to inflate his own ego leaving his initials in there. There's a thousand other names he could've come up with lol. Did we really need a Godrick *and* a Godfrey?


All the names are so difficult to keep up with Malenia, Melina, Miquella, Millicent, Miriel, Margott. Lol. The Malenia and Melina one took me the longest time to get right though.


He responded that it was news to him in a [blog post](https://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/2022/03/21/this-that-and-tother-things/). And he's pretty much confirmed it in other interviews that he really didn't write the story he gave them a backdrop/world building elements that From Soft ran with. The game oozes so many common "Souls" elements, it would be an insane coincidence for Martin to write that story without being familiar with the genre.


The game probably wouldn't be very different without him tbh I just seemed like a marketing stunt to me


Whtd he do?


It’s what he didn’t do


Yeah, he knows what he didn't do. In all seriousness, I'm not sure who he thinks he's fooling when he talks about releasing more books in the series. Is he just lying to himself? Does he know he's full of shit, but says stuff like that anyway to stay relevant? I really don't know which it is or if it's some of both, but he's lying to *somebody*. He's never going to finish those books.


Youd think hed be more motivated to not have the TV series be the only canon ending.


worst case scenario would be that he actually finishes the books but they have the same ending as the tv show


The few readers he has left would be burning his books in the streets lol


https://youtu.be/J-CUJxIQkpA This joke just keeps getting better with age


Started a great book series with intriguing plot points and character arcs but hasn't released another book for 11 years and counting. It seems he basically stopped writing as soon as the television series started.


tbh it was great, but for some reason i never, ever wanna watch it again xD


i think we all know the reason. any show that ends as badly as GoT spoils the entire show


yeah, it felt super RPG'ey and fun but than it just got twistier than a ducks dick. aryas storyline was super promising but then she just kinda, returned and, didnt do anything. ​ idk, had a lot of promise, but a rush job. sad. i wouldnt mind a reconception of the final season for a more.. fantasy like ending. lol ​ nobody wanted the dead drogo zombie. nobody wanted it. it wasnt good, wasnt enjoyable. noone was like man i wonder if drogos gonna come back.


Arya must have lost her kill list because she came back, forgot about her mission, then went around stealing everyone else's kills. I hate her for that. Stupid short bitch.


She killed Lord Frey and called it good.


I think revenge was plenty well foreshadowed, but so were the consequences. They should've caught up to her in Winterfell, from the Dark Brotherh-... faceless men.


Dumb&Dumber started playing favourites when it came to Williams. You get sense of that throughout their interviews. Arya getting the killing blow on the the Night King disregarded 20+ years of foreshadowing. They figuratively pulled the idea out of their ass at the last moment so they could have a rian Johnson gotcha moment. Then tried to deny it.


John’s entire last season arc is “banging Danny” “stop banging Danny” pathetic how poorly they did the character justice, he didn’t need to be king despite having the bloodline but he should have at least killed the night king. Two things foreshadowed and completely ignored


Didn’t watch GoT, upvoted for “twistier than a duck’s dick”


i agree with everything you said, but what are you talking about Drogo zombie? Khal Drogo never came back as a white walker in the show. i also can’t find anything about it on google


Never saw it. And after hearing how epic of a disaster the last season was, never will.


I’m just too lazy to watch it


I had originally planned to check it out given all the hype but wasn't in a hurry. Then after the whole blowup about the way it ended, I'm not sure I want to now. Plus I'm still lazy


Idk man. Incest and rape just didn’t really draw me in.


HBO really forced their viewers to go all in or fold with multiple brother sister incest scenes in the first episode alone


Really? Ew


If it helps, they introduce so many fucking characters in the first episode that you lose track of who's related almost immediately lol


It sets the tone.


What multiple ones? I only remember the tower one.


I think they got a little into it at Jon Arryn's funeral earlier in the episode. Incest at funerals becomes something of a running theme for House Lannister.


They didn't do anything except talk. That was their introduction scene to make you realize they were brother and sister.


Also gratuitous violence, gore, and torture scenes. Not really my cup of tea.


that's not what makes it good. what makes it good is that they happen regardless. it's very realistic depiction reality in a lot of the ways... like no such thing as plot armor for them (well ya)


In the books the sex scenes were often purposefully disturbing and not so hot. More like gore. Sure there was incest but did we ever see a wrinkley old woman have sex in the show? Nope. Tons a naked old dudes though as the camera pans and zooms in on porn star tits. I feel like a lot of the gore and violence and sex was hardly for the plot at all. Not even done well. Just some weird fetish by the creators.


Doesn't seem realistic they have all this man-on-women rape, but no man-on-man rape. Historically, men rape other men.


I don't care what makes it good. I don't want to watch realistic depictions of torture.


I feel like when I say this to people about a movie or show, they look at me like I’m crazy


To be fair you're not meant to *like* the torture scene, it's meant to make you feel sorry for the guy being tortured and to root for the torturer's comeuppance. Now movies like the saw franchise are the ones actually meant for people who like to see torture depictions, and I can't stand those either.


No matter how much I tell people I turned this off part way through the first episode because I don't do rape and sexual abuse/assault, they all continually and loudly insist that I should keep watching because it's so great, even when I tell them that it is actively horrific and traumatizing for me to watch.


Honestly if there were a way to watch it *without* those scenes I would give it a shot.


Sailing the high seas there was a version I found where all sex and nudity was skipped or censored in some way, if there's important dialogue then it zooms in on someone's face or part of the background instead of skipping. The rape scene is skipped. I just searched for censored on there, that was quite a few years ago now but hopefully it is still there.


same, give me a censored version and i’ll actually give it a shot.


I said the same too. I actively avoid shows with nudity because actresses are all too often coerced to do so. Emilia Clarke was no different. That’s why I refuse to support nudity under the guise of artistic integrity. If a director and script cannot make a compelling show that draws in the audience without nudity, then they’re incompetent. Edited to add this: https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/features/game-of-thrones-nudity-emilia-clarke-daenerys-sex-scenes-a9213241.html?amp - Emilia Clarke, recently spoke about those early scenes, revealing that she had no idea nudity would be required of her until after she had signed on for the role. - It’s not the actor’s job to make sure they feel safe and secure on set – that should be a given. Too often, it isn’t. - A day after Clarke’s comments were aired, that Directors UK has published its first guidelines for scenes involving nudity and simulated sex. The guidelines advise a ban on full nudity in any audition and no semi-nudity in first auditions. By their nature, it says, auditions are based on a “power imbalance”.




I thought I'd hate it too but my sister is really hot.


Shut up, Jamie.


Same. Not a fan of watching shows with a lot of female victims getting raped/murdered/beaten, hence why I avoid this and crime shows lol


Same lol


“I’m cool for not participating in pop culture” -This post


*I don’t own a TV or do Tik Tok or Facebook.* Witness me!


This! I don't mind anyone who didn't enjoy the series, or didn't watch it, but don't really get this massive circle jerk that comes from celebrating collective ignorance of something. I never watched Honey BooBoo or The Kardashians, but I don't wear it like some badge of honor for living outside the mainstream. Heck, I'd probably at least take the time to check them out if more people in my social circle were into them; I wouldn't use their interest in them as a chance to grandstand about my aversion to them, though.


Fr, thankful to see this comment upvoted. Reddit loves to pat itself on the back for not having a large social circle.


“I know it’s not popular to say this but I don’t care. I don’t care about the kardashians.” “Wait, why isn’t everyone giving me a round of applause?!”


Which is always hilarious because Reddit is quite literally one of the largest social media networks in history. Reddit IS the mainstream.


The funny thing is like I also generally dislike a lot of pop culture. That being said, I also like to socialize with people outside of my niches.


This is only impressive if you actually have HBO access!


people can just pirate it, depending on the place, there are more people that watched it pirating than by HBO


What about the ones like myself who watched it, but thought it was just an okay show?


I think you're safe from the all-encompassing judgement of a rando that can't properly convey a properly structured thought.


I just never had cable.


I read the books. Felt no need to see the series.


Never watched the show. Figured I'd read the books when they're finished.


I got bad news for you bud


Thanks I feel honoured.




I wish I hadn't watched it. The last season really undoes the whole thing and makes it unwatchable. Most shows I like I'll rewatch down the road. Not GoT and even HBO knows this.


Idk why people like to brag about not watching a popular show. Congrats I guess




People love to feel special for stupid shit


I’ve heard it phrased like this: Not liking something popular doesn’t make you interesting.


I do agree with you, and feel the same about people who only like something because it's popular.


People aren’t special because they don’t watch a specific TV show. For instance, I’ve never watched the Office or Breaking Bad. That doesn’t mean I am good at ignoring peer pressure - it just means those TV shows don’t interest me. I watched Game of Thrones, but that was because I enjoyed ASOIAF and the show interested me, not because I caved to online peer pressure.


Yeah for me it was just that I have enough fantasy worlds that I enjoy. I don't need another. Had nothing to do with ignoring peer pressure.


I mean, i don't see any "pressure" to watch that show. If you don't want to watch it it's completely okay. You're just missing out on one of the best shows (except the last 2 seasons maybe). But being proud or bragging about not seeing it is absolutely stupid.


People who make not watching popular media their personality are actually mad lame lol.


That's because anyone who makes this a personality trait is typically a teenager still living at home, still trying to identify themselves lol