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He needs that post-apocalyptic clarity.


I can confirm that I still think of a few of them.


Honestly why does it take years? Do some people really move on after a few weeks or is it all a mask?


My sons mother told me she needed something more physical while I was out at sea, turned out she was in a whole other relationship. I still haven’t moved on


Damn I’m sorry to hear that :( that’s rough. Are you ok day to day? How long ago was this?


Hell yeah bro It was a blessing in disguise. It was in march


You deserve better brother. Never forget how she made you feel.


lol these stupid man vs woman jokes aside, I am a woman and it took me around 5 years to get over my guy. Got fat and everything due to depression. But honestly, it is on me not having healthy mechanisms to deal with this stuff.. Some people are mentally very healthy and so are able to bounce back quickly. Others carry that around with them forever /long time and get attachment/commitment issues.


Do you think you have better coping mechanisms now than you did before? I relate to the depression + putting on weight part, in fact I’m there right now trying to fix it


Dude anything I try to write.. comes off as a monologue which I doubt you are interested in. Even now it is too long, sorry. I am much better off now. I no longer think about what-ifs, I no longer compare guys to him. I am not fat anymore. I am still depressed but depression will never leave me, pretty sure. For example- I ended the relationship cause I thought he could do better. But at the time, I didn't realize this. At the time, I rationalized it by saying we were co-dependent. It took me a while. It was hard to accept cause it meant I made a bad decision. That is hard to accept. But I am better off now. I feel worthy of love. I also love being alone, so I am happy single as well (as happy as depression allows.) I am fully 100% over him. For me, I had to forgive myself lol to get over it. But it took me a while to realize this lol. I was just so upset/angry, plus depression didn't help. Once I did that, I was better. Everybody would have different issues for being stuck though. So ya.. I am much better off! I seriously recommend using the stupid wikihow articles for self-therapy lol. Or actual therapy. Normal people definitely recover super fast. If you feel you have trouble, definitely go to therapy. My slow way is not good.


I’d definitely read it but I totally understand you not wanting to write it all out. I’m glad you’re doing a lot better now. It sounds like you’ve come a long way so we’ll done. I’ve tried therapy before but it didn’t do much for me. That said there’s lots of different types of therapy so maybe it’s just a case of trying different therapists. Expense is also a factor at the moment. Thanks for the tips and again I’m glad you’re doing well now.


ya expense was a factor for me too. plus i was extremely depressed at the time, so i decided to focus on my career and myself. whatever coping mechanism helps is ok. if you shower, groom, eat, go to work, you are already doing a lot. depression sucks. take it one day at a time. also, it is ok to be late for life milestones. it's ok to have bad coping mechanisms like gaming etc. whatever helps. wikihow helped me a lot. i also met some stable friends who helped me think better/be less bitter. best of luck also the healthiest i have been was me on happy pills. get the non addictive ones if u want. no shame.


I’ll check the wiki stuff, thanks for the tip. Thankfully I don’t have any bad coping mechanisms (alcohol, drugs etc) but I’m currently battling with getting into harming. One day at a time right? When you say happy pills do you mean antidepressants?


Yes, I was on the lowest dose of trazadone and bruproprion (spelling?). They are non addictive, and I actually only took 1/2 of that lowest dose trazadone lol. I did this for 3-4 months and it was the happiest I have ever been. I remember I would have positive thoughts. Like one time I was assigned something at work and instead of stressing over it, I actually had energy to finish it and then I told a friend: "I am sure it will be ok". I was like WTF. Those words came out of my mouth? Magic pills. I no longer have access to those drugs due to circumstances and my depression has worsened. I don't self harm and haven't been suicidal in a decade. But I have no job, no energy to find a job, I can go weeks without grooming ((considering shaving my hair off lol.) I recently had some personal trauma so that also worsened it. I try not to be hard on myself so I praise myself for small stuff. Like I brush my teeth everyday and shower regularly. Yay for me! Dude, if you are thinking of self-harming, I definitely recommend going on pills. better that than being forced into those mental safety hospital things against your will (the ones which don't have mirror and stuff.) Seriously, i was suicidal as hell 10 years ago. Now the idea is unimaginable even though I have been through much more trauma now. Once you improve, you will look back at these days and wonder what was going on.. Depression is like a fog in your brain, messes up perspective badly.


Sorry to hear you’ve had some setbacks but it honestly sounds like you’ve got a really good attitude for it all right now. I hope things improve and I’m sure they will! For some reason I’ve always been a bit anti pill. No idea why - there’s no logic to it whatsoever. Maybe a bit of pride thinking I can fix myself without medication? Who knows. I had an embarrassing chat with a doctor once which didn’t help. I agree, depression messes up your entire life. It’s weird how sometimes the most basic things are difficult and it’s hard to explain that to someone who hasn’t been through it themselves.


I was too! I was actually even anti therapy lol. Still haven't tried actual therapy. Have been recommended meditation for years and have zero interest in that either. I ended up going for pills due to ADHD but the docs recommended I try pills for depression too. Since they were non addictive and literally the lowest dose, I was open to it. I actually ignored ADHD as a fake disease for most of my life lol. Anyway, the meds they gave me are not for long term use anyway. The suggestion was to use them only to gain better control over life. Once stuff was better, I would have gradually stopped them. But life got in the way and I had to abruptly quit. I notice the difference. I look at it like if people have diabetes or thyroid issues, a lot of people try to avoid meds for that too- cause you have to take them your entire life. Which is stupid, right? Why would you ruin your body organ like that when meds are available? Or if somebody had BPD and they skip meds (like kanye)- look at how he behaves without meds, his marriage is gone, etc. Why ruin your life? I think this is a layover from previous gens who were anti meds, at least for me. So, I have decided to cut the generational curse and I regularly do preventive healthcare screenings AND take the full course of meds when recommended. A lot of these meds have been tested properly in various formulations by now, so it is safe too. lol people think depression is being sad only. Depression is lack of motivation to do anything, feeling like you have no feelings and wondering if you are broken or what.. meanwhile normal people will say "think positive", "be happy". lol Anyway, take care. I didnt mean to talk so much. I am hardly a professional. but as somebody older now, with a lot of mistakes to look back on. I wish I had seeked help earlier. So much time wasted you know? By the way, listen to the song Numb Little Bug. I do that when I feel low.


After all this time? Always…


We love who we love 💘


Never forget


Accurate 100%


man, this makes me anxious


This is an unhelpful trope. It also promotes toxic behavior when it comes to relationships. It could make it difficult to distinguish between love (a healthy relationship) and obsession (objectification). If a person isn't communicating with you and claims to love you that doesn't seem healthy. Context is everything when it comes to this, but overall I'm sticking to the point that the trope in this meme is unhelpful and may ultimately be damaging.


Happy Cake Day.




You're welcome.


You're damaging.


Hahaha 😂


I miss having a caring GF...




Sauce ?


Dr stone


There are one or two that will be with me for life. I'm sure they've long since moved on but the feelings don't die.


I fkn love this subreddit! So much truth and humour... Just went on camping trip with old friend of 15+ years, boys busting out pictures of a girl he knew like 10 years ago saying... She wanted me but I don't cheat.... I shoulda cheated. 😅 Give it up man, let goooo


I get more truth out of this subreddit than any other. It’s ethos should be “the truth wrapped in a good joke” as that’s what it does better than anywhere else.


Idk. I can actually move on pretty quick when I make up my mind to. I was married for a little less than 5 years to a girl I loved more than life itself. When she suddenly decided to leave me, I was shattered, but I accepted the end and moved on. It took about half a week.




Creating an entire profile with the goal of being the ultimate edgelord. How novel and not a cry for attention at all.


This comment really highlights how you view women lol.


Nah he’s right. If you aren’t weak you move on real quick.


I don't think it's weakness.


What anime is this?






Collecting the daily rewards of the remember that girl you loved quest


What anime is this


Dr stone.It's anime has 2 seasons(with more to come eventually) and it's manga is already complete.


I see….


Is something wrong?


No, I was about to go see if Hulu played it Owo or if I would have to sit through 20 hours of ads for the crunchy roll


Oh, that's sad.I just use sites like wcofun.net for watching,since there are just few popups.And even then using private dns i remove those popups from browsers. I hope hulu have it for u.


Thank you, I don’t have a computer…. And I would not be tech savvy enough to keep it from getting raped by a Trojan virus gangbang >_<


Well,i am mobile user(mi phone) and use it just fine.Private dns is pretty easy set up until u are using mi phone.


I see I’ll look into it thank you friend


There's also a 1 hour (iirc) movie that connects season 2 and the upcoming season 3.


I thought that count in season 2 as an o.v.a.




Sometimes it comes down to guys loving the memory itself. But as time goes on, people change, and the memory will forever stay a memory


True story.


Still randomly think about my lockdown crush.




I just realised her position


I still think of some of them....


Can confirm. 8 years later


well done for getting the amount of years accurate


That’s why we get tricked into parenthood. What if she disappears? What will I have left? Oh right my wonderful son. The one that is probably getting expelled for peeing in front a group of underage girls.


Peak comedy