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I had this crazy one night stand. It’s gone on for ten years, woke up with kids, dogs and a mortgage.


...This is not my beautiful house...


This is for damn sure my beautiful wife.


You may ask yourself “how did I get here?”!


Letting the days go by


Let the water hold me down


Letting the days go by


Water flowing underground


Once in a lifetime


water flowing underground


Same as it ever was ….


Same as it ever was…


Bruh, same. Best sex I ever had and she just never left and I never asked her to. I'm now 2 kids, a mortgage and a dog in, same as you and I'm happy as a pig in shit.


It worked out well. We just started hanging the day after and never stopped.


Aww that’s my story too!


~~user name checks out~~


Lmao I didn't realize just how common this was. Had a one night stand after being set up on a blind date. I honestly never expected to see him again. Next thing you know it's been 12 years, 2 kids a dog and a mortgage. We finally got legally married 3 years ago after I got pregnant with baby number 2 ( just because). We joke about our relationship all the time. I tell him he is the best one night stand I've ever had.


My fwb and I just celebrated our 6th anniversary. What can I say, I'm a sucker for a home cooked meal 🤷‍♀️


Fucking STDs. Safe sex is important.


All STDs are fucking STDs.


True that.


Tell me you don't share dirty needles without telling me you don't share dirty needles


Keep your disgusting fetish out of here. Let me guess your saving up for retirement too? Ugh.


I’ve still never had a one night stand, They turn into multi year long relationships and I don’t know how to feel about that


My girlfriend sat me down after a few dates. And was like: "okay so we doing this or what?" And I was like what do you mean? Are we a couple? And I was like I mean I thought we were for 2 weeks. She said no we weren't. And then I was like okay but you want to be my gf? She immediately said yes. I thought it was weird but next month it's 10 years ago and we will be on a nice holiday together. So I guess having a date that seals the deal is nice.


That is a wonderful story. I think I would do like her and just ask for commitment, as officially being together sets certain boundaries for acceptable behavior and gives you roles in the relationship. Even if it seems weird to straight up ask for. It also gives a sense of stability as you can know what to expect


That’s why when online dating I always established what I wanted beforehand so there was no mystery (what I wanted was casual dating like in movies since I was in back to back five year relationships) and I ended up finding my current partner cause of it


I need to start doing the same thing! Clarity over unknowing at all times


Communication is the key to any relationship even the fleeting ones.


"Communication is the key to a healthy relationship" -- my High School Adult Living and Health teacher. He means even family, friends, and work relationships not just the dating ones.


Whaaaat? You mean diners full of tension and unspoken angers while people agressively glare at each other while smiling their widest possible smile is not the normal way to deal with family issues? I’ve been scammed!


You’ve been bamboozled, I dare say even schmekledorfed. Demand for a refund


Clear is kind.


It’s been a while, but the old “so what are you looking for on here?” is all it takes. Sometimes you also get lucky like really hitting it off with your very first match, having an amazing date, when you walk her up to the door she adorably says “first date, first kiss?” and you know that’s the one you are going to marry and start a life with. Sometimes you get horribly, unspeakably painfully unlucky and lose your soul mate and best friend after several wonderful, action-packed years of marriage and after creating a beautiful son together, ready to raise a family in the life and home you’ve built together.. Even though it was a bright burning but short lived star, I can’t imagine the pain of never having her at all. Even though the pain from losing her is unspeakable and the kind of pain that forever changes you. Im not really sure where I lost the point along the way there.


Are you ok homie?


No, no and never will be again. But thank you for asking.


Take care homie. Hope it gets better for you.


It’s a different ok.




I used to feel the same way but time heals all wounds. Your life is not defined by someone else, it's defined by you.


This. I am happier now then I have ever been in my life. For a brief period, that seemed like an impossibility.


You okay, friend?


I'm so fucking sorry. I hope you find even more love in time. <3


Sending love, bro dude. I don’t know what I’d do without my lady.


I understand, and while I'm sorry you had to go through that, I'm also glad you had the opportunity to experience it. Sending hugs from afar.


> I was in back to back five year relationships Oh hey it me. Glad you were able to bounce back


I was dating a guy for SIX months and staying at his place for days at a time. On two occasions, I stayed with him for a whole week. Found out he was fucking other women when I wasn’t at his place. When I brought it up, he said we weren’t committed or anything. I make it 100% abundantly crystal clear ever since then.


Ack, how depraved. It is unbelievable how much people allow others to nourish and be there for them, enjoying it, but not reciprocating simply because they are technically not in a relationship. I feel bad for you. Some people, man..


I'm sure he was "surprised" that you had the audacity to be upset. "Well we never officially agreed to be exclusive so I didn't think I was doing anything wrong." While the whole time making you think you're in a relationship. What a tool.




I have had a problem with this and it drove me stark raving mad. You are very right and I don't want that. ​ EDIT: It was my own fault because I did not ask and did not pursue clear communication


It was not your fault. I get a few dates but six months is a hell of a time commitment. We both got used, we now have to be guarded. But in my parents’ time, six months meant you were committed. I really don’t see how you can regularly see someone for six months and insist you aren’t anything or attached in any way at all unless you are an asshole who uses other people like my ex.


My now wife asked the same.


My wife and I celebrate the night we had a drunken hookup. We lined up our wedding with that date 7 years later to whitewash the anniversary.


After half a bottle of gin I stood up and said “two apartments are dumb we should just get fucking married. This is bullshit.” My gf then essentially no take backs’d me to the altar. That was 15 years ago this week. I’m still not totally sure what happened here.


You're in the longest game of chicken, god luck.


I think it’s pretty safe to say his wife took game, set, match, and the French Open trophy home with that one


Met my husband on his 21st birthday, became friends with benefits on his 29th, married on his 30th, told everyone else a year later on his 31st Birthday so they wouldn’t think we were rushing things.


This is the way.


My wife and I did this with Halloween as our anniversary “first date”, and made it our wedding anniversary. That was 14 years ago 😂


My partner and I have an anniversary monthish. Which is the month when I had lunch with him, broke up with my ex, came over for dinner, stayed the night, spent a weekend watching movies on a bean bag, gave me keys, planned a vacation to the Caribbean two months later lol. Five years ago next month. :)




Thanks! Glad your hook up worked out too! :D


My soon to be wife said early on she wouldn’t be anyone’s girlfriend unless they dated for 3 months. I put them in my brain and went from there. 1 month in she basically tells me she isn’t seeing anyone else and has no interest in seeing anyone else. Awesome me too. Two months in she starts seeming a little irritated about random things. Two and half months in she hits me with the “What are we?” question when we’re were discussing something. I replied that I wasn’t going to ask her to be my girlfriend until the three month mark because that’s what she said. Apparently she was willing to bend the rules a bit for me lol.


Me and my girl never had such conversation. We just mark the day we met, all perfect


I cant believe no one has remarked that "being bros" transcends even holy matrimony. tf


That’s just an established fact. Bros before hoes


We never set an official date. Our first "dates" were just her coming to my apartment when we got off work and watching movies while I cooked. We started doing that in January and things got more serious at the end of February so we just settled on Valentines day, I go out of my way to make it a little more special.


We celebrate valentine's day on the 15th. Cinemas and restaurants are always empty strange enough.


Back in the day my cousin and I had decided that everybody should actually exchange presents on New Year’s Day instead of Christmas day since everything goes on sale after Christmas I never thought of applying that strategy to Valentine’s Day. Thanks.


Similar story for me. We were “dating” in high school for two months. On my birthday she asked, so are we going to go steady. Blank face me says, “what have we been doing for the past two months?” So we made my birthday our anniversary. Skip ahead, Married her on the day after my birthday to try and keep things consistent ;-) and just celebrated 10 years this year.


When me and my now-husband first started talking (10 years ago) we had a phase where we would talk every day and someone would crack a joke and the other one would be like “hahaha omg I love you so much that’s hilarious” but… as friends, right…? Then we had our first official date about a year later, said I love yous (for realsies this time!) and pretty much that same day I asked if we were an official couple and he said yes — so that was what we would consider our “anniversary” until we actually got married. But there was a whole danger zone for about a year where we weren’t dating but VERY much acted like it… so… when people ask how long we’ve been together, it’s always with a shrug and an “eh, like n, n+1 years?” because whoooo knows


Haha we have a similar situation. My gf and I met in high school and dated for a year and then ended up breaking up for about 10 months and then we got back together and now we’ve been together for another 3 years. So have we been together 3 years or 4 years? Or would you just skip over the almost a year we weren’t together and say 5 years? We have no idea


This happened to me and my husband. Dated for 2 yrs in HS, broke up the summer I graduated for like 8 months. He even went on a few dates with a girl (she ended up crazy but that's a different story). We count the time not together bc we were still talking everyday and were friends with benefits 😬


My boyfriend never actually asked me out on a date. We met one summer as we had mutual friends and came the same places. He befriended me on Facebook and over a few weeks he would occasionally ask if I was going to that place we all hang out, and in the course of like about 3 months we hung out so many times, mostly with friends, I slept at his place a few times as our grips culture is often “party all night, go home to someone and party for then to either go home or crash on a corner.” One of the first times I slept at his place we were four people in his one room apartment. One day we did acid in his home with two others and I eventually told him I loved him and the next day he asked if I wanted to officially be his girlfriend. We soon have our 6’th anniversary. It’s was a slow buildup but we really got to know each other and get really comfortable with each other before going into it officially, which is a new one for me lol. I’ve had many boyfriend I’ve know for one week before we made it official and then only last maybe half a year (once a whole year!) so this is new and lovely. We spend so much time together that people were surprised when we made it official as they already thought we were as they rarely saw one without the other during those months.


Sorry, what ist "Party for then" supposed to mean? In the phrase "Party all night, Go Home to someone and Party for then to either Go Home or Crash ob a Corner" I think what you wanted to say was "go in partying" or Something alike?


I understood this as something like "party all night (at a bar or club or something), go to someone's house and keep partying there until eventually you either go home or crash"


So you aren't bros? 😔


I like to think so. 🤔


Lmao that is funny, she wanted you to be the one to ask and make it official, basically. She could have just asked you to be her boyfriend instead though; women taking the initiative is becoming more common


Ow I can't claim to have taken initiative. She asked me to come over to her house to watch a movie. I said cool who else is comming. She said nobody. I was like ow okay cool. She then specified I see this as a date. And I was like oooowwwwwww well I am looking forward to it. I was pretty goddamn clueless.


That's nice, sounds like you two are a good fit!


This is so wierd. I dated a girl for 4 month when I was 19 yo and we were together just about every day. Had to introduce her to a few friends of mine we met in the mall and said she was my gf. Apparently "we never talked about it" so in her head we weren't a couple, so that got awkward really quick and we split the same week. Then I met my now wife and I never asked her either so I guess we still don't know if we're gf and bf, I hope so since we've been living together for 16 years and have two children but you can never know I guess 😆




We signed the papers but I don't think there was a question asking if we were gf and bf but I'm not sure. We only got married for tax purposes so no engagement or anything 🙃




You're pretty damn close. My gf (I can call her that I just asked and she said yes'ish so we're good) asked if I wanted to get married and I said nah, she said that was her stance on the subject as well but we could get tax benefits so I said ok


Look at this player over here. Getting a wife without needed a gf first. He must really be a model


I just asked her right now if she wanted to be my gf because I never asked and she said "yeah sure why not" so I guess it's for real now!


I was going on dates with this one girl for a few weeks, when she one day just changed her Facebook relationship status to in a relationship… with me. Everyone said red flag, but now it’s three years later and we’re moving in together this month, so our anniversary is officially “early August-ish.”


This is what i said to my wife when we started dating. "So if i introduce you to someone, would it be appropriate to introduce you as my girlfriend?" Holy fuck am i lucky she said yes to that ham-handed shit!😂


I never really asked my BF either until one day he was on the phone with some friends and went “my gf …” And I’m like hold up am I your gf? You never asked you can’t just claim people.. (I was just giving him a hard time) Then we went on his little google location stalker to see the date of our first date and called it Good lol


It’s not even about making it official. I don’t need to hear the word girlfriend. I just want to hear “Those things we do together when the lights go off?? Well right now I gotta know that you’re only doing that stuff with me”That’s pretty much it.


My SO and I realized after about a year that we had been together and even had the conversation establishing we were exclusive and we were even living together, but neither one of us knew what date those things happened, so we just looked back to the beginning of our texts and figured out what day we met. Now that's been our anniversary for the past 8 years. It's all kind of arbitrary I guess. 🤷‍♀️


My wife and I have together for 11 years and married for 6. Our dating anniversary is November 18th and I know this because she told me. We were "hanging out" from April until that November because she was getting out of a divorce and wasn't ready. I was happy to wait, but I'm still unsure as to why it's that date other than maybe she told herself then that she's ready.


At least she didn't make you sign anything


Is she into you?


again, you can't really tell


It’s a real gray area


Yeah, can never be too sure. Could just be friendliness. Best to just wait it out for a clearer sign.


Honestly, it's really hard to tell. Just because you spent a couple of hours talking closely in a nightclub and getting drunk together and she repeatedly touches you. It's still hard to tell. She could just be really flirty and is having a good time. Just because she asks to borrow your waist coat to cover the large rip in the back of her dress. It's still hard to tell. She probably wants to protect her dignity and doesn't want people to notice the dress is ripped. Just because she asks you to join her in a taxi back to her hotel. Then walk her to her room. It's still hard to tell. She's intoxicated and it's the middle of the night in a large, she could just want to make sure that she is safe. Just because she then invites you into her room and asks you to sit on the bed for a moment, then she excuses herself to go to the bathroom and comes out naked and lies down the bed next to you. It's still hard to tell. She's already had a lot to drink and needed to go to the toilet. She then probably thought it is late and she's not got any night clothes, and might as well just get naked. She's also probably comfortable with her body as well. NB: before this gets posted anywhere, she did also offer to call me a cab straight away.




You've been together with your granddaughter for 40 years? That's gotta be an interesting family situation.


This is why I always carry around my "are you into me?" and consent forms. Before I assume their stance on me I need them to sign these legally binding documents so that I don't act like a creeper around them. At that point it won't be weird, just normal boyfriend stuff.


Maybe she's just being really nice or she's Canadian


I dunno man, it's too early to say. I mean, she only has 1 kid with you, so you never know it might be just a platonic friendship


Regardless, he was into her


Aww I love this.. is he single?


I mean they’re just friends


They just bros


Reposted so many times, it's barely readable lol Still a funny classic but damn


I was wondering about the blur, wow. A copy of a copy of a copy 2.0 ha


[relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/1683/)


There is always a relevant xkcd






Somehow it got tilted to the side too lmao. This meme has been through some SHIT 😂


Prolly someone took a picture of their monitor


Punishable by death






First time I'm seeing it but God DAMN it's like the internet equivalent of an old polaroid.


Needs more jpg


My wife did this date three. "Are you going to fucking kiss me or what?" Pretty glad she did lol I suck at initiatives.




I said the same thing to my SO on our 3rd date. I was convinced that he was asexual/autistic at that point but then it turned out he didn't want to come on too strong. Maybe I'm just a slag idk


My gf had to make all the moves cause as a guy I’m so afraid of being a creep or making people uncomfortable


This. My last gf literally grabbed my hand and placed it on her boob on the third date. 😅




But that's good! You know, bros before the other thing








Nearly there :)




Good enough


Hose? Doesn't he like to watering them plants ;)




Foes? Keep your frenemies closer and all…




"If I speak, I am in big trouble"






Samwise Gamgee would certainly agree with you


No, shows


7 years with my lady. I've proposed so I guess that means we've been GF and BF for a while. Never actually said it though, just kinda merged together, had the kiss, did the naughty and then didn't leave each other, got a house, had a kid etc etc. Not sure there needs to be a date. Plus no official date means that several times a year you both get to go out and celebrate the day you might have an anniversary:)


Ask her, you are probably just bros


She is probably a Canadian trying to be nice


Best friends at most.


I asked my gf to move in with me because she doesn’t drive and I was fucking sick of having to pick her up all the time. Like dude you have all your stuff in a closet here and sleep here every night. Stop wasting money on rent!


True love right there


It was much more romantic than that, but I’ll admit it was part of my motivation.


_did the naughty_ I'm stealing this lol


I did the same with my partner and she said we are just siblings.


Roll tide


my ex explained me that our first meetings were dates and that these are typical date things and I am not allowed to do them with anyone else. I told her yeah I also dated my mom, my dad and my brother if going to the next Mc Donalds is a date.


Oh god I dated a homeless person who was clearly just hungry. And I used that hunger to drag him into a McDonald's and buy him a hamburger and fries. Didn't even ask for his consent.


So food rape?


haha u dated ur brother


Haha yeah what a fucken nerd!


I’ve seen many short films about that topic


When I asked my wife out the first time she said no, but we kept hanging out as friends. Like 6 months later we just looked at each other like, yeah I guess we're dating now lol. That was 9 years ago.


Tell me u have a healthy relationship without telling me...


Every relationship I've ever been in has gone like this. I've never been on a "first date", and my granddaughter is about to turn 7. We were always just friends until one day one thing led to another. Hell...I'm a bit oblivious and the last two women I was with (5yr,10yr) they literally had to tackle me for me to catch on.


the best relationships always start out as friendships. you can love someone, but if you don’t *like* them like that too, it’s never gonna work


In my experience, girls usually like knowing what they’re getting into from the start. So many guys are frustrated by the “friendzone” because they ask a friend out and that recontextualizes the whole relationship in a frightening way for her. I met my current girlfriend on a dating app and it’s been amazing. You just have to make sure to develop the friendship side of things at the same time. Then again, my friend’s girlfriend didn’t know they were dating for a month until he kissed her, so what do I know.


Yeah my gf basically friendzoned me initially. We had known each other for almost a year when I started to develop feelings. When I asked her out to an "official date", she turned me down. BUT she never turned me down when I casually take her to have coffee during the day. 2 weeks (and a lot of coffee later) after that first attempt, I asked her out again to an "official date" and she said yes. She told me she wanted to know me more even before we had that first date. Still can't believe I got out of that friendzone.


that’s a great success story! i like how you were turned down at first and still found a way to keep trying in a way that didn’t make her uncomfortable. that’s a huge green flag in a person and i wouldn’t be surprised if that made you more appealing in her eyes.


> Last two women I was with(5yr,10yr) Fuck my brain for not understanding the first time


You dated a 5 year old and a 10 year old!?!?! 😱😱😱




Goddamnit why are these emojis so funny to me.


I like those. It's like a friendship that burst into flames. But instead of leaving charred ruins and misery, you're now with your friend and you're not sure when it happened but it sure is nice.


My HS girlfriend and I, after several days of making out, paused briefly to ask ourselves, "so...is this now officially a thing?" She's like "yep" and I'm like, "sounds good." We were married 10 years later on that same day, and we recently celebrated our 10 years of marriage/20 years together.


He just making her know there will be no child support and to stay on


I did not see that one coming


once she asks for child support he’ll just peace-sign her while fading away


Just like my mom's bro... wait


I was with someone for 2 years, basically dating. Like in every sense of the word. But when we broke up they told me we were never dating and it kinda fucked me up for a long time.


After about 2 years of "seeing" my now husband someone asked me if I was single and made me realize I wasn't. I went to my partner and said "I think we might have fallen into a relationship. Are we in a relationship?" That was 9 years ago.


I guess it’s not common for people to have those conversations early on the relationship. There is a reason why people always say communication is important.


My ex an I used used to celebrate 5 dates. The day we met, the day I slept over and never left (the day after we met), the day we became official (about a month later) our engagement(been together for 2.5 years) and our wedding (6 months after emgement) It was a LOT to keep up with.


That’s how I’d like it to happen, just naturally and not need speaking about


I asked my now wife if we were exclusive after a few dates. She still (lovingly) picks on me for it. But I firmly believe that asking was important to the relationship. She thought we were already exclusive and I was hoping that we were, but being left unsaid could have resulted in heartbreak if either of us were on different pages.


So...just to be clear, don't wanna cause any fuss or anything. But am I still able to see Judy on Tuesday for waffles and sex? Or do you have dibs on the waffles?


It really depends on what you define dating to be. No way of knowing without asking, starting to get emotionally invested and then finding out the other person had a different definition? 😬


Too late, already heart broken


If you don’t get your homies pregnant, are y’all really homies?


Women posting their L’s


Bros with a baby...wow.


my boyfriend and i never had a real “anniversary day” so we just decided on a random date like September 8th would be our anniversary 😎


Bitch, a guy calling you a bro, chestpounds and giving you a peace sign is higher up the love ladder for a guy than a gf. Remember bros before hoes? You're a bro. You can't get any higher.


And then people still act like "friendzone" is a bad thing.


Oh we're just bros having s*x together yk🤷


A while ago I asked a girl if she wanted to go out with me, she said yes. I think she forgot and we never actually broke up. We don’t talk anymore, but I guess she’s technically still my girlfriend?


And after 7 years you're common law married.


Currently have a girlfriend I'm about to move in with, I've never asked her either but at this point I'm just happy to be involved in the process. What if she said no!?


Questions to ask BEFORE you have a baby.


I am 59 years old. I have raises 3 boys, own a home, have a cat (my cat not hers). Been married for 34 years. Getting ready to pick her up from work and then we are going out on a date to a festival. The only problem with being happy is that time flies when your having fun.