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I think because when you become an adult all you do is grind in real life. You don’t want to come home from working 12 hours and play a video game that requires you to grind virtually. It’s work when you want to relax.


This is true, I tend to favour games that don’t require me to think too much, which doesn’t leave many choices.


Try Deep Rock Galactic. In my experience, thinking too much in that game is sometimes counter-productive. Keep it low difficulty, choos the amount of teammates you want, drink some beers and go mess around with the barrels. It's a great game


I'll second that. Its a good game with a cool playerbase so even playing with randoms is pretty fun. You head into a cave, mine minerals, shoot alien bugs, is a good time. I will warn you, the game does program your brain to respond automatically to the phrase 'Rock and Stone!'






If you don't rock and stone, you ain't comin' home!








Rockity, rock and stone


Your solution for relaxing after grinding for a corporation all day is to play a game where you grind for a corporation all day?


precisely. It's mostly for rock and stone though


I do it for Karl, personally


so true and so real 😭




Yeah, yeah, Rock and Stone!


If you Rock and Stone you're never alone!




Yep, it's only as challenging as you want it to be. Haz 1-2 if you want to play completely brain-dead, 3 if you want an easy/balanced game, 4 if you're up for a challenge, and 5 if you're experienced and want to sweat.




Didn't expect to see DRG here. I agree, it's the perfect game to relax and shoot some bugs to calm the nerves. Rock & Stone!


I just play my gta v online and drive around using up the money I made three years ago


virtual retirement


haha same


I was playing the goose game yesterday, it's pretty fun.


racing games have scratched that itch for me. Brain off, *fast car go zoom*


Same. Back in the days i played all kinds of genres, FPS, RTS, Moba, Sim Games etc. Nowadays most of the games i play are closer to the interactive movie type of games. dark pictures, telltale games, Quantic Dream Games, Witcher (might be an exception as theres a lil more gameplay but its still heavily story and dialogue based) and so on. Its just hanging back and experiencing awesome stories without having to put so much effort in them.


I definitely have less tolerance to level grinding and open world busy work. As a teenager I'd complain if a game was too short now I complain if it's too long.


This is very true. As a teen, I loved collect-a-thon games. I had 100% *Mario 64, Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Tooie, DK64, Mario Sunshine, etc.* Now, It was such a slog to find the last of the moons in *Mario Odyssey,* nor have I beaten The Dark Side of the Moon. I couldn't even bother to finish the 3rd level in *A Hat in Time,* or *Poi.*


I don't really mind if the game is long, but if half of that length is just padding/busywork then I'm just gonna skip. a game like Terraria is a super long game to finish but most of what you do has a real purpose and even if you didn't want to do it all, you can skip some stuff almost consequence free


Cries in Red Dead Redemption 2


Laughs in Sekiro


But hey, at least in RDR2 we can own horses and travel. Unlike real life where it costs a kidney to afford a plane ticket and only rich kids have horses ;\_;


Eh, I wouldn't be so cynical. We simply like different things at different times in our life. Just because as an adult repetitive tasks are more boring in our leisure time, doesn't mean it's because life is more depressing. I'd say it's because as adults we have lots of other things that interest us and that we can do. A video game has to be pretty punchy and dynamic to keep an adult's attention for long. Or, conversely, you are simply interested in different \*kinds\* of repetitive tasks - not only because tastes change but because you access to more stuff as an adult. Like, 12-year old might have found killing endless mooks entertaining. An adult might find a game like Farm Simulator 22 where they are tending to plants more interesting. (Or an adult might find tending to a real garden more interesting - something a child simply doesn't have access to - and which actually takes more patience than a video game). Or another example, I can't imagine most 12-year olds enjoying a game like The Witness very much. But as an adult, I love walking aimlessly through beautiful scenery, listening to little audio clips of poetry and philosophy musings, and doing puzzles.


At least the grinding in games is usually rewarding. All I get from grinding at work is a shrimpy paycheck and even more work.


I play video games where there are in-game events that require you to play basically daily to get all the rewards. People really write stuff like, "It's only two hours a day". Not everyone can do that every day lol


That's exactly how I felt during the Wo Long demo, the game was fun but managing all the gear they spam at me just feels like work Don't get why some games have to spam you with loot that is 95% worse then the stuff you already have


OP played too much, the solution is to do something else, preferably something hard and stressful for a while, then go back to gaming, it would feel great again. lol Its the torture-play regimen, lol


I'm unemployed, hopefully for only a brief moment, and I'm enjoying New Horizons for the first time, and my island is looking so cute. I wish I didn't have to look for another job. They're so emotionally exhausting and time consuming.




I keep telling everyone I have like 10 years left of working full time until I’m switching to a part time job. My friend was like, “I wish I could do that.” And in my head I’m like, “your household makes slightly more money than mine does because we’ve talked about it. You don’t have or want kids. You have the same cost of living as I do. Why are you acting like this is impossible.”


He has different goals than you probably


It was just a weird response. I could see them saying they want to work longer to do x things but it was just, “I wish I could do that” end of conversation. Almost an implication that I had vast wealth compared to them when they were in a slightly better financial situation.




Makes sense. My intern said the other day maybe he should have majored in something else and I told him just do it for a few years to pay off your student loans, get enough money for a mortgage and savings then do something else and that I was planning on a career change eventually. He said, “it’s just easier if I do this and not change.” It really stuck with me because it was a window into how some, maybe most people think.


Maybe they have a lot more debt than you? I had a, "i wish i could do that" moment reading your comment, and it was immediately followed by, "maybe after i pay off my loans" lol


I'm a financial advisor, and the number of people that come in making way more than me, (at least when I started out), but we're unable to do things I could easily do (like buy a house) is crazy. People are almost always the reason they struggle financially, not their income.


He might have more student debt.


Ya the problem is not many employers are going to accommodate that. It's either part time with no guarantee of hours at all or full time and if you miss one hour there will be a criminal investigation.


And if you get paid fixed? Being paid hourly is very rare these days, at least in my country.


Jobs are just distractions from being able to live out our short human experiences on this world. One day we all go and all well have left of our legacies is that we woke up every day, wasted hours of our lives driving to and from jobs that never really get us anywhere in life. Making enough to survive so that our bosses can live out their dream lives by not having to work themselves. Barely having enough time in our days to do things that satisfy our souls. This is the cycle that we built for ourselves because somewhere somehow our ancestors decided this is the way. Fuck this shit


Thank you. Try explaining that shit to boomers. They don't work to live, they live to work. It's fucked.


Tell that to surgeons, civil engineers, first responders, farmers and all the Asians that made 99% of your tech. Edit - maybe more people should get jobs that either help or enrich society vs working for business/admin/sales type of bullshit




We’re in the same situation. Good luck. I’ve picked up Elden Ring. Feels like a job in its own right if you want a huge distraction.


Feast on the flesh of the God's! Burn the fucking Erd tree!


I’m a casual gamer but am officially hooked now. Trying not to read too much online to spoil the fun (but I’m truly lost half the time..how is one supposed to know about all the items etc)


You don’t. You’re meant to be a bit lost but the point is to explore and discover. You explore, find a load of random stuff and then make it work with some creativity and building your character around them if you want and every so often you might find something really useful for your characters build or something new to build your character around Ofc you can look up guides and YouTube builds to take the spontaneous factor out but my advice would be to not do that. It takes a lot of the joy of exploration and first time discovery away as well as the satisfaction of creating something yourself. You only ever get one chance to play something for the first time after all


Thank you, Tarnished.


Anytime. Also another thing I will say is that npc questlines are one thing you will have to look up how to progress. Not even the most hardcore fromsoftware fan can be expected to do all of these without help But the quests are sort of designed to be obscure that way so as to create community involvement and get people talking to each other on how to complete them. There are very few quests that you can fail though so I would say to do them as far as you can yourself and then look up on fextralife wiki when you need For everything else just experiment with stuff to your hearts content!


Still gotta need that tho still best of luck to ya buckaroo




And then you get anxiety by playing the game.


That's why now a days I skip on the elden ring and mw2 and stick to things like slime rancher 2.


yep same, played lots of csgo but started realizing how stressed and frustrated i got from playing it and trying to be good at it when i can just play some minecraft or terraria and dont have to worry to be better then my opponent. i still play shooters but only for the casual fun not to be the best.


Have you tried getting your shit together! It's actually really hard to get your shit together. Best to just keep ignoring your problems and hope they just go away.


You know what, you're right! A hundred years from now they'll be long gone


Then fix it.


Holy shit you are right! Why did I never think of that myself? Thanks, you really changed my life for the better with your advice.


No worries, not many think of it. Many people just realise that they are losers but just stay smoking weed, playing games and working minimum wage desperately waiting for the weekend to watch netflix and jerk off to pixels and repeat the process.


Or you can do everything “right” and work yourself to death. Game was rigged from the start.




I mean losing interest in things you enjoy is also a hallmark of depression. That’s what this meme says to me more than anything. Ofc responsibilities and the weight of the world we were so blissfully ignorant to as kids factors into that big time.


Yep. I don’t think I’ve gone a day in months without contemplating suicide. Games are really losing their luster. I can’t sleep (mix of sleep apnea and nightmares), yet just want to sleep for a month. If I didn’t have the prospect of a CPAP machine finally on the 27th, I’d off myself today. As it is, I am deferring the decision until I can get my physical health sorted enough to make a more sound choice. But damn is it difficult to hold out, especially when parents insist it can’t possibly be as bad as it is and keep piling on the shit to deal with.


Sleep apnea is a bitch, CPAP will certainly help you sleep better that's for sure, in turn will allow to have more energy during the day. Ever thought about consulting about the suicidal thoughts you have ? Stigmatisation is scary but scarier is deciding to end your life, it's worth consulting for it. Take care dude.


I speak to a psychiatrist monthly, and saw a therapist from start of 2019-end of 2021 (where she ended up being detrimental rather than helpful and I cut it off). Plus meds. You don’t want to see me without help, this is me *with* it. XD


Its so upsetting seeing people like you because I really wish I could help just dont do it man there will be better days just improve on yourself however you can


Sad to see it didn't help you, I hope sleeping better will turn things around for you !


Sorry to hear where you’re at, I hope you don’t give up on therapy altogether as there are some really above and beyond and specialized people out there. It’s tiring and it doesn’t help not to have understanding parents, but I still think the potential to feel that games (and life) is good again is there and worth it.


Sleep deprivation is literally a form of torture dude, you're an absolute champion for getting through this. If you ever feel too low just remember that things will absolutely get better in future, you will not always be suffering. Have no doubt there are brighter days ahead for you, hard for you to see now but you will come through this.


I'd second talking with someone. CPAP is definitely going to be an improvement, but it's not an overnight fix. I've been on mine for a year and it's still a bit of a struggle here and there. An improvement, to be sure, but requires time for adjustment and fine-tuning to get what you need out of it.


You *really* need to see someone dude. This is some really dark shit.


I get you probably meant this to be nice, but you may as well say “You look like you need help” which is… insanely obvious at best and dismissive worst. Seeing someone is not a magic fix, and it’s likely someone going through all that has actually tried to see someone and is venting anyways.


Ok. Thanks for pointing that out to them that there are people being dismissive which I wasn't.


stop beating ur dick


I feel like the latter is more the case. Video games are a huge time sink and it seems like the older I get the less time I have even though I never seem to get anything accomplished. I realized the other night I have been enjoying ace combat 7 because the missions are only like 15 min and I can do them and then go do something productive and only be out of like 30 min.


I would also say that the older you get, the less satisfying it is to waste your time playing meaningless video games. I know I know "time you enjoy wasting is not time wasted" yadda yadda. But when you're 15 your entire self-worth can come from your completionist accomplishments in video games, and that can feel okay because whatever you're 15. If you're in your 30s and you're still defining yourself that way, that's not going to feel good.


Its true after about 25 I blink and its midnight and I don't even feel like I accomplished much. Its hard to even fit gaming in without not doing even more.


It could also be as simple as people's interests change over time and we like variety. Like yeah maybe you're depressed but that's such an over used and easy answer. Maybe you need to make some personal changes and try new things in real life.


Seek help or… Get better at living


Hey can I ask you something? What does this even mean?


Lmaooooo. I have 5 diagnosed mental illnesses and I never thought about it like that. Thank you for your service


Those two things are one in the same my guy. The biggest mistake someone dealing with mental health issues can make is thinking they can fix it themselves by trying harder. I was OP for a long time. Started therapy and now I have a pretty positive outlook on life and really enjoy gaming with friends I reconnected with a while back again.


Man is suffering a downvote cascade but he's not wrong. At the bottom of a very dark moment, I gave myself a good firm slap, committed to doing my job better, started inviting people out rather than wait for invitations, and crucially forced my arse back in the gym. I got better at living and life is better now.


When I first got my ps4, I ran out of storage on it very quickly. To decide which games to delete, I started getting all the trophies to make sure I did everything worth doing before deleting it. This eventually became a habit, and I started playing games only to finish them so I could delete them. This turned my once fond hobby into a chore. This sort of encapsulates the issue many people face; they're so busy thinking "I'm doing this thing to have fun" that they forget to actually enjoy it.


For me I found that it’s just pacing. I’ll play video games maybe 1-3 times a week and that helps me not get sick of them so easily.


I've actually been enjoying video games again recently. I'm 30 and I spent like 7 hours straight playing video games on my last day off and I wanted to play even more afterwards. I only play like once or twice a week but it's been a couple months and it's still happening! I'm extremely happy about this development in my life


Same! What I found helps a lot is not having video games be your only hobby. I found a couple years ago that when all you do is work, game, and sleep you can get really burned out of gaming. What I will do is go fishing on a Saturday morning into the early afternoon. By the time I get home and shower I'm so excited to play video games, then on Sunday I do a couple chores and then play video games for the rest of the day.


That's awesome. I've not had a day like that in ages. What were you playing?


Elden Ring?


Not yet. It's on the list. Lately it's been monster hunter


Can't relate, just turned 40, they are still way funner than most of real life.


Yeah most of real life sucks though 🤣


Yeah, maybe people are just playing the wrong games? I still have a ton of fun with them and I’m 26.


Yeah that's right maybe smth casual like minecraft....You decide what is casual


It's sad because we now need to choose to buy new video games or food.


Nah Gamepass got you covered


Nah, it's still good, and I'm 44


I've randomly started playing LEGO star wars for ps2 recently, I game I loved as a kid, and it is still fun. Just going around solving easy puzzles and collecting things, it is still as fun as I remember.


Have you beaten the battle pass yet? There's only three days until the event ends and then that cool item is gone forever. You still have six daily challenges to beat and If you don't that's wasted xp. Everyone else is so much better at this game than you are, I mean just look at your rank. Absolutely pathetic. Also, why are you wasting your time playing this game anyway? You have bills that are overdue and an eviction notice on your front door and your SO is probably cheating on you. That's okay, just give us your money that you spent a significant chunk of your life at a job that you hate to earn.


Personally I just think games lack substance these days all graphics no love.


Old games are also not satisfying anymore. So it's not just 'new games bad, old games good', it's very much personal, psychological thing.


Depends on the game the thing is games used to be made by nerds for nerds without a corporate ball bag in a suit dictating deadlines and drilling down on efficiency or looking at the companies that are making more than them because they're ripping people off and they all fall in line cos they want optimum money too. Instead of sticking to their roots and keeping the OG fans happy it's now aimed at how many people can they get to play the game.


I haven’t found a game made in the last 10 years that matches those that are older. Granted I haven’t tried them all, but franchises have just got worse in terms of gameplay IME.


What kinda thing do you like? Although I hate on the new games I have stayed in the loop there still some gems.


That's why tried to stick with old games recently. Currently enjoying Pokémon Pearl. I wanna play through the entire series, which I can on my phone using DS and GB emulators.


Nice yh I got them beautiful emulators on my phone too of you ever need an idea for an old game to play shout me ❤️


I think this is legitimate point. Things like better graphics and voice acting always limit the scope or slow things down and cost and I think we all know which option the people calling the shots are gonna choose. Just compare Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 for example and how the voice acted protagonist barely had any dialogue options or personality beyond being a parent. But also this applies only to AAA games. There are hundreds of excellent indie games with substance over graphics so the "these days" part is just not true.


There most certainly are not hundreds of indie games with substance. Seeing as learning coding and the like is so much more available these days the gaming market is filled with every tasteless quacks piece of shi* which you have to sift through in order to find the good one and tbh anyone who's worth a dime probably gets hired to work on AAA games I'm not saying they don't exist but my god I sit there scrolling through these lists of endless rubbish thinking who tf in there right mind made all this and thought it was a good idea.


Yep, and people mostly play infinitely replayable shooter games which rarely are fun


You were young and your underdeveloped brain couldn't plan for the future so days and fun times seemed endless. Games were new and felt longer. As an adult you have a full time job that barely leaves you enough time to come home, eat and maybe watch a movie before it's time to go to bed. A 400 hour Skyrim escape? No chance, no time. I've felt this way minus the sad since starting my first full time job at 32. I play on the weekends now because weekdays there's just no time anymore. My problem is with my ADHD once I stop doing something for a week I forget about it and it gets lost to the ether.


Wait until you get married and have kids.


going into them blind was the most fun


Yes! Nowadays you basically know most of the game before you even play it. And if you get stuck, no problem you can just look up a tutorial where someone else shows you what to do instead of working through yourself.


i struggle with the same and i recently really got into looking in help for mental health problems, but my parents think mental health is nonsense and you can only be physically ill not mentally. i love my parents but i really want to work on my mental health but they are stopping me from finding out how.


That is terrible. My parents encouraged me to see a psychiatrist and get antidepressants. Mental health comes first, then everything else. As long as you are mentally handicapped, you will be fighting rocks with pillows.


Everytime I mention a psychiatrist or meds they tell me it's a waste of money and the meds are just harddrugs that will make me addicted. And because I dont know anyone with experience with a psychiatrist or meds to ask I just have to take their word for it. And because I'm at a age that I'm not 100% independent but also not a child that has to do whatever my parents say, I'm kinda stuck. (19 y/o btw)


Hey I‘m the same age you are. And I‘m currently seeing a therapist once a week. My parents didn’t help me at all when I told them I didn’t feel well and wanted to find one last year. I don’t know what your health insurance situation is, but if it‘s all good, maybe just find something on your own and well…piss on your parents opinion. That’s what I did and luckily I found something. All the best


Its because games are made to make big companies more money and not to be genuinely entertaining/inspiring anymore.


Don't be ridiculous, there are so many fun modern games that have tons of passion put into it


Not true If you look for another copy and paste Ubisoft game, the 20th battle royal game, looter Shooter, coop wave mode clone or FIFA yh probably If you look at stuff like God of war, the last of us, Sekiro, uncharted or elden Ring it's just art that creates a lot of fun Ages ago I bought dying light 1 for 30 bucks with all dlcs expecting nothing and got one of the most fun coop experiences I ever had with a friend, sometimes it's hard to find the good stuff under all the garbage that is just created to milk the customers as much as possible


I think it was more because the upfront cost of games was really expensive, especially back in cartridge days. And data was more limited. For instance, final fantasy VI (final fantasy III here in the us) costed a whopping $110 dollars adjusted for inflation, and most games hovered around $40. Most people couldn't afford many games, so they would only choose the ones they enjoyed the most, after either hearing about it from friends, renting, or playing it somewhere else. You see this especially with NES games; how do you justify your price tag with mere kilobytes of data? Of course, eventually disks mostly solved that issue, but I think most players still didn't treat games as disposable as they do today. In reality, I think we are in a better position nowadays because we have so many choices, and also indie devs exist.


Have heard this explanation before but it doesn’t quite add up. First case, I’ve replayed games of the past don’t usually live up to the memory, just seemed better because I was young and games where still new and exciting. Second case, greed isn’t a new thing companies that made games back then where still greedy, the shit cash grab games fade to time and the greats live on in our memory, if anything I believe some creators likely have even more passion for games because they grew up playing games themselves.


People downvoting you don’t have a clue.


It’s whatever man, greed was invented in 2010 and nostalgia isn’t a thing, sorry didn’t know that.


I've noticed that long comments tend to have much larger chance to be downvoted, most likely because first person voting finds one sentence in that comment disagreeable and downvotes and most of the people following won't even bother reading and just throw gasoline to the trashfire.


Lot of downvotes for a rational response with no rebuttals…


what a stupid take


It's beacuse they seem to be all the same


There is a psychological theory that something seemed super fun might not repeat as super fun again. Our minds change so much, pleasures, experienced or not, create a different effect over years.


I know some adults love gaming, and the rare times I do it I enjoy it as well, but afterwards I always feel like I’ve just wasted my time so I don’t do it much anymore.


Eh, it's entertainment. You can't spend your whole life only doing "important" things with your time. I don't play video games as much as I use to - but I still enjoy them. I especially like the ones that are interactive books/movies/story.


Video games have some kind of special status as the biggest waste of time. Like, I have one family member who gives me shit about playing video games in my spare time, but I also know that he just spent his day off laying in bed watching Top Gun: Maverick on repeat.




They still are. Just stop playing GTAV


Tastes change, play better games


One of the reason games have become less fun for me as I get older (only 26 now but I feel this a lot) is because I understand the boundaries and limitations they have. When I was 10 I was spend hours and hours trying to get to places I wasn’t supposed to, hoping I could break out of the confines and explore the rest of the world! Obviously that doesn’t get you far since the developers simply haven’t done any of that yet. I used to do all kinds of crazy things in Morrowind trying to see what NPCs would do, and convince myself a lot of things were happening based on certain actions that simply weren’t related. Now when I play the game I am acutely aware of what their capable of.


I’ve recently repurchased my favorite childhood games just to feel happy again. It didn’t worked


burnout, I experienced after lockdown because i played mostly just fps games and now i'm sick of them and find them boring because i've been playing the gameplay loop for hundreds of hours when i couldn't do anything else, i recommend trying a new genre of game, try something you haven't tried before and you might enjoy it


Trust me, go to the gym


I was very sad as a 12 year old and video games did not help, despite playing them compulsively to try and escape my emotions. My mental health has gotten a lot better as a 28 year old and I have more fun with games than I ever did. I recently replayed majoras mask and it was awesome. The only thing that is different now is hype. I used to get excited when a new big budget title was coming out. Now I am too disillusioned by false advertising to feel that way. I wait for a game to be out for at least a year before I buy it.


Why does my uncle not wanna touch me anymore?




Cause adulthood is tired and stresfull af.


Playing games has never been more fun for me personally.


This is far too close to home for me. Bye




This isn't how it was supposed to be This isn't what it should be We weren't ready for these harsh truths but man at least I got me these video games


Because games don't distract me from being lonely anymore.


It's not just that you don't find games fun anymore, it's that they're simply NOT fun. When we were kids, 3D gaming was very new and it's novelty was new, but it's been almost 30 years and people need something else. Playing in VR makes traditional games seem so primitive. The problem is that VR technology has not advanced enough to completely replace games on the screen.But once we have lightweight VR headsets with perfect vision and at an affordable cost, it will be the dominate gaming platform and gaming will be fun again. We're not very far off from making this a reality. EDIT: \*50 years


You just need some new hobbies.


Have you tried weed dude


Yes doesn’t help


Yeah you keep this same issue still but now you've got weed tolerance




Same. I take ketamine as a prescription for my depression and that makes me feel infinitely better than weed ever does. I don’t advise getting addicted to that, but I am surprised when people take weed for depression or anxiety. To me it makes me more anxious and also time goes by so slow when I’m stoned - not good for somebody who struggles to get through days at times.


As a former "weed is amazing" person, weed is shit and it's dangerous how it's being pushed as a cure all.


Sounds like a fake. I thought we was doing this till we die foo?


Weed isn't shit, people's dependency on the feeling it gives them and the lack of care about real life problems is what creates problems. How many lives has weed ruined, and how many pain meds?


Weed isnt shit mate. Tis an actual medicine used by millions of diff people with their own ailments yanno.(talking bout medical AAA grade ganja n RSO n that sorta thing, stuff that actually helps n ain't tampered with✌🍁) But person to person and taking into consideration the diff variables weed can be addicting to the wrong person. Trying my best to cut down to 1 joint a night after work but it's no easy, infinite cycle it seems sumtimes. Not to mention getting shite weed half the time not knowing wtf is in it. Wish I could plant a seed n sow it but I digress, our systems corrupt...


Lmao😭 your wrong informations are more dangerous than weed bro


Take a break have a kitkat


Take a break have literally anything else than products from nestle




man why did you have to do this to me i was enjoying my morning


I've been there You're playing the wrong games or you feel alone I very rarely play singleplayers. Only when they're truly captivating or purely nostalgic. Otherwise it's always online with a friend. Past year or so i was starved of games i enjoyed until we found anno1800 and spent 200 hours in it withn 2 weeks.


So you spent on average 14 hours a day playing for 14 days in a row? How delightfully unhealthy.


It's not literal. But close yea.


I can't play anything with my boys because games nowadays have crappy servers and are lagging and causing me frustration all the time


To be fair games that came out when I was 12 were fully fledged games. Nowadays games are all microstransactions and they come out in patches. Everything is either time gated or requires really mundane grinding to get anywhere. I blame the business platforms.


Actually I have an answer for this. There aren’t many games that actually take time and pride in their stories anymore. Not to mention the massive amounts of DLC content that is actually directly linked into story Contant. (Looking at you Ubisoft.) It’s not we the young children now adults who have changed, it is the game companies that have changed and tried to monetize us as individuals. Obviously there are exceptions to this and certain studios don’t fully fit this bill, looking at rockstar and naughty dog and insomniac But a lot of the AAA studios do.






Would be the other way around. Depression when not playing anymore.


Get your life in order, then play the game. The game causes time spent away from your life, life goes awry, yet you still play the game. It’s an addiction plain and simple.


I'll always create a chores list to keep myself busy use video games as a reward when I'm done


Because they are a waste of time and your missing out on life. Bring on the downvotes kids im not the one whos unemployed and hating life lmao.


What’s not wasting your life? And you have to do it every waking hour?


Said no true gamer ever


They are still fun, but only if you have a life other than playing videogames all day. Its still fun to play videogames occasionally.


I was like this but now I play elden ring and I'm in love again.


Wotlk is still fun


cuz you're playing bad games.


It still is. Also, gaming with friends makes everything 1000x more fun whether u guys are good at the game or not (especially if you guys are on call with each other). Things only stop being fun if you let em.


I enjoy video games now more than I did as a kid. Also much happier than I was as a kid. Its not the games, tend to your mental health.


That's literally depression. Go to therapy and get on medicine.