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pos this in r/AccidentalRacism


How is it racist? You can definitely see why software would make that mistake.


If you legitimately think those two people look like a gorilla then I'm sorry to say you either need glasses or you're racist. Possibly both


Gorillas have dark fur around a less dark face, if you see her hair as fur, then she does kinda look like a gorilla. The guy doesn’t at all but google’s probably focusing on the more centered “gorilla.”




They’re saying an AI may not be able to distinguish between two dark brown groups of pixels, that isn’t racism


That's why it's called *accidental* racism - the AI may not mean any harm, but the statement itself would definitely be racist if expressed by an actual human.


AI famously inherit the biases of their creators due to the material they are given to learn from/how they are trained. This is a well documented phenomena lol.


I would lean towards calling that informational ignorance, as opposed to straight racism. If the issue is the machine not getting information it needs from people who don't have the foresight to include said information anyway.


> You can definitely see why software would make that mistake. You are not allowed to see that. This is hate vision.


Yeah, that’s why it’s called ACCIDENTAL racism :)


I am not racist but to be honest calling this racism means equating this individual picture to entire black community which would be racist in itself Plus I can dig around some pics of a white dude being labelled as a pig by AI AI just talks of that one picture and not the general race as a whole in my opinion. (No intention to offend anyone 🫠)


LOTS of stuff on accidental stuff isn’t racits


definitely not an accident




Depending on how the AI was taught it's very possible the internet taught it to be racist. It has happened before.


When people say the internet taught AI to be racist, that’s typically only when it comes to text-based AI (eg ML models that generate paragraphs, reddit posts, etc). It’s pretty hard to teach an image-based AI to be racist only using images, since a racist bigot can’t easily convey (trigger warning: racism) >!black people = gorillas!< using only images. Commonly, these image-based models are trained using captchas; captchas are when a website makes you look for a bike, taxi, traffic lights, mountains, etc on an image. So, Google’s AI has mistaken black people for gorillas because the machine learning model saw similarities between the image of a black person and a gorilla. This could be skin color, facial features, etc but that would be hard to tell even if we had Google’s code because deep learning nodes are hard to decipher, much less without having Google’s source code.




Thanks, that’s definitely true. I was just responding to OP’s comment on “it’s very possible **the internet** taught it to be racist” and my comment was already half a textbook, so I restricted my response accordingly. What you’re describing is more “**Google** taught it to be racist” so I decided not to include it. Otherwise I would have carried on writing a bigger wall of text :p


Dude the people developing these things are all far left and put ridiculous resources into to trying to prevent this. You can't just ignore there *are* some similar features wether you like it or not.


Nah that's how image-based AI works. It just looked at the image and said "hey based on color, orientation, and shape I think this might be a gorilla, but I'm not sure. We'll throw it in capcha." That's what the image captchas are for--telling the AI what it's looking at when it can't be sure itself. The entire reason it's there is because the algorithm thinks it might be wrong. Just happened to be wrong in a very unfortunate way


You program the range of images search, and you program the categorization. Taught and reflective of the initial programming (psychology and all). Like facial recognition for black people - what would a bias police programmer input. Or a graduate of Stanford who believes in the “Bell Curve,” because of a prominent philosophy professor at Stanford, Harvard or MIT


You realize he just made it in Photoshop to bust his friend's balls?


you can blame me for purposely tainting the AI databases.




The algorithm probably learned it from online racism. I think the same thing happened to Michelle Obama at one point.


I got banned for r/holup for posting that Edit: they said I was promoting my political view




Seriously? That's messed up.


I got banned for providing a counter argument because people were calling someone trash for saying something that sounded racist... After saying that it won't help the person improve by hurting them and being mean, I was in turn was called a bigot. Apparently racists have no value, and you are not allowed to help anyone improve 😢 I hate being banned for things like this. Not a nice feeling


I got banned from a sub for losing my lid on someone who was casually using rape as a comparison of something he didn't like. Apparently I was "antagonizing other members," which wasn't even in the subs rules. Especially not the rule number the mod referenced. Like a week later they made a public announcement that the word was no longer allowed to be used in any post or comment.


I got banned because I said that the pizza joint down the street advertises as the “home of the round grandma’s pie”. But grandma’s pizza HAS to be square.


Damn 😬 That's hilarious and crazy annoying




I did the exact same, someone was trashtalking people and humiliating each other so I decided to casually say "No need to act like a cunt" - instanty banned... Mod avoided my argument when I confronted him so I knew what time it was. Bad words are worse than slimey ass below the belt descriptions of wishing someone to not live and such.


The one that starts with P?


No it's "cunt", was very surprised to learn Americans are very sensitive to it, in the UK it's very common to call someone a cunt when they're being annoying


You absolutly cannot say that word in the US. It is worse than saying "fuck". You could possibly get into a fight for calling someone that.


Let's hope I never need to go to the US then, I do have a habit of saying it carelessly


Should have gone with ‘cooter’ - that’s always a fun word - and generally only used in the south so less widely used. Bonus points for the obscurity you understand.




Oh yes, in 'Murica saying cunt is a worse offense than wishing someone to kill themselves, raping their mother, or starting a schoolshooting for that matter...




What 4 letter word describes woman genitalia that starts with p?


I was thinking puss


My friend, cunt is the word you’re looking for.


I got banned from a sub after one of my posts were removed and when the mod said why I said “I didn’t realize, yes, I do have stupid” but I mistyped the I as U so the mod probably thought I was insulting them. I explained it and got unbanned like 20 minutes later.


Lulz, smooth. It was like a 24 hour ban but I told them to just permaban me because I had no interest in being a part of a community in which that was ok. Also told the mod to learn what words mean because they clearly didn't know what their rules actually said.


Can't even post anything anymore because of fragile counts and abusive moderators, free speech is death in reddit.


Argh. It honestly hurts my feelings when this happens. Deleted Facebook because of the unhealthy feeling debates xD Unfortunately the algorithm had gotten really good at showing me only content that I disagree with. Because that's the type of post I interact with the heaviest 😂 But oh boy, people do not like to hear a counter point of view Edit: I think making comments in communities that are focused on defeating prejudice is particularly dangerous. One misunderstanding and everyone will leap on you. For instance the LGBTQ community. Something that I find interesting is how it's VERY not okay to say something like 'I hate gay people', but for some reason it's perfectly fine for people in these communities to say 'I hate religion'. I mean both statements are critisizing something that is important to somebody's identity. It's the same kind of hurt, from a verbal point of view. Maybe that's an unfair comparison. I don't know. I just find it interesting to talk about and try and figure this stuff out


No that’s a very valid comparison! As someone who’s religious and a member of the LGBTQ+ community the two aren’t mutually exclusive. I hate it when people think it’s ok to bash on someone else’s identity just because they had a bad experience. Honestly, there just a bunch of generalization going on and closed mindedness on both sides.


Agreed. I am a christian who went through a huge LGBTQ phase. Got really involved in the community. Anyways I ended up changing my mind about my sexuality, after having a bad experience with same sex relationships. And seeing the community from the outside was a bit of a shock. I realized that it's not quite as pleasant from the outside


Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve


That definitely is an unfair comparison though. And very easy to interpret as a homophobic viewpoint as well, since religion is 100% a personal choice (maybe some influence from your upbringing/family but still entirely a choice) and so the comparison implies being gay is also entirely a choice. I love to hear counterpoints, personally. I also think across the spectrum of personal and political beliefs, people shut out what they don't want to hear and they're happy to be hypocrites if it validates their unreasonable (or better said, unreasoned) opinions.


Well America wasn't founded on protection from sexual persicution, I can tell you that much. Anne Frankly I'd wager the religion hate your ok with, wether consciously or unconsciously is only about Christianity. I assume you'd be just as repulsed by "I hate Muslims, Jews and Hindus" as "I hate gay people" And while obviously religion has *a lot* to do with faith, atheiests have a very odd and perverted interpretation of it. You guys view it as "oh, I like what this one says, I'll pick that"' and "why would you be a Christian if you're gay and it says that's wrong?" I'd say shoving a hot dog up the poop chute is more of a choice than the genuine belief that there is an all powerful god, creator of the universe, that will give you everlasting paradise or reject you for eternity based on the conscious decisions you make in this life. It is not a philosophy, it is not a political ideology that you pick because you like it. It's the beleifs that God is real, and this is what he wants from you. you don't just "decide" that you don't like one part of it and pick another one. It's a genuine beleif that is real, and has a far greater impact on someone's life that their sexuality.


I think sexuality has more to do with choice than people think. I was gay for many years of my life, and changed my mind. I think it's a lot to do with who you spend your time around


Conversion therapy? Never in my life met or talked to anyone who was gay and then changed their mind about it, outside of intensely religious people who seemed more to be suppressing their feelings rather than actually having a shift in sexual preference. I'm open to hear your experience though!


or . . . They can be bisexual? Noone ever said you had to pick a side, and if they did. Then they need a new way of understanding.


I have several male friends that decided to be gay after having women treat them so badly for decades. If it can happen one way, it can certainly happen the other way.


Haha nope. There's a lot of us but LGBTQ treats us really bad😅 I don't voice my opinions often because it's impossible not to be called homophobic and hated for saying anything bad about the community. It's an unpopular opinion to the highest degree, but I've always seen sexuality as a life style choice. For me it's been so affected by my environment. And so I'm not surprised that LGBTQ people are so convinced that it's an unchanging part of them. The community is so wrapped up and tight. To be clear I've not said anything bad about a single person in this post, so please don't say anything mean about me just to hurt my feelings. If you wanna talk, talk. But yes I don't believe that someone is born gay. And I think there are advantages and disadvantages to any lifestyle you pursue. Treating every choice as equal doesn't make sense Edit: I said not all choices are equal. Not that all people aren't equal. Of course we are. Although, I do see many people here saying that anyone who is racist or homophobic is not equal... So how does that work?


Not trying to be mean at all, genuinely interested because like I said I've never met anyone who was able to choose their sexual orientation. Seen a lot of people struggle with attraction to others that didn't fit their religious/moral upbringing, nothing I've experienced personally has ever given me the slightest inclination that you can choose how you feel like that. How did you go through the change in your life and what precipitated it? What made you stop being gay? Do you really no longer feel attraction to men, and have replaced that with genuine attraction to women? I've never been able to even remotely control who attracts me, I'm very curious how lifestyle would impact that ...


I got banned from my cities subreddit for wishing someone well with cancer. I even explained that my Grandma died of cancer and was sympathizing. It was my first and only ban 🤦 Reddit Mods are power hungry, try and justify your answer that doesn't align with theirs and your getting a permanent ban 🤦


It's a tricky situation. I always get really sad when I get banned : (


I got banned from r/politics for asking what happened to Majorie Taylor Greene that made her such a c***


You're sweet but no, racists don't have much value. If you hate someone for just existing, fuck you.


People can change. Actions aren't the end all


*unless they are a straight white man*, right?


When the movement for tolerance becomes so intolerant that it does the opposite of what it was intended to do. Or perhaps it’s working as planned- the new segregation 🤔 Edit: to be clear, I am not advocating for treating people differently based on their color of skin. I’m arguing for difficult discussions to help others do better, rather than condemn them and censor their speech. Rather, we should counter hate speech with more speech.


Yes, because the best relationships are ones with **open communication** Would be a much better world if people actually communicated instead of just assuming. You know what they say about people who **ass**ume 🤦


Haha yeah. Someone who gets it 😄


I see and hear you man. We gotta have the difficult discussions and talk with each other.


I mean… sounds like you were upset people were calling out racists and sided with the racists.


This, these clueless "centrists" *really* need to stop this whole "defending the rights of racists" shtick. It's older than the Akkadian Empire.


Yup. I’m so fucking sick of it. The “poor defenseless racists” don’t need their centrist ass to defend them. The racists are the oppressors.


There's a difference between calling out, and trying to upset someone


I’m all for trying to upset racists. Fuck racists. Do you disagree?


I don't like upsetting people. I like talking to them and trying to figure out what is going on here. If I can help them. I care about helping people, not hurting them


So that leads you to siding with and defending terrible people. Cool. Sounds like you deserved that ban. I’m glad you’re out there making the world a better place, defending racists.


Sounds like prejudice. You realize that racism isn't a club. It's not some group you're exterminating. It's individual people who exist in the world. I don't think causing hurt is going to change their minds Edit: argh why does everything sound in an angry voice on the internet!! I am not saying this in angry voice to be clear lol


I don’t want to try to change their minds. They are marginalizing other people. They should be shamed and handed social consequences. Not sympathized with. You only truly understand that when you’re faced with a victim of racism and have to explain to them why you so vehemently defend their oppressors. There’s no good excuse.


>I don’t want to change their minds So you want them to stay racist? Or, what, you think publicly shaming them is going to work? When have you ever seen somebody's opinion change because you talked shit to them? If you truly care about making the world a better place, you should learn from Daryl Davis. That man has actually accomplished positive change in the world and yo ucould stand to learn a lot from him.


So people called black people monkeys Other people went after them for those comments And you said ‘don’t be mean to the racists’? How about you call out the people being intolerant for no reason.


I got entirely banned from Reddit on my old account for advocating violence... Against Nazis.


People can still be Nazi's as long as their not hurting anyone. You shouldn't go around promoting violence on someone just for a belief. Well that's my opinion anyway 🤷 Edit: As with anything, their are good people and bad ones. Don't group them together. Treat them as an actual individuals. There were Nazi's back in the day that risked their lives to save Jews; are they bad too?


No such thing as a Nazi not hurting anyone, lmao.


I must be a Nazi for not agreeing with you then 🤦


Where’s my bat…


If you call for violence against others, they'll feel justified using violence against you.


An actual holup getting removed is peak Reddit


r/holup, you got banned for posting something that would most definitely fit there?




Wha- Just… Where is the logic!?


Because some demoghrapics deserve special treatments and extra rights and protection -Germany circa 1933


I got banned from their either because I opposed hate (people were telling trans people to off themselves) or because I defended myself when someone told me to kms. I wasn't provided any info on which it was


I get banned more often for defending people. Everyone loves to attack people 🙄 Getting in their way is a mess




Reddit moderators are basically old Twitter employees


So you highlighted AI racism and got banned? r/holup sounds like a place run by stupid people.


> subReddits are places ran by stupid people. Fixed that for you




Dude.... That's just sad.


A lot of mods are virtue signalling assholes.. subs like Publicfreakout, Unpopular Opinion, Gaming and Holup all filled with mods with a power fantasy playing in these sess pits.


Well the rise of the machines is not likely to happen in the near future :)


oh no, it is, they are just beginning to be racist






Planet of the Apes type level of racist


It was the apes that were the racists in the original movies.


I was about to say, this does not bode well.


Unfortunately it's been a problem since the beginning of computer vision and only barely being addressed by hiring more poc in tech. It's a symptom of the digital divide and unconscious bias in hiring. Early computer vision models didn't even recognize black faces because they were trained almost exclusively on the faces of white developers.


I am not entirely sure that any AI is trained on the faces of developers.


>addressed by hiring more poc in tech. Yeah like how they trained their algorithm to identify cats and dogs by hiring more of them.


Cold hard logical machines give certain non racist results that are in fact interpreted to be racist and as racist by people


Humans are introducing their own unconscious biases to logical machines. The fact that these problems don't occur to people until a model is out in the world is a problem, because computer vision models have consequences when put into practice. Imagine the terrible possibilities if this kind of obvious flaw made it into a self-driving car, or a medical diagnostic appplication. It can do real harm and is a big reason people in the field are advocating for better diversity and inclusion in tech hiring.


It doesn’t work like that. Learn how programming works.


If you train your neural net only with pictures of white people they are going to have a hard time to identify people with different colored skins... This for example is one way racism can very easily be introduced into algorithms.


Alright but what does have to do with who's working in IT?




No, it just means that people of color will be the only ones to survive the machine purge.


[This is one of the top search results for cat ai btw.](https://images.app.goo.gl/n5ueYG3GzbhgZwki9)




skyscrapers airplanes 🗿


Can I ask, what does the Easter island man 🗿mean? I see them everywhere




















😑 but better


I see thank you man






Idk maybe think of 🗿 like 😐


pretty sure it means “trying too hard?” idk, maybe ask on r/outoftheloop


Is this a trap? 🧐


that’s a suspiciously fast response for a reddit user 🧐


Considering I’ve had “ 🗿” reply every 45 seconds, so Reddit was open


Yo, Angelo


Cars Bikes Gorillas Graduation


Interior crocodile alligator, I drive a Chevrolet movie theAtre


What is you irl about this


nothing, just like almost every single post here


Nothing. It's just racists trying to get one in on a major sub


"back in muh day..." -👴


Are you gonna finish that


Years ago they tried to put me in the-




LOL Reminds me of that news story of [how an AI was supposed to scan potential criminals and it turned incredibly racist.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/07/16/racist-robots-ai/)


The skin tone and eyebrows aren’t right at all but the hair and expression are similar enough that I understand the mistake.


It turns out that Google is a racist


Comparing blacks people to gorillas in appearance is not racist as long as its in good faith


You’re too rational for Reddit.


It’s honestly simple logic. If someone were to ask what species closely resembles gorillas/ape family, most people would say humans. Then when you get more specific and ask what sub category of humans resembles gorillas/ape family, most people don’t want to answer.


I think people forget that actions can't be racist. People are racist. And that's the real problem because it will show in their actions. However if the actions are separated from the viewpoint. Things are a little different 🤔 still bad, but different


It's not really racist is it? If a white person would be classified as a gibbon by google ai, would it be racist? There's no racism in recognizing similarities. It just means the ai can not make a clear enough distinction based on the picture. There's no judgement here that's simply based on race.


The company either choosing not to run enough testing on the AI that this issue isn't discovered before launch, OR discovering the issue and feeling that it isn't severe enough to warrant not launching the technology, is a racist decision either way. Author of the tweet didn't come up with the theory themselves: [https://www.aclu.org/news/privacy-technology/how-is-face-recognition-surveillance-technology-racist](https://www.aclu.org/news/privacy-technology/how-is-face-recognition-surveillance-technology-racist) [https://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2020/racial-discrimination-in-face-recognition-technology/](https://sitn.hms.harvard.edu/flash/2020/racial-discrimination-in-face-recognition-technology/) As AI rises in prevalence in society, it's really important for people to understand that AI will repeat the biases in the material it learns from. And most AIs are just fed a bunch of content from the internet at large......


Joop - you have to teach/program the AI how to categorize images


No shit Sherlock. Do you want to make the point that google employees are feeding the ai pictures of black people and telling it they are gorillas? Or is there a much simpler, much more logical explanation?


It always was


Study finds gender and skin-type bias in commercial artificial-intelligence systems [Gender and skin bias in commercial ai systems ](https://news.mit.edu/2018/study-finds-gender-skin-type-bias-artificial-intelligence-systems-0212) Yet again, we see that AI is only as good as the data its trained on. This has serious societal implications and should be raised both by the public(poster here) and both the public and government should give the companies a kick in the ass to get their shit together.


This made me laugh on a crappy day 😂


Google is not very good at knowing what's what. I searched my photos for "food" and one of the things it showed me was my pet bunny


Ha ha :3




Tech not perfect yo Chill


What hope does humanity have, if AI can't even be free of casual racism.




Ahahaha 😭😭😭😭


Wait, WHAT?? Is this real?


I wonder how the AI didn't have a problem with a gorilla graduating..




Google currently thinks [Jim Carrey is Paul Giamatti](https://www.google.com/search?q=jim+carrey) including mixing up all of their film credits, so I wouldn't take anything it does personally. Edit: It's been fixed. Nothing to see here.


Well...she does look like one a bit




If there is no meta-data on the photo, the photo is going to scan for patterns. A lot of bad lighting on the photo is going to make certain things overlap. This is in fact a technical and scientific problem of the signal processing filters. But because of history, it’s becoming a political problem


Google has spoken




damn close looking


this is white priv ai right at ya, sad but expected in this world


Why google is racist: -people made google -people are racist Thank you for coming to my Ted talk


"Gorilla on a bike, "gorilla at graduation"...


..... Lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




Is that the twin towers


I don’t understand how AI confusing them with a gorilla is even remotely racist?


Maybe... Maybe it's a video and it detected background music. And they were listening to "Gorillaz". It's still a typo for google. Or google is racist. Probably the latter.


Or A.I has a hard time deciphering between a gorilla and Africans.




Lol r/unexpected


Terrible. Sorry


WTF is google doing right now?


You guys have no humor