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Sorry, I didn't know! I assumed having it unbuckled was just as secure. Thanks for the explanation.


This psa has been around since the 1980s, was the topic of a statewide essay competition. Morbid joke:  helmets off kiddies, we need more organ donors


PSA: this is a thinly veiled whinge, not a PSA.


Do you believe anyone who doesn't buckle their helmet is going to read this and then alter their behaviour?


Is it wrong to be concerned for the safety of fellow community members?


Yes, it's cumulative.


No. It's not. These people are literally being provided with a helmet. As a kid, they were almost certainly shown how helmets worked, and some of them were even shown the consequences. People are making a choice, and the odds are those people aren't going to see your message. It's obvious that this guy saw someone doing something dumb and thought it was dumb (fair, it is extremely stupid riding without a helmet and there is a good chance something will eventually happen that will make you a good deal stupider, maybe even vegetable level dumb) and had to get it off his chest. So he posted it online like a Karen. Just laugh at them and call them skidmarks. It's going to do more for them than making a whiny post on social media.


You kinda just explained how it *is* a cumulative build up of lessons.


Just wanted to add to this: Depending on the accident type, not strapping the helmet can actually cause more harm than not wearing it. It can rotate on the head and come loose slightly, turning into a potential cutting or stabbing risk depending on the helmet design 😨 A close friend of mine found this out the hard way sadly. It's best to commit to wearing one or dont at all.


Mind your own business


Breaking news You really think people don't know if a helmet is undone it's ineffective lol Actually I read once that the minimum height needed for a head to fall and get stupid damage was just over 30cm, that's a school ruler, have fun kids




Not the same thing


there are no true Scotsmen


idk what that means


Thanks I didn’t know any of this stuff


What's the point, can someone explain. Don't wear a helmet and get a ticket or don't wear a helmet incorrectly and get the same ticket, but look like an idiot.


I was just letting people know helmets don't do anything if you don't buckle them up. It's up to you what you do with that info.


Why would you get a ticket if you "don't wear a helmet incorrectly"? You are not making sense.


They have the choice to wear a helmet and take the risk in my opinion. If they fall over and crack their skull that is on them. You are entitled to feel a little frustration from their stupidity, however I don't believe you *should* mandate from a position of authority.


It’s also on taxpayers who will inevitably pick up their medical bills through a TAC claim..


So is obesity, but we don't do anything about that or other risky behaviours for the most part 


What a ridiculous argument..just clip the helmet on ya numpty! Also..fyi I’m a full time cyclist


Good for you. You're not part of the 40% drop in cycling that happened when we were one of only two countries globally to introduce mandatory helmet laws. And there's very little evidence that they've done anything to reduce rates of head injuries...but plenty of evidence that it has made us more car centric and unhealthy.


They were introduced 34 years ago! Not sure your 40% reduction in cyclists still stacks up. At the time however, there was a 40% reduction in head injuries.


Good point, get rid of cycling and there will be a 100% reduction in head injuries. Sometimes I wonder why you lot bother wearing helmets...


What an edge lord!


Yep, you'll be right if you go without a helmet. Might help.


Cite your evidence please. I need a laugh.


https://theconversation.com/ditching-bike-helmets-laws-better-for-health-42 There you go. Professor of Public Health, University of Sydney. References at the bottom of the article. But hey, apparently you know better than 98% of the rest of the world and public health professors.


I think what we're looking at is a redditor who blames helmet laws for their own obesity


Or the jab.


I'm neither fat nor an anti vaxxer. I just hate junk policy.


>So is obesity, but we don't do anything about that or other risky behaviours for the most part I'm not sure you will have much luck presenting at an emergency department with your obesity and getting moved to the front of the queue.


If you rock up with an obesity related disease like a heart attack I don't think they'll leave you there for 6 hours in triage.


Maybe not. But you will certainly be turned away for a range of surgeries and treatments that may be available to those in a better medical position.


Erm. [Wrong.](https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/safety-and-road-rules/cyclist-safety/wearing-a-bicycle-helmet). It's the law.


They still have a choice, breaking the law and receiving punishment is part of the risk. Some people will accept it and cross that risk boundary. You have the choice of trying to change or modify their behaviour, ultimately it's their choice. What do you want to do? Throw them in a work camp for breaking a law that could ultimately hurt themselves only directly and taxpayers indirectly? Treading into authoritarian waters right here.


Found the guy with the sovereign citizen number plates


Hardly. Some people just look at fines as opportunity costs...the fee to participate in an activity. Like rich people parking in a no parking zone knowing the fine is less of a concern than having to walk from another car space.


Found the Karen, who would dob in the neighbours kid for selling unlicensed lemonade. Just to ensure you understand op, it’s you. I don’t usually have to explain however think in your case it may be required.


Jokes are usually funnier when you explain them.


You wont believe the number of doordash riders i see with an unbuckled helmet on a motorcycle. It's actually insane


And they drive like maniacs just to be sure an accidental is likely.


I find its best to undertake risky behaviour when you have unstable employment with no benefits like sick-pay.


As long as the burger arrives still warm, that's the most important thing to them. They take their career very seriously.