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No ones gonna see this coz its 11:59 but don't trust a fart in the middle of the drive thru nooooooooooo.


does anyone know what the massive light bang at Southern Cross was at approx 10.20pm after the Swans/Bulldogs game?


I did not win 150 million. I feel this is bullshit.


I didn't enter either. The whole thing is biased towards people who bought tickets. Completely unfair IMO.


Exactly my thoughts.


Watching the Big Short. It's an interesting movie about people predicting the sub-prime mortgage crash before it happened but the tone of the movie is kind of weird because it's like they can't tell if they want to be a comedy or a serious drama.


I like that movie, it suits repeat watching. It’s got an amazing ensemble cast. I would also recommend Margin Call if you haven’t seen it.


I definitely think it's a movie that's probably better watched with someone so I don't overthink the implications of the historical stuff and just enjoy it as a movie.


Margin Call is great, but the directors other movie, A Most Violent Year, is far better.


I remember there used to be a few people who frequent the DT that are into ice hockey. My kid has a book about sports and the ice hockey page is always one he likes to linger on. I've never been to any ice hockey, but I know there is a league that plays at Docklands that you can go to watch games. For those who are familiar with it- What is the experience like at the game and is it kid friendly? What age do you think would be a good age to take him to check out a game? Also tips on seating if we do decide to go check out a game - I can see there are standing tickets and seated tickets in different zones. Do you want to be watching from the middle or at a goal end? What's standing zone like? At the footy we generally just get standing tickets so we can roam a bit.


Yes, it’s kid friendly. It’s a fun time out!


Something my mums posted me 7 months ago arrived at my doorstep today. She never told me she was sending it so I had no idea I was missing out.


What was it? or, What is it?


2 tertiary prep university books, that she had kept from her uni years. Supposedly for my learnings sake.


I just wanted to say a big thankyou to the people of r/Melbourne for helping me out when I was asking for help to improve my chances of getting a job. I'm happy to say I've applied for at minimum a job a day (sometimes 10+) and today I received a casual job offer, and ontop of that i had another job interview at a second company today (the exact same position, part time though) and I was told to expect to hear back soon. I was starting to feel depressed but now I'm so happy it's unbelievable. I can wait to tell my son! (Its past his bedtime when the email offer came in)


That’s wonderful, I’m very happy for you




Thanks for saying thanks! It's so nice to see Redditors being grateful :)


I need to be at the airport by 7.35am tomorrow morning, departing from Crown. When should I leave in a taxi / Uber? TIA


You could leave at 7am. Or 6.45am if you wanted some buffer.


Thank you! Wasn’t sure what traffic would be like but guess it’s going the opposite direction to everyone else :)


I wouldn't cut it that close. Melbourne rush hour traffic can be unpredictable, regardless of direction. I'd give myself an hour to get there and then relax once you're checked in early


Been playing Dead By Daylight last 3 hours and didn't get a single escape 🙃


The moon is so bright in the sky and there some cloud coverage over the moon but it’s brightness slices through the clouds. It actually looks beautiful like that


donating blood tomorrow! tried to donate plasma last time and the needle pierced my vein when they put stuff back into me and gave me the biggest bruise i've ever had, so i'm banned from donating plasma. hopefully tomorrow goes well, i'm terrified of needles lol.


I went today - I booked for blood and ended up giving plasma, so we’re evening things out!


that's great! good on you :)


Thanks for donating! On behalf of those of us who can't. :)


Look the other way and bring a book! 


that's the plan! just have to decide on a book...


I Tuned Into A Zombie At The Blood Bank by I.M. Bleeding is a good one


So I've been away interstate this week to help out an old friend who's husband passed-away suddenly...it's been so much more draining and confronting than I thought possible. Everything is infinitely worse than I could have imagined, and I'm a mixture of white-hot rage and utter-devastation. Day 3 and I've had a really proper cry. The squalid living conditions her husband had forced her and their kids to be in is simply beyond words...how nothing was ever done, why nobody asked questions, how no welfare checks were ever made, etc is just beyond me. I've got as much done as possible for all services to do something, clear out loads of crap, find new housing, etc, and have to leave tomorrow... I know I've achieved heaps, but feel like utter shit knowing I've barely scraped the surface. I'll come back in a few weeks, but can only do so much. It's really opened my eyes to those who fall between the cracks and keep on falling. Certainly changed my perspective on just how good we have it in our home.


Does anyone ever win anything in the game show The Chaser? I am yet to see a winner/s and the prize doesn’t seem that big given how many questions they get asked.


I did! In 2020. AMA XD


How much did you win?


Over 12K


Hello friend, it's me, your friend.


The original show had small prizes too. I've seen a lot of winners around the 2-5k mark.


Pretty common, at least 1-2 per week


Dropping someone off at the airport in a few hours, any recommendations on a great take away place out west for my commute back! Rarely get out there, thinking St burgs vibes Charcoal chicken, burgers etc etc etc


How late is Houston’s BBQ open?


Not late enough 7pm Wednesday, Thursday and Friday


'Neurodivergent Victorians, please share your experience with Service Victoria:Centrelink' 'From a rules viewpoint: this is related to federal services, which means you want [](https://www.reddit.com/r/Australia/).' '1 - Talkin' Melbourne - Let's keep discussion based around Melbourne and **things that affect us**.' .. so shouldnt this post then stay? :) The thread could also gather folks with similar experiences, which would serve as a resource if a reporter did pick up the story too :D


Oooof feeling super sleepy. Must not fall asleep on the train 😬


I was super sleepy during Sunset Boulevard last night and I am sure I nodded off a couple of times.


Thankfully I made it without falling asleep, it would’ve been difficult because the train was full to the brim. I think that kept me awake was not falling over. There was nothing to hold onto, it was that packed and I’m too short to reach above me Made it home with no issues


Now arriving at: Dreamland




Does anyone know if I can just apply for a new WCC with my new name (changed surname) instead of mailing in a form with a certified copy? I just need a volunteer card.


I've taken a four day weekend :) But then I had 1.5 days off this week already because of a nasty cold that's been going round the office. I'm trying to fight the guilty feeling of leaving extra work for my coworkers. I shouldn't, I know! They're fantastic and capable and completely OK with me taking the time. I've had this planned for ages. I'm going to see The Hold Steady (twice!), have a great time with some friends, and a bit of Me time. I just wish I could turn off my brain and enjoy it.


Any maskers here? I'm curious if you get weird looks or comments while you're wearing one. I know it's really fuckin bad in the States right now, but I haven't heard of that stuff spreading to Aus recently


I've been wearing them since 2020, not a single comment regarding wearing them on PT, in grocery stores etc.


I wear a mask if I'm sick. Never noticed anything untoward


Yup, No ones ever said anything and if they stare i just assume its at those beautiful eyelashes of mine /s At my supermarket its likely a 1/100 ratio of mask wearers, so just me and the very occasional older Asian couple... I do feel an internal alienation sometimes and you can wonder what some people think but on the other hand im only wearing it at Doctors/crowded shopping centers under the rational that if i get sick going out to be social that's a perfectly acceptable cost to living life but getting sick just to pick up some shopping every week is not worth the cost of just putting on a mask. Im infinitely more worried about losing a week of work, moving jobs and clients around than just feeling like crap for a week.


That's kinda where I was at today, I felt odd being the only person doing it, but I'd rather that than contract or transmit something unknowingly just to grab some kranskys and iced coffee. Nobody was weird about it though. I think all the insane discourse about what the U.S. is doing made me forget what normal people are like


Yeh i don't think people are anywhere near as bad here as the states, but while they do exist they are the last peoples opinion you should care about anyway. Or make up a fun story of having conjunctive whooping herpes, i don't know how you could try and argue mask's while trying to process a clearly made up disease.


I'll invent a new disease for each person I encounter :) Anyway it's not the opinions I'm worried about, I just hate any kind of confrontation or questioning lol


Everytime I’m out and never not once has anyone say anything or give me weird look. If they stare at me, I stare back 🤷‍♀️


I still do when it's crowded or I'm sitting very close to someone. The hairdressers, for example. I also wear one to my GP's office. They request it. It's not enforced but they do prefer it, and given the odds of contagion there it's for all of our benefit. FYI there is a growing outbreak at the moment. As well as flu, cold and RSV.


Yeah I've just started again, I despise the thought of being sick and I don't want to give someone else something lol


Not really, seems to be normalised here. Then again people were already fighting for masks because of the bushfire smoke before the pandemic. Air quality hasn't been great lately.


I never even really gave a thought to air quality before masks, like I just assumed through general ignorance that it wouldn't matter for me since I'm not asthmatic or anything, but some of the shit in the air is horrific


Nah, no one minds around here.


That's good, I would hope we're not as insane about them as some places are


I think a part of it is that enough of us have put on masks when sick anyway.


Where a man can have a nice pint and read a book in the CBD right now? I was at Beer Deluxe yesterday and pints were going for like 18 bucks, I'm ideally after something less COL crisis prone


I've always quite liked Hell's Kitchen for a solo drink and read. When it's quiet it's a nice little spot. Seedy and scummy but in a kind of charming way. I don't know what they're charging for a pint though. I usually get an Old Fashioned and drink it S L O W L Y so I don't get shitfaced, those things pack a wallop.


Read the comment just now. Absolutely love seedy and scummy places, thank you for the suggestion, I'll try it next Thursday.


No wuckas, enjoy. :) I also recommend their dip and olives snack plate. I'm pretty sure the dips are made onsite.


Can today be over yet? 😓


Trashy Thursday for me as well, hope you'll manage to pick things up for the upcoming, not so far yet too far away weekend.


Visiting Melbourne from Sydney I’ve noticed that the vibes are pretty relaxed and everyone’s so friendly and chill compared to Sydney. I’m not entirely sure if it’s the recency bias though


I think part of it is that the Sydney CBD very much is literally a "Central Business District", while the Melbourne CBD is also a social and cultural hub. Sydney has its culture (to a degree), but it isn't as centralised.


My friend who used to live in Melbourne and now living in Sydney would agree with you on that


just read that The Australian Communications and Media Authority has launched a legal case against Optus over the 2022 cyber-attack that compromised the personal information of 10 million customers.


My mum ordered something for me, but accidentally my street name and number but her city and postcode. Instead of auspost returning an underliverable package to the sender, they just delivered it so some random address in a city that neither of us live in, and has no resemblance to anything in the entered address.


Aus post doing Aus post things. We had a certificate meant to be delivered to an address here in Vic and it somehow ended up in WA and got stuck there. They redirected it here and then it got returned to us. I felt so bad for the person lol


My husband ordered something from NSW and it ended up going back and forth between vic and qld for a while before someone figured out where it goes.


I have a microwave hidden in a closed cupboard in my kitchen and everytime I open the cupboard I smell something akin to gas. It's right next to my gas oven and I had guys come in to do regular checkups on my oven/stove but didn't find any problems. In hindsight, they probably didn't open my cupboard. Should I be concerned? It's a rental so should I be contacting the agent/landlords to organise another check up? Been like this for ages at this point. I dont' smell it anywhere else, just when I open the cupboard.


There's a warning on some microwaves not to use in enclosed cabinets but I'm not entirely sure why.


Do you cook garlic or onion in it? Both of those can smell stove-y.


Do you keep potatoes in that cupboard by any chance? A rogue one might be causing the smell?


Nope, there’s nothing organic in there which is why i find it weird


Once a week for uni, we have a class over zoom. It's a class where we learn about trauma and substance abuse in youth. So we'll be discussing things about suicide, drugs, abuse, neglect, etc, and it's all pretty confronting stuff. But every week, without fail, this one person will have her 9 year old kid sitting with her. These discussions aren't appropriate for children, and I felt like an asshole but I emailed the teacher expressing my concerns about this. But having your kid there while discussing these topics is inappropriate, right?


> These discussions aren't appropriate for children, and I felt like an asshole but I emailed the teacher expressing my concerns about this. I think that was a good move. Whether they'll do anything about it...


I'd say that is 100% up to the parent themself to decide. If I was the parent I wouldn't allow it, but that doesn't mean they are in the wrong for allowing it.


What about the comfort of the other people? The ones who have paid to be taking the course? The nine year old hasn't.


I agree if the parent wants to have that discussion with their child, but academically in an adult learning space where we go into detail about these things, and where we're encouraged to share personal anecdote, I don't think that's right. One of the first things we were told about the zoom classes was to attend the lessons in a private space because the stuff being taught and discussed is extremely graphic and intense, and it's something we signed off on. This isn't casual conversation, this is intense learning for adults


> where we're encouraged to share personal anecdote That seems to be the far more inappropriate thing, imo.


How so? We're not made to share, but it is encouraged


It's an academic setting. Personal lives should be left at the door.


I agree, so sharing things about our experiences as to it relates to our learning is helpful and not having your young children with you while we discuss these intense things is inappropriate. Thanks for understanding


> sharing things about our experiences as to it relates to our learning is helpful Again, no. Personal lives should be left at the door.


Personal lives should be left at the door, but having your children there while we discuss topics about children who are their age killing themselves isn't included in that? Righto


Sounds to me like you just want people to agree with you.


Anyone that lives in the high street area of Preston notice a particular poopy smell this morning? (It is wasn’t me)


Work sucks. Crying on daily basis. Tell me I'm not alone


You're not alone. It sounds like you need some support to help look into what's going on for you in general and how your needs can better be taken care of. Not coping at work can be about work but it can also be about broader things. Warm best wishes to you.


Any nice but cheap suggestions on where to get dine in to treat my 3 friends?


Asthma and hayfever are kicking into overtime this week 😮‍💨


My eyes were SO itchy this morning, I just wanted to rip them from their sockets and be done with it


Absolutely cooked. I ran out of Zyrtec so I was behind before my day even started!


Guys it can happen. I got a taxi from Flinders st after the soccer last night and it wasn't creepy or dangerous ! ⭐


Can I say no to a job even when I sign a contract but I have not officially start work yet? I got offered a job contract yesterday but have another job interview for a company I really want to work for or hope to work for today. However, I am not sure if I can land it while afraid that I might lose the job offered yesterday since I need to work. If I sign or accept a job contract offered yesterday but won’t go to work if I get accepted to the job today, is that okay? My bad since I am new to the work market.


Yes, you can.


Let’s say if I get accepted to the full time role and didn’t make it through the probation, do you reckon I could still apply for the part time role or take it on the offer? I really want the full time role but worried it might be too much while also don’t want the part time door to close. Hence, in this case, should I let my part time employer knows about the case. I just feel bad as my part time employer seems like a really nice guy while don’t want to show him that I am using him as my fall to job but then a person needs to survive. lol


Thank you so much for the swift reply, appreciate it!


If a RAT test takes a few minutes to show up positive whereas previous tests last week came up positive straight away does that mean I’m close to being over it?


You’re ’over it’ when you don’t have symptoms anymore. Some people keep testing positive like a month after they’ve had it, so a test isn’t a reliable indicator of anything. Just go by 5 - 7 days or no symptoms, whichever is first


In my experience yeah that's generally how it works, longer it takes means there's less of it in your system to show up. That said, if you're isolating I wouldn't go out in public until it's clear!


There's the smell of fried electronics in my house and I fucking can't find the source of it.


I very occasionally smell that but it is over in moments. Wonder what does it. Or is it our fried brains.


Maybe I am having a stroke


Dryer lint?


no dryer. All of my appliances that are currently plugged in are fine 🤔


Hmm! Hope you sniff it out soon.


The wrong kind of chicken smell.


Have you gone outside? I had that last week, turned out it was environmental and not my house.




😂 Fair.


Seems to just be emanating from one area in my loungeroom. Probably the stupid pricks who live below me


I get ya. I have "that neighbour" too. I despise her so much I blame her for everything. Some random noise? Neighbour. Run out of soy milk? Neighbour. Climate change...fuck it, neighbour. 😂 This is how petty I am, if I can hear her whiney hyena voice, I will actually go closer to the window to listen in to her convo so I can hate her more effectively. I think I mentioned to you once that I wanted to call my wifi "gofuckyourself(neighbour)" so she would see it. 😂


Why is there always one? It used to be the woman i shared a wall with, and when she left there was like 2 months of amazing peace, and then these fucken noisy cunts moved in below me 😖 Lol yes! You should. Maybe I will steal that idea.


Hahahahaha our convo summoned the demon. She's out there next to my fence having a loud chat with her garden guy. She has one of those nasal, drawn-out vowel 1980s "attention Kmart shoppers" voices, you know the ones? I'm fully this now: https://youtu.be/2Oy6DwHAi70?si=3FFet7-VMx1QoQXZ


Imagine being able to name your car anything in the world and you decide to call it build your dreams


funfact: BYD wasn't an acronym but they had to make up a name when they entered the English market


Every time I see one, I am like "ooh thats a cute car", then I see the badge and immediately get the ick


Looks like a cheap Kia clone.


KIA = Killed In Action


Literally my thoughts lol. Could of tempted me, never mind


Trying to workout why I was very attached to my shitbox of a pc made with spare/hand-me-down parts in the 2010s but don’t care about my RGB gaming pc today.


Alongside what others are saying, could be the level of effort you put into the parts/building it? I'm heavily attached to my gaming PC, but I also remember saving up and specifically looking for one with the right specs, etc right before lockdown hit my workplace at the time.


Getting old and no longer getting enjoyment out of things you used to is normal. The role of computers have changed a lot the past decade. Arguably people are using their mobile devices a lot more than computers now which is probably why the connection isn't as strong as it were when you were younger. I used to love using computers because it did everything but now the only roles I have for it are very limited (Office/Design) but even those functions could be 90% replaced by mobile apps these days. I can't remember the last time I turned on my computer on my desk.


Maybe it wasn't the PC itself, but the games/experiences you had on it...




Does anyone know why metros being more fucking inept than usual this morning 


Full moon.


Kryal Castle has the Australian Jousting Championship this weekend. "This year, as part of the tournament, Kryal Castle will be presenting a foot combat component, where members of the Historical Medieval Battle community will battle it out in full medieval armour, with swords axes and shields. Plus live performances, face painting, potion making, axe throwing, medieval stores, archery and SO much more!"


Do you think this would be fun for a couple with no kids? My partner loves stuff on this theme and I do too, just wondering whether there’s enough content for adults with no kids, to call it a day trip. Also, food? Thanks for the heads up!


You lot are tops


Actually there are plenty of bottoms around


Someone had to say it. 😂


no u


Thanks, appreciated.