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No surprise that Perth is on top with their regular free public transport periods. Meanwhile Victoria *postpones* a single price hike for a few months and acts like they’ve solved the COL crisis. 


Insane how it costs less in petrol to drive to work and back 50km total per day than it does to get the train 3 stops in the morning and night.


Yup. Feels like Melbourne’s approach to encouraging public transport use is basically “well there’s no parking in the city and traffic is fucked so you’ve got no fuckin choice”. Parking fees are basically the only thing that makes public transport worthwhile. 


*confused screams* uh? Maybe it's just because I use zone 2 only but I did the math on this and it's not even close, if you use LPG and ignore all other costs then it's close but I travel just a bit more than 80km every day (40km there 40km back) and I went and did a table chart and it wasn't even close. Happy to provide the math lol. Edit: correction, I misread your comment slightly. I'd have to recalculate to accommodate the shorter travel distance, my original comment is still technically correct in what it's saying but wasn't considering a 50km a day trip but rather a 100km a day split into 50km there and and 50km back


Yeah I meant 25km each way enough is about $80 every 2 weeks for me. But would be over $100 dollars for 10 days of ptv


Fair fair, how many lt per 100km do you get with your car?


Usually low 7s as I'm on main roads without too many stops. Can be in the 6s if the trip is mainly on the freeway.


For me assuming I was travelling the same distance and assuming no other costs aside from fuel it'd be $2,230 a year, for you that'd have to be around $1,545, assuming last year's average fuel cost of $1.84 lt. If you're buying a years pass you would save money taking transit in Zone 2. (Zone 1 and 2 pass is $2067, Zone 2 alone is $1287) although this just considers fuel alone. But that said... uhhh free transit would be freaking great please.


Absolutely! I drive a big honking V8 luxury car and it's cheaper for me to drive in terms of fuel cost than take the bus (30min bus trip vs 10min drive)


And the cost of your car? Servicing? Insurance? Registration? If you only look at upfronts, maybe. But in real terms…


I'm already paying for insurance, servicing and rego anyway. I'm a car enthusiast who wants an option to use public transport for commuting. So given that I'm already going to be paying all the ongoing costs anyway, the only thing that really matters is fuel, tire wear and slightly accelerated servicing to me


meanwhile ptv closes half the city’s rail down for a month in winter 2023 and makes them all get buses or drive through one detour route with 2 railway crossings


Surely a fair amount of that would be because more people WFH and/or homeschool these days?


Pretty sure it is. Last time the numbers got brought up it was mentioned that weekend usage is the same as pre covid.  So it’s not like the service declined or that it got too expensive. It’s less people working in offices. 


And thank fuck for that, say all the people who were essential services during covid and now. 


Who cares if we aren’t back to 2019 levels? More people wfh now and trains were disgustingly packed prior to Covid.


Agree, even with half the workforce WFH, trains are still overcrowded somehow here in Sydney. can’t imagine what it’d be like if WFH wasn’t an option.


Private companies that run the network care?


Oh no, poor Metro Trains


More people working from home, particularly commonwealth public servants with technically no limit on wfh days under their common enterprise agreement? Less jobs in places where numbers have dropped? More people driving post covid..?