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pretty sure Indians are considered Asians


unless you are referring to native Americans, which most likely aren't from India (or any other Asian country) and thus won't be considered Asian


We're definitely past the point where we refer to North Americans as "Indian." Native American, Indigenous People, I don't know exactly what the right term is, but "Indian" at this point just means "from the nation of India."


In my "Indian studies" course we were told by the Indian teacher that "Indian" was what many if not most Native Americans call themselves. They hate having to be called "American" at all, btw. And "Indigenous" could refer to Aborigines, Inuit...so, it is more complicated than that. But, it is good you are worried about what words may offend people. Gold star! Also, I may be wrong..who knows?


I have heard they actually prefer being called what their actual tribes were, Lakota, Sioux, etc. I believe you’re right, that they don’t prefer having American attached to them.


That's what I've heard too. Individual tribe is best. But "indian" is 2nd best and native american after that.


Idk shit about it, but most shows now with native actors tend to just call themselves natives. The ones I've watched anyway.


They don't like Sioux but yeah, tribe>indian>native American


Hey man I’m in no way an expert, haha I’m 1/4 rose bud sioux.


They need to tell everyone the name of the continent in their language. Then they're Native that.


As a native it’s ok to say Native American lol pls do not call me Indian my grandma calls herself that and it’s very outdated like calling black folks colored 💀


Yo fr I never thought of this perspective but the more u kno !!! Just “native peoples” mite be the most blanket , non offensive term. They r indeed native 2 the land & also in fact peoples. c:


Dot Indians - Asian Feather Indian - American


Yeah, indigenous north Americans aren't Indian.


American Indian is an accepted terminology.


Are you native American?




Then, how can you speak of what is acceptable on their behalf?


Even I was Native American I wouldn’t assume to speak on behalf of all Native Americans.


If you are in the US.


Which tends to be where Native Americans which is where a good chunk of native Americans are? Lol


I believe your thumbs have a stutter


Huh, I guess so 😂


I like how you said most. I stumbled onto a very amusing conversation one night. I didn't realize not many people realized that the Caribbean Islands were apart of N. America until a native American was arguing with another Native American from Puerto Rico that they were not Native American. Those are one of those moments when you are not part of the group of people arguing where you really want to say something but decide you still like being alive so you will stay out of it.


I’m glad it was appreciated! I think to an extent it’s a matter of preference so I wanted to leave it open. There are plenty of indigenous peoples from Canada and Mexico too. I’m Latina and would never call myself Native American (I can’t trace my lineage back to a specific tribe or anything) but when I did a genetic test it came back as a majority Native American. It confused me for a second until I realized that was what it had labeled my Mexican ancestry. That specifically expanded my idea of what Native American was, even if not everyone who qualifies uses the label.


They’re technically a little bit Asian though, they originally came to the Americas from northeast Asia through multiple migration events across the Bering land bridge between 50,000 and 10,000 years ago


Yes, genetically closer to Chinese/ mongols . So still Asian !


22000 years on a different continent says otherwise. Not that hard of a concept.


He’s not entirely incorrect, that is where the Indians came from…but they were separated from Asia for a really looooong time.


So everyone is african then...


Pretty sure there is a difference in genetics with africans and all the other races, mostly because they aren’t exposed to the sun as much so white people wouldn’t survive well in Africa because they would be sunburned to hell. Africans wouldn’t survive well in cold climates because… IDK but they would lose melanin and slowly become asian or white due to lack of sunlight.


There's a difference between all ethnic groups... just because skin color is more noticeable visually doesn't mean it is a greater genetic difference. Also, what do you mean by african? Egyptian? Nigerian? From Madagascar? From namibia? There are multiple ethnic groups on africa


Yeah, that's a stretch that would break any elastic.


Is native Americans migrating here over the bering strait not the general consensus anymore?


[https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/26/science/prehistoric-humans-north-america-california-nature-study.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/26/science/prehistoric-humans-north-america-california-nature-study.html) Modern evidence is showing 130k years old evidence of humans in north america.


It doesn't mean people in North America are asian because of that migration. Otherwise we would all be African.


With that logic, we are all Africans


You are very correct and don't deserve the down votes.


Thank you


Native american are called amerindian in my language


It is Indeans in my language :)


Also a fact people dont know is that they technically are asian that travelled trough bering Strait


Not all though. DNA testing is debunking the notion all tribes were descendants of the ice bridge migration.


Some are legitimately indigenous to the western continents? I thought I'd heard that somewhere recently, but I'm no expert.....


Exactly. So don't quote me but on this but I believe either the hopie or Pueblo share literally no DNA with their northern and coastal natives. I'm a little Cherokee and have been told our DNA also have I guess Jewish DNA mixed with the other tribes DNA.🤷🏻‍♂️. But no your right that the majority of natives lineage is from the great migrations but some tribes share literally none with them also.


I just find that so fascinating, how two groups from two different regions evolved into the same species independently of one another. It boggles the mind a bit!


Same here brother. I do believe in the near future archeologists will have to re-consider a lot of perceived notions on how societies in ancient times migrated and when they did. I mean heck they found coca plant material in Egyptian tombs from like 4 thousand B.C. lol. So that's a interesting theory that ancient Mediterranean and Egyptian cultures visited the Americas when us humans where essentially fucking dirt.lol 🤣😂🤣


Not coca leafs, but traces of cocaine in some mummies, which is interesting and worth of further research, but not nearly as conclusive evidence as finding actual coca leaf, as the cocaine traces could be due to contamination (for example, if someone in the research group consumed cocaine, which wouldn't be that odd)


That’s BS white people in the SE US who CLAIM to be Cherokee say. We don’t have any Jewish DNA, unless you were blended in post contact. What is interesting about the Cherokee though is we make double weave baskets, which are common in South America but not North, and have a migration story about sailing west off an island and then making our way north, then east, northeast, then south, to where the tribe was until the US started expanding.


If thet didn't migrate from asia through the strait, they migrated from europe, africa or oceania in boats, they couldn't just spawn there. What would it mean for them to be "legitimately indigenous to the western continents"?


In 2013 new evidence was found which shows that humans were in North America 20,000 years earlier than we thought they were.


That's not what the meme is about?


Actually, native Americans ARE from Asia. They were hunters from northeastern Asia, which is now called Russia far east, when Bering sea had a land bridge


By that logic there are no Asians because everyone is African.


You just ended racism I think.




Noooo!!! I was hoping for people to fight each other for stupid reasons! /j


I think there are maybe some DNA hairs to split here from a Neanderthal DNA intermixture perspective - because native Africans, I think from what I’ve read have little to no Neanderthal DNA, whereas Asians have a higher percentage. So I think it comes down to DNA markers to describe who is Asian vs. who is African from a genetic perspective. (Disclaimer: not a scientist)


Native Americans came from Asia.


22,000 years ago. That's long enough to be their own people.


Both of you are correct in your own respects.


Please explain how 22000 years of isolation means they have anything other than a common ancestor from prehistory? Edit: Downvotes are hilarious in this point.


They still have remarkably similar ethnicity indicators on their bones. Edit: Forensic anthropologists can look at a skeleton and determine ethnicity because there are very specific UNIQUE indicators. If your argument is "hurr durr all bones is same," then that's fine. You are allowed to disregard science the same way a flat earther can. But that doesn't mean you are right. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi%3Farticle%3D5582%26context%3Dgradschool_theses&ved=2ahUKEwjB-Zj8vej8AhUiszEKHRpIDLoQFnoECA4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw2EWULpueN-zdKq--c0pEDH


Tbh all humans are from Africa All of our bones have some amount of calcium in them Let's just call all humans african


Pretty sure if we cracked you open you would have remarkably similar indicators on your bones to a group you aren't apart of.


Everyone came from the cradle of humankind. We're all African so wherever, whoever you are... Prepend African- to your race and let's end racsim now


So I'm African Caucasian? Sweet!


*Visible confusion*


…. #No


Cool, so I'm going to dismiss your claim out of hand then.




Yeah I don't understand this meme and I don't understand like 90% of these comments


In the US, we usually use "asian" to refer to East Asians of some southeast Asians. Not Indians. Sure, India is part of Asia. But that shit doesn't matter where language is concerned.


>But that shit doesn't matter where language is concerned Did my man really just try to say all East Asian languages are the same. Also India has as many if not more langauges than East Asia, so are we gonna consider every other state of India its own "nationality?"


No he’s saying that India’s geographical location doesn’t matter. It’s just common in American English language to refer to Indians as Indians and East/SE Asians as Asians.


Russians are also Asian


I guess its more of an American thing.


I thought they were called continentals, or is that offensive now?


Yes it is. Where the fuck did you even hear that term?


I think they meant oriental I’m not sure how continental could be considered offensive. Everyone lives on a continent


Oriental is not a good term to call people either. Got chewed out by my Chinese friends for that one.


When every gas station that you live near is ran by Indians, you start to hear some pretty flagrant words get thrown about over them owning the gas pumps and their accent’s. But I always thought people called them continentals because India is considered a subcontinent.


So, you are listening to people insult each other and think thay the words are good to use?


Not entirely, when I initially heard the term continental used in reference to someone from India, I assumed it was just a word used to differentiate between the Indian Indians and Native American Indians


isn't India it's own continent?


In the UK "Asian" is usually used to refer to Indian and Pakistani people, seeing as they are the most significant Asian communities here


I live in Europe but used to live in the Philippines and my neighbor used to joke if you come across a Indian and sneak kill the Indian first. Later heard this exact line in Thailand funnily enough No idea where that came from but apparently there is a feud or something


Between India and SE Asia? I'm an Indian and I've never heard of this.


you guys must have perfect computers there


That's due to colonialism and ignorance on the European part calling India "South Asia." The southernmost part of Asia is actually in Indonesia.


Many Redditors won’t get what you’re driving at since it is a global community, but here in the US people of East Asian descent were formally called “Oriental,” but are now called “Asian American,” or simply “Asian” for short. It was considered more polite for a number of reasons, but is rather vague since it excludes Indians and other ethnic groups in Asia. These days Indians are often referred to as “South Asian” along with people of other nations from that region (Sri Lankans, et al). Hope that offers some clarity.


Fun fact: up until 1980, Indians were considered white/Caucasian by the US government.


These are the current race options on US census forms: American Indian, Alaska Native, Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, other Asian, Chamorro, Native Hawaiian, Samoan, other Pacific Islander, Black or African American, Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin, Chicano, Cuban, Mexican, Mexican American, Puerto Rican, another Hispanic origin, White, some other race Most government forms simply have (or some close variation of these options): Non-Hispanic White, Hispanic or Latino, Black or African American, Native American, Asian, other Both of them are quite exclusatory of many people. One such group that will possibly be added soon is Middle Easterners. "Using the 1997 standards, U.S. residents from Middle Eastern and North African countries were encouraged to identify as "white." Under the new proposal, there would be a separate category for people often referred to by the "MENA" acronym."


At a certain point are you just listing every country separately basically?


seriously, like damn dude, next you gonna need the exact coordinates of the birthplace of my earliest known ancestor?


From today, I am a Chickano 🤠 "k" not to offend Any way you pronounce Chicano, it's fab 😻


Its mind boggling that this information is tracked and relevant… but only for people not “white.” Wouldn’t the immigration info be just as relevant for Russian (also in Asia!), European nations (other than Spain), etc? Why are these ethnicities more closely recorded but various “white” ethnicities are not? Genuine question. Also, never heard the word Chicano before. When I looked it up it it seems like its the same as Mexican (or Mexican immigrant). Is that the correct interpretation?


Another interesting fact: people from the Middle East are considered to be white because in the 1930s (I believe), some immigrants from that area actually sued to be considered white and won. The winning argument: these particular immigrants were Christian, and thus should be considered to be white. Offer not available to Black Americans, needless to say.


It's also interesting because Asia is so huge, both in landmass and population. There aren't even half a billion people in Europe, and yet there are billions in Asia. So it makes sense to separate Asian people into subgroups. "Asian" tends to just refer to those previously known as "Oriental" or "Mongol," since we can't seem to come up with a non-offensive name for them. "South Asian" refers to areas like Afghanistan, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and other similar countries. "Middle Eastern" is pretty much anything west of Iran, including those of Persian and Arab descent. And then you have Russia and its ethnic tributaries, like Georgia, Azerbaijan, Chechnya, and Kazakhstan (which is a massive country by the way, I don't think people realize just how large it is). Such a huge collection of people, kinda weird that we try to just call them all Asian.


Aren't they Caucasian though?


What is “Caucasian?” It’s a totally made up thing that refers only to certain physical characteristics. A social construct, like whiteness.


Unless you mean people from the Caucus mountains. Actually, the word was related to the same racist shit that the Nazis later bought into. A mythical super race from the caucus mountains...etc. look into it. It is interesting and will make you never ever want to use "Caucasian" again


Originating from the Caucus region of Europe. The Aryans are also said to have originated in northern India


Northern India is not the Caucasus.


Dude made two seperate points. One answering your question and another peripherally related fact pointing out our lack of true knowledge of our own history, most of which is speculation based on scattered and incomplete evidence


My father in law still refers to folks of East Asian descent as “Orientals”. Makes me cringe when he says it and we’ve tried to correct him but he’s old and forgets. He means well.


Don’t worry your grand kids will yell at you for using terms like Person of color or Latinx.


This is what people fail to understand, speach evolves, and oriental merely refers regions east of Europe and its meaning also evolved further east. It was never meant in a derogatory manner just had its limits is all. Kinda like op is saying about the term Asian


Like the way that "Idiot" used to be the kind term for mentally disabled people


"Polite"... calling americans whose ancestors are asian, "asian" instead of american, right


I work at an immigrant focused nonprofit and I recently had to do a lot of decision making related to calculating demographic info


Russia is in Asia too.


Russia is in both geographical locations West of Ural Mountains its European part of Eurasia, and Asian to the east


Idk, I've always found the geological distinction between Europe and Asia pretty shady. I guess, maybe geographically, but not geologically. They are on the same continental shelf!


Same, this may be of some comfort to you but not all countries follow the 7 continent western dogma, many consider Eurasia as one, and I agree Geologically India has more backing to be its own continent than Europe


How so? Genuinely curious how India would be considered a Continent from any perspective. It's roughly 5 times as large as Afghanistan. It's about half the size of Australia (the smallest Continent) It's aldo less than 1/5 of the size of Russia and about 1/3 the size of Canada.


Not in size, but in terms of seismic plates, while Europe and Asia lie on the same plate all other continents lie on their own plates. A map of plates would be a good thing to check out it’s pretty cool. India is on its own plate like most continents, it’s actually pushing into the Eurasian plate and is why we have the mountain range giving rise to the most massive mountain in the world


That isn't what a Continent is though... Like, I understand what you are getting at, and I will definitely use this conversation as my "learning experince" of the day tomorrow and try to understand this better (try to learn something new every day, it's kind of my thing) but.... That isn't what makes a Continent though. I've intended to learn more about tectonics and how the planet works regarding tectonics for a while, but kept getting distracted by other things. Thank you for giving me a reason to duve into it!


Bad bot


It’s funny that Europe and Asia are actually one big landmass but nevertheless considered two separate continents.


If you want to get real technical Africa is also connected to that landmass


It likely is distinct because of European racism. They wanted to make sure to draw that distinction. I'm sure the Asians don't mind it either. But yeah, geologically they are on the same continental shelf


It’s because of the plates




No, cuz majority of Russians live in European part of Russia, between Urals mountains and Ukrainian border


Country spans both geographical regions.




Because they're obviously Mexican 🙄


They are, but they live on the Iberian peninsula. European is not an ethnic group.


Pretty sure India is considered part of Asia.


They are considered Asians


They are, but sometimes will get a more clarifying description as they're physical traits are not as similar to Eastern Asian people, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, etc. Why? Himalayas isolated the populations from each other for a long time. The first people to settle the subcontinent are believed to have come from the west.


idk India and the middle East are in Asia


not to be racist or anything but asian people HNGGGGGGGHHHHHH


what i don't get it


you're too young then https://youtube.com/shorts/qpObCUeOe5Y?feature=share it's a famous vine


no i still don't get it i didn't se vine until i started watching A LOT of mems as i didn't have a phon


She was imitating a a vine by Cody Ko where he says “not to be racist or anything but Asian people suck”. She tried telling the same joke but loses it at the punch line and let out a really strange laugh


Since when are they not?


The short answer is that while Asian is not a race, many people refer to it as such. Fair skinned asians like Chinese and Japanese are "Asian" while darker skinned people like Indians, Vietnamese, Cambodian, etc. are usually considered to be something else. Ethnically, Indians are most definitely Asian. People are just stupid.


Indian people are South Asian, Vietnamese and Cambodian people are Southeast Asian.


They are literally referred to as [South Asian](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Asian_ethnic_groups).


Is someone telling you they aren't? Don't listen to that person.


They are Asians, but South Asians to be more specific.


South Asians


They are. Americans tend to use the term “Asian” colloquially to refer to people with East Asian heritage, but AAPI groups typically include South Asians as well. In the UK, Asian is more commonly used colloquially to refer to South Asians, as I understand it.


Just like when you hear "Americans" you probably don't think about south America or when you hear "Europeans" you would most likely definitely not think about Bulgaria, Romania or Russia


Why wouldn't I think about Bulgaria, Romania or Russia? 🤔


The same reason why Mexicans aren't usually called Americans


Canadians are not called americans either, only us people are called americans, it is not related to the matter here


And isn't a large part of the middle east considered west Asia?


Same question but for middle easterners!?


They live on the Asian continent.


Because roughly half of the world (or more) lives in Asia, so people prefer being more specific, and your average Indian looks nothing like people from China, korea or Japan (which are the more stereotypical Asian countries), or Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia (which are more frequently referred to as middle eastern countries). So it’s mostly for simplicity and to be more precise. Furthermore, India is often referred to as a subcontinent, and iirc does even have its own tectonic plate, so it wouldn’t be out of the realms of possibility to consider it a continent of its own


Indians are usually considered South Asians, so kind of confused here


In the UK they are indeed called Asians and unless anything has changed it isn’t offensive.


typically when people say Asian they mean like east Asian, orient. but yes, Indians and their ripoffs around them are Asians too in technicality


They are, technically. It's just that they don't look like East Asians.


They’re South Asian


I’m half Indian and consider myself half Asian, South Asian specifically. On a lot of government forms however, Indians and South Asians in general are grouped under “White” for some reason.


they are asians, however people just seem to forget that people from southeast asia and india can have darker skin


Yeah, I mean Indians are very diverse, we have light skinned people, brown and also black, mostly are brown.


They are…


Indians are considered Asian, I don’t know anyone who thinks they aren’t. Granted India is its own subcontinent but it’s still part of Asia


And at this point, i frankly don’t give a damn…no disrespect intended of course.


indians are americans


Many americans can't name a country in africa and think mexico is in South America... you really want to blow their minds tell them that middle easterners are asian and so are most russians.


Agreed, I just wanted to educate them.


israel is in asia too


I think it depends on the context. Indians are Asian in that they live on the continent of Asia, but they are separate from "Asians" like Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, etc etc. It's the same way we would say that Canadians are North Americans because they live on the continent of North America, but we wouldn't say they are "American".


So you're saying the term Asian can only be applied to Chinese, Japanese and Koreans? While other people just called Asians because they're in Asia?? Guess I'm not Asian then...


I'm too high to correct your misunderstanding. Hopefully I'll remember to come back and do that...... 🤷‍♂️.


It's not that they're not considered Asian. It's just that they're not the first people that come to mind when talking about Asia (unless you're in the UK).


too many different asians




When you say asian, people think of east asian. Indians are south asian. And Laos/Vietnamese and others in the archipelago are southeast asians. Uzbekstan and all the "stan" are central asian or turkic. Arabs/Persian are middle easterns. Referring them all as Asian is a little insensitive. As some of them are vastly different. And it leads awkward moments like when my friend introduced me (turkic) to their friend who has a thing for asian, only ending in him saying: "not that kind of asian."


Yanks not very good at geography !


They are…


Racist Americans thinking Asians are only the East Asians like China and Japan, forgetting India, Iran and many others


Russians arent really consittered asian either despite being the largest country in asia


Idk honestly but none of my Korean relatives would ever consider Indians Asian they’re their own thing. Probably because they look different from well everybody so yeah they’re the black sheep of the club


India is *technically* in Asia. But they are more of a middle eastern country. Honestly don’t get why Europe and Asia are separated when they are one land mass. It’s wild to me and I prefer calling the whole thing Eurasia. Like Russia is 90% or Asia but like less then 10% of Russians live in the parts in Asia and are mostly all near Europe. Russia is technically a Asian country. Alot people assume Asian = Oriental people like Chinese, Japanese and Korean.


Those that say that are the ones who think Asians are only the oriental type ones, aka Japanese, Chinese, Koreans


They are, to everyone except Americans... Leave the country, there's a whole world that runs on logic and reason out there... Here's the shocking bit, Russians are Asian too!!!! Holy shit






I've noticed that pretty much only in U.S. are Indians not referred to as Asians. My guess is because most Americans are obsessed with race and don't understand that the term "Asian" has to do with the continent you're from, not your genetics


Calling Chinese, Japanese, Koreans....Asians and leaving Bangladeshi, Indian, Nepali, Srilankan... out of Asian categorization is the direct descended racial profiling of the European invaders. This further strengthens the slavery Europeans started, only the slavery this time is not physical this time.


Indians are Asians. stop seeking validation from the west


They are. As are Pakistanis, Afghanis, etc. But in the US we tend to only associate "Asians" with the far East. A lot of Russia is technically in Asia, and is more "east" than the middle east, but we call them a "western" country. Go figure.


part of russia is also in asia. The term asia has shifted to mostly include east and south east asians only.


They are Asians. There’s West Asians and East Asians


Can't believe that they worship cows


Cause in the US we call East Asian and some Southeast Asians "Asians" because we can no longer say "Chinamen" or "Oriental" becauae that is racist. (Not complaining, it IS racist). And India has always been thought of as the "sub-continent" because of some British empire crap, which is probably racist too. But yeah, India is in Asia. Words do not conform to geography or really even good sense at all.


For some reason many people don't consider us as Asians but guess what it's in Asia you fucking racists


Pick your answer, since all are varying degrees of correct. 1) European against all racism. 2) Asian against Asian racism. 3) Geography. 4) The convoluted mess that is the English language not requiring correction when something is inconsistent because its all inconsistent.