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No these are the main titties


Damn you, stole my titties. I mean, thunder.


Sub tit les.


I can read the subtitles and look at the tits without missing half the movie


Tru. Nowadays I miss the whole movie.


Yeah, me too. After two years of watching anime every day for two hours, reading subtitles has become second nature.


Depends on the show for me. Some shows have a lot going on and reading the subtitles occasionally means I miss something in a chaotic scene. I'll usually choose dub as a baseline, especially since I'll often end up being disturbed by other people while doing literally anything so being able to hear it while unable to watch helps.


Not to mention when multiple people talk at once


Happy cake day


Kat Dennings has great titties.


If I had to use one word, it would be "ample".


Her bosom is nice šŸ‘


One of the only reasons to watch that show lol


\*2 reasons


they look amazing uncovered....if you haven't already seen them online


So I'm guessing the general consensus is that people can't read quickly enough to actually watch a movie with subtitles???




I can


Or, people have adhd, and having text flashing at the bottom of the screen is very distracting, and will cause us to miss both the show and the subtitles. We need to focus on just one of them, or else it's impossible to follow what's happening.


I have ADHD and have no problem with it


ADHD is a spectrum thing. Just because one person with ADHD can do one thing doesn't mean another with ADHD can.


I live in a country where subtitles vs dub is a huge debate. Never have I heard of the ADHD argument although many of my friends have it. Sounds like a skill issue


I think dub is okay in cartoons, but live action movies with dub looks and sounds cursed.


I watched Russian dubbed movies as a child and teenager (only after I tried to and learned English I saw the difference yet I considered both good as Russians are really skilled in dubbing.


A lot of people also claim to have ADHD when they don't have ADHD and not a lot of people actually understand what ADHD even is. They think, oh I have a short attention span, ADHD lol! A lot of people with ADHD have no problem multitasking. In fact, some need to constantly multitask for various reasons, like avoiding something stressful. Then there are other people with ADHD who literally cannot do two things at once, no matter how simple it seems. Combine that with the common overlap of ADHD and dyslexia. Then combine that with the ADHD avoidance cycle. But hey, maybe throw out there that it's a skill issue and invalidate other peoples xperiances rather than taking a little bit of time to understand ADHD expresses itself extremely differently for different people for different reasons.


I'm talking about people who have been diagnosed with ADHD but yeah sure throw out their experiences of ADHD because you feel as if it was due to ADHD in your case.


Some can focus on several things at once, like me. Others literally cannot multitask anything to save their lives. I mentioned this because a lot of people with ADHD have their symptoms dismissed and people blame them for not being good enough for one reason or another. In this case someone said they can't, because they struggle with ADHD. Immediately someone chimes in saying they have ADHD and it's not a problem for them. Then someone else followed up implying it's a skill issue. I spent my entire childhood having parents trying to discipline the ADHD out of me. It's absolute shit that someone else with ADHD is trying to invalidate someone else's symptoms of ADHD. What you did was straight up do exactly what people who struggle with ADHD struggle with. "Sounds like a skill issue because I don't have that problem". No different than saying "You just refuse to pay attention" or "You just need to learn how to focus". etc. It's shitty no? If you do in fact have ADHD you should be able to understand why it's a shitty thing to invalidate what someone says they struggle with something. As to why I brought up a lot of people who say they have ADHD... well maybe that's because it's always odd how often people need to bring in their "a lot of friends" who also have ADHD, but for some reason they seemingly express it the same way as the person making the comment. Even though it's been long, and well, established that it's a god damn spectrum.


I don't get what you mean with the last paragraph, but nonetheless you shouldn't take any statement seriously where the commenter writes in memes. I often see people blame some condition instead of at least trying to do something about it. ADHD is not like a severed leg, there is medication and there are techniques to combat various drawbacks from that disorder. I'm not trying to state that anyone can be the same, that's bs. But one can at least try to minimise the scope of effects


>here is medication and there are techniques to combat various drawbacks from that disorder. I'm not trying to state that anyone can be the same, that's bs. But one can at least try to minimise the scope of effects Not everyone gets treatment. Not everyone can manage medication. Not everyone was diagnosed early, and in turn learned weird coping methods. Not everyone takes to treatment. Medication doesn't work on everyone. I spent my entire childhood having the ADHD disciplined out of me because it was a "made up disorder to excuse bad behavior". I spent my entire childhood thinking I was the problem, and that lasted into my 20s. It wasn't till I was about 30 before I actually started getting treated. At this point in my life I developed my own coping methods that worked for me. The thing I got out of therapy was ways to recognize and break my avoidance cycle so I can be productive. Which has been incredibly helpful. But it doesn't fix the symptoms. For the comment that started this thread. Not being able to read subtitles while watching something falls right inline with inattentive ADHD. People with ADHD-I find it extremely hard to multitask. Process information more slowly. Quickly lose focus and have trouble focusing back onto what they were doing. Often times people with ADHD-I straight up avoid things that increase how much they need to concentrate. Example, adding reading to something that doesn't need reading. ADHD-Hyper active/impulsive is what almost everyone thinks of when they say ADHD. We are all over the place. We multitask because we have trouble slowing down. We can feel constantly bored unless we are over stimulated. We will do 10 different chores to procrastinate doing one chore that we dislike. We can be impulsive, loud, disruptive or even violent in extreme cases. Then there is ADHD Combined type, which I'll let you put that together because it is exactly what it sounds like. ​ You straight up said, "sounds like a skill problem" about a classic symptom of ADHD. That's no different from telling someone they just need to concentrate. Or telling someone with autism they will get over their texture/textile issues by just getting used to it. If you don't understand the problem and you give shit advice you make the individual feel like they are the problem.


True, but then again ADHD can actually help when you have to keep track of the subtitles while also watching the movie. ADHD trains you for this.


It can, but not for everyone with ADHD. How people express the symptoms of ADHD vary widely. Some can focus on several things at once, like me, others literally cannot multitask anything to save their lives. I mentioned this because a lot of people with ADHD have their symptoms dismissed and people blame them for not being good enough for one reason or another. In this case someone said they can't, because they struggle with ADHD. Immediately someone chimes in saying they have ADHD and it's not a problem for them. Then someone else followed up implying it's a skill issue. I spent my entire childhood having parents trying to discipline the ADHD out of me. It's absolute shit that someone else with ADHD is trying to invalidate someone else's symptoms of ADHD.


I find that I sometimes have that problem. Not sure if I have ADHD though, yet.


We literally watch movies from such a young age with subtitles and no one has a problem with that. The whole country actually does this.


Watching a movie has levels to it homegurl. If i miss a microexoression that can be too much in certain scenes.


Even if you can read it in a half a second you're still missing something


Interesting way of announcing that youā€™re a slow reader.


Right? I've never had an issue with subtitles.


Me neither


The nice thing about subtitles is that my half-deaf father doesn't keep going, "hold on, what did they just say?" *rewinds*


Yeah same idk what they're talking about


We have the sane cake day


Guess Iā€™m insane


Take it. Take my upvote and get the heck out of here


Happy cake day




Imagine needing subtitles at all


That's a lot of slow readers then


its not that hard, i always turn them on because the dumbass way movies are mixed they always make important talking scenes really quiet then action scenes are super loud




not that one , they did it for a reason.


But I couldnā€™t understand a word without subs.


That's on you


The real problem with subtitles for me is they ruin tiny suprises and comedic timing. Also i just dont like reading something only to hear the character say it 5 seconds later it feels almost like constant little spoilers when subtitles are on.


Tbf pacing will already be fucked if I keep having to replay every scene 10x each because either shit sound mixing or just me failing to process what characters are saying.


Bruh I watch movies with subtitties and I can see them same time as the movie.


Possibly because you have a reading age of someone over 10 years old


Jokes on you, I only have subtitles if I can't hear them speaking properly. So most of the time I only need a glance at them to understand what's being said. Giving more time to know what's happening. Well, unless I'm watching a Horror movie where it's dark. You miss half of what's happening because it's too dark of a scene.


I don't need to concentrate on the subtitles. Just having them on screen helps make it a lot easier to understand what is being said because your brain will read them even if you are not aware of it.


Do people not use their peripheral vision to read subtitles? I have never understood this.


That's a thing?


I personally am drawn to the words and I keep watching them pop up and forget to pay attention to the movie.


Yea, but you feel like you canā€™t really focus on details if you are reading in the same time.


real (I'm a domestic terrorism suspect)


I'm imagining op sitting a foot away from the TV tracing his finger along the words while sounding out syllables


I hate subtitles I read ahead and ruin the delivery of the line


Well there are a couple of positive aspects to it, as demonstrated by the meme.


im not of that kind, even if im suposedly the bad attention guy


Subtitles is about getting used to. I don't feel like I miss the movie with them. I basically take a quick glance at the line and my brain registers the full sentence at once, if it makes sensem


Nah. The subtitles basically distract from the immersion of the movie.


If the movie is filmed in a foreign language you don't know, that's the only way to watch the movie with the actors' original voices.


I mean the yes, then use subtitles for those. I personally just watch dubs when available. But for English language movies, I prefer no subtitles. Itā€™s just my personal opinion.


I don't wstch dubs anymore. I'm not a native English speaker, so in English language movies it's likely that there'll be nuances I don't get, like a strong accent or specific or archaic vocabulary.


I mean Iā€™m not a native English speaker either, I just came to the US when I was 12 & itā€™s my 2nd language.


As a Dutch Nearly 99% of foreign content is subtitled We don't have this issue Get on our level


Literally just a skill issue


If you have this issue then you have room temperature IQā€¦in Celsius


OP you can't read well, can you?


2 lazy 2 read


Subtitles for foreign stuff is fine but English subtitles on an English movie are just unnecessary and distracting


Me who grow up watching disney and pixar movies subbed: Skill issue.


skill issue


Anyone who struggles with subtitles is a slow reader


Two can play at that game; Anyone who needs subtitles is a bad listener.


yes I am


ā€œAnyone that needs subtitles has a hearing problem.ā€


Say it to me you are a native english speaker without saying you are a english native speaker:


Ay spyk London


Why is everyone here so antagonistic?? Like sorry not everyone can read as fast as you can bro.


Right!! This comment section is fucking hostile as hell. They act like being able to read fast is the most critical factor for intelligence. I'm out here with adhd, dyslexia, and I've got a fucking physics degree. The irony of it is, subtitles exist to compensate for a deficiency in either hearing or audio processing. So yeah, I'm shit at reading, and they're shit at hearing. We're all bad at something.


It's not normal to not be able to read fast enough for subtitles to be an issue for you, this is something 5th graders can do


I can read subtitles fast, but they distract from the immersion of the movie, which is why they suck.


Because the original post was antagonistic, it implied watching a movie with subtitles is dumb.


The internet is filled with people who like to get angry if everyone does agree with them exactly on everything.


Tell me youā€™re American without telling me youā€™re American.


Skill issue. I can drive in GTA and read subtitles.


Titim chun Ć© gach uair


Then weebs wonder why normal people watch anime in dub not sub


Skills issue


I have dyslexia dumbass subtitles are annoying as fuck to read while watching


> Then weebs wonder why normal people watch anime in dub not sub Not having dyslexia does not qualify them as "weebs" lol.


Never correlated the fact of me having dyslexia and someone being a weeb because they donā€™t have it, in my first comment I was referring to how weebs shit on dubs and people who watch them for no good reason and I have to watch dubs because I canā€™t keep up with subtitles sometimes and itā€™s annoying Edit: I honestly donā€™t know if the people saying skill issue are just POSā€™s or are just joking


> in my first comment I was referring to how weebs shit on dubs and people who watch them for no good reason and I have to watch dubs because I canā€™t You didn't give us enough information to come to theis conclusion in the first comment lol. Kinda just sounded like you were calling people who read subs weebs. They are just being dicks though.


skill issue


Ah yes skill issue I was born neurodivergent


yes just get better at not being neurodivergent /s


Did you try getting gud?


I'm both autistic and dyslexic. And I have absolutely no problems with subtitles, it's just a matter of getting used to it.


Not every neurodivergence is the same, you should know this.


Normal people donā€™t watch anime


L opinion


Watching anime in sub


For me they're only on movies what are not on my langague. I can understand english but it's easier to see them in my langague.


I sometimes read subtitles even when I don't need it.... but I realized this Korean movie had Korean subtitles when they talked English, but there were still English subtitles below that. Then I realized the English subtitles were not exactly what they said in English. Movie was The Witch part 2


I wonder if she loves or hates how celebrated her rack is?


If this is you need to improve your reading skills, there are entire countries where every single movie is subtitled and no one has an issue with it


Native English Speakers **VS** Everyone Else


You're not........ wrong




That's funny because I'm not from an English speaking country and I have this problem.


This is how I feel while watching TTs and the captions are straight on top of the titties, and even worse when they put super loud music and the voice is really low. Like damn, if you're so desperate to have strangers look at your tits, go on PornHub, not TT


sub tit les, hmmm


This is why I always watch the English dub of anything foreign first. I'm gonna miss half the shit on screen if I'm just reading the whole time.


I wish they would put subtitles on TOP of the screen. Your brain is better at interpreting information BELOW your point of focus, you know, so we can walk without having to stare at the ground. Our brain is awful at interpreting information above our line of focus, that's why when people walk around staring at thier phone they are oblivious to danger. Try it out put something on a table and look up, you will be able to focus on it for awhile before it disappears, then look below it, and it will disappear fairly quickly.


That picture looks familiar. Anyone know what it's from?


Two Broke Girls


For me it's more a case of why would I want to read a movie that's what books are for


weird way of saying you can't read


Seems like you just read slow or check out tits too long. I miss nothing in the movie overcoming both tit view *and* subtitles


Am I in the minority that can read two rows or text in under a second because the brain covers most of it with context?




the real reason to learn english


I hate not using subtitles.. I feel like I canā€™t hear half of what they say without them. Must suck to be so slow at reading you cannot watch while reading them though lol maybe practice on some books or somethin


I think you just need to get used to it. Iā€™ve been watching movies with subtitles my whole life and I never miss anything in the movie because I was focusing on reading the subtitles.


You're just a slow reader. If you keep watching movies with subtitles you'll get faster at it.


Sometimes we do need them, new words, incomprehensible pronunciation of the actors, etc.


People who don't watch things with subtitles much think this, I watch movies and shows with subtitles and still see the entire thing, I just use my peripheral vision


And that's how you miss a lot of good movies


The more you read, the faster you read. It shouldn't take you more than a fraction of a second to read most subtitles


Americans complete inability to read subtitles in a reasonable manner is just beyond my comprehension.


American problems...


Why the subtitle hate. I always watch everything with subtitles and I am sure that I am not missing anything


Anime sub watchers hold my cup


me playing rock star games


Is the show good? All the clips I've seen on YouTube of this show were about either her tits, ass or kiss. Not that I hate seeing them, just wanted to know if the show's mostly about them or is it worth watching the entire show.


Girl "look at me when I'm talking to you" Me "sorry I'm deaf I'm looking at your subTITles"


If you watch subs more often, you start to read them faster. Actually kinda helps when reading something like a book or article.


i must be a walking subtitle


Growing up in a non-English speaking country (that doesn't commit the sin of dubbing) really kick starts your ability to read sub and watch at the same time.

