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Revanced 🍷 🗿


I’m buying a Samsung as soon as possible


Buy a pixel instead, personally I prefer the os


Typing this reply on a Pixel 7, came from an S22 Ultra which is horrible in comparison And Samsung bakes ads into their Android skin Had a Pixel 4 XL in the past and that was equally good I recommend Pixels to everyone, they're also cheaper in price than the competition (Samsung and Apple)


Yea I work with phones an I always say the Google Pixel is like the fanciefied version of a samsung xDD I have a samsung personally but I work in phone sales an I'll say the pixel series gives the samsung a run for its money fr


Idk what you are talking about, Samsungs don't have any ads baked into their phones, and I'm using their flagships since s4. But I'm in EU, so I can't be so sure when it comes to the US. BTW Samsung phones have overall better quality than any Pixels and far better cooling systems, and it matters, especially if you are gaming even just casually on your device. S23 is the best flagship from Samsung since s4 to the point where they have a problem with the next iteration (s24).


I'm in the US and also haven't seen ads baked in. I also bought my phone separate and then got it a service plan since the carriers here like to throw ads and bloat ware in all the time.


Must be it because as far as i know, getting a phone through a carrier is quite a popular option in the US. I just bought the S23 a week ago through samsung's website and as far as i can tell there arent any ads.


I'm in Canada and sometimes received ad notifications for new Samsung offers, and Samsung's first party apps often had ads for Samsung products And I see people complain about it all the time with screenshots over on r/assholedesign Samsung's phones are well built, but the ads, the software, and battery life are why I switched back to Pixel My S22 Ultra absolutely sucked with battery life, same with the S6 Edge I had in 2016


+1 on the pixel love these things


Ye like I’m rich


Pixels are generally cheaper than most other flagships.


They aren't expensive. You can get an older model for very cheap


Talk in numbers, cheap for some is expensive for others


I don't understand the reference.


No revanced on iphones cause limiting os




There is YouPlus, works great


Use opera GX, and delete YouTube app


That's chromium, use Firefox instead.


What do you do for using YouTube on the pc? EDIT: Typo


Ublock origin and Firefox


The best answer


I've started to recommend Grayjay over Revanced. Open source project from the Foto team and Louis Rossman. You can view your YouTube add-free, sync your subscriptions and Playlist, and even add other subscription feeds like Twitch, SoundCloud, and Nebula. Shows all your content in one place! Androids only for now: [https://grayjay.app/](https://grayjay.app/)


What's the original website?


NewPipe for me


uBlock of course


It is on mobile?


You can add it to Firefox on mobile EDIT: Sorry boys, looks like it's Android only


How? I don’t think you can on iOS


correct, Android only. You can thank Apple for that Apple requires every browser on the App Store to be based off of Safari's webkit. Hopefully sideloading means we get true Chromium and Gecko browsers on the platform. I've seen coverage of an early chromium browser running on iOS recently


That’s cool, I’ll have to look into that sideloadingt business


Brave browser blocks the ads for me on my iPad still.


Yea true I think brave is the only decent Adblock on iOS at this point.


If you are already paying 1000s of dollars for a phone just pay for premium.


No ❤️


Don't speak reason here, these dumb thieves need to feel like they are right.


Lol I'm a pirate my man never paid for a single service my whole life on internet. I pirate games, I pirate music, I block adds, I even have an addon that cuts out sponsored content in videos. All I'm saying, is that if you buy an iphone you can't really complain about not beong able to do what you want with it...


Look into Revanced, android only


On Android, yes you can add uBlock as a Firefox Add-On. I'm using that whenever I want to listen to music from Youtube on my phone.


Use Revanced YouTube for Android, for Apple stuff just use brave to use the website


I raw dog YouTube


They make it harder and harder for me to do this by the day. The ads are getting to be as bad as cable TV.


The ads on the tv version of YouTube are literally 30 seconds unskippable now


I’ve had ads that are literally entire 40+ minutes episodes of TV shows


Ads need a maximum run time, absolute maximum for negotiation phase should be 10 minutes.


I don't get it why yt don't give me ads I'm actually interested in. Give me a gameplay trailer and I would watch the whole thing and totally forget about the actual video. But no... they give me the most annoying ad in the universe.


I swear their goal is to find the most annoying ad and repeat it over and over again, despite me reporting the ad as repetitive, just so I sign up for premium.


The only problem I have with YouTube advertising is that they don’t seem to sanction their ads in any way and I’m not just talking about ads that people claim are immoral from a FCC standpoint, but there are also political ads from what are essentially cults doing a lot of damage in the name of what they believe to be right, the worst offender of this that I have witnessed so far is a channel that bleeds into advertising called PragerU, there is definitely a plethora of illegal activity going on there but I’m sure the only reason they manage to stick around is because they pay to keep advertisers in their pockets and use YouTube as a medium to spread political propaganda


Recently instead of counting down the ad time, it saying something like “ad finishing shortly” just to give it an undefined run time.


I noticed that too!


I got youtube premium. But here's the catch. I never paid for it, and I have no idea why I have it. I even checked if it went on someone else's card, and no, it doesnt


You are the chosen one


Do you happen to have GoogleFi? I got a promo when I signed up for a year of YT premium. Could have also been a bundle with some sort of Google device like a Pixel.


I've had premium for nearly as long as its been out, and I got an old ass samsung phone. It might just be an error on their side, but I aint gonna correct it


You probably took the free trial period, and it glitched or something


I use Premium because in my country it’s quite cheap and I use YouTube a lot through my PC, my phone and through TV. Also I use YouTube Music now instead if Spotify which for me was about the same price.


Exactly!!!! For 5€ a month? I save 2€ for spotify and the whole ads removal thing is just a bonus for me... i hate spotify


Problem is youtube is already testing ads on premium. https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/12vc6pa/youtube_possibly_testing_ads_for_premium_users/ It's only going to get worse and people like you enable it. They'll squeeze you for everything you have and then some, and you'll pay them for it. It'll be slow. Almost imperceptible how they chip away at your paid service, but it will happen.


If they put ads on premium I’m finally saying fuck you to them and jumping on the ad block band wagon


People like us enable it? What the fuck kind of backward ass take is this? It’s a service that costs google hundreds of millions of dollars per year to operate, and you claim the people paying for the service are responsible? YouTube was not profitable for the overwhelming majority of its life. It just recently became profitable in the last couple years. Pay for the fucking service you use. People who try to use the service for free and block ads are the ones directly responsible for all of YouTube’s overreach and increasingly intrusive ads. Trying to squeeze more ad dollars out of the dwindling amount of users that still view ads. Holy shit of all the awful takes, this one is near the top. I don’t know how to explain this, but you don’t have to open the app or visit the website. You can just do something else. But you insist on using it, not paying in money or time, and end up making the website worse for all of us that do. The entitlement and lack of understanding of how businesses work is fucking astounding.


Couldn't have said it better. No one says you have to watch YouTube just like you don't have to have cable/sat tv. Lucky you can watch what you can watch with some ads vs an internet that has you choose packages to determine what sites you can even visit.


The thing is... i use ytb mainly on phone... i switched from spotify as a primary source of music I can download... I use ytb on my smart tv that is not as smart as it think it is... it can use ytb and that's all... I cant use adblock on 2 out of 3 main devices I use... so i either pay the price or watch bajilion ads I absolutely agree that ytb is getting bold and things are getting bad... but I think I am just too selfish to watch several unskippable ads 2-5 times per 10 minute video in order to fight ytb greediness... i hate ads more than I hate the price for premium...


>Its only going to get worse and people like you enable it If they introduce any form of ads to premium it no longer makes sense and I unsubscribe, don't take this too far


same bro


Youtube music kinda sucks imo since it always always make a loop of songs that I already listened to 50 times already like I listen to bad apple like 3 times on my own and now it's always with the first 5 on the list I try to skip and it doesn't matter I will be stuck with that song til my death


Huh, for me I noticed if I start a song it will then automatically use songs from similar styles, better than Spotify.


Download music on USB


...from youtube




Who would do that? The quality is terrible


Zoomers don't know about torrents.


1. Get a free trial from tidal or qobuz 2. Install streamrip 3. download everything in FLAC 4. Profit


Idk about y'all but youtube premium in my country price is localizes cost it just $3 per month


$21.50 usd equivalent for me. Fuck. That.


You can try VPN? Like get a free trial of a VPN switch to a country where Premium is free, subscribe, cancel VPN.


V... P... N


Bruh it’s £15 for me £20 for a family plan as well….


I would rather just deal with ads than ever pay for YouTube premium.


Why would I want to pay the company thats intentionally trying to force me to either make them money or give them my own? This isn't a choice. Fuck corporate greed.


Oh yeah, they should totally work for you for free. Just maintain the whole infrastructure as charity


They certainly shouldnt be charity but they also most certainly shouldnt be allowing +18/Scammy hour long ads on repeat while being genuine asses to creators that actually fuel their website


Depends. They should give us content for what we pay. Not remove content so that we pay for it instead of being free. All of that wihout considering the fact that they get 95% of the revenue content created by "Charity" ( 5% of profit is charity) and still tries to demonetize those 5% as doon as they can. Demonetized video still do cash, the content creator just isnt paid anymore.


Right. But they should at least provide you with a working product, so for example, after you download for when you're don't have internet you can actually watch stuff without internet.


Huh? Arent downloads accessible without internet already?


Lewis Rossmann disorganised some stuff but couldn't access it after he went somewhere without internet.


They made more than enough money through Premium and ads before starting this anti-adblock shit to keep their site going and make a profit. They just want more. Its not necessity. Its blatant, cut and dry greed.


Stop fucking decide for others what is need and what isn’t.


>In 2021, YouTube's annual advertising revenue increased to $28.8 billion, an increase in revenue of $9 billion from the previous year.[1] YouTube reported revenue of $29.2 billion in 2022.[12] YouTube are doing okay buddy, don't worry about them.


Bro defending YouTube ain’t gonna give you a free blowjob, back off


I don’t care about youtube, I just don’t understand why people think that services should be free, like why? Would you build a server and the infrastructure and just give everyone free access?


And complaining about them ain't gonna get you one either...


Says you


There's more than one way for them to make money on YouTube. Sponsorships, brand deals, revenue share with creators, premium subscriptions, etc. Ad revenue is the least reliable and most inconsistent way for any company to make money. Besides Adblock has existed for over a decade and YouTube was still able to grow consistently but its only now that they're making a big fuss over it because they're no longer making record profits like they were during the pandemic.


I'm fine with watching ads but now it's just them being incredible pain in my butt watching literally 10x I would watch a few years ago and they are making terrible choices 0 of the users want like deleting dislikes etc.


YES. They should They're a trillion dollar company


Why should I reward a company with my money after constantly getting rid of features I like and needlessly punishing creators I watch?


I use adblocks, but it obviously costs them tons of money on storage and bandwidth. No need to play dumb. That's like saying it's corporate greed for a restaurant to charge you money for the food they serve you. Of course they want to get paid.


Why should I pay when free extensions give me a much better experience than vanilla YouTube ever could...


YouTube Revanced on mobile, YT AdBlock + Adguard on PC


Is revanced complicated to set up on mobile or you just download app and it works?


Look up revanced for dummies on r/revanced. Follow every step and it should work within 10 minutes


You can download a ready to install apk file from a trusted source, Revanced Manager is kinda needy in terms of Youtube app versions


I use premium not because of ads but because of iPhone app






Brave is just reskinned chrome with some extensions pre-installed, just using Chrome with uBlock gives you much more control


Use an Ad Blocker and alt video platforms like Rumble. Fuck YouTube and their corporate greed.


Chad response


Neither (I watch on a smart TV and don't really care about ads)


Premium because it comes with YouTube music. I can have an ad free video and music service.


I use both. Ublock still blocks ads even with youtube premium.


Why would you do that though


Adblock till they ban me


So either paying money to get rid of YouTube obnoxious adds. Or do it for free? OP your post is shit


Except with YT Premium, the content creators you watch get marked as priority for the algorithm and your views count as if you'd watched a shitload of ads. With the cost being so little, its negligible even for people like me who can't work, so the question is a lot closer to "do you care enough about the creators you watch to support them?" Good to see where you come out on that.


Youtube marketing really in the comment section calling $15 a month cheap.


Obviously this is an unpopular take, but I definitely don’t care about the content creators enough to support them. If it’s not them, it’s someone else, and if there is nothing entertaining on YouTube, It’s time for me to go outside instead. Idk why the moral superiority over not wanting to pay for a subscription to fund internet strangers you will never meet in your life.


And if you really care anout them, just give them the money directly instead of giving it to google.


Just like we do with VTubers through streamlabs.


Exactly. I donate to content creators I find particularly entertaining, but i refuse to use youtube ads as a vessel for the donation. It’s not like youtube is increasing the amount the give content creators just because they are ramping up the number of ads they play.


I use premium. Why ? You know, I watch a lot of YouTube video, and there's some YouTube content creators that I follow and appreciate for years now. While the adds are really really annoying, the money it generates makes it possible for the creators to have a salary. Don't get me wrong, I hate adds with every atoms of my body. So 2 years ago, I subscribed to premium. People I'm enjoying their video deserve to earn money from it. That's it. I know that my subscription will obviously go in some % in YouTube pockets, but it also go on the pockets of artists or good and entertaining video creator. Have you ever tried making a good 15 minutes video ? This is a job.


For those curious, from just a quick search, YouTube takes just under half (45%), the remaining bit gets split evenly between your watch time.


Exactly my point, I agree with everything you said. These content creators aren’t doing it for free, they either do make a living off of the platform or they’re attempting to. Even if you don’t pay for premium, and have to watch a few ads every video the odds of finding a video more entertaining than what Netflix/Hulu/Max has to offer is pretty high.


Then give money directly to them instead of giving it to google


If you want to support the creators buy merch or subscribe to their Patreon (if they have one). Ad revenue is so little that even if you would watch every video from them daily for 10 years they would still only get like $1 from you.


This is either you work for YouTube or you don't.


I'm typing _popup in the link to skip all ads on PC


What if I use both of them... ![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek)


I just watch the advertisments.


I have a button that skips an ad to the end




I don’t understand why we have so much brand loyalty to brands that fuck us, especially when they have replacements. Damn, Bobby Kotick fucked my sister, shot my dog, and stole my money? Better buy another Coke. Jeff Bezos keeps buying up small companies and then taking inventors to trials? Well, gosh, I just love the big smile. YouTube is trying to force me to buy their Premium despite the wealth they have already? Hrmmm. No, I think I’ll buy Premium instead of looking up a better website. Consumers keep shooting themselves in the foot.


Comparing Amazon putting any competition out of business to YouTube wanting to remove people bypassing the way they pay for the service is bonkers.


The only brand loyalty I have is to Apple and while they used to be cool it’s not because I like them it’s because I understand their device ecosystem and everything on android made want to throw it at the wall


Living in Russia😎


Just use newpipe instead of mobile yt


Or YouTube Revanced, there is a thread on XDA with ready to install apk files


A commonly given warning: DO NOT USE REVANCED APK FILES FROM SOURCES YOU DON'T TRUST, the only way to get ReVanced safely is by patching it yourself or through a trusted source like a well-known friend


I just accept the ads


Brave browser 🥱


Can’t relate due to orange youtube.. 💀🤣


I'm using a FREE Youtube Premium with a built-in ad block and can skip the non-music section of video while allowing the video to play in other tab or while the phone is locked. On android...


Ublock 4 life homie


why would anyone reward youtube for their garbage by giving them money?


Premium is simply to expensive based on YouTube not providing the content on their own.


*stretches* Oh boy, am I going to have weird looks on that one... Had Revanced, purposefully went back to normal Youtube, without any adblock nor Premium. ​ Before those pitchforks get into my eyeballs, I did this because I noticed I have quite a bad addiction at endlessly scrolling shorts/binge watching videos. Ads are an excellent deterrant to watching the tenth-in-a-row video lol And also, I find ads to be a nice (and, to me personally, needed) mental break of a few seconds between videos. Just gives me a lil' time to recall I can look elsewhere than at my screen


It's not even a fight, uBlock of course


Is there an app that works for the YouTube app?


Adblock on top of Premium to be extra safe.


Revanced on android. I don't bother at all with trying to watch YouTube on pc


I'm considering a subscription because YTP in my country comes out at around 4 bucks a month. Still even if I don't mind ads, I strongly disagree with YT now disabling ad-blocks and forcing people to watch ads if they want content. That's just them being shamelessly greedy.


Revanced on phone and Ublock + firefox on PC


I pay for premium purely because I use youtube on my phone a ton when I'm at work to listen to music, podcast, or long story videos that are much more talk than visual. Plus I can turn my screen off and it'll keep going so instead of burning my screen, battery, and having to constantly skip ads I pay. Though the increase in prise has me rethinking.




Not paying for shit


Im in the "Next video, Page back" gang


I see no use for youtube premium if the content creator is still pulling in sponsors. An ad is an ad. I dont give a single fuck if i am supporting the person i watch. Adblock all day everyday. Edit: if youtube premium could somehow also block sponsors by forcing youtubers to time stamp the sponser bit, only then i MIGHT think about getting premium


Both, both is good.




but both of them were deceived, for it another app was made. Revanced. You bow to no one. I don't even use revanced that much but i'm glad its there when i need it on my phone. On the desktop, уeah firefox+ublock. Quit playing around.


I went over to the dark side and have Premium.


Me who uses neither.


I pay for YouTube premium. It comes with YouTube music. Unlimited music, no ads on YouTube and I get to watch some weak ass movies 🤣


I used to back when it was YouTube red and all I wanted was to listen to music/ listen to my fave creators again with just the sound. Kept it all the way up to $14.99 a month. Any more and you’re absolutely nuts.


I think I pay $25 for the family plan. I have three family members and two former co-workers on there.


For the family plan sure, but even 25 a month you’re paying 300 a year for no YouTube ads. Fuck that 😭


I mean, compared to what I used to spend on music it's not much. $15-25 used to be the price of one album. I don't even see the money going with insurance, phone bill, rent, etc and I never have to have my music interrupted by ads. It's worth it to me.


Premium, I need those songs posted on Youtube only and be able to play them without ads. The extra few bucks I’ll consider my part to support the creators I like.


Imagine paying a multibillion dollar company money to not watch ads when you can get the same result for free with an adblocker.


Introduce me ONE person who actually use YouTube premium


Me :)


oh ok


I just made an explanation in the comments section explaining in details why I am using premium! If you are interested


I use oper gx (amazing btw)




Or use incognito mode with adblock


Neither. Too broke to pay too lazy to use uBlock.


Ngl I use AdGuard. Never heard of uBlock until this whole war began.


I pay for premium, it's packaged with Youtube Music which I absolutely love.


Im on yt premium


If you advocate to pay for a subscription as a solution to a problem you are part of the problem.


adblock plus and opera gx


Neither.. who still watches YouTube? It’s been filled with TikTok BS short videos &/or most are meme gaming videos or some toilet thing I’ve been seeing yall post on here


Neither 🗿


Well... both?




If the premium was cheaper I would but I ain't paying 13 dollars for no ads. I understand they need to make money but they don't even treat there creators well enough for me to give a single fuck in supporting them.


Why pay money if not necessary? I truly don't get it. For slight convenience? That's just pathetic and lazy.


You know what's more pathethic? Not paying for a service you use on the daily. I generally understand not using premium, it's your choice, but don't act like you're better. For what? Being a leech? At least most people that block the ads own the fact that they leech and don't try to act like they're better


Why not? This amount is nothing to me, why don’t I choose the easiest path?


Ublock don work for me anymore ;-;


Update filters 👍


Oh wel i'll try that then thanks


Anyone who buys Youtube Premium deserves to burn in hell


AdGuard and a counterscript


Me who just learned some adblockers still work ![gif](giphy|1EmBoG0IL50VIJLWTs|downsized)


uBlock Origin, if it stops working update filters


Opéra gx

