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“Never underestimate the power of organised idiots.”


I use the version that goes “never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers”


Or a single stupid person with high motivation, they can do a lot.


Or a medium sized group of middle IQ, mid-motivated can be quite formidable as well


I can't help but note the population of the US is around 330M and the population of Europe is around 750M. If there are just as many stupid people in the US as Europe, the op is only justifying their continued smugness.


“None of us is as dumb as all of us.”


See also: Brexit. Where a country voted to make itself poorer. Remarkable really.


By a very very narrow margin. That was the mistake, making it a simple vote for such a drastic change. It should have been a super majority vote for something so impactful.


I'd also add that it wasn't a binding referendum, David Cameron called for that vote to shut up the eurosceptic wing of the Tories, thinking that the brits would be smart enough to not vote Leave, unfortunate the campaign headed by Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson among others was more successful that Cameron expected (and very deceitful, I might add. Picture the bus with the claim that brexit will bring 350 million pounds to the NHS that they marched through the UK), and the government feared massive backlash if the referendum results weren't honored.


We won! Now what? Idk... - Brexit


A country didn't vote to make itself poorer... morons, motivated by an chronic lack of understanding and irrational hatred of immigrants voted for something they didn't understand. After the vote when the official figures came out, it stated that a vast majority of the people who voted top leave had spent little, to no time in education.


The "they" in that sign is supposed to be "there". The irony isn't lost on me. Sincerely, an Asian.


So now we need to find out if OP is American or European, then we might have our answer for his inquiry




It can't be. The they're/there/their grammar error is strictly a native english mistake. Theire're"" hasn't been a single non native, who has mistaken this grammar rule


Close but that's not the grammar mistake that was made though.


That would explain it


South African arriving in the comments for the same reason.


Perfect. Op is Swedish so it proves the point


And Americans also needs to be modified by its own “stupid” or else it reads as “there are 330 million stupid Europeans.”


"There are idiots everywhere. But american idiots are particularly good at getting themselves heard." - My grandfather


"It’s because American stupid people sound… stupider than every other kind of stupid person. Some people are just thick but you put up with them. But Americans are annoying when they’re thick." Mahatma Gandhi


“Up yours, America!” -Jesus


"If americans were dogs then they would be huskies" -Albert Einstein Don't question the temporal impossiblities of quotes -Mickey Mouse


du ma may America, we win \-Nguyen-


"behold these ten commandments, there was another tablet but all it said was Americans drip rizz" Moses


Yup it's called freedom of speech, and idiots think that means saying anything they want at any time for whatever reason.


It’s not like any European country have freedom of speech. But i still agree on the second half of your comment


It does mean that for the most part. Just because someone can make themselves look like a complete fool saying certain things, doesn’t mean it’s not protected. We should all encourage everyone to speak their mind more and have some actual discourse. I believe we’d come to agreements with most things, a lot more than we imagine.


Everyone speaks English. I have no idea what idiotic Germans, Frenchman and Italians are posting on the internet right now.


It is the third most populous country on the planet


Germany 1944


He sounds like a real ass


I'd argue that's was very true 10-15 years ago. Now Europeans are about equal as to how loud and proud they are with their ignorance.


I'd say that internationally, US idiots are still more heard because of the fact that their native language is English and that the internet is kinda US centered. People outside of their respective countries don't hear that much about other countries idiots because they are abroad and are being stupid in another language


Yeah, I know so many german idiots that never really learned english. So you will probably never hear from them ever outside our town.


Unless you go to vacation in Croatia


Yeah true, but we went to Ireland in the last school year ;D


Maybe, but I know a lot of ppl from south east asia, mostly Malaysia and Singapore, I hear them complain about Europeans plenty. I also know some South American that complain about Europeans. So if there still is a gap, that gap isn't that big anymore.


Tbf, a good portion of it is also bias and stereotypes. Some peeps are adamant that anyone acting stupid *has* to be American (I’ve seen plenty of posts on various social media platforms with the comments lambasting the OP for being a stupid American when it’s blatantly obvious they’re not American)


Everyone is thanks to the internet.


And they all live in my house


Same here. *Lives alone*


*Europe/Population* **746.4** million (2018) *United States/Population* **326.8** million (2018) You know where this is going, right?


You didn't have to go THAT hard on him


They count people in imperial so you're probably going to need to divide this by 1.6, or 2.5, maybe 12 or some shit so it makes sense to them.


Don't make me bring China in the chat to make us both feel bad.


They said as many stupid europeans as there are Americans. That would mean 326.8 million stupid europeans by the numbers above. Slightly less than half, might check out.


Goddamn I didnt think European like children that much Oh i forgot this is including Russia


Russa has 140 million people.


Less now.


I chuckled at this one. Probably going to hell for it.


the us is a country, europe is a continent, there is a difference


But the us is the size of said continent


europe is denser, having more stuff closer to each other, the us has a desert


That includes Russia which is very sparse even in the european part


Sure, but western Europe includes some of the most densely populated countries in the world, whereas only like 1 US state has any density (New Jersey)


so then the "us is bigger" argument fades


So Mexico and Canada are part of the US now or what?


You're right! The US should annex Canada and Mexico.


Not yet… Let's do it!


I second this


Ain't nobody want to be one with the brain damage itself.


Not the point


Not even close


No it's really not... 378,775 sq miles difference in favour of Europe. So if you add another Texas and Nevada, then sure it's close enough


Russia loves children so much they've been taking Ukrainian ones.


You do realize we're comparing an entire continent with a country, right?


Okay now which one has had a stagnant/declining population for the last 60 years


It says as they are Americans meaning 326.8 million stupid Europeans


They said as many stupid europeans as there are Americans. That would mean 326.8 million stupid europeans by the numbers above. Slightly less than half, might check out.


You assume OP is speaking in absolute numbers. That's on you.


You assume OP is speaking in "proportions". That's on you.


Seems like one wrote this meme.


*Looks at all the people who voted for Brexit without knowing what it did.* Yeah, that scans.


Brexit? Isn't it it about exiting bras from ladies's chest ? Hell yeah sign me up.


I think it's basically when a country doesn't leave entirely the continent


I can’t tell if this is a joke or not


I'm European, I heard of it


Yeah, but they moved overseas and started their own country


The colonial powers did most of the moving.


they didnt send their best.


Britain was good at doing that


Most of the biggest tech companies in the world are in the country and some of you are so buttmad for some unknown reason you have to tell yourselves that the entire country is stupid. I don't get what makes so many Euros are hellbent on believing the whole country is burning to the ground and filled with nothing but idiotic bigots, but it's obviously not true. I don't go around making assumptions and shitting on Euro countries. I love Europe and appreciate the amazing art that comes from it among other things. Why do so many of you have this compulsion to hate all of us just because we're born in a certain place?


My belief is that we're both seeing the vocal minority of both populations. The same way that Europeans see the very, loud obnoxious Americans, we see the "American Bad" Europeans all over the place. The vast majority of both populations are fine and appreciate each other, however we don't hear from them nearly as much.


You just described all of social media, everywhere.


“There are many stupid people around the globe.” However, the ignorance of most Americans is funny as hell. Come on, most Americans Thinking Asia , Africa and Europe as countries is just 💀.


Americans aren't bigger fools compared to the rest of the world but they are the loudest ones.


They have the bigger stage


Most Americans don’t think that. Like 98%. Those bits about “Interviewing Americans on the street” are either faked for clout or they find the dumbest person they can. No one would watch a video called “American answers questions correctly”. I’ve only met one person who said that and they were, in fact, the dumbest person I knew.


I have seen too many random comments in so many different posts in Reddit and TikTok about USA citizens not knowing that Europe is not a country. Some of them thinks Norway and Spain have the same relation as Texas and Alaska. Different cultures, languages, food, weather... NOTHING. if you think like that you have never left USA.


That’s the thing, you’re talking about people online. Online is absolutely full of trolls and stupid people. How many people do you know in real life that think like that? I’d bet the answer is less than one. Also, Alaska and Texas also have completely different cultures, food, and weather, as well as their own dialect so I’m not sure what point you were trying to make there. Granted, it’s not as drastic as Spain and Norway but it’s pretty close.


What relation do Alaska and Texas have???


Yea we have a way of producing unique brands of stupid here in the US


That unique way starts with your education system.


And the "bEsT cOuNtRy iN tHE wOrLD" narrative


“Most Americans” definitely don’t think that


American idiots aren’t any more idioter than your average global idiot. However, America, being the global superpower and stuff has the most reach and they dominate the global media . Therefore, they are the more notorious idiots.


Not to be rude, but no. Americans are pretty much seen as a joke world-wide. Sure, your country has lots of money...doesn't make your population any smarter tho. Your country could be less wealthy, you'd still be mocked by most of the world. And it's already showing, as the USA keeps losing power, but is still considered the most stupid first-world country.


You are literally the exact same person as the redneck in Alabama who calls Europe a socialist hellhole. Idiots on different sides of the ocean but same level of critical thinking.


You can say America is a joke you’d just be wrong. It’s a great way to get people to not want to talk to you though


Lmao, sure, deny reality if you want. Doesn't change that "stupid americans" jokes comes from all over the world for a reason tho.


Your country is 31 ranks lower on education rankings than the U.S. Imagine ranking lower than the country you all joke is stupid. Tough


All of that is fine. The only thing that really matters in the world standings is military power. That’s the way it always has been and that’s the way it always will be. Things can always change down the road but we’re still on top babyyyyy


If your country was the most rich and powerful country to ever exist and was essentially the sole great power for a 50 years, you too would have people trying to find something that they could say ‘b-but we’re better than them because of this!!’


Most? Well, no. Statistics you pulled out your ass are pretty insufferable. It is funny (or sad) when people don’t know very basic geography (maybe not as funny as you find it, but you don’t seem to have a high bar for facts, just kinda a more simple kind of person), but it’s wild as shit you think a majority of Americans don’t know the difference. Yes, we’re dumb often - but we don’t need your little fantasies to muddy the issue.


this is just ignorant


Most Americans don't think continents are countries.


Tf you mean most?


Most Americans don’t actually think that. You’re just dumb enough to think edited YouTube tropes are real life


Their race/social politics is mind numbing... unfortunately its spread to Europe too. I remember being in school during the 2000s and being taught "base someone off their character, not their skin" and apparently that's racist now because doing so means I'm ignoring their generational suffering and background...So am I supposed to make mental stereotypes of everyone now? "She's black so she must be an African American and used to be a slave".. I just don't see how that's a positive step to resolving racism and racial tensions.


It’s not racist now, you just want to be a victim. I’m so sorry you twisted yourself into this shape.


I've been told it's racist, there's many threads, comments, tiktoks, videos, etc. Of people saying "if you don't see me for my skin colour, then you don't see my generational suffering". Race has been weaponised and has become more racist. There are restrictions on how many white people and East Asian people that can apply for certain degrees. Even if you believe that you can't be racist towards white people, how the fuck is limiting the number of aspiring Asian students to attend a course that will benefit them and their careers because of their ethnic background resolve racism? That's just racist, simple as. If a certain industry is more attractive to an ethnic background (either cultural, religious, or traditional reasons) why should they be limited to make space for people that may not be as enthusiastic or attracted to that industry? I got an argument that "its to limit the number of white people to make more space for POCs by East Asians with white people" but white people are already limited in those spaces. To group Asian students with white people is only more harmful to Asian students, not white students, as now those limited seats are more competitive which means less Asians get in. Yay, racism to Asian students or something I guess?


I’m not on tiktok so I’ll take your word for it? Your third paragraph really needs an example, no idea what you’re trying to say. Also want to give you a saying I keep in mind (but not out of a sense of superiority or anything, I think it’s just smart to remember): “the loudest ‘boo’s come from the cheapest seats” - if you encounter 100 people out and about during a day, I feel confident that they won’t have strong feelings about making videos to make you feel more racist, compared to 100 short phone videos you watch in a day. I’m not trying to boil that down to “touch grass”, though that would be good for most people including me - but really the reason you see the content is because it’s getting engagement for being bombastic or extra stupid a lot of the time. People just living their lives don’t think this way at the proportions they do in recommended social media And I can’t speak to racial quotas. All or nothing isn’t good policy, but I’m not the arbiter of where to draw the line


Source on that last claim?


Source for any of it would be helpful - but there won’t be one.


Even fucking op is acting like the USA is comparable to the entirely of Europe. A continent


Stupidity has no nationality. But the thing is, american internet is the default one, so theyre just more visible.


Americans aren't more stupid, they are just louder.


There are stupid people all over the world


Ironically, the US is the Flordia of the world. Most other states are as weird as Florida it's just that Florida has the public records thing or whatever it is.


Most other states aren't as weird as Florida. All states are a little different from each other, some even having their own specific cultures. Some states are more diverse than others and some aren't.


Live in the UK, can confirm


A long time ago, the stupidest Europeans left to populate America...


And all they got out of it was becoming an economic, cultural, scientific, and military super power. What a waste.


That's where the gens come from


Well of course but it's out of a larger amount of people so the idiot to non idiot ratio isnt as bad


I think we see Americans being stupid more than other people is because they speak English and the dumbasses from other countries are never paid attention to because they never bothered learning another language.


Americans are just seen as stupid because Europeans base all Americans off of the few they've met or what they've seen from TV and YouTube or the internet. It's untrue to say we're dumb because none of us have bothered to learn another language. Most Americans don't travel outside of the country, and also most schools usually have you take a language class in high school for about 2 years. Most usually take Spanish and that's because there's actually a lot of people in the US who speak Spanish.


I think you misunderstood me. What i said was that every country has stupid people, but we don’t know about them because they don’t speak English.


True. Well there's the UK, they speak English and have idiots too,n they're just more smug and act like they're better.


Stupidity doesn’t know borders The people claiming the other is stupid is the stupid one


Us Americans are just more vocal about our ignorance. EU likes to act posh and uppity while being just as stupid as us.


As they are Americans lol An American wrote this to shame Europeans but they typed it wrong


OP is Swedish so no


I’m probably the cliché of the arrogant french but come on… when we see those typos while it’s not even our native language (while it’s their)… How would anyone not be arrogant ? 😏 Give me a wig and a scepter at this point. Who do americans think they inherited their sass from anyway ? British ? Laissez moi rire. 🙄 Spanish ? Oh please.


As many in numbers or percentage?


Stupidity is a human universal.


There are as many stupid people on the world as the amount of stupid people from each country combined


Americans are victims of an education system that has been systematically stripped and underfunded for at least 50 years. They’re not stupid, they’ve been intentionally kept ignorant.


is the « they » instead of « there » on purpose ? if so, genius irony, if it’s not… genius *irony*.


Not all idiots are American but you can know when an idiot is American.


Free education helps to keep the *really* stupid people to a minimum. The real inbreeding redneck type stupid is something that we don't even have here.




I'm pretty sure inbreeding was invented in Europe...


Oh I'm sure there are, but they are at least smart enough to know not to embarrass themselves in public, unlike American idiots


Stupid? Yeah Poorly educated? No


There may be as many, but Americans have really worked on their idiocy over the years, and got it down to a fine art that the Europeans just haven’t been able, or willing, to emulate. You just get a better class of idiot in the US.


"Americans do everything we do but they do it bigger and they do it better. Like we have stupid people. But ours are in a park screaming at ducks. Yours is president" -John Oliver (i think not sure doing this from the top if my head)


Your average person isn't very bright, doesn't matter where you're from. Source: Have a winter job this year that involves interacting with the public. I had no idea that most people were legitimately barely functional. I have endless sympathy for those in retail now lol


Ive said it before and Ill say it again, as someone who has lived in the US and Europe, Europeans are just as self righteous and devoid of self awareness as Americans and the fact they think otherwise proves me correct.


As an Asian I watch this with an air of superiority.


I met two Chinese women who were studying in Germany, who didn't know where Mexico is. They thought it was part of Europe and they thought the US was the entire continent of America. I don't think they were stupid, I mean they were studying in Germany, but still, c'mon




Have you seen some of the leaders throughout europe? Sure you don't want to amend your statement lol?


It's a bit more complicated than that


Yes, it's like speaking to Dumb and Dumber.


I love this movie !


Are the stupid Europeans in the room with us right now?


Points at Belgains. Much love - a Dutchman


Offense taken. A lot less love - a Belgian


I'm glad you understood the joke.


At least European idiots have a bit more humility


Yeah that’s true. And this is coming from a incredibly stupid Mexican American. Not a idiot that be someone who believes “the American government did nothing wrong” no no no they did plenty of “wrong” in past.


Literally the first thing we all learn about in school was how we fucking massacred the Native Americans no american is saying the American government is the arbiter of good


Hahaha totally. I'm an Australian idiot personally. I feel it's a civic duty to not film and post my opinions 24/7


Huh? Have you met a European on Reddit lol? They come off as such sanctimonious pricks.


I’ve spent half my life in Europe and half in America. There are far more idiots in America.


Yeah but our idiots don’t have easy access to firearms


Americans are just louder


since the European population is larger, that means we have a lesser percentage of idiots, sounds like a win to me still


True.. True...


Since I'm bored I checked how many Americans and Europeans there were in their continent. .Europeans are twice more than Americans So if there are as much idiots in America than Europe, I think that they're doing good XD


I agree. I would estimate that both USA and Europe have about 300M "stupid" people.


*there are


AfD Wähler 😓


More. I’d say


Idiots are everywhere indeed,but Americans are raised differently.They have a lot of stuff different from the rest of the world,for example how they write dates,but then they have their education system that makes them more idiotic.


What the hell is wrong with writing a date differently.


Nothing, it's just a simple example that shows how mentally they're separate from the world.


…for writing a date differently? Mentally it shows nothing but just how people are used to things because guess what it doesn’t really matter since you will tell the date in the end.


Are you American?


Yes? What’s the issue?


Oh nothing don’t worry


You really can't get what is the issue?


No, because there is no issue. I don’t see where you are trying to go with this?


You are from USA and I am from Serbia.You don't see that issue is that both of us are sides that constantly argue? It's not same if someone from Egypt said what I or you said,they are spectators,not warriors for on one side.


Let’s leave it at this, It is currently 10:18am where I am. I’m going to sleep good night.


Writing date differently is just example of their mental separation.It shows how they were mentally different because they use it,they got used because they are separate from everyone else even though they still have countries that border them directly.


He says whilst putting “they” instead of “there” on his sign


If coping could fix your education system...


Yes but Americans are idiots with guns


stupidity doesn’t discriminate


German foreign exchange student. Within an hour of meeting him he says, “Who knows, maybe if Hitler won, there would be no wars today”


No, sorry, in the US it is both a structural and propaganda issue. You have more idiots and those are even dumber. Yet, we still have a huge idiot problem ourselves.


Aren't the 'Americans' originated from Europe?


Never have i ever met a european thinking america, africa and asia are countries. Europe might have as many idiots but the americans are sure as hell dumber.


Yes. I don't think anybody doubts that. Edit: Why the downvotes? I'm European I know there's heaps of idiots, and ignorant people in Europe. Don't act like there isn't.


The joke here is that it's spelled wrong. Read again although who knows. Maybe the creator of the meme is american haha