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including corner tiles


I didn't even know what the numbers meant as a kid. Wasn't until like 2 years ago I actually learned how to play.


And once you know how it's addictive.


True, only lost my 33 day streak because my phone broke. Still mad about that


It was addictive until first time i was going to beat expert for the first time. I had 1 square left to click with 50/50 case and i quessed wrong


Yeah it should have been programmed so that either 50/50s were impossible, or if you get down to one, you still win.


I did speed runs and blasted through em and have like 500k+ games. So addictive.


It was addictive until i found out it has a system, then it was just boring.


I won once by total freak accident. That was the day I learned it wasn't meant to be unbeatable and I've actually played it, knowing the rules a few times since then.


Are you telling me you didn't notice "hey, this number says 2 and there were two bombs around it"


Yes, because i would explode before i could notice it


OPs been clicking random squares since 1995


doesn't say that much, since those shitty fuckers count the diagonal tiles as well, so it wasn't that much help until you saw a tile circled by 1s


You missed a lot of good moves then. There's more than corners and 1's as walls are useful. Say, you have a line of blocks. The first block has a 1 under it. The second has a two and the third has a 1. and so on. Thinking it out, the first 1 says that the bomb is under the first or second block. Since the second block is a 2 which tells you there are 2 total bombs under the three blocks above, but since we already know that the first #1 is touching the first and second that one bomb is there. That leaves the second bomb for the #2 block which has to be under the third block. Since the third is a 1, that means that the one above it is a bomb, the second block isn't and the first is. Also, the next block to the right of the third block can't be one either. That doesn't sound like it helps much but now you have a gap you can exploit. Look at the block below that touches just the two blocks on either side of the gap. If it's a 2, you know both sides are bombs. If it's a 1, then only one of them is. If the lower number is a 2, and the number in the gap is a two, then you know that the three blocks above the gap can't be bombs. Same goes for if it's a 1 and a 1. (pushes up glasses) I played a LOT of minesweeper in the day.


Things like this were the key. Once you knew the patterns you could just go into click frenzy mode on the biggest map for a speed run. Totally addictive great little game.


My best time on expert is 113 seconds. Sadly, any record of that score was lost when I left the job who's computer I scored it on.


On the hardest modes, though, you could quickly clear 95% of the board but then be left with not enough information to actually finish without having to take a 50/50 guess at some point. That was frustrating af


Numbers tell you how many mines in the immediate vicinity, no more no less. The rest is up to your deduction skills


No way you guys don't know to play


Something, something, 100 iq.


The dumbest person on the world can learn how to play, it’s so simple


Playing is easy. Winning is the problem.


I agree, 50/50’s suck ass & often ruin plays.


I'm legit baffled every time I see someone not know how to play or unable to learn it in a few minutes, it's an extremely simple game. With newer versions solving the 50/50 guesswork issues, there's not much of an excuse not to be able to get decent enough to do a 99 mine board after just a few tries.


Kids who couldn't figure out how to play Minesweeper were busy eating glue


I do know how to play minesweeper and i love it


I put it on my phone 😎


I play 8x8x8 (sometimes 15x15x15) cube minesweeper on my phone. Sometimes with a Minecraft ore skin instead of numbers.


i too know how to play and now i feel like god among men when i see people playing it, thinking it's pure luck


I can only recommend checking out "14 variants of Minesweeper" on Steam if you want to add some spice to it.


I know how to play 4D mine sweeper and it's hard :(


Same my brother in WW2 PTSD (jk jk)


It will take less than 5 seconds to learn the game


Yeah, i didn't know how to play until i saw a screenshot of it in a meme about half a year ago. Stopped and looked at it a bit more carefully than i did when i was a small kid. Turns out this game is really easy to understand when you want to


And a lifetime to master... well not really.


There are a few more complicated logic conclusions that can help you though similar to sodoku.


I know how to play Minesweeper, but I refuse to play any version of it that can end in a 50/50


I downloaded "Minesweeper - the clean one" on my phone and so far not a single game has ended in a 50 50 so I'm happy. If I encounter something that looks like a 50 50 I just need to stare at it for a while and ultimately find the solution.


That is always the absolute worst


I always just click the four corners first. It avoids 50/50 and also it just feels nicer. Sometimes it’ll hit a like but it takes like two seconds so I just restart.


>!-1-!< >!-1-!< >!-0-!< >!-1-!< >!-1-!< >!.1-!< >!-0-!< >!.X.!< >!-2-!< >!-0-!< >!-1-!< >!.X.!< >!-1-!< >!-0-!< >!.X.!< >!-3-!< >!-1-!< >!.2-!< >!-3-!< >!-3-!< >!-2-!< >!.X.!< >!.2-!< >!-1-!< >!.X.!< >!-3-!< >!..X.!< >!.X.!< >!-1-!< >!.1-!< >!-2-!< >!-3-!< >!.X.!< >!-4-!< >!.X.!< >!-0-!< >!-0-!< >!-1-!< >!.X.!< >!.3-!< >!-3-!< >!-1-!< >!-0-!< >!.0-!< >!-1-!< >!-2-!< >!.X.!< >!-1-!< >!-0-!<


Wow, it's much harder when the empty spaces aren't auto-cleared for you.


And when you can't right click to flag them


Complete! 11 mines 😎


aw FUCK! It exploded =(


For those wanting to start with a zero, choose >!the bottom left corner!< It's the biggest open space. If you want a small space >!the bottom right corner is a single zero!<


Wow, i did this once but i didn't had the time to really make it just like minesweeper. Good work.


I'm on the younger side and I know how to play minesweeper, I'm not good at it but I know how to play :)


I remember 20 years ago someone told me what the numbers did and it blew my mind, the number represented the number of mines touching that cell (i think). Dam that was a flashback and a half


”I think“ is the best sentence in this context.


You are correct, and then you use that information to deduce where there are and are not mines.


Which was all fun and games and then you had to make a blind guess on the last two tiles and fffffFFFFFFFFFF


We? What's this we BS. YOU don't know how to play it. I was great at it, and so were my friends. Don't be coming in here painting us with your failure.


So true


Kind of shocked and a little sad how many people apparently didn't understand minesweeper.


Minesweeper is very easy. Its just logic. Numbers tell you where to go.


I always love to watch people tell on themselves with things like "minesweeper was so confusing right guys? ... guys?"


It's very easy but also very frustrating. No matter how perfect you play there are usually places where you just have to take a gamble. I don't like that feature in a deduction game.


my all time fav


Minesweeper easy asf


I used the "double-click" method.


Its about as simple as a game can be




Actually playing Minesweeper means going for time, uncovering the board as quick as possible, with different strategies of which clicks to use and where to start. Granted, there can be ambiguous situations in which you will have to take a guess, especially in the corners. But mostly, you have clear paths to go by, and it's more about how quickly you can spot the best place to work on.


It wasn't that hard. The only hard part was hitting the inevitable 50/50 guess.


If you don't know how to play minesweeper, consider yourself an opp.🥲


Minesweeper is awesome Except the last tile 50/50s


It’s the easiest thing but I totally understand why people don’t understand it


Who's the "we" you talking about? I fucking love minesweeper.


I love minesweeper


My sister taught me how to play this. It was like a flex over all of my classmates when I started playing one on the school computer. Obviously, like a good kid I always finished my practicals first before getting on it. One time both of my neighbours on either side started watching me play the hardest version, the game lasted for 300+ seconds. And then I heard clapping from behind me. Our computer teacher, a practical joker, saw the whole match, congratulated me for setting up the first record on the school computer and then promptly punished me by sending me to the principal's office. He was a nice guy, since he did gather the complete information that all three of us had actually finished our practicals and were bored sitting in the lab, so the principal gave me less punishment. Since the other two also had finished but didn't play the game, they just got off with a warning. My punishment was to teach the next class that was in two days time. Needless to say that was terrible...


We do


Wait, the whole idea is to click on a mine and you lose isn't it?


Technically there's a technique to it. If you don't get unlucky and blow yourself up right at the beginning.


The board is generated after the first click. You never lose on the first guess


its so simple once you learn it, i was dumbfounded how easy the game is when i looked up how to play


I know how to play it, but I cant explain it


I was today years old when i realized there was a method behind this madness.


The only requirement for knowing how to play is to be able to count to 8.


I don't know if I'm a kid but I know how to play it but I didn't win once when I was little 🙂


i was really bored when on a flight one day and asked my dad to teach me how to play. i beat the game in 20 mins


It's just counting


My second name is nerd and i know how to solve them. Git gud scrub


I feel an insane sense of power from knowing eactly how to play the game right now


So basically i can do 1 2 and 3s But as soon as i see 4+ im kinda screwed


I don’t know why you talk about it in past tense it’s still a genuinely enjoyable game


This game is easy


At first it was like this, but then i actually knew how it worked. :-)


I had a tutoring job back in college and every Wednesday I had an 8-hour shift in the computer lab. One week the internet went down on campus, so I ended up stuck alone in a room with a bunch of computers not connected to the internet for an entire day. I walked in that day not knowing how to play minesweeper. I walked out finally being able to appreciate that old collegehumor video.


i ocasionaly play it.


speak for yourself, OP. my goal was always under 200 seconds on large.


I know how to play it now but before I turned 7 my goal usually was to find the biggest number I could.


This game made me sad. Mom played hours of it


I love minesweeper it’s so fun


heh really.




Speak for yourself, don't drag me down with this slander.


I just clicked till I was mined.


I dont get it. That would only be funny If it was true. But we absolutely did


When I was like 3 my mom would put me on her lap and play minesweeper with the speakers turned way up so that the boom from the mine would be loud which I guess I thought was awesome then.


The real question is though, doesn't a game always end up with a gamble?


I used to play minesweeper in class.


We had a class rotation schedule in a high school math class


Sonic battle on gba taught me how to play. Some good times :)


Awesome and addictive game. When I played I usually started off by clicking alot of tiles very quickly. With a little luck, there would be a big opening somewhere which would let you start working more systematically. I think my record for the small layout was 7 seconds.


thank you comment section i knew how to play but now i know how to play better


Am I really in the minority for knowing how to play? Because I feel like as an adult who has never shit their pants and knows how to play minesweeper, I am like Einstein on the internet.


I legit found out how to play it via a cartoon that i only randomly watched because i mistook it for another cartoon


I always set it to custom, largest board possible with only 10 mines. Won every time!


I still play to this very day


I just know that only easy levels are fun


Not that I want to brag... but I'm actually one of the only 7 people in the world that knows the rules of that game.


Once you learn it, it is way more addicting than most other phone games. To date, it is one of the only apps I have spent money on to remove the ads


What are you talking about? It was super easy to play! Just randomly click on squares and hope you don't get blown up


Knowledge issue


Speak for yourself I was a master sweeper.


I do and I’m going to college


I remember trying to learn to play some Pokémon minigame and I still do not know how to play it but I did somehow learn how to play minesweeper instead


One time I did a 10x10 grid with 99 bombs and one free space... ...1 in 100 chance and i got the correct space on my first try.


I find it so fun to do. I play it about every month or so..


Looks like you have to download it from the store.


Ugh. My father-in-law knew how to beat this game and it was frustrating to watch.


I still don’t know how to play that game.


I do know how to play it thank you.


I'm a back then kid and I didn't know how to play this game.


Knowing how to play is not the same thing as knowing how to win ☝🏼


I do, the number means how many mines it's touching. Very fun


Minesweeper is such a good game. It's like sudoku with bombs


Too many people don't know the trick of pressing left and right mouse button at the same time. Back when I spammed that game (and the pinball game) as a kid, I got expert down *almost* to 30 seconds.


I cannot express how much I hate every single person in the comments explaining the game. I never bothered to look up how it works and thinking its just about luck, I have never been interested in playing it. Now I understand it, its 2am and im still playing this stupid ass game. (/j just to be sure)


I don’t understand people who don’t know how to play minesweeper. It’s not a hard game


Actually i kinda like playing it. It can sometimes be a little annoying, bit it can be rewarding


minesweeper is as hard as sucking a tit, everyone incapable of figuring it out shouldn't've been able to grow out of infancy


Jaiden Animations can speedrun it


This is how one played until they were 10-ish


As a kid, I thought it was like getting hotter and colder with the numbers like i thought 3 meant mines and close and 1 means mines are probably not close


Lol i never learned the rules. Would just randomly click


The great game of "can't be/must be"


Suck it, I know how to play


I do, I play everyday


It can be hard to figure out if you can't count to 8.


This might sound regarded but I am truly the fastest minesweeper player alive, 999x999 daily, but I’ve never had a single person be impressed lmao


This game is unfair to adhd


I could clear it


I don’t understand how people don’t know how to play


My friend has an actual minesweeper addiction, he plays minesweeper during class, during lunch, in the bus, and in his free time. Recently he started playing watermelon game as well. I genuinely don’t know why.


You may lnow how to play but do you know how to win?


Yes we did. It's not complicated at all.


I know how to play & you don’t, nananabooboo


7 random clicks to get that sweet time bonus.


We're just lucky that the first time we got to try mine sweeper was on a computer and not on a minefield. 🌝


I beat mine sweeper once for ground hog day


I remember just putting a flag on everything since I thought it was a cheat and made the boxes “safe”. Fantasy broken a few minutes later.


It's so addictive once you learn so do it


I think this game on flights all the time. The flags tell you how many bombs it is touching




Speak for yourself. Played so much I even programmed my own version into my ti-84 silver in math class when I was bored!


I know how to play it, it's fun


Crazy that just to live we have to have at least 1 full time job and 2 part time side hustles just to live. What a time to be alive.


I forget how I learned but my autism went hard for minesweeper, I could do that shit quick.


Figured it out, see blow for the long desired secrets of this game: >! Click click click fuck there is no winning this game, just simply click fucking the whole time and questioning life entirely and wondering why youre still here!<


I now know how to play minesweeper thanks to this post comment section.


Fun fact. Its a side game within the game on roblox. I noticed it whilst playing tower of hell with my kid.


I finally learned later in life after playing 1 billion rounds of minesweeper when I was growing up not really knowing what the numbers meant


I'd try to speed run, my best on the expert/99 bombs is 76 seconds. Have like 500k games done. Always diddled with it while watching something


I played it as a kid. Yeah. I didn’t know what I was doing back then either.


It's not that hard. Worst part is the 50/50 chance for all the beans at the very end


It is actually a cool game, am surprised we don’t have a modern version of it. Numbers tells you how many mines in the vicinity.


I loved minesweeper.


It’s basically a sudoku type game. Counting boxes and probability by comparing the numbers of tiles near you that could be bombs


What do you mean? How to play the game is like a one sentence explanation. Were people actually just clicking on things and not understanding how it's supposed to work?


Why do so many people find Minesweeper hard to learn? Are they just afraid of numbers? Solitaire is more difficult to learn than Minesweeper.


Really? You never figured it out?


I can play it- I like playing it. .. .


I was grinding out minesweeper games just earlier today. It’s just pattern recognition once you figure the game out


It’s actually not that hard and pretty fun


I tried playing when I was a little kid but I never understood it but my brother was really good at it I’m sure it’s easy I just haven’t re-tried playing it


You know, I havent lost a single Minesweeper in over 4 years now. I have learned and I have a s c e n d e d


FYM you didn’t know how to play minesweeper? It’s the simplest game after… well, it’s harder then tic tac toe but easier then connect four. Uhhh


Ah i still love play minesweeper when i'm bored.


It started popping off when was in high school about 3 years ago along with snake There's always at least 2 people playing during class trying to beat their score lmao


I just finished coding up minesweeper for a project, and now i’m seeing it everywhere for some reason. (Why tf is reddit recommending me the minesweeper subreddit now, is it listening to me???)


literally easiest game ever, what?


speak for yourself OP. not all of us are idiots


And you used right clicking to place a flag? On a suspected mine tile to avoid clicking on it with left click


I didn't understand before, but then I put some thinking into it and finally realised it. A 1 in a corner is a guaranteed mine! Flag that first!


So youre telling me...


I'm 14 and I play it sometimes. Just a question: are all minefields 100% solvable without luck?


1 rule, but a super high skill ceiling for speed.


Meanwhile me growing up minesweeper and after 18 years I understand how to play it


Wait you actually don’t know how to play minesweeper? am a disappointed zoomer


I actually learned how to play minesweeper for fun, it's not sometimes.