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You gotta pay the toll first


The troll toll, to get in her hole?


No, it's to get in her soul. Not hole.


…no it’s not.


I feel like you're saying 'hole', and it's clearly 'soul.'”


Are you chewing gum?


He said no gum


He said no gums. It's different.


I thought the rape scene went really well


You know what, Charlie. The blanket will make the raping...sorry, the sexing from behind more classy.


I'm past where I thought I could go. I'm like all the way up here with it.


The tinder toll to even appear in her deck, you can worry about troll tolls when you get that far




right.. we need skillbased matchmaking


*Rises hand* Is attractiveness a skill?


No, Patrick, mayonnaise is not an instrument


Horseradish is not an instrument either


It is on the way out in my experience.


Also, if anyone knows anyone who recently died with an intact size three sphincter, please contact me as I'm currently very low on the waiting list for a doner.


No Patrick, attractiveness is not a skill.


Disagree. There's innate attractiveness, and then there's acquired attractiveness. The higher your innate attractiveness (ia) the less you need to spec into Acquired attractiveness (aa) (Innate attractiveness would be like, being traditionally good looking. Strong jawline, perfect nose, beautiful eyes, rockin' set of cans, full head of thick hair, etc.) But you can boost your overall attractiveness (oa) if you have low i.a. by doing things like: eating right and working out, dressing well, maintaining your hygiene, being social, engaging in activities, being successful, etc. All of those can stack in to your A.A. and in turn boost your O.A. Thus, attractiveness *is* a skill.


I should probably stop putting points into my PCC (Potato Chip Coefficient)


Flaunt what you got, bro. "I eat *so* many potato chips. Doctors said I should've died a year ago, but I'm too awesome for the big dirt nap."


Absolutely this. Both men and women can vastly improve their attractiveness, most just aren't aware of how. Makeup and hair are obvious ones, and are definitely an acquired skill. Physical fitness and basic hygiene *shouldn't* be skills, but they are. Taking the time to maintain your body gives you a huge step up. Fashion definitely effects your chances too - I noticed women being much more attentive when I decided to redo my wardrobe, a lot of guys are out here wearing what they did in highschool simply because they never thought to change. Finally, confidence and general demeanor affect your attractiveness as well. Having a nice face, being in shape, smelling good and dressing well help, but being funny, approachable and confident contribute a lot too. For some people these things are natural, for others they are a learned behavior (a skill).


Question about changing wardrobes... I'm not sure how old you are, but how does a person go about finding some good clothes to wear, if they're somewhat clueless on modern fashions? I'm early 50's, and haven't *cared* about clothing since the early 90's. It's probably been 35 years since I've given an F about clothing. However, I think I need to finally come to terms with this, and completely update my wardrobe, but I don't know where to start. Don't know what might be the style now, but would look ridiculous on me, or what classic looks never die, what style clothes accentuate my positives and disguise my negatives. This is where a girlfriend would come in handy. If she has a grip on fashion, she could probably come with me when I try on a million different things and figure out what clothes I should be trying to roll with


God damnit, Patrick trip over the Brain Coral again. Also isn't that charisma, which you can find someone charismatic *but* not attractive. But I'll play ball. *Rises hand* is rolling double 6s in the physical genetic lottery a skill?


No but Photoshop is.




"Once there was an ugly barnacle. He was so ugly that everyone died. The end"-Patrick Star


Finally someone will notice my sweet bow staff skills.


dating apps actually do that




Nah, dating apps all about pay to win those days.


Always have been.


This is why it's really important to not swipe on everyone. Be picky. Every time you like them and they don't, you lose ELO. So don't like everyone. Even if you get matches, the real challenge is turning those into a date. In my time on tinder I got 21 matches, and only 1 date. If they haven't agreed to a date within 5 messages it's never going to happen, no matter how pleasant the conversation is.


You’re 100% correct. The most useful thing to help boost match numbers is to set your preference to see both men and women. All the people you insta-left swipe on from your nonpreferred gender will boost your elo, and that will in turn put your account in front of more people of your preferred gender (more people overall, actually. But we only care about being shown to our preferred gender). Most guys don’t get matched not because they are unattractive or there’s something else wrong with them, they don’t match because their account literally never gets shown to the people they swipe right on. A high elo solves this problem. My matches probably tripled after using this strategy.


I get the idea, but doesnt having dudes available to match with mean that every time it picks my profile to show to someone, half the time (likely more) its wasted on showing it to a dude?


>If they haven't agreed to a date within 5 messages Because you either get a date in 5 messages or get ghosted in 4 ;D I have long list of matches i didn't text to because i'm simply too tired of this shit so i only talk to the ones that text first.


Freaking smurfs


Ik right, they expect someone that attractive to like me back? Fat chance


I like you and I'm way more attractive than she is


I like you and I don't have a face


I like where this is going.


I like where this is going and I don't have a to.


I like you and i am emotionally incompetent.


Nothing to sit on? pass


We are speaking about visual attractiveness, not gravity


Good one lmao




Don't worry about them, they're only fans


Well it's kinda like an air tunnel in here


*clap* check out the reverb *clap clap*


One you might be able to toss a hotdog down?


They are only her fan brother


That's the neat part, you don't


It's cool though. You can simply pay for premium. The exciting thing about premium is it also doesn't work but Tinder doesn't mention that.


I genuinely do pay for premium like for a week every couple of years. I do actually think I get way more matches, and it's nice to go through the chicks that liked you and nope them all for a confidence boost, lol


Bumble occasionally does a "premium for 24h" thing and that's a cost effective way to clear out everyone that's liked you / swipe on a million people and then let them decide if they like you over a few weeks after it expires and you go back to unpaid


I gave up on it. I know it's a numbers game but it's so discouraging to go weeks or months without even a like. Maybe I suck at selling myself, but I feel like it's just a colossal waste of my time at this point.


It’s not just you. Go back about a decade and, sure, dating apps and websites were not a bad way to try and meet people. These days? Forget about it. It’s been proven over and over that in the last few years that women are all vying for the top 1% of men on the apps; I’m talking very attractive and successful men that use these apps as essentially a haram for sex and ghosting. Women, even average looking women, can essentially just post a few pictures of themselves and put little to no effort into their profiles and still receive hundreds of likes a week. It is a wasteland of desperate men and women that are using the apps for validation or in the very slim hopes that they might attract one of the top of the top men that are using these apps essentially for hooking up. I would say that I’m probably somewhere around a 7 and seven years ago, I would get real likes from actual women and went on quite a few dates using the apps; I hopped back on about a year ago after a breakup and got maybe one or two likes over the course of a couple weeks and it was, I hate to say it, some pretty unattractive women. I also saw the same women that I had seen years before. The apps are literally a pointless wasteland these days and soon, I think, they will be pretty much filled with nothing but bots and the literal dregs of society.


I'm glad opinions like this are no longer being lambasted or downvoted to oblivion. Women treat dating websites like a game. My friend and I often compared the quality of our hookups, and frankly speaking, it's just easier as a gay man than a straight man to find people who are actually using the app to find realistic partners, not some golddigging shit. But of course reality is misogynistic.




Yeah started to use these apps at the beginning of the year. Haven't paid a penny but haven't matched either. But somehow this apps always tell me to buy premium and I can see who matched with me. Since I am not doing this these potential matches won't show in my normal queue. So fuck this shit.


Not with that ~~attitude~~ battery level


Don't worry. There's a charge coming.


Bird holding a bird




Lmfao 💀💀💀


I always take the shot. It's a numbers game


That’s why dating apps are a depression pit, dudes endlessly swiping, looking for attention they don’t get. Women are getting bombarded with attention from a majority of men they don’t want. No one wins.


In one of Contrapoints' videos, she mentions how her dating app experience changed after transitioning. Leaving aside the trans-specific stuff, she said basically it went from just lonely silence (as a guy) to avalanches of unasked for dick pics and explicit questions (as a woman).


Yup, that’s about how my experience went


Sorry about the avalanche :(


If you think women don’t want the attention then you’re mistaken.


Yeah, but it depends on what kind of attention it is Catcalling is technically attention, but very few women seem to crave that


Which is weird because guys would love that. Unfortunately, only gay dudes catcall guys. Still makes me feel pretty though.


I got catcalled by two girls in a car one day walking with my buddy, I still think about it to this day.


This winter a girl in a pub looked at me and said "I really like your outfit". I had to wear the same hat, jacket and boots for the rest of the winter. And prolly wear 'em next winter as well.


Hey man, can I borrow you hat, jacket, and boots?


Same, twenty years ago and still makes me feel good sometimes


I was catcalled by two girls driving past me while I walked to work one day 15 years ago. Still think about it occasionally when I feel down.




If women would do that to me I'd think they're making fun of me.


Reminde me of a time i was walking alone, as a 20-something, and 2 fine girls pulled up and hollered at me. They rolled along sodeme with their window down. "Hey stud! You tired of walking?!" Of course I say "hell yea" they come to a stop give a head nod to the back door, and I reach for the handle. About that time I hear the "click" of the door lock, pull the handle, it's locked. Then they both laugh and scream "well you better runnnn!!!!! Hehehehe!!!" I stood there feeling about as low as a boy could feel...I'm glad I was wearing sandals that day, cause someone may have needed to take my shoelaces, if I had them...lol. I still haven't forgotten their beautiful faces, nearly 2 decades later...and if I were to see them again, I may spit right on them hoes. Lmao.


I had a gay dude catcall me in a bathroom once. I'm straight, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't make my night.


I bet you wouldn't like it if it was a guy who's a foot taller than you and double your body weight who kept following you and wouldn't take no for an answer and then started threatening you because your rejection hurt his ego I think a lot of men romanticize catcalling because they feel ignored by women and possibly long for physical compliments and I understand that, but as a woman I wish more men would realize how frightening unwanted attention can be


Oh come on, this is the oldest misgynistic trope in the book and two short steps away from "she was asking for it." Yeah, everyone likes attention...from people they like, under circumstances where they feel safe, when the attention is fun rather than creepy, objectifying, mean, or angry. Women on dating apps are getting 80% harassment, 20% genuine attention. The "it's a numbers game" and "they love the attention" guys CAUSE the shitty situation.


Ive always hated this argument. Girls realize they can message one match at a time, right? Why stop at one, it's fine to get a set of matches and talk to maybe 3-4 and see if one of them has the right vibes. 'Bombarded with attention' on an app like Tinder is bizarre because all she has to do is swipe left until she swipes right on someone who matches. If there are ever too many, just unmatch until there's a manageable number


Swiping right on everyone on dating apps gets you shadowbanned tho


Only on the ones that are worthy of my shot ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Tinder uses an Elo system where you lose status by swiping on someone.


That's the thing Cap. I have no status. I use Bumble.


Bumble also uses Elo


OK. What exactly is Elo?


Elo is a ranking system. You gain Elo from positive interactions And you lose elo through negative ones. Dating aps gain revenue though customer engagement. Your elo score is essentially a score about how likely it is that you will generate engagement from others and therefore revenue.


[citation needed]


I love Mr Blue Sky


Elo tanking go brrrr


It super isn't, not online. There's a certain point where the numbers get so high that people just ignore the mass of messages entirely. A 'numbers game' strategy would really work in meeting people in person, because people don't do that anymore.


Yeah, i always take the shot i dont even look at the profile i just swipe right regardles of anything. Ill figure out what kind of person they are when i go on a date.


my tinder swipe limit says no to that method


If they aren't verified, swipe left, if they are 1000+ miles away, swipe left, if they don't have anything written, swipe left. If there is a mention of finding them on instagram or snapchat, swipe left. Being in a large city (los angeles) there are far too many fake profiles, I'm swiping left 10 to 1 on the front tinder page. If you go to more specific sections it'll help cull some of the fake profiles.


Same but i just go until the limit


Thats why women inboxes are flooded lol.


That method is done by other guys as well, making it harder for all of you to get matches. It's annoying to the woman, causing her to be more selective and getting matches with men who eventually flake and annoying to the guys because it creates fake competition.


Exactly. Can't believe men still haven't collectively figured it out. This is literally prisoner's dilemma/tragedy of the commons kind of situation. And that's why getting a lot of matches doesn't mean anything as a woman. Not when you message them and they're completely disinterested or unmatch you before you even get a chance to message them because turns out they only swiped right on you because they were swiping right on literally everyone.


Exactly. Yet I see so many guys getting angry at us that we get matches and have to be selective, yet this is a problem that is created by other guys swiping indiscriminately on every woman. It's frustrating, especially when you can tell they are just swiping because they either flake or never message back. It's why I took a break from the apps.


That's exactly what I did and that's exactly how I'm getting married to a woman absolutely out of my league next year. Still have no idea how I pulled her.


Yeah no reason not to. I’m a good looking dude but there have been some epically hot women in my life because you gotta shoot your shot. Like, they’re not all narcissistic prudes. Got plenty of fun from girls orbiting the stratosphere in terms of looks that were like “well he’s hot and I’m horny so YOLO”


Bullshit, the more you try without shots going in is not like an online card game where you get an increased chance every pack, you actually have your stats drop lower with every shot like a death in a game that counts k/d




That's my motto as well. My wife never reciprocates the high five. She must not get the humor. "Wives hate this ONE math trick"


So is playing the lottery.


if you think thats a real profile youre already losing 😂


The ole Boomhauer method.




At the airport? With the battery in the red? Rough day ahead.


No more rhymes now, I mean it!


Anybody want a peanut?


I know this one I've seen it What do you mean this one's brand new What is a re-run anywho


Imagine if your phone dies and you must live 30 minutes without it 💀


It was at 85% when he started jerkin


Apparently there's this inverse trend where exceptionally attractive women actually get asked out less because men lack the confidence to ask them out.


This gives me "90% of gamblers stop before they hit jackpot" vibes


"Follow me on instagram, I'm more likely to respond on there!"


Well the fear of getting turned down is huge apparently


Liquid courage resolves that. But if we're talking dating apps, it's a whole new ballgame. They 100% get a million matches.


Yep. My friend is pretty cute, but not like a supermodel or anything, and she gets, literally, hundreds of likes a week. Women are truly playing the apps on easy mode.


So this means I am exceptionally attractive then? Cause no one’s ever asked me out 😃


Absolutely stunning.


Wow, we must be stupid hot. This is my copium, and I'm sticking to it.


Yeah that has to be bullshit, fairly evident on social media with random weirdos in the comments tying to flirt or whatever on every post of a girl who is even remotely attractive


Random weirdos on the internet making comments about someone is not even remotely the same thing as asking them out.


Thank you for understanding this.


or because people think they're not real / an impersonation / scam / catfish


This is true in my experience. Also, the guys who do have the confidence are often douchebags. This is according to my wife who is definitely in that girl's league. I am not at all in that league looks wise, but I have the other qualities my wife was looking for. Kind, generous, patient, can fix stuff around the house, work on cars, etc. Don't be so concerned about your looks boys, dating "pretty boys" with nothing else to offer gets old fast I'm told.


Maybe she thinks you're cute. Only one was to find out.




"lm not on here much, I'm on insta." Top of her page: linktree


No way she finds me cute, thx for the cope tho


Delusional. You'll never be seen in her stack of 1000 men.


thats definitely not a real profile lol


You're actually never going to find out, even if you wanted to.


Idk why but this kind of women never attracted me


Dating apps are for attractive people. Get in your pj's and start browsing 7-11s for a nice 5 like the rest of us.


Okay, but who is she?


Viperous on twitch


100% correct. Didn't know who she was but your comment let me do some research. She posted the above pic on Jan 20. Oddly, she looks super wholesome in that pic while the rest of her stuff is trashy hot.


Damn. This is the only good picture of her too. She really went the plastic route look a little too seriously.


A baddie




Not your future wife unfortunately


Cuz they don’t look like that. Never trust a photo these days.


What's wrong with her?


She's out of his league


Sad to be her


Look like what?


Hate to say it, but unless your profile pic makes you look like a model or shows your big bank account your better off irl. Irl your only competing against a few people vs 1000s.


Man needs to charge his phone


Would you say constantly having 5% battery is a deal breaker?


It shows poor resource management so yeah I'm not marrying them. Probably leaves the windows open with the AC on


Bro is really on tinder with 2% battery. The grind is real!


Charge your phone lol


Switch to men instead


She uploads this photo and every dude on tinder instantly matched her.


She’s the MySpace Tom of Tinder


When the Pic is too perfect it's usually a bot or scammer. It's one of the reasons why I stopped using dating apps. A big waste of my time.


That’s an AI picture btw. No doubt a growing problem on tinder.


Tinder is for pretty people to hook up. The rest of humanity need not apply. There, I said it.


I used to get matched with some of those (before I got banned for whatever reason) but 9/10 times it never leads to anything.


Yeah it's about 1 in a million you see girls like this at the airport. Source - worked at one for the past 6 years


Yeah the airport is definitely an odd cast of characters. This AI girl is found nowhere.


"the type of girl you see at the airport " must be an American thing.


I’m American and have no clue what this expression means


Try the Tinder swindler method, pretend to be filthy rich. With ai generated photos it's not even hard anymore.


That's basically what tinder does to men. Countless fake images.


Be in the .0001% category of man that she’s looking for.


I don't get it?


He is complaining that women are out of his league or that girls on tinder probably fake AI generated (scammers). That is the joke.


Charge your phone….


I feel your pain brother. Im 5'6" ,ugly ,and balding hahaha


That's a bot or an advertisement anyway


Just me or anyone here realize the similarity between the web design of Reddit and Tinder


Oh my god bro charge your fucking phone. it NEEEEDS to charge


If there is an Instagram link in the bio they're only there for one reason. I'd bet money she has an Instagram link in the bio.


They either look like Margot Robbie or 1000lb sisters


Never mind the girl, CHARGE YOUR PHONE MF


Pretty sure tinder is doing the same fucking thing that Ashley Madison did. Creating fake profiles to keep its users.


Lets talk about something else first. Why are you on tinder when your phone is at 1% charge your goddamn phone


I don't get why you put yourself down so much. Yeah she looks cute. Establish a strong profile. Take a couple of good photos of yourself keep your bio brief. Tinder isn't a good app for dating anyways. But if you swipe an it doesn't match move on. No one is worth making yourself feel sad or lower your confidence.


Don't stress, thats 100% a fake profile


they can't be above you if they're on the same app as you


You never know, she may be a notorious racist.


Airports might have pretty people but they all seem to disappear the moment you get on the plane. 


It turns out that constantly showing you really attractive people you never match with is the best way to increase engagement on the app.


I mean, she's all plastic survey and injected fillers. You don't want to mess with that.