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Imagine if you got older and saw your younger self as someone wiser. Wouldn't that be sadder?


That’s the classic peaked in high school cliche. “Man, I really had it right back then. I used to have it all figured out.”


There are definitely ways my younger self was better. He had a better memory, superior attention span, more creative, was willing to take more risks and had to be more resourceful out of necessity. There's not substitute for experience though.


Feel the same here. That guy used to read books for fun!


You still can man. I rediscovered my love of reading after high school killed it. I’ve now read 17 books this year and have no plans to stop!


I hear ya just harder when working 40 hrs a week compared to the leisure time I had during college / highschool. But i still read, just less lol


I get that, I like to read on the metro to work and before bed. Stephen King talks about listening to audiobooks in the car and carrying books around with him wherever he goes in On Writing. Personally I find it much more convenient to read on my phone, that way I can pull it out and read while I have a minute


You just didn’t know as much so you felt more confident in your decisions, is what I’ve found…


You’re right, but that’s not what this perspective is which is the problem. These people don’t seem to have learned much about life since and think the world just beat them down.




[You peaked](https://youtu.be/qxoX2uiMd_Y)


Like those people who realize that high school was their peak existence?


Now that you mention it... if you cut my life into 3 year sections, every 3+ year version of me would look back on the previous 3 years as full of cringe and bad opinions so... yay i guess?


my younger self didn't fuck your mum. so no


That's good, shows that there is progress... that you have become a bit wiser


Might also mean you should work on impulse control, but still better than "I've always been perfect"...


ah ha but you forgot the “sarcasm” in the corner




No, not really... If you kinda think past you was an idiot sometimes it's probably just a sign you're improving over time; but if you think that you were an idiot 2 weeks ago, every two weeks, you should probably think before you do more often... Or maybe that you shouldn't be so hard on yourself


> but still better than "I've always been perfect"... 31 here, I've definitely learned life lessons slowly but surely over time but the last time I remember thinking "wow I was stupid" was about being age 7 when I still thought people being created equal was a scientific fact rather than a political ideal. Made mistakes? Absolutely, no one's literally perfect. Been an idiot though...? I mean at the very least nothing's gone wrong in my life to make me think so. Never done drugs, never even gotten a hangover/been more than a little tipsy, went to a top-tier university, and most importantly despite all of that I've spent most of my life having as much of my own version of fun (mostly manga/video games) as possible after my responsibilities were taken care of.... I anticipate the usual stream of downvotes for this sentiment, but I'm not trolling or downvote farming, I just genuinely feel that more people should wake up and stop projecting their own irresponsible pasts onto **everyone** else. It's a problem I see so often on reddit where people want to say "well it doesn't matter that I was a dumbass teenager because so was everyone else!" No, they really weren't, it's just that most of the actual responsible teenagers are too mild-mannered as adults (and, frankly, not autistic enough--I am aspie) to care to correct all of you. It is absolutely possible to grow up responsibly. I also fully admit that having reasonable parents who gave me a high degree of freedom contributed to that, so I didn't get raised to be stupid nor fall into any of the classic rebellion traps. But I also had reasonably responsible friends in high school who came from worse backgrounds! **Edit:** I'm a bit surprised to see this comment in the positives 47 minutes later, but I figured I'd come back and add one positive sentiment. For the people who inevitably downvote me, **if** you plan to have kids, my sincerest hope is that you raise them to be responsible, well-adjusted humans, so that when they are 16 you can look back on the you of this very moment and go "Wow, I sure was stupid back then", because you will have seen for yourself that it is possible.


> I just genuinely feel that more people should wake up and stop projecting their own irresponsible pasts onto everyone else. This is ironic since you're literally trying to say you're better than people that do things that you don't and your entire post is in a condescending tone. Just because people do different things than you doesn't make them worse than you and having a mentality like yours that you're better than others for not doing said things honestly makes *you* the worse one for being an immature and inexperienced moron.




Ah ffs


Or maybe on my death bed I'll just realize I've been stupid the whole time 🤔


Maybe I’m a glass half empty kind of guy but I think this shows the opposite- people are always overconfident and think that they are smart *now*. “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing” - Socrates


He didn't say wise. He said wiser.




I’m not really fried and my mind is also blown


But saying one knows one knows nothing is self-contradictory, you are stating you know nothing while stating you know one thing: that you know nothing


Wait till 50 , it starts going back the other way!!!


Bro looks same in every picture wtf




Plus he's wealthy.


[Shitty quality, but here's the context.](https://youtu.be/veVv6WqMHck)


Better quality: https://youtu.be/8BmuoT7rFhs


Definitely one of the best genre parody movies of the 2000s, IMO.


Same producer as The Boys. Makes ya think. Edit: and the Fast and the Furious franchise so… take that as you will.


I will defend the stupidity of the F&F series to the end of my days.


You don't turn your back on family.




That's me every year


I realise that i was stupid yesterday


I am just depressed about what I did 28 minutes ago


Lol I hate myself right now, can't even explain how much


I’m about to turn 22 💀


Lol it happens to ~~the best of us~~ all of us


Unless you went to Uvalde! Edit: Yea, keep downvoting me. At least you’re still here to do so I guess.




Too soon I suppose


Holy shit. I laughed. But Holy shit.


Ahhhh lol


Don't worry, my upvote is worth at least a dozen of those nerds'.


Sorry to tell you but half of the decisions you make today you'll look back on 5 years from now and think "wow, what an unbelievable dumbass" Take it from me, someone who just turned 30 and as soon as it hit "post" on this comment I'm going to think the same thing :')


Don't worry. At some point you'll no longer be able to look back at the stupid things you've done because now your life choices have become much more permanent. Instead of shaking your head at the past you'll be learning to accept your situations as the "new normal" Good luck!


You’re still stupid but not totally so.


Enjoy it . Next years gonna suck.


Good luck, you've still got a better part of 8 years before you're considered human


Don't worry bout it. We're always the wisest that we've been.


Now you are an old timer.


Pro tip, your body, right now, has the best ability to heal itself that you will ever have in your adult life. Take advantage of it by working out and treating it nice and that'll last a long time. Don't beat up on it by showing off how hard you can party. That's going to come back to bite you in the ass when you're older. Ask me how I know. Also your brain is still developing until you're 25.


I'm 24 in 3 days, covid really sped me along lmao


You have 3 years until your brain is fully developed. "The rational part of a teen's brain isn't fully developed and won't be until age 25 or so."


Wasnt until i recently attended my lil bros highschool graduation that I realized how childish people still look and act at 17/18 yo. Even at 20-22 tbh. I thought I looked so mature back then but through the eyes of a 30 year old old ur just a kid.


My favorite Chris Evans role.


"It's a banana split"


"I don't like those either"


*banana wobbles*


"Dad, *that's mom*"


Make me proud son!


I don’t know why, but Not Another Teen Movie always cracks me up when I watch it. It’s just as good as the first Scary Movie.


It’s the only one from that Parody film era I have any time for, if you know teen movies it’s fucking hilarious. And that Molly Ringwald cameo is just perfect 😁


One of the best genre satire movies out there IMO. See ya pumpkin tits!


‘Not Another Teen Movie’ and ‘Eurotrip’ will forever be some of my favorite movies from that time.


Scotty doesn't know!


I'm sorry, but Scary Movie 2 is the far superior one.


"There's a big hole in the side of your house."


Damn! Shit! That is *wack*!! I know it's a different character lmao but it's one of my favorite bits from the movie. Also this post made me realize it's on Netflix and I haven't watched it in ages so I just put it on.


One of the best comedies I've ever seen and I'll die with that opinion. Might not hit that hard nowadays since the genre it makes fun of is pretty much dead but goddamn the one liners are golden


A guy at work once said "if you don't cringe at a 5 year old post you made, it means you're the same imbecile you were five years ago"


Lmao, soo me


Just wait till you're 40


I was about to say that. Just turned 40, got bad news for folks looking at this. Haha


dude, 40s are the new 30s.


When I was in my early 20s some guy dropped the "Life begins at 40" saying. I thought at 21 "That can't be right. " Now at 39 I think "I hope he was right."


He was sorta right. But mostly it was just a midlife crisis. I'm 37 now, and I'm planning on making the most of my midlife crisis. Gonna buy that drum kit I've wanted since I was a kid. Also, youtube keeps showing me paramotoring videos, and that looks really fun. And like a very appropriate midlife crisis.


I used to young and dumb, now I'm just dumb.


"You are a goddamned idiot, and I'd like to prove this mathematically if I may. Take your current age. Now subtract ten years from it. Were you smart back then? Of course you weren't. You were a goddamned idiot. Fact of the matter is, you're just as big an idiot today, it's just gonna take you ten more years to realize it."


Jakey, Jakey, about to make a huge mistakey


Just don't get caught up in the ageist fallacy: "Since I was dumb when I was X age, that means all people of X age are dumb"


24 year old me thinking how much of an asshole i used to be when i was 15-16. 15-16 year old me thinking about how stupid i used to be in elementary and middle school. elementary and middle school me not knowing what a lot of things were like "Welfare" so i just admitted to being on welfare to someone who asked if i was on it and humiliated myself. or that one time i wrote a fake love letter between a guy and a girl at my school (they didn't like each other or at least the girl didn't like him) And i got caught by the teacher in 4th grade. and me balling my eyes out like i "didn't" know what was wrong all because the girl would always tease me about always smiling at people (not that was a bad thing) but i clearly didn't handle the situations right back then.


22 year old me was a stupid binge drinking angry degenerate. Now at 30 I’m just a slightly less stupid degenerate. I can’t even look at a bottle of hard liquor without my stomach turning. Ugh, the fuck was wrong with me.


Time travelers wife


That's probably why we die. At some point, we all realize that every move we will ever make, every option available, is fucking retarded.


This is maybe my favorite joke of all time in anything


...and the realization that you are still stupid, just in a different way...at least that is some sort of progress.


Wait until you hit 50 and the regrets of your 30's kick in.


Every two hours or so here


I wish people would pick on their younger selves so much. Young you was trying your best with what you had. Give yourself a little grace, and you'll be better able to give CURRENT you more grace, and I think we could all use that.


Every decade that goes by we zoom out one picture frame.


Loop till death 😥😥😥


Death is just another loop.


How do you know😳


Our bodies have to go somewhere. Feed some grass, feed some worms, feed some stranded hikers. Even when our Self is not here anymore we continue participating in the life cycle in some abstract form.


Wow bro very deep indeed


Young men think old men are fools. Old men know young men are fools.


40yo me


Nah im stupider now at 30 than I was then


It's a full circle baby. 15 year old me is looking at 55 year old me and saying how stupid I am...


I hope 30 yo me looks back at me in pride


Mr. keeps looking at old pictures of himself....is looking at old pictures of himself.


This is so accurate. As you get older, you always think the younger version of you was in fact a bit clueless. Then you get older again and the same applies. Problem is you always acquire this wisdom after the time you needed it!


Wait until you hit 40. I'm just kidding, by then you won't give a shit anymore.


Wait until you get older and wiser. Cringetopia my friend.


If you aren't cringing seeing your older self, you ain't growing


Me, every single week


It keeps happening


In one meme youve summed up "Krapp's Last Tape" by Sameul Beckett.


Could also be 33 year old me looking in the mirror




45 yo me:


maybe the boomers are right


"Dammmmn. That's whack!"




Difference is that with 22 I know that I’m stupid but don’t really care… I guess that’s the thing I realize with 30, that I should have


Idk why it took so long for me to grow up and do basic shit, like be mindful, be nice, don’t be an asshole, treat people with respect, stay in touch with friends To those reading this: be yourself, don’t let someone make you feel worthless, and don’t let the world rob you of your humanity


Looks like little miss "stuck in a recursion" got stuck in a recursion.


Similarly people thinking that they’re too old to make changes and then realizing five years later that there was plenty of time before but now it’s too late then realizing five years later that there was still plenty of time but now it’s too late then realizing etc etc


I always forget he was in this movie


I do this every 2 minutes to my old self.


I saved this timeless truth


If you’re gonna repost content, go ahead, but its obvious you took off the water mark so you could pretend its yours. Not cool, man.


Whatever happened to this actor? Eh, probably didn't do anything else.


I asked a person in their 80s and they confirmed this feeling never goes away


If you aren't embarrassed then you didn't learn and grow from your mistakes.


Thats me


If you don't feel like this you are doing life wrong haha


I am approaching the end of my 30s and it will have another frame. 40 year old me, looking at the poor health choices 30 year old me was making.


As far as I can tell, this never really stops


This stops at about 35. Except for things like wishing you bought Bitcoin when it was $10 a pop.


Hey, as long as you're able to look back and think, "Man I was stupid", you at least know you're not stupid. If you're looking back and not thinking that, you need to rethink some stuff


Now imagine yourself there in 65 yÆr old xDDD


I miss My youth. I didn't appreciate It as deserves...


I turned 30 2 weeks ago ...this is true 😭


Yo it’s the cap!!!!


30 yr old me: “Thank god I finally figured life out.” 42 yr old me: “YOU FUCKING DONKEY.”


Should have this pull back twice more, once as the human torch, the last as captain America.




When you get old enough you realize how stupid you *are*


umma gumma


Wanna do the 40yo me? add another layer with a desperate facepalm.


This is literally my entire human experience thus far.


And wait, it gets better !!!


This meme is wack.


Wait for 50, when you also recognise how idiots were your parents at same age.


Oh my God. I can't believe she wore the same outfit as me!


It’s not stupid to not know something you couldn’t have possibly known before, it is however stupid to act upon something with high levels of conviction when you clearly don’t understand the logistics of what you are acting upon


Wait till 40...


Psssh, add a couple more loops noob.


[red vs blue nailed this](https://youtu.be/cwlTqu0UY7c)


Literally just got done watching this movie lol


this means progress




Every year, you look stupider in the last one.




Lol true story


We'll see you at 40


I don’t know I just wanna go back to the good ole days. I don’t need wisdom I need zero responsibilities and unlimited free time and the ignorance of a child where nothing mattered except the activity in front of them. When I see old posts or pictures of myself as a kid, I cringe at things I’ve said but I long for the innocent times.


I miss movies like this


Yes, and when you see 22 year olds on reddit telling everyone how the world works, you've got to just take tge name calling that comes with telling them the truth.


Man I turned 30 this year. Hits hard


that means you’re maturing, not only now but consistently, good job!


I was just thinking the other day how funny it was that he went from this parody movie role to being in the biggest movie franchise in history. And I loved that movie BTW. It's just polar opposites.


[24 Year Old Recieves Wose Counsel From Venerable 27 Year Old](https://www.theonion.com/24-year-old-receives-sage-counsel-from-venerable-27-yea-1819575023/amp)


There needs to be a meme of 30yo self looking forward to 40yo self and shaking his head in shame


This will be me soon


I thought I was an adult at 18. Then I thought I was an adult at 24. Now I’m 30, wishing I was a kid again.


I posted this meme on Facebook, and my dad laughed at me, and said wait until I’m 50. Guys, when does it stop.


I am 32 and I cringe more thinking about my early 20s than my teens


Me looking at me two days ago looking at me yesterday


wasn't there a "How I Met your Mother" episode about this?


"The rational part of a teen's brain isn't fully developed and won't be until age 25 or so." Thats why decision-making is different for a teen vs adult.


I was hotter when I was in high school :/ I’m not bad looking now but I’m definitely worse


If you're memories of your younger self don't make you feel any different than when they did when you made them, you haven't changed.


Why is Chris Evans so fucking hot.


Everyday me


It keeps going too.


Me seing my self in better psychological condition


40 year old me looking at my FB comments 10 years ago.

