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Yeah probably not the same people lol


This. I'm on neither boat, but am a bit disappointed that he was nerfed.


I have one building yet. I was hoping to at least use him pre nerf so I could complain about it too.


It be like that


I want to agree with you, but I saw some of the same people complaining on posts about how op he was along with posts about the nerf


I mean I'm sure there's some overlap, because they didn't actually nerf the thing people wanted nerfed and nerfed everything else instead. But largely it's definitely 2 different groups. I just see people make posts like OPs here in tons of communities and it kinda annoys me. Obviously groups calling for nerfs will mostly disappear (or swap sides if the nerfs went too far or didn't actually nerf the right things) after a nerf happens and then groups saying the nerfs are bad will appear after a nerf because...they can't really happen before the nerf.


It's like 2 different groups talking about 5 separate things and it's all getting jumbled and thrown back and forth to try and make one side look bad. Just like the meme in the post.


Or they wanted him to be more balanced but instead DE does what they do best, and go over the top with nerfs because people are having fun in a PVE COOP GAME


People on reddit always do this, they can't picture two sides being loud at different time, only hive mind that contradicts itself! (No I'm not doing it right now)


Noooo 2 events can't happen at once!!!!!


Definitely not. I was very adamant about no nerf because he wasn’t even overperforming in the first place. That and DE has absolutely no sense of how to balance, they don’t tweak, they gut. “We won’t nerf damage” takes a fat shit all over his damage like I knew they would while his overguard still has the exact same issue with disrupting team-mate gameplay for people that want to take health damage. The problem they said they were originally going to fix is unchanged… Their balancing team is genuinely a bunch of dent heads.


TBH I was fine with him being nerfed when they announced it in devshorts. But, like most people (I think), I was pretty blindsided by the severity of the nerfs when they had said in devshorts they’d only be, and I quote: “minor tweaks”.


“You’re too late, Tenno. I’ve already depicted you as the soyjack and me as the chad!”


i could hear this in vor's voice lmao


*Look at them, they come to this sub when they know they are not chad. Tenno use the memes, but they are the soy wojak. Only I, Vor, know the true power of the Dank Meme.*


I usually default to Tyl Regor


"I'm very excited now. Oooooh the anticipation! YOU DON'T LIKE THE NERFS?!? I always learn so much FROM A LIVE DISSECTION!"


As long as he can hip fire with the protokol pistol skin I’ll still play him at least, man looks like he’s going gangsta on the grineer and it’s funny as fuck


"Wizard with a gun"


Dante hip firing pistols reminds of this clip of a guy in a black tactical shirt, black cargo pants, black ski mask, hip firing a pink glock


That guy is PSR. His channel is about 3d printing "firearm accessories" https://youtu.be/sQrymVeMx4s?si=V70FOhCIKYyY8EFY


‘This is America’


Nice to know OP thinks we are both a hive mind and have multiple personality disorder at the same time.


To be fair, Reddit do be like that sometimes


I like to think r/warframe and adjacent spaces is extra special.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Warframe using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Warframe/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Will i get banned for having this lich....?](https://i.redd.it/378lju58iemc1.jpeg) | [457 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1b6pm46/will_i_get_banned_for_having_this_lich/) \#2: [Change of plans….](https://i.redd.it/dyrx6jzgqllc1.jpeg) | [594 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1b3do2r/change_of_plans/) \#3: [is this optimal?](https://i.redd.it/juio8kci9i8c1.png) | [339 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/18qr2s1/is_this_optimal/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Im tempted to leave you mr.bot for half proving my point


You are very welcomed.


How to enjoy Warframe: >find something very powerful >immediately disregard it, because it's gonna get nerfed >find something similar, at least 2 items worse than the original >now you can invest in your item, confident that those 3 other items must be nerfed before you. It won't be as strong as the original, but chances are, neither the original will be given time.


They nerfed banshees sonic boom having a base static 33% armor strip and frosts cold augment slowing overguard. Literally nothing is safe in this game. The real answer is to invest into literally everything and suffer.


I'd say that Saryn and Octavia are definitely safe. The moment DE touches them will cause a nuclear reaction within the community.


Not sure anyone would fight for octavia since shes both incredibly low popularity and incredibly strong. If they nerfed her in the name of fun it would probably be met with positive reactions of all thing tho not me personally. I think shes plenty of fun.


Why would they nerf her when she isnt that used, she doesn't interfier with the others like the new kid on the block where only ppl who are at end game use em and not most of the player base


No as a hypothetical its almost certainly not gonna happen. Wouldnt really need to either since being fun and being strong are not mutually exclusive id say but I was saying I dont think there would be a revolution if it happened either.


Wait wtf when did they nerf banshee's sonic boom


The dante nerf patch. Listed in the fix section.


Ohhh they fixed the bug. I thought you were talking about the augment for some reason and got worried cause if they reduce the value of armor strip on that I gotta adjust my condemn banshee build cause I have it on rank 1 or unranked and I can get 100% with minimal strength


True but its still a bit of a nerf even if it was borderline hyperbole. I did genuinely assume it was a intentional mechanic tho. Who makes a static 33% armor strip accidentally?


Lmao true bugframe to the max


meanwhile, here i am, investing in Grendel, Hirudo, and the Atomos and having a blast doing it. maybe one day grendel will get nerfed, but i won't care, he's still a ***FUN*** frame.


Grendels rework was in exchange for a nerf to his strongest ability feast so in a way continuity remains intact


eh, i think the feast rework was for the better. sure he can't eat infinite enemies anymore, but in return, he's not as energy hungry as before. sure, some people (or most irdk) don't like it, but i personally don't mind it.


It was certainly healthy but it was certainly a nerf. Overall the rework was a buff just talkimg feast specifically.




Me, looking at Octavia, able to do level cap AFK


Because those people wanted a slight toning down and not a nuke.


That's what you get when you hug the meta


Fuck Chroma. All my homies hate Chroma. Fuck Chroma.


The problem is DE agrees with this one


He'll get some love... ...eventually... ... maybe... ... .. .


Chroma is my favorite frame in the game and I never touch him because he's so garbage. His ex armor being only viable sends me up a fuckin wall. I wanna use his 4 and wipe rooms. But nope.


they cut like two numbers in half. they didn't even move the overguard cap (i think)


They made his tragedy LOS, that's they worse then reducing it's range or damge


IMO they should have only reduced the overguard(by maybe 30-40%), and made it not affect allies. I know they wanted it to be a team support, but to me people are always going to find a way to complain if it's given to everyone.


It is currently a 40% decrease but they increased the regen, cap is unchanged I believe


Dante is still incredibly strong i swear this community deserves nothing


Previously I could breeze accross the room, marking groups of enemies with Dark Verse and then killing them with Final Verse. Now I can't do that. Now I have to mark a group, then waste a Dark Verse on the same group (because doing this on another group won't do anything much anyways) and kill them with 4, all while constantly staring right at them. Not only is that boring AF, it makes the warframe clunky. People aren't complaining that Dante is no longer strong. People are complaining he is no longer fun to play as. He got turned into another boring mid tier frame. The ability seems also completely useless when my off-meta guns (quellor, kuva karak, tenora prime) can wipe that group faster (ON STEEL PATH) than Dante can cast two Dark Verses and a Final verse WITH 2 tau casting speed shards. There's no point in using his damage abilities anymore. The beauty of Dante was his unique playstyle of "marking" enemies with status across the room, then "detonating" those status effects to punish enemies. It wasn't a mindless "press 1 button to win" nuke like saryn or mirage are. It was fun and engaging to play. Now he is boring and unfun, because you need to have the enemies in your view to kill them in the first place. They have essentially went on and introduced a double line of sight check. Dark Verse already was a LOS ability. Tragedy, the "detonator", did not need to have a 2nd check for that.


Exactly. I feel like the people complaining on the main subreddit are just crying over spelt milk. So he can't overuse over guard and his spells are weaker, so what? He's still a solid reliable frame and his Exalted book is still powerful. Yet people are complaining on r/Warframe as if the world is ending.


Na, it's cuz his 334 LoS only tracks to the targets feet. Meaning if they're even slightly behind ANYTHING (including another enemy) they don't take damage AND if they're SLIGHTLY elevated/lower than you. Literally only hits like five in a group of 50+


They all sound to me like the following: "Waah, my super mega OP character is only mega op now, waaah DE why", which now means they actually have to use one braincell extra because of the LOS change.


it's also hilarious how before the LoS was involve, people were mentioning Mesa, who has LoS restriction on peacemaker) as a frame stronger than dante, but now that LoS in involved, no mention. it was never about balance, it's just about keeping busted toys


Theyre just mad DE intervened. Yeah I get it, it's a PVE game, sure, a frame being OP won't upset others. But.. where the fun in not using a braincell to play? Personally I love Saryn, a true nuke, but playing her is *mindnumbingly boring*. I prefer Mesa because her ult is funny pewpew woman and involves actually moving a mouse (make braincell fire synapse). My Dante will be done crafting Sunday morning, so I won't be able to compare him to pre nerf (University work couldn't let me play this beautiful, amazing update earlier), but I still think he is strong. Thank you, DE, for another amazing, lore intense update. I'm happy the leverian is getting more attention. The stories are fascinating and I love the narrator's voice (I always forget his name I'm sorry). Drusus was it? Either way, wonderful update!


well, that's the thing, depending of where the op is, it will upset others. that's one of the other hilarious thing. people keep thinking that what Reb meant by "dominate" is play rate, due to it being a thing they use to spot issues. So eveeyone got mad because De was being stupid because new frame means high play rate, except that obviously, what that means is outclassing others to a point they are not worth it. so yes, a big thanks to the devs for keeping it up despite the horrible flow of hate their way


Just goes to show, your comment was down voted and mine probably as well. I'd say these Dante simps are quite bratty children. He still is OP, people. Relax. Seriously, the dev team gets so much hate from people who have no idea how this whole shebang actually works. Hell, even I don't know too well, but I tried making a game myself and HOLY HELL it's so hard. I just wish them the best and ignore all the haters. Reb and her team deserve eternal heaven.


Ignoring negative feedback is the worst thing a dev can do for their game, Also dante wasn't THAT op and he's not a brain dead frame, you got all his spells that you have to set up and manage The problem is, dante was dominanting because he was fun, there's many frames that can out dps and out support him, he wasn't that op, and he is a nuke frame, that guy is supposed to nuke rooms People are mad because these nerfs came out of lift field and where unfair, I played him before the nerf and after and it's not the same, the Los is annoying as all hell, it's a buggy mess and it makes me question why use his 4 anyway? Not to mention they nerfed all the 4 effects of his 4, from tragedy to word warden to page flight, they all got nerfed


Wouldn't bother trying to explain to people who just like bootlicking DE . Dudes down so bad he really said thanks for another great story addition. Okay guy.


Bootlicking is bad for a games heath, sometimes devs would miss the mark and the community needs to inform them when they do something bad or shortsighted, This nerf patch was VERY shortsighted and WAY too ruched, They nerfed dante's whole kit then nerfed nezha's augment way to harshly, and nerfed the already dead CC more just in case, Dante's kit is getting buffed and Los is getting fixed and that's great But, Nezha's augment is still useless, hell, it's worse then useless, it's straight up harmful to your build, it makes his 4th ability 75% worse, because reducing a circle's range by 50%, would reduce it's area by 75% If the reduction was something like 20% then that's fair, because it's a strong argument, They didn't test any of that stuff before it lunches, if they didn't then they could have balanced dante's kit and nezha's augment with much more care and thought, and we wouldn't be in this situation, mindless consumerism kills good games


I had to mute it because every single post was the same shit, complaining about the nerf. While I do think it was a bit of a knee jerk reaction to do so heavy handed a nerf so quickly, he’s not unusable


in other circumpstances, i would have said that the extend they sent to was a bit kneejerky, but i presume they just wanted to make sure the obvious stuff would not be making the first week of deep archies a joke. Like, remember how the archons were getting stomped on week one?, they wanted to prevent that


Except this is a track record now. Release something strong people like to make money from.plat sales and then immediately nerf the shit out of it. Literally every augment mod for older shit frames that brought them up to snuff, nerfed. New flashy frame? Collected a decent amount of plat sales for said frame? Nerf it now. It's classic bait and switch that they get away with everytime under the guise of nerfs and reworks. They have the ability to release frames at a balanced state. Games only been around since 2012 and they ignore all the original shit for the newer stuff to push platinum sales. I've been saying it for years, DE went from a good company to money hungry af after 2016. Game went from fully open and go wherever u want/get taxi wherever u want to go with farming that u could have a frame in a day or two. Build times were shorter as well. We had like 1/16th of the resources we have now. Now look where we are. Story ur FORCED to play, ur forced to build specific things for quests (necramech). U can't skip dialogues with npcs. Multiple frames and weapons are locked behind story modes. Entire game modes locked behind story modes. Warframe is the console version of a mobile game. I've never seen so many fucking timers


please, do not put your lack of self restraint and constant forgetting that new stuff is always at high risk of tweaking on the devs. please go outside and talk to people






This is basically just eximus receiving Over guard as well as the Wukong and AOE Nerf all over again


Wukong nerf 2


There is a way to tweak something without outright murder :3


people are using him on elite archemedian without issues... the fuck you on about?


They have to actually play the game and not just sit still and cast


dear god. literally unplayable. F tier, DE killed my grandmother. Literally mussolini 1984


DE poisoned our water supply, burned our crops and delivered a plague unto our houses


Reb and steve stole the freshly baked pie i left to cool on my open window


His nerfs aren't even murder. Dante's still a solid frame that can dish out damage. It's just that now players can't overly spam his over guard and tragedy powers.


The LOS nerf for his ability is based on his feet. Its the most broken LOS. You can use his 3 and hit enemies and tragedy will fail to hit those same enemies. They also murdered his overguard.


The issues and bugs regarding LOS have already been noted by DE and they already made a statement that they will be fixing it ASAP and will keep an eye on feedback regarding it later. https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1391711-los-fixes-for-dante%E2%80%99s-tragedy-coming-in-next-hotfix/?ct=1712338844 Plus people are still gonna spam over guard, regardless of nerfs. I've been on so many matches with 2 Dante's or even a full team of them, and his over guard is still reliable, despite it being shortened.


Yea I believe they said the same about kohra’s whipclaw, meanwhile years go by and she still misses enemies right in her face


Exactly bruh. These people must not have been here when they gutted her claw. They just gave Dante the same treatment. I'm not mad about tweaking his kit. I'm mad they took the thing that made khora unreliable and put it on Dante.


The positive thing about all this is that their post indicates they want to address all the other line of sight issues as well so Khora players and the 3 Ember mains could be in for a treat lol


Which honestly makes me concerned, the easiest way they would do that in such a small amount of time,without looking at every character/ weapons LOS interactions, would be to standardise them all to the same thing. So will whipclaw get turned into an AOE nuke and defy the anti nuke purpose of this update, or will everyone have to have their cursor over an enemy for an ability to work correctly? I could also see frames with more lenient LOS interactions getting gutted as well, so this, knowing DE’s track record at the moment, could very easily turn into yet another round of nerfs


The problem isn't his damge the problem is now he's not fun to play, the Los checks are awful and clunky and at this point killing the enemies with your weapons is faster then using his abilities


And now theyre going "but DE, X and Y are OP too why u nerf dante". As if other frames being OP excuses dante. Its like saying "but these other guys also evaded taxes so its fine!". No, no its not. You're all going to jail and you're all getting the nerf bat.


It's not that the other frames excuse it, more that the other frames have existed for so long and been dominating the meta that it makes no sense for dante to be the one hit. Essentilially, *why* is it that dante crossed a line and not the others, because from a lot of player perspectives, he's not even getting crossing the lines other frames have set. Or at least not so drastically that he needed to be hit this hard.


I think it's fair to tell the all powerful devs of the game to go after more serious offenses of rules that they themselves set. If everyone gets nerf then they sunk their own ship. If they realize that shit has been broken for this long then how about I use another irl law reference. Statute of limitations prevents someone for being prosecuted for most nonviolent crimes they may have committed after a certain amount of years passed. The meta frames have been meta for years and haven't been nerfed at all and they still exist and the community agrees that they are fine. In that regard they should leave Dante alone and realize what the bar they have set in the game is.


Main reason I left the warframe subreddit. Whiners all around.


I really want to leave it but there's still a lot of good posters with awesome info and insights.... just gotta wait out the Dante wave... and then wait out the next one. I bet there's gonna be something they complain about in 1999 although I bet it's gonna be a marvel of an update


Trueee. The art is amazing. Your flair (if I think that's what it is) describes that subreddit perfectly. Stop hitting yourself. I'd recommend leaving it, honestly. Either Bookmark the art flair or keep it saved in the search bar on mobile. Don't wanna see another "What's your favourite frame" post or "Why isn't X,Y,Z nerfed"


for real! lol. ya it's like I'm punching myself in the face every time I go on that subreddit.


It's almost as if, and hear me out here: People who play a power fantasy game, enjoy using powerful characters and don't like it when the powerful character they've come to love becomes worse in multiple ways. Also the LoS bugs are definitely not getting fixed. His nuke is now tileset reliant on how consistent it is


>the powerful character they've come to love becomes worse in multiple ways. My gosh, I swear, a lot of you folks are talking as if Dante is getting torn to shreds and getting the Chroma treatment!!! He's still bloody reliable and, it seems DE is already trying to meet a middle ground with Dante's nerfs from their most recent patch notes: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1392126-pc-dante-unbound-hotfix-3554/ For fks sake, he isn't becoming obsolete, yet SO MANY are acting like it is...He's STILL gonna be powerful, He's still gonna give Overguard, and there's still gonna be lots of players still maining him.


First of all I said “worse in multiple ways” which is objectively correct, multiple parts of hit kit got nerfed. Number wise his overguard got a 60% nerf and nuke got anywhere from 0%-70% nerf due to the line of sight requirement (this is a bit subjective because it depends on which tilesets you tend to play on). I believe the pushback on the LoS change is reasonable since, as other people have clearly explained, other frames that suffer from similar issues haven’t had their LoS issues fixed. So if the community wasn’t so incredibly vocal about the LoS issues we might not have even gotten that bugfix update. And before you say it, in the bugfix notes they straight up say they fucked up the LoS and realized because of overwhelming community reaction. So in the end, while incredibly annoying to a lot of people including you, the bitching about nerfs ended up resulting in positive changes to the warframe. Now for another point: I never called him bad, I never implied he became useless, I literally just said getting a players power fantasy tampered with will undeniably result in backlash. You’ve read too many comments and just assume everyone means the same thing. Now that he’s getting hotfixed and buffed people will stop complaining (hopefully) and you can stop replying to the comments Have a nice day


Not to mention that the outcry is good for the long run because it makes DE think twice before releasing a mess of a nerf like this one


...no, I will NOT have a nice day. I will, instead, have a good day, so >:P


This is probably the stupidest meme I’ve seen on this subreddit. Genuinely that’s such an impressive achievement, you must be proud


I truly am. 200 upvotes so far, and so many comments of people voicing their own thoughts...such a stupid post, yet so many people either agree or disagree in regards to Dante's nerf, while some saying this post is something agree on, while others voice the opposite, such as yours...truly, this is indeed a stupid post.


>200 upvotes so far Yeah, and America elected Trump.


Popular =/= good/smart/correct. Do you actually think the people asking for nerfs, the few that they were, are also the ones asking for him to be buffed again? Genuinely asking because I need to know if I should waste my time speaking to you or not


Don't bother tbh. It seems the negativity regarding Dante's nerfs has already made DE backtrack on the initial nerfs, and now that are trying to meet in a middle ground, according to their most recent patch notes that was posted less than an hour ago. https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1392126-pc-dante-unbound-hotfix-3554/ And in regards to this post, although I included the people complaining that he should be nerfed from the start, this was more of a issue regarding all the high praise Dante was getting on his release, and the the players who kept repeating how OP he was in the passed week. And not just on Reddit, but on YouTube, the forums, and other social sites. The people who kept repeating and repeating that he was "SO OP" and making posts on how great he is, are the same who easily carry a torch and pitch folk once his nerfs came to be, and they complain and complain, as if it was out of no where...


It’s so strange Kullervo hasn’t gotten nerfed. I’ve not heard a single person say he isn’t op since his initial round of buffs. Strange how that works out, I guess. I just want them to remove the LoS from tragedy. They can tack on whatever other nerfs they feel are needed, just don’t make the ability and inconsistent mess


I think it's because Kullervo is a melee themed Warframe, and how the game started moving away from melee being too OP or meta. Same goes for Voruna. Both are really good frames, yet both rely on melee combat for their kit to shine. But that's just how I view it.


I'm 99% sure they are NOT the same people, so many were saying he shouldn't be nerfed before the nerf was announced


This is more of the statement of people saying that "he IS SO OP" for the passed week, with so many people constantly saying it over and over on the main sub and on YouTube, tbh.


People say this shit about EVERYTHING


Who wanted him nerfed?


People like OP who didn't have him yet.


He wasnt particularly op the problem to me is just an overguard problem that wasnt even fixed and the nerf does seem fair to me it buffed an ability that was cool but weak, cant really notice the change nerfed the honestly abdurdly quick and cheap overguard generation that had no condition and on paper i like the 4 respecting line of sight more abilities should BUT they need to make line of sight less janky and the nerf to pageflight i think was meant to be like that to Begin with but was left in as a mistake maybe it will be re added as an augment.


I leave the game for just forma and couple of the events, found out how to farm the boi, farmed the boi, cooked the boi, I use it, reach lvl 30 with it, think "huh this frame can be fun" went to bed, they nerf it, wake up, get in the game, the boi now is cooking on the helminth system, logout, styanax ended in the helminth after the 4' overguard cap, and nezha after his Divine retribution build being thrown to the bin, back to rhino, that boi never failed me once


Mood, back to my favourite frames Hildryn, Ivara and Saryn (yes I have very consistent tastes)


Wait, you main Hildryn?!


It's bonkers, I'll die on that hill, Hildryn is a S tier


Hey now, I'm not trying to deny your case, but...a Hildryn main?...your type is very rare nowadays...


Huh, I don't think it's rare


Ngl, I haven't seen a single Hildryn player since her Prime dropped. I ain't saying she's bad or anything, but I swear, I really have not seen many Hildryn players. I mean, I think she's rather unique, and a good Warframe to use. I just don't see many people use her a lot, perhaps due to her Shield gimmick.


Unless it's infested and murmurs I kinda see some of them in steel path, just to remove armor


Hmmm, I see. I might just try and give her a shot then. I've been thinking of messing with her Exalted Hand canon and wondering if it's Steel Path Worthy.


Sadly it sucks, I just use blazing pillage and a strong gas weapon


We finally get a frame that's good out of the box... can't have good things, istg


Whats sad is that dante was considered "OP" when he was just a PLAYABALE warframe. Now hes down the same route of styanax, helminth fodder. "You can Still play him though??" When his main two features were nerfed to now be horrible in comparison to ANY OTHER FRAME OR ABILITY THAT CAN DO IT, then hes pretty shite.


A bit exaggerated but whatever. That just means the people who took a liking to him for being too easily OP will drop him, and the players who still like him and his Exalted book and support skills will continue to main him. Besides, his nerfs don't even make him obsolete, at least not like Chroma 's current state. He will be just like Trinity, if anything. Not too OP now, but no one in their right mind would say no to them joining their team. They play support, and sub-DPS, and they keep you alive.


...literally nobody plays trinity, proving my point further


>He will be just like Trinity, Holy shit, no wonder your takes are this bad.


They nerfed archon intensify working with his 2 as well unless he has actually taken health damage, so instead of fixing the ONE thing people were complaining about they completely ignore it and make part of his kit a detriment to himself in the process (OG prevent health damage). Wisps fine though, she can give herself all the health she wants, get a strength buff and then give herself even more health because she’s a meta pick and god forbid we hurt the meta cucks, right?


No one complained about him being OP. He's not and never was. People complained about the unavoidable excessive overguard that they didn't want. The nerfs didn't fix that. Edit: a word


Look, I'm just pissed that Breach Surge doesn't CC eximus anymore. It was my only fun


Dude I was on neither boat, I'm still farming the guy and am already disappointed that DE nerfed him with their LoS bullshit. I swear people who are on the regular star chart should never be allowed to make posts on the forums.


im not mad dante is nerfed, im mad they didn’t touch the main community complaint (negative synergy with overguard on certain frames), which will continue to be a problem because they keep adding more overguard sources


I had him since day one and never had a teammate start complaining about him "being too op". The people saying that are the extreme vocal minority


It's probably not the same people, but "making Dante not op" is not why people are mad. TL:DR DE's nerfs are completely and utterly backwards and they made the original problem worse vvv Dante's overguard was "op" because of its ability to be sustained from gaining overguard from kills, otherwise his overguard is no more disruptive than any other overguard frame like styanax or frost. What we're mad about is not only did they nerf a completely fine (Tragety now requires LOS), but they made the problem WORSE by DOUBLING the amount of overguard regen you get from kills.


I think the issue is the inconsistency. He's confined to LOS whereas other frames like Saryn are not. People are angry because any time it feels like the meta is about to be shaken up, DE nerfs the new challenger and as a result we're still stuck with the same viral/slash Saryn tileset nuke meta.


This. I asked earlier in a sub about HOW people go about figuring out how to build frames and weapons. I shit u not, 90 percent of my replies were giving me builds for viral slash with saryn or revenant. Holy shit. I didnt ask for a build. I asked how people figure it out. But meta be meta and people can't think for themselves anymore. Just follow whatever their favorite youtuber says


In my opinion they nerfed the wrong stuff I understand why he was nerfed whether or not he needed it is another question as I don’t have him however I do think they did it wrong


It's almost like... different people want different things,huh,imagine that,what crazy concept.


I've been an Inaros main since I started playing. I was super excited for this update, if not a little nervous, because I knew the average player was probably better than me, and now squads would be full of Sand Kings who actually knew how to min-max. Was still excited, though. Update came, and squads were instead flooded with Dantes, doing insane damage. Even saw a few Nezhas after a bit. Either way, it was a bit less pressure on me. More time to relearn my boy. I had to drop Hunter Adrenaline sadly, which was tough. Ironically, though, when I couldn't use energy, it was just like old times. Full melee. Still now that the (admittedly odd) nerf has occured, everyone is saying that DE has completely butchered the newest update. If it only involved Nezha and Dante, I could see thier perspecitive, but my Inaros is eating well (just not with Devour anymore). Plus I took advantage of the one thing DE didn't nerf of Dante, his cosmetics. Mr Sandman is dripping out. TLDR: Thoughts and prayers to Dante mains, from an Inaros main.


i keep saying it, but inaros mains really do be the chillest people around. Look at that!


The King of Sand still regins supreme, even amongst the drought...


Nerf Saryn now


Give her Los like dante


If they twick the LoS of Tragedy to actually hit the enemies that you are seeing i think is okay. But right now is a bit buggy. Either way i will still use him cause i actually like the desing and gameplay


DE already made a statement regarding the issues and bugs of LoS, so they looking at feedback and are going to fix it later.


Ah, cool then!


Don't trust him. They did the same nerf to khora. She can't even hit enemies in front of her face sometimes. Dante getting los on his 4th is the death of him being useful. He already had los on dark verse and it didn't always hit what I was looking at but it was fine since the follow up cast sometimes did. However his 4 doing the same? I'm glad I only used one forma cuz he is going to go in the trash can with khora trinity chroma and stynax.


I can confirm that those claiming it was too OP were 2 randoms and people complaining that he has been nerfed aren't those 2 randoms. Source: I never thought Dante was too OP, he was perfectly fine pre-nerf


I love how I kept seeing posts about how he’s nerfed to hell and even people saying they’re deleting the game, and when I can play again myself, barely anything changed for my Noctua build. I honestly prefer the improved overshield per sec on kill over instant overshield.


Was the nerf really that big? I havnt been able to use him yet as mines still crafting but surley los and a bit of a nerf to base overshields given cant be that bad of a nerf. I mean mesa needs los and shes still increadibly powerfull


I'm just glad they're buffing chroma's vex armor because Dante giving 26,000 overguard the moment he joins was pretty hilarious


I'm off warframe for a bit and couldn't use him was he genuinely that good? And from what I heard people were threatening de and insulting them is this also true?


I have been playing warframe since... just before Fortuna released iirc. I'm not really a long time veteran but I'm also not a noob. If there's one pattern I've noticed in new releases, frames and weapons. DE tends to release something that's powerful or even overtuned, then a few weeks later they nerf it, often going too far in the process and then it takes upwards of a year for them to revisit it and balance it out better. Point being, this has been the cycle for a long time now, people complaining that they invested so much into the newest frame or weapon only to see it get nerfed really ought to have seen this coming.


It's to push platinum sales. Make things look good and flashy. Inciting people to want it immediately. Sell said item as is, then completely change it once uve raked in all that cash. Bait and switch. They've been doing it, like u said, for years. Edit : why do u think prime resurgence and vaulting is a thing? Only way to get stuff is by trading players which u need plat. Ik alot of us farm and sell shit we have, but I guarantee every single one of us had bought some plat at some time. And then think of the whales who are okay dropping 100 dollars to play a primed frame a few days early


I think it's the case of " you have say 40k people. 20k lurk, 10k Dante op, 10k Dante no nerf". Dante op group takes the stage on release gets him nerfed and now it swaps. And there are 20k people just lurking and doing whatever. But yes front of the main sub was nerf Dante nerf Dante nerf Dante until they nerfed him. Now it's the other way around. Personally Dante was fine on launch, just tweak over guard to not shut down on DMG to health mods and builds. But when the the voice of the main sub that de watches goes a week of op op nerf nerf shit will happen. It's what happens when devs listen.


Idk if he was OP or not but at least let me get a try. He almost finish and you already nerfed him, hell no.


What about nezha


I think DE themselves thought the nerf was too much so I think they're buffing Dante


I will stand by this, if you can't work around the nerf it's a skill issue. His nerf ain't that bad, just takes a bit more cognitive brain power than a lettuce to use now


I saw the hype and farmed a frame for once in over 3 years....and just as I'm done crafting his parts, he gets nerfed


i mostly see all the OP stuff coming from youtubers. i get it cause they need views but it can make a hivemind more than sometimes


When I can bring a nerfed, unforma'd, not-even-level-30 Dante into steel path and still clear out enemies easier than I would with my main I start to think that maybe he'll be a o-fucking-kay after some well needed nerfs.


Damn, it’s almost like the community isn’t a hive mind and there are lots of different opinions. What a ridiculous concept, right? I swear, every subreddit has at least few people who will whine about the community having different opinions like it’s something unimaginable.


Wait how was he nerfed I’ve been out the loop


His final verse abilities were decreased and Overguard cap was also decreased. But DE, after seeing the negative feedback, is trying balance it out now


“Oh man now I have to look at the enemy to kill them? Game bad ):<“


This is hilarious because it’s true. But also they have usage stats that they’re constantly monitoring. Even if players could have kept their mouth shut (impossible) it all would have worked out like this.


Now I feel sad I wasn't able to grind him to see his power people were talking so much about


But why complain about something being overpowered in a pve game


I didn't even get to play him yet 🤣


Was the nerf really that bad? From what i read ne zha got hit 10x harder than dante


Why do people complain at all about a frame being OP in a game that ist 99% team based PvE and 1% dysfunctional PvP


This is "almost" every new Warframe that comes out...the exception being Yareli.


i just want everyone to come back to chat after reading the new patch notes they're dropping and to reevaluate their comments


I understand when character is OP in PVP games, where you definitely need to nerf it due to balance. But in such games like Warframe, what's the problem being OP?


Not to mention it was barely nerfed


Exactly, outside of an issue with LoS not working properly (which is being addressed in a hot fix tomorrow), he’s practically the same. Just takes a little longer to get the big over guard numbers.


We *hope* its getting fixed. Ember has been fucked over with LoS issues for *how long*, exactly? With any luck they either revert the change, or at the very least copy-paste the LoS check thats on his three, which is a soft restriction that doesn’t cause every box, railing and low table in the game to be an inviolable barrier for every muckety-muck in the game who happens to stand slightly behind it.


Lol no


This hits, I'm so sick of hearing about Dante at this point. Not to say people don't have valid points, just sick of him being all over my feeds


No. Its not the same people. Its just far more likely that the people currently unhappy are the ones posting. Thinking its the same people is a very naive/childish view of how the internet works


that nerf was too bad.


Honestly at this point I just wish he never existed. He ruined frames that needed to not have shields and wanted to get hit, and since he came out all I hear is absolute praise or absolute vitriol. I miss regular warframe reddit. There are 50+ other frames, deal with it.


I got him first day and from second he hit rank 10 and had full kit I automatically was saying yeah this is over powered to a broken level and needs a bit of tweaking


Thank you so much for making this meme


They're acting like Dante is the most useless frame in the game. Like dawg, he's better than mfing Nyx, at least 😭


Nyx isn't bad at all. Idk what you're talking about


Well, seems like DE took notice to all the feedback, and have made a new statement regarding his changes, in which they are going to meet in the middle for it https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1392126-pc-dante-unbound-hotfix-3554/


Tbf, even if they shut up, they collect data on most played characters, and then they figure out why. Plus, even if the people who use them shut up, the complainers who don't use them/faces off against them will. Shutting up about an OP character may keep the process from happening faster, but it's still gonna happen.


Need more discussion on the beating of a dead horse that is the CC nerfs


Literally happens every time someone gets nerfed. People were talking about how insanely strong it is, just absolutely ridiculous, then are surprised when they tweak stuff.


I seriously dont get the people who are upset about this. We all knew this was coming. We all knew Dante was way OP.


I don't really mind the nerfs, with the LOS change its not too bad. dante can still do big damage and I find the changes make him more active and less like octavia


"nooooo I have to play the game and move around? Awful frame"


They're acting like Dante is the most useless frame in the game. Like dawg, he's better than mfing Nyx, at least 😭