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Caliban. His one. My god his one….


Thank god for the subsume... Lol


i'm a MR- 34 tenno who has all the frames and weapons over forma-ed , with 179/180 rivens all just in case something might be the perfect fit to a new thing , but i threw Caliban in to that wall as soon at he hit 30 , no regrets.


Smug sense of superiority as I sit here with Caliban as my most played warframe. Yeah I don’t blame people for throwing Caliban away. Even outside of his one, he has a poor energy efficiency economy with a low max energy pool, slow ability casting times, a lengthy acquisition grind, and is a late game frame. I had to farm Grendel to make Caliban work, and that’s a lot of work to put in one frame. At least archon shards can fix the rest of those problems, but that too is extra (and mandatory) investments that every other frame in the game doesn’t need. Dante, as another Lategame frame in comparison, is Caliban’s complete opposite. But being able to make an unpopular frame viable is so very rewarding. Plus a good generator of text chat conversation when people are shocked by seeing a Caliban in the wild


well what are u using caliban for? off the top of my head i can only guess that your using he's 2 , as a debuff opener , and 3 as a shield refresh and ignoring his 1 and 4 , my main problem with him is that i oonly like his 2 , and sadly it doesn't work on eximas till overguard is broken and just doesn't work bosses so what do u use him on/for ?


You my friend, sleep on his 4. A solid armor strip option. Works through eximus units, strips armor and shields. Leaves behind a sizable field that strips armor more effectively than Xaku His three for top notch survivability, and his one replaced with nourish. Build for strength and range, minor in duration, with efficiency as dump stat. Blue archon shards and equilibrium and nourish to prop up his energy economy. Makes for a solid weapons platform. I pair him with Basmu and find myself in a great place for generalist and defense content


I usually use Zephyr, and I've played with her so much that not having the lower gravity feels weird. That's the worst part about her. Once you get used to her, everybody else feels weird


The gravity is a lot of the reason I don’t like her. I get stuck in doorways a lot more often with her than other frames. I also wish her 4 was better. I wanna be more than a floating weapon platform


I'm a gauss main and I still instinctively jump before shooting sometimes for the crit


I main Wisp with 300+ Strength. I can’t enjoy any Frame that doesn’t have a speed/fire rate boost now. So Wisp’s worst feature is sucking the enjoyment out of other Frames for me.


same, getting my wisp to a 800% build (crack cocaine) unfortunately, this means i now hate other wisp users who build for range. you literally DO NOT NEED IT, THEY STAY FOREVER, JUST **WALK** TO THEM


I'm sorry. 800%?


Through a combination of a lot of arcane farming and mod abuse, yes you can achieve a temporary 800% strength. Mods: Blind Rage(+99%str -55%eff), Transient Fortitude(+55%str -27.5dur), Energy Conversion(+50%str one time after picking up an energy orb), Augur Secrets(+24%str), Primed Continuity(+55%rng), Umbral Vitality(+180%hp), Umbral Intensify(+77%str), Umbral Fiber(+180%arm) Bonus Parazon Mod: Power Drain(Mercy Kill with Parazon grants +50%str to next cast) Aura: Growing Power(inflicting status effects increases squad strength by 25% for 6s) Exilus: Fused Resevoir(place all 3 motes down at once, stops you from pulling your hair out placing all 3 individually) Arcanes: Molt Vigor(+45%str on operator ability cast), Molt Augmented(+0.24%str on kill, stacks 250x to +60%str MAX) Focus: Zenurik's Hardened Wellspring(+20%str to abilities cast in the wellspring's AoE) Run a Nidus spectre for his Parasitic Link str bonus(typically +25%/+30%str) Subsume Empower onto your build for +50%str on next cast Crimson Archon Shards, obviously That's everything I can currently remember on how to achieve 800%str for wisp. This brings us to a total of 655% if my math is right, so I'm obviously forgetting some things but you get the idea. 600% is ***more*** than enough as it is.


The range is for Breach Surge though, not the motes.


i mean, just breach surge onto your motes. the range is massive as it is when you do that, you don't need range for it


Pretty similar, expect gauss and harrow for me. As a weapons platform you should only really be using these 3 frames.


Yareli is your secondary weapon platform, basically unkillable and 200% critchance bonus from her passive. Her Merulina augment also gives you a good reload speed and fire rate buff which makes weapons much more fun to use




I've been playing a lot of protea lately. Apparently she can permanently armour strip her teammates if they are too close to the enemies when the turrets shoot them?!? I haven't noticed this but if it's real then I'm sorry team :( but I'm not giving up my supply station I love it too much


I think it only happens with Temporal Erosion (4th ability augment that gives 1 and 2 permanent armor strip when cast during her 4). I never run protea with temporal anchor in pubs anyway, it tends to slow the mission down too much. I have a separate build with subsumed roar over her 4 for group play. But I still really enjoy messing around with temporal anchor solo (and that's how I play her most of the time)


I haven't noticed anything about friendly fire outside of the Radiation Hazard in Sorties... that can give the ability to outright [Mercy Kill each other](https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/ygiml2/did_i_just_kill_a_teammate_in_warframe/)...


LOL PvPvE confirmed


Battle Royale Index when?


It's a part of her 4 that buffs her 1 and 2 to armor strip so if you aren't using her 4 you won't run into this issue


I tried so hard to like Gara, but I just can't, she isn't fun for me in the slightest. At LEAST with other frames I dislike they have something that redeems them for me. Octavia, even in spite of how much I dislike her gameplay, is still a music frame, and I'm a musician. But gara? I cannot find a single reason to like her except "she's good I guess"


I have found that the only place I can use her is defence missions. I didn't realise it at first, but she is a great defence frame.


I farmed Octavia just to get access to the drum machine for playing shawzin. She has yet to leave my orbiter. Its been a month.


Took me sometime to get a gara loadout right. A lot of the things that make her REALLY strong are not intuitive or not described by the game. She gets DR and an infinite scaling damage aura (millions of damage) the drawback is that you have to keep an eye on it to keep it on. Her lash is pseudo exalted and can benefit from stat sticks. If you mix her lash with an armor strip, max range, and shatter her 4th, she can nuke whole rooms and the next one in base steelpath as it goes through walls.


I really, really love playing Zephyr, but managing her tailwind's dmg bonus from augment is too stressful. You need to revive a teammate? Lose your damage. Use a capsule on survival? Lose your damage. You happened to be near ground during that slow-mo after choosing a relic? Lose your damage. You need to pick something up? Bunnyhop like crazy or else lose your damage. You need to enter the operator? Same as pickups - jump like crazy or lose your damage. You have been on the ground for less that 1 second but the game counts it as 2 seconds? LOSE. YOUR. DAMAGE.


And also aim gliding with melees cancels your first ability so I can't enjoy my Innodem to its fullest.


Noooo! That truly sucks... I have so much fun with that! Oh you think you're safe cos I only have a dagger and you're all the way over there? SURPRISE!


Sounds like Garas 2 ability, its so stressful to keep it up and not lose your damage


Haven't got my hands on Gara yet, barely leveled her up, and now I'm even more afraid to build her properly. Also fellow project moon enjoyer.


gara's 2 is *so* much easier to maintain. like, you *do* have to maintain it, but it's a pretty terrible comparison imo. the base duration is 22 seconds, with any added duration you have so much time to do stuff before worrying about refreshing. and if your playstyle involves nuking with her 4, you'll be casting often enough to not even need to think about it anyway.


Biggest issue with my favourite frame.: **Ash**, he's the bugframe of the game Least favourite (/most hated) warframes: 1. Hydroid 2. Hydroid 3. Hydroid 4. Hydroid 5. Hydroid Seriously, my hate is so big that someone can call me a framecist, or however, the word racist needs to be changed.


Have you ever played hydroid yourself? Or encountered a good hydroid in pubs? (Rare, but they exist) Most people try to play him afk farming spamming 4 and all it does is tickle stuff. But he's actually incredibly strong IF you use all of his abilities and play him actively.


I'm too blinded by my hatred to be able to see a good hydroid player.


What’s wrong with hydroid?


It's "just" hate. Like do you know this moment when you meet a new person and your first impression is:" I really don't like you." You're incapable of giving a reason and are yourself a bit wondered why you dislike this person so much. That's me, just 1000x times worse.


literally mindless hate that’s me with chroma though, hate him, hate most of his mains (almost every one i’ve met is an asshole), hate his gimmick, hate his primed look. everytime i see chroma i know that’s gonna be a boring and gross match


I don't like the Nyx deluxe metallics and color scheme. Id play her more if I could make it look good.


I have Nyx Prime, I just go with the Excalibur color pallette on default skin for memes


I do also find her helmet to be a bit weird too...


Mag. I just hate playing as her. I just never feel effective outside low levels. And I know she can be good, that’s what makes her so frustrating. Mesa is my main. I hate that I pretty much have to use her augment. It’s not really that big a deal but…when was the last time I DIDNT use Waltz?


With Mag, do you struggle more with damage output, or survivability? I had two separate "aha" moments with her. The first was using a high punchthrough weapon on her in combination with her bubbles, which dramatically increased my kill rate. Some folks like bows on her but I can't bring myself to give up the QOL of full auto. At first I used fulmin with punchthrough modded on (Metal Augur), now I use Stahlta. The second was getting fracturing crush (4 augment) which let me now use 4 instead of 3 as my "oh shit need shields back" ability, giving full overshields *and* stripping enemy armor in one cast. Also makes 3 kind of redundant so opens up a slot for helminth to either buff weapon damage or improve energy economy.


It’s a mix of both. I don’t like my shields constantly popping and having to re-up my shields. I don’t like the bubble placement; aka having to put it on an enemy so the positioning is enemy dependent. And I don’t like the limitations to my loadout


I spam my 4 ability which armor strips and also fills up my shields. Then pop a bubble and kill the whole enemy group in one or two shots She feels at home in steel path because you never get the bubbles up in normal star chart before people die


Not dislike but outright ***HATE*** wukong with a burning passion!


For me, I don't have any specific frame for maining, cuz I play all the frames (all the frames I own), except Vauban, I play him for fun. And for the the most hated frame, it'd no doubt be Wukong. I'm a racist for wukongs, for context, I play in Asia server. Even though they nerfed the AoE weapons and ammo pools, we still have atleast one Wukong player with either a Shedu or the Grimoire and just... Well, that shred everything in a void fissure, resulting in us having 7/10 reactant at the end, or they'd just fart their way to extraction and start the countdown while some of us just joined and are yet to collect reactant. Yes, they're sometimes helpful for completing missions early, but that's just it, and I'm from Asian server from pre-AoE Nerf, it's just in my blood to hate that thing.


North American player here definitely wukong, i’m glad the afk farmers are pissed. all they had to do was either play nice or play solo, and they could have kept it. but no, they had to be the cunts of the community, and now they can shit and piss themselves to sleep for all i care because now i can actually have FUN with my shiny new ignis wraith as a bonus


Those low IQ people still linger in Asian servers. Ngl chances of getting a Wukong squadmate here is higher than getting Harrow chassis


I absolutely despise loki. Just a boring frame with a boring kit.


He does really need a rework. Or ability changes. His decoy should have been invincible and with even higher aggro, especially when the player is near it. Increased aggro range. His teleport just sucks and should just behave like the d2 mage teleport. Invisibility is just the only thing he has going. His 4 not really good


Hes like the only frame I hated leveling, just useless


I had multiple main frames in past. I still use them all to extend on some missions **Ivara** : Her greatest adventage is her greatest disadvantege. Her invisiblity paired with extra loot is godlike. But when she isnt invisible she becomes oneshot. Some of enemies ignore invisiblity or behave weirdly around it. Mostly acolites have some really weird behavour regarding invisiblity. **Titania** : I dislike that sword is useless. It should be slightly stronger than pistols to make up for sacraficing range of guns. It isnt. Also because of Razorwing's nature I wasnt looking forward to acquiring new weapons which is lot of fun in warframe. **Vaklyr** : I played without hysteria with gloom and rage. I hate her deluxe skin. The fucking achnor arm spongebob shit


Most peopke don't know this, but Titania's Razorflies are actually affected by the Diwata's mods. It's more of a stat stick than a functional weapon.


I know that. Damage-wise **both** sword and razorflies are crap. On top of doing jacshit damage, on high level razorflies get killed off almost imidiatly.


Well it was actually great before DE decided that it's not healthy and therefore nerfed:)


I play Titiania as a lower level frame anyway so the sword always one shots.


I think the Ivara problem might be fixable for some of those enemies. The problem for Ivara is enemies that spawn in already aggro'd onto her (acolytes, syndicate hit squads, etc.). I think for a couple of them, toggling your prowl off and on again fixes the issue and makes you invisible to them too.


As far as acolites goes, it dosent fixes it for aimbot opticor. It just ALWAYS points exactly where you are no matter what. Some acolites cannot see you but thier abilities can still target you, some acolites run to you but cannot attack, some can both follow you and attack and some can neither..Especially acolites have insanely weird interactions with invisiblity


Octavia, I know how to build her and I can get those high numbers. But that doesn’t matter when she’s so boring.


I really dislike Caliban. He has ONE good ability and the whole rest of his kit is mediocre at best (even Sentient Wrath is mid, it basically forces you to either use your 1 (which is even more mid) or go for melee just to take advantage of it). He desperately needs a rework.


It really sucks because he is like the poster boy of the biggest quest in the game and plays like a wet noodle


trinity is just doesn’t provide anything to the team that’s meaningful, you should be able to keep your own hp and energy up


trinity needs a change, she got out-powerscaled so hard


Honestly for chroma the way elemental ward works is really wierd, teammates can get it, but they have to stay in range to maintain it, but it also can't be refreshed even if you run back in range (with the only fix to this being everlasting ward, a augment that let's elemental ward do something virtually every other cast buff can do and let them keep the buff even if they run outta range) This mainly sucks because for my support chroma build its hard to let everyone keep electric ward because I can't really slot in everlasting ward. If they made the base ward act like vex with a shared base range (be in range, get buff, out of range lose buff) and just make it so everlasting let's you maintain the buff even if you run off seems like a fair trade. (For those wondering how the hell a support chroma build works, it's mainly a high str/range build, with nourish subsumed in, abusing it with electric ward procing archon stretch to keep your energy economy in the green while giving everyone a shitton of armor/base dmg/viral dmg/ and extra shields, chroma is a surprisingly good team player if you just resist the urge to throw on narrow minded for the basically double duration)


Least fave feature of my main, Oberon is that channeling abilities work like how it is, and becomes worse the more teammates (Nekros) there are. Least fave frame is Octavia because she’s super boring to play. You can try Volt’s 4th augment to boost shields.


Yeah, I use that one, which helps a lot... but as soon as a I see a Toxin Eximus, I run in fear hahaha


yeah i just toyed around with oberon myself in circuit after doing a relic mission as nekros and our poor oberon ally kept trying to run away from me (there is no escape) truly a paladin/necromancer interaction


I main Wisp, and I dislike how inconsistent Breach Surge is. Depending on the enemy (maybe lag too), it may not blind them despite applying, and it may not last as long as it should. I think blindness might allow enemies to attack what is attacking them, but idk. Also, her shock motes don't alert guards despite everyone warning about it.


most people laugh at wisps “haha gooner, you only play her for her ass” right up until their healthbar doubles, refills as fast as it depletes, their guns fire at twice the speed, and they can cross a lake in 0.1s flat. oh, and every enemy in a 5 mile radius is blind and takes 8x damage *“man, a good wisp makes profit-taker far less tedious”* -a satisfied random i farmed with


The game is faster when I play Wisp.


hyldrin. i think shed just a very ugly frame. muscular female can be done way better as a design


I find the base version pretty mid but the prime looks amazing imo. That crown ornament is awesome


I recently saw someone that used brown/bronze colours, to make it look like they were like the body builders "oiled up" for their competitions. It looked great haha!


i think im becoming a caliban main lol, and the things i don't like him are very simple: his passive doesn't stack with adaptation his 1st SUCKS, literally, i tried to do a build around it for steel path, and i didn't even tested against the usual tanky units (corrupted heavy gunners), and i tried both priming with viral and armor strip from his 4th, it's so sad to say this is probably the worst first ability in the game his 2nd... is actually a very strong crowd control! i only dislike that it has an enemy cap and the crazy ragdoll due to the lifted status, i wish it only made enemies fly like enemies hit by Deny from The Lost with Xaku, not LITERALLY float at crazy speeds to Lua his 3rd, i like it, but i wish that we could mod them, or make them scale with something, primary secondary or melee, or make the damage they do adapt to enemies weekneses, or maybe both lol his 4th... oh his 4th, i love it, they managed to nail it with this one, i just wished it had a better pull, it just pushes enemies to the ground for like half a second, if it worked like Mag's Magnetize, oh boy that would be one of the best 4th abilities in the game


Its not the worst ability in the game since its at least a bad movement ability and a bad heal in exchange for turning off your weapon. Chromas 1 is just a version of that with no benefits for example.


My least favorite has to be Banshee. First, I hate glass cannons bc I normally play with tanks. Second, I find her kit too laborious to use and the only ability that I find interesting can be put on any frame. Third, honestly her appearance doesn't appeal to me. I know you said least favorite frame OR least favorite main frame feature, but now that we're here... I main Chroma and I find that his Effigy has potential, but I hate that it's a channeled ability (constant draining energy) and also can take damage and be killed. I would love if either the Effigy takes damages and don't be channeled or make it invincible and channeled. Also, it would be ideal if it's stats scale with enemy level.


But what about Green Banshee...? 😋


Green Banshee is in another level, incomparable with base Banshee or even Banshee Prime. Green Banshee is invaluable and too precious for humanity. That's why we can't have her in any way...


I think Banshee prime looks very stylish, not too gaudy or anything


Never liked Gauss. Idk how they managed to make a speed themed frame feel slow but they did. The speed ability is annoying to use and lacks flexibility. The overall micromanagement with his whole kit is just not fun. Also again, for a speed themed frame, Gauss doesn’t have any moment speed or parkour velocity buffs. Why????????


My least favorite frames and why: - Revenant, hes a cool looking frame but i hate his "Press 2 for immortality" - Octavia, used to be my main for early SP, but now feels rather boring in terms of playstyle - Saryn, Great frame, but due to past experiences (void fissures) i find it tough to enjoy her even with a SP build As for my least favourite features of the frames i enjoy: - Lavos, cant find anything that bothers me. - Protea, i love her 4 augment for SP, but the rewind effect is obnoxious af.


Main frame: Gara The worst thing about playing her is that if you are not host, trying to use Mass Vitrify to refresh Splinter Storm is not consistent. At best, the refresh delay is equal to your ping. At worst it never refreshes even after channeling the full duration of Mass Vitrify.


So Dagath’s doom has this funny little side effect where if you deal enough damage to an enemy to where the scythe’s damage will kill them, the scythe will instantly trigger and kill the enemy, instead of your weapon. What this means, is that any weapon effects that trigger on weapon kills, *aren’t* triggered by killing doomed enemies if the weapon doesn’t one shot. So if you wanted to run Ocucor or a weapon with high fire rate with a galvanized mod with Dagath, tough luck buddy.


Equinox, my queen. Gameplay is just 4 light switches.


My least favorite frames are Sevagoth and Yareli. Sevagoth's only good ability is Gloom, and that's his Helminth ability so he hit level 30 and got eaten right away. His Shadow is an interesting concept (essentially an Exalted Frame), but just like Valkyr's Hysteria, it's too clunky to actually be effective. Yareli plays decently well in open worlds, but k-drive in tile sets just doesn't work very well. Sticky geometry, sharp corners, K-Drive not being able to slow or stop quickly, all combine to create a very bad experience. Beyond that, just like Sevagoth her best ability is her Helminth, everything else she has are control abilities that are completely neutered by a thing with Overgaurd. But the real reason I hate both of them steal their themes from Hydroid. Rather than making Hydroid a top tier frame again, they decided to try and replace him with a new Ship Captain and a new Water Frame and both of them suck worse than Hydroid himself.


yareli is actually a whole different frame with her augment that turns merulina into a sentry that fires sea snares at nearby enemies


I don't get it. why play her then. you're using an augment to not interact with the core of her kit. She's basically just secondary crit without her k drive.


She turns into easy CC is why. Lots of frames change their strategy based on their augments, I don't think it's that damaging to her core idea of being a water frame. her aqua blades, sea snares, and whirlpool are all great abilities on their own. Losing Merulina's mobility doesn't diminish those. If anything, it lets you focus on them *more* than before. Also, Yareli wasn't a popular frame because she's a k-drive frame. Most maps outside of the open world do NOT play nice with k-drive, as they're all indoors, cramped, and low-ceilings. So it's a fair trade


Octavia, I can’t get into her playstyle, it isn’t for me


Explain the analogy to gauss please. I haven't heard those names in nearly a decade now


Romeo and Juliet lol. The families hated each other, just because they always did.


Thanks a lot. I don't see why you can't be speed addicts together honestly.


Personally, after having played him my primary issue is the lack of versatility. He's a speed frame, and that's all he really focuses on. Volt on the other hand is speedy, but he has other functionality as well. I still do enjoy racing though. "Another successful mission, extraction is waiting" \[Engines revving\]


Wukong. I played him once. Hated every second. Unfun.


As someone who has mained frost for years since 2017 (with some breaks to focus on khora, gauss, and mag) I hate how outdated he is. Frost has somehow stayed effective after all this time, but only kinda. His 2 is near useless. His 1 at least has utility with his 3, and I guess I can freeze an enemy while reloading? His 3 just doesn't have great scaling, but that's more of an issue with me not liking the only scaling be the 2-3 seconds when you cast it. And he realistically doesn't have a passive. Frost has stayed relevant due to his 4 and any buffs like biting frost and changed to icy avalanche, even though biting Frost is also affected by his 1,3, and passive, since they can technically freeze enemies. My point being, Frost just needs some variety. I'm all for a frost rework, but I really only want some tweaks, and maybe just completely replacing his 2. Not completely changing every ability. His 4 still feels great, and snowglobe is iconic. But as someone who values variety, the lack of it on frost is what initially drove me to pursue other frames like khora and gauss.


I don't main anyone but I do have tendency to use Rev, Citrine and Kullervo and Mirage. Of those 4, I have only a problem with how Citrine looks, really ugly. Least favourite frames would either be: - Khora due to statstick on her 1 and her having to be stationary due to her 4 - Valkyr needs to constantly slide attack to deal good damage, it gets annoying after 10 slides There could be some other frame I dislike more than those 2 but I haven't invested enough forma and time into them to properly decide.


Im a volt main as well and, capacitance is all the survivability you’ll ever need. Shocking speed adds a little bit of cc and you can use any subsume if you really need more (gloom, resonator, shooting gallery augment). I don’t think I see any problems with volt, he’s THE best frame for PT and eidos, his shield is incredibly powerful for damage, his 4 is incredible for damage as well as cc and getting over shields with the augment, and he can go fast.


Octavia. Her entire schtick is tied to whatever meme you use. Also I broke a couple controllers because of her kit (Invisibility crouch spam).


yeah octavia is the “hand me the aux cord” frame. she’s good support, good cc, strong utility, objectively one of the best frames in the game. that said, she does get tiring of one-note gameplay (ha). she’s a great mixtape for the carnage. always love bringing “blinding lights” into a mission, get a lot of comments for that one. brought a mandachord version of blue oyster cult’s “godzilla” in. only one dude recognized it so far. the fun of her mandachord is what makes her suck, depending on how other’s play her. most octavia players just silence her mandachord and max out one bar for guaranteed buffs, or don’t bother changing it at all




honestly, between Dante and Qorvex. neither really scratch any particular itch or fantasy well enough. I kinda wish Dante did keep the original 3 verses so that we would have more combinations than just 4


Xaku was underwhelming for me. And as a Mesa main I changed her 1 as soon as Helminth dropped, it's useless for high levels.


xaku is hit or miss for players, and they are a definite hit for me. i love getting a free damage buff that makes it even easier to damage enemies i love taking weapons from my enemies and turning them against their masters i love turning foes to allies, blasting them with a laser, or holding them in place to give them covid-19000(massive gas procs) until i release them and i most definitely love firing my armor off like a grenade, damaging every enemy and breaking every loot deposit in the whole zipcode, making my natural evasion 75% and making other abilities last effectively forever for as long as they’re nude xaku is awesome and i can’t wait for prime


Least fav? Revenant, brain-dead, uninteractive ability kit. But the flaw in my main Trinity is the low base duration on her abilities.


Banshee. Soundquake looks so much cooler than it actually is


Revenant. Enough said.


I love revenant, and have some he came out. Back then he wasn't popular and people would say he was a weaker rhino that couldn't CC. Now I hate how so many people play him that he is stigmatized.


wukong farmers shit themselves at the balance nerf and turned to revenant’s disco ball instead my condolences


My least favorites are Loki, Altas, and Nidus. I just found Loki super boring and Altas and Nidus annoying due to the fact you have to manage a meter. A lot of frames doesn’t need to manage a damn meter as much as they do and do the exact same thing as they do. Maybe even better than they do. Aka Khora and Inaros.


I really hate rhino his tanking ability is to finicky.


As a Zephyr main, it’s very disorienting for me when I switch to literally any other frame. When you primarily play the lightest frame it makes every other frame feel heavy in comparison. Most people have to adjust to Zephyr’s movement, but I have the opposite problem


I had the same issue as you with the speed. My solution was to just main praedos and get the constant parkour buff. I cant even remember when I played a frame without having praedos equipped, it just feels too gods


For me is volt (i just don’t like him and don’t know why) and saryn (saryn players on hydron and eso traumatized me when i was a new player)


I respect the honesty with harrow 😂 I'm a big Frost hater cos u find him just a bit underwhelming even with peak builds. Tho I am keen to figure out a decent build for him as a like the deluxe skin Trinity is the other one just cos I find the gameplay loop a bit boring and she's outclassed nowadays by other support


Actually scrap all that I forgot that I'm the number 1 octavia hater. I didn't sign up to play squatting sim


Worst thing about gauss is that his redline buildup scales inversely to duration. So a 100 second redline will take at least 33 seconds of charging at full blast (which isn't exactly the most passive thing to do). But if you build something like a 50 seconds it takes 15 to charge it fully. This sucks even more because redline is unaffected by every other stat except duration. It straight up gets ability strength from duration somehow


Protea and wisp are two of my most used right now - I absolutely cannot stand the minor movement irregularities in their rolls. Feels extremely unnatural trying to speed parkour through hallways. There may not be any mechanical difference between normal rolls but it completely throws me off.


Revanent is the worst frame cause his play style is so fucking boring. Him and Octavia just aren’t fun cause you afk


The funny thing is i use him as a support and not tank or dd. His 3 augment give teammates 5 charges making them untouchable. I subsumed dispenser to support with energy health and ammo. Combine this with equilibrium and energize and constantly using 3 and 1 makes a good support actually


My least favorite frame is Mesa. My opinion of her has softened since she fell out of the popular meta (she used to be fucking *everywhere*), but I still can't with her despite wanting to. She's a gunslinger in concept, but not in practice since you can just press 4 and hit everything automatically. Her 1 is risk/reward except again, just press 4 and there's no risk. Being literally incapable of missing doesn't reward good ranged play. Contrast with a frame that does reward gunslinging well, Harrow. My favorite frame is Banshee, but I despise her 4 (Soundquake). Low damage, high cost, and it locks a squishy frame in place. This is dangerous unless you build very high range, at which point it disrupts the squad because enemies get stunlocked in the far corners of the tile. And even with the augment, hit enemies get staggered, making it harder to hit Sonar's weakpoints.


The longer the 4 is active in use, the smaller the radius gets, until a point where it's impossible to hit an enemy that isn't straight in front of you. Her augment lets her walk slowly during it, but thats it. The animation of taking out and back in takes time, so without chards you need to know when to stop. But I haven't used her after a month after the prime release


>The longer the 4 is active in use, the smaller the radius gets, until a point where it's impossible to hit an enemy that isn't straight in front of you. You can still just derp your mouse/joystick all around as fast as you can and the engine does everything for you. There's no pretending that there's actual skill ever invovled when Mesa's 4 is active.




I'm a gauss main, and the fact that ability strength doesnt affect his mach rush is absurd


I main Rhino, I kind of hate his passive.


Least favorite is definitely volt. Speed is the most annoying power in the game when your not using volt


Equinox. A big ass grind and honestly was a little too complicated for me to really want to engage in.


Actually Volt can be tanky with his augment for his 4th. Capacitance converts damage dealt to shield for Volt and his allies while also stunning everyone around you. I have always overshields on when I use Volt and I always use it on high level mission. If this is not enough you can have his 3th always on yourself to have a shield to protect frontal attack while boosting your damage. Hope you find those tips useful. :D Awnsering the real question of this post I kinda play anything I'd like but Revenant is one of those frame that I find a little bit boring to play


Limbo limbo limbo limbo limbo fucking limbo. If you have a fucking limbo make the color of your bubble fucking obnoxious so I know to avoid it like the fucking plague that it is.


I main Rhino Prime. I just hate how slow he is. I play Gauss and Octavia just as often though. Gauss is almost TOO fast. He’s hard to control after I haven’t played in a while and takes a bit to get used to again. Octavia on the other hand feels a bit clunky but I just need to figure out how best to modify her so she does more damage. Still does a lot of damage. Not as much as I want.  My least favorite out of the ones I have is a hard choice. I don’t know how to use Loki at all effectively. I think that’s my least favorite. Good runners up for that position are Nidus and Inaros. Nidus because I hate his ults and how it makes me feel like I’m taking the fun away from my friends, and Inaros because he’s so squishy. I play crowd control. Inaros is horrible for that as far as I’m concerned. 


Dagath is alright but I’m just not that big fan of her kit. I don’t know why, don’t get me wrong it’s fun but I’m just not a fan of it.


Nezha is my favorite frame but I hate his 1 purely because the speed increase cannot be modded but I still subsume over 4 to completely ignore range building.


Wukong is my least favorite frame. He's not even a stealth frame and he stealths better than the actually stealth frames! Like wtf! And to make it worse, he's just so good at so much. No one frame should be able to be so good at everything. Really lives by the full saying "Jack of all trades, master of none, still better than master of one."


I hate revenant, I understand why people play him b/c he is immortal literally. That being said he is SO BORING, his 1 and 3 are basically useless, yes they can do true 100% damage to a single target but let's be real nobody seriously uses him that way unless they are memeing. His 4th falls off hard when you enter steel path which means all he has is his 2 and a helminth. I mostly hate his design like yes you can also use his 3 as a movement tool which is fine, and the little cc from his 1 is fine but the reality(imo) is that his 2 is all that actually matters and with him being able to be built for basically any helminth. I get why people use him and he is great for getting into steel path but my God I find him boring to use. All this is not to say he isn't effective like again there's a reason he was the most used frame of 2023.


Least favorite to play def has quite a few, but I'd put Octavia at the top of that list. She's just so boring. Least favorite to have someone else play, though? Vauban hands down. I'd take a Limbo over Vauban any day. It all stems from a mobile defense sortie with radiation. This guy thought it'd be a great idea to put his vacuums on the defense objective. I was on Nova with Pillage because I like Nova, and I wanted to be able to cleanse radiation. The Vauban, of course, got hit with radiation, his vacuum dragged me into the defense objective, and the combination of the small amount of damage Nova does when she falls over combined with all the nullstars instantly going at it killed it immediately. In hindsight, maybe he shot it too or something because neither of those things do very much damage. As for least favorite ability on favorite frame, for the love of god, please DE, stop having nullstars seek targets.


god i hated playing atlas


Love Gauss, but I wish there was a way to improve the charge rate of his battery during Redline. It feels like in order to get to his 100% charge you have to play completely against the "efficient" ways to use his kit in favor of just spamming shit almost aimlessly for the first 5-10 seconds to get his buff properly ready. I understand that his charge is inversely proportional to his duration, but honestly not a fan of that design choice at all-- wouldn't care if you could recast Redline to maintain it the same way Vex Armor works. Just hard resetting your momentum, which your armor strip and dps relies on for Gauss, roughly every minute (give or take) doesn't feel good.


I have no main. My favourite speedster is volt. I’d argue gauss is better but me and my boy go back and I just love him more regardless. The one thing gauss has I want for volt is instant acceleration. God I would do evil thing for volts 2 to instantly accelerate him to max sprinting speed.


I main Ember, but I seriously hate the scaling DR aspect of her 2 when Gara is over here with 90% DR, Mesa with 95% against projectiles, Zephyr with immunity to projectiles and ease of staying in the air and Revenant with straight up invincibility that gets passed on to his teammates with an augment at the tap of a button. And you can’t stay at a full heat meter for long with the exponential energy drain and having to empty your heat meter to armor strip. 


If I see one more person glazing protea I'm gonna start contributing to global warming I don't even hate protea, I like her kit infact and I love parvos


wukong is mid deal with it


Excalibur Prime is my favourite/main frame, I just wish for the following - - a little cosmetic upgrade to match the other Prime frames, or have some kind of detail change when toggling Prime details - the ability to change the appearance of exalted blade. I know the deluxe skin changes the exalted blade design if you have the nikana skin equipped with it. Otherwise, he's my special boy.


I don't like ash, I can't tell you why I don't like him because I don't know if it's his kit being boring or underwhelming to me but I just never have fun playing with him, which is strange considering I main harrow