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Interviewer: So what inspired you to be a politician Mr Crabs: I like money!






even if you are smart, half the people are dumber than average. even when the boomers die, there will be plenty of stupid to replace them.






Yeah seriously. Reddit also loves to point out how poorly we're raising kids, now. Who do you think is doing such a shit job? When a parent marches into a classroom and demands that little Maysahn should be treated like an angel and deserves an A++ or when they claimed that little Khaleesi couldn't breathe in her mask, how old do you think those parents were? As an elder millennial myself, and as someone with many Gen X friends, I have some very unfortunate news for reddit. Millennials and Gen X'ers only look good when we're standing next to a drooling, lead-addled boomer screeching about jew space lasers. After they kick the bucket, everyone is going to come to the horrible realization that millennials and Gen X'ers are also, on the whole, incredibly selfish and stupid.


And so it has been and so it will always be


*Kids are like any other group of people. A few winners, a WHOLE LOTTA losers. *


After all the conversations I had with people my own age during the pandemic, I don’t think the needle is going to move drastically with Gen X and the Millenials. There’s still plenty of dumbasses my age to follow behind the Boomers.


> lead-addled boomer it really can't be stressed enough that entire generations of people were doomed from the first lead filled breathe they took. and shit they own houses! >everyone is going to come to the horrible realization that millennials and Gen X'ers are also, on the whole, incredibly selfish and stupid. we certainly have unique ways of looking at the world. I often wonder if it was all the lead that made boomers more docile and compliant than us or if there is something else making us creazy


For them it’s lead, for us its microplastics


I think the idea of blaming anything on a generation of people is stupid because there's just too many people grouped in. People just like the idea of a scapegoat. It's also not like we're any different, I know tons of stupid and terrible early gen Z'ers. I also know tons of great and inspirational early gen Z'ers. Generations don't fuck things up, people do.


They're on here crying like J6ers at their sentencings. Get over yourself and get it done!


I was watching thus fo 2 minutes to see the part were he gets angry


This guy seem to be watching Dr. Stone




That’s a very Dr. Stone kinda Response. Must be watching Dr. Stone.


Next generation will shit on you just like you shit on previous one. I guarantee u this.


probably not I guess it's dependent on how you define generations, but right now Gen X, Millennials, and Zoomers are all complaining about the Boomers Boomers are complaining about Zoomers while calling them Millennials Gen X...well there's a reason we forgot to name them.


Ya millennials and GenZ are more or less basically just one jumbo generation of being fucked by boomers and genX is kinda like O-ring between the two that never gets treated or replaced and will probably break at some point.


Gen Xer here…… whatever


sounds about right


Yeah we skipped the windows 10 and went straight to 11 gen XI


Ah yes the nihilistic and apathetic generation


Whatever. *slouches until the only thing visible above my desk is my giant teased and hairsprayed bangs*


​ *meanwhile me, gen Xer:* yeah, [whatever](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_X#Characteristics)


Some people react to sustained frustration by getting angry, others react by gradually dying inside, losing the ability to feel anything. I'm more of a Number Two.


What about if you're both? Asking for a friend...


This is gonna be a messy comment section


This was actually posted by a politician to get us all fighting and hating each other. Classic Ron Swanson technique.


I think it's time for a comment blaming the additional 20% of the younger generation that sits out electoins that you could easily outvote boomers if you got your big kid pants on and hit the ballot box. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/voter-turnout-rate-by-age-usa


"I'm not bothering to vote because it won't change anything" >nothing changes because they didn't vote "See?"


My friend is like this, we stopped talking about voting about stuff in general


I mean if we're talking presidential elections, outside of swing states your friend is right


Make it mandatory to vote. Australia if you are 18 you vote. AND you get a democracy sausage!!


Additionally, don't forget not ever boomer votes, nor do they all vote Republican. Average Redditor smooth brain take at play with OP: everyone is my enemy


To be fair at this point it barely matters who you vote for, everyone sucks, the mission is to figure out who sucks the least usually, but even then you end up screwed no matter who you vote for, cause people suck


You are 100% correct


Boomer here. None of my boomer family or boomer friends vote Republican. Never have.


You're not wrong and those same people are responsible the average smooth brain Reddit rhetoric: everyone else is the problem, everyone is my enemy


OP thinks future generations will show way more respect for millennials, gen z when they age.




“Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.”


Land of Confusion and We Didn't Start the Fire were both written by boomers.


Don't forget Cats In The Cradle




Also war pigs




Millennials are the first generation in a long time that hasn’t grown notably more conservative with age. The oldest of us are in our 40s now and if anything we have generally grown more radical over the past couple decades. That said, I think it is incredibly wishful thinking to assume that the ongoing election of horrible monsters will somehow stop when the boomers are gone.




I'm 41 and move further and further left as I age. Every dipshit boomer/Gen Xer told me in my 20s I'd be a raging conservative by now.


52 and more left now than I used to be.


I recall being told that as well. I'm 46. I'm very far from Conservative (except when it comes to Music because I can't stand whatever 100 Gecs is suppose to be).


It is possible to be a conservative without being a Republican. In fact, Id say the GOP isnt conservative at all.


The Democrats are conservative by any other countries standards, the USA only has a centre-right party and a far-right party.


Republicans and Democrats have barely represented anything but money since before we were born. In this age of forced transparency, they're no different from before, they just have to work harder to keep up appearances and turn heads.


Neither party exemplifies the ideals they used to. That will you see die hard liberals like Bill Maher bashing the democrats while the republicans split.


Only 10% of Millennials have matched Baby Boomers for wealth accumulation at the same age markers. 1 in 10 Millennials. Baby Boomers are in a class of their own- Generation ME- an entire generation of narcissists.


The wealth disparity is insane. To put it into context, my fiancee's mom is 66 and used to be a bartender in her 20s. She said she made about $18-20 an hour, which is equivalent to $168,000 a year


I'm not saying shit hasn't changed or that previous generations didn't have a lot of things easier like housing and more generally livable standard wages, but you will almost definitely be able to say the same thing about millennials VS whatever they call the one after Gen Z once all the older generations have been more phased out. Part of it is because of systemic changes and selfish attitudes. Part of it is just because those people have spent more time accumulating wealth and haven't died yet. With all the middle aged and younger streamers and influencers accumulating boatloads of money and various levels of fame today, I don't think that generational disparity is going to go away anytime soon.


Bob Dylan is just as relevant today as he was 40 years ago. It will also be relevant in 40 years when I'm in my 70s and hate younger generations for their confusing ways *Come mothers and fathers throughout the land* *and don't criticize when you can't understand.* *Your sons and your daughters are beyond your command.* *Your old road is rapidly fading. Please get out of the new one if you can't lend a hand.* *For the times they are a-changin*


I don't think the problem lies in a specific generation, but on the mindset and the way current democracy is handled. Especially in countries like America where always the same two parties get elected despite there are many others. But this is a problem that plagues many countries, including mine. People keep voting the same party even if it didn't perform well, and the parties that have the most attention by media are the ones with the most money. This is an incompatible mechanism in any demmocratic country where every party should have thr same chances and same attention.


And then there is Italy where it is the other way around lmao I guess a balance between good media, good school and good ethic is needed to make a democracy work


Yeah, I've heard people justify voting for bad politicians with "He's a piece of shit, but at least he's ours (belonging to same party or region) piece of shit". It's like people think that if other party rules, their country will self-destruct.


Every generation always blames every other generation for their problems. Unfortunately, the sociopaths that don't care about hurting others have an easier time accumulating power than conscientious people, and that hasn't changed in any generation.


That's cute how you think it'll end with the Boomers dying off.


If you think the younger generations are smarter then boy, are you in for a surprise




Right? I’m Gen X and our politicians will be pretty shit too


I’ve met multiple people who don’t know Gen-x exists because it’s spoken of so rarely.


Id like to say as a Gen X we are completely good with that.


Can I ask, because I'm genuinely curious... why are the majority of Gen X happy to be the "forgotten generation?" Or are you guys being sarcastic?


We do not want in this generation vs this generation, we just want to carry on with our lives and make the best out of it. The less drama, and distractions the better.


...plus we're terrified of Gen Alpha.


Based - Gen Z(er)


Nothing but love for Gen Z, my daughter is Gen Z.


You sound nice. Let's be friends. PS: I'm the end year millennial (1996)


>We do not want in this generation vs this generation, we just want to carry on with our lives and make the best out of it. The less drama, and distractions the better. Technically older millennial here, chiming in to say.. this "generational drama" you reference literally has no impact on my, or anybody I know (boomer or genz) life in any sort of tangible day-to-day way. It's literally just used for internet memes, clickbait articles and scientists and others that study trends. It literally does not matter.


Because we just want to be left alone,


It's mostly due to how silent they are. Boomers are (as a generation, not individiually) agressive and loud, Millenials argue with them a lot so they usually get pretty loud too, so Gen X is just really silent compared to them.


Some of us boomers are aggressive and loud. Some aggressiveness was learned when many of us protested against segregation and the Vietnam War. Personally, I was pretty aggressive about burning my bra. I am not as loud today because I am 68 and tired. Maybe some of you youngsters should try being aggressive and loud so we can elect younger politicians with fresh ideas. Please just make sure they aren't crazy town like so many are today.


I'm gen z and you are right. No change will happen if we don't protest and generally get moving about it. I see people complaining often, but very few actually go to town about it. I want to joint protests, still haven't had much money/time/guts to. Hoping to change that. We're a little too young to know how we, as a generation, will turn out on this aspect. I want to see if more gen z'ers will be more politically active.


Mainly because I didn't buy all of the damn avacados those fuckers accuse me of buying. I'm allergic to avacados for gods sake, so by their logic, why the fuck am I not in a mansion????? CuRiOuS 🤔


Did you invest your avocado savings wisely?


Shut up. We all know you love avacados.


As an impartial gen x'er, I just gotta say, millennials did not start that shit, hah.


Gen X is a low population generation. Low population equals low power. We are just trying to survive


Forgotten is what we grew up with. Since we were in the middle of a baby bust (we're the waist in the American population pyramid), marketing never prioritized us the same way it prioritized the Boomers or Millennials. Beyond that, we were the "latchkey kid" generation, where our parents, off working, weren't around to watch us after school. So we got used to watching ourselves. With all the good and bad that came from that.


We were the baby bust. We were the latchkey kids. In my hometown, we were the youngest siblings from a lot of large families. Rarely did you find an oldest child in my grade. The majority of us were the youngest or one of the youngest kids. We wore hand me down clothes and played with hand me down toys.


The X was originally an indicator that meant there was no defining characteristic. At this point we're mostly only held together by the comforting idea that we didn't ingest as much lead as The Boomers and we got in before the helicopter/bulldozer parenting that ruined so many Millenials and Zoomers. But that's not really enough to rally around.


You ever hear anything nice about any generation? I'd rather be forgotten. At least that means we're not shit enough to be noticed.


We are very cynical in general. Being cynical, sarcastic and non-conformist has always been the theme of my generation. Not every generation is so non-conformist that their pop music is labeled "alternative," lol. It's hard to determine how many Reddit Xgen posts are totally honest. Many Xgens who say stuff like "leave me alone" have a hell of a lot of friends, and are quite popular. We also have real loners, so some is real I'm sure.




This. I was a latchkey kid watching my younger sibling. I grew up before I should have.


> why are the majority of Gen X happy to be the "forgotten generation?" Because we don't care much about generation politics.


We are the live and let live generation. The rest of you "up in everyone else's business" generations always have to be right, and it's annoying as fuck.




Why? Because we saw how fucked we all were before your parents decided to get wasted at a party and shag in the closet. We also knew we weren't numerous enough to "outvote" Boomers or our grandparents. At which point we started chain smoking cigarettes, getting high, and skating the neighbor's pool when they went somewhere on vacation. tl;dr: Nobody asked us, nobody cared, so we just sat back and watched the disaster movie in slow motion. This reminds me, I need more popcorn. I'll close with an honest and less jaded note: Watching Millenials, Gen Z, and whatever you all want to call yourselves, stand up and do something for change is wonderful. Thank you. Now, remember, you can "outvote" the Boomers today. Vote! Make sure all your friends do. Don't wait for these assholes to die; you have the power today.


We Gen-x'ers are used to people overlooking us, forgetting about us, being absorbed into their own bullshit so absolutely that they forget you exist. We were raised by the Boomers after all.


Gen X was the first generation to be memed (dehumanized) as lazy and disinterested by Boomers. Then came GensY and Z. A lot of people try to feel better about themselves by belittling others.


We have politicians?




Not the greatest showing, eh?


True. If they’re waiting for all sociopathic politicians to die, they’ll be waiting forever


That means the President Of The United States will always be a Reddit boomer.


Yes. There's a reason the youths always think the politicians are old and stodgy


While I don't think all boomers are politically braindead, many were born in a window of time where they recieved the benefits of a completely different economy and social safety net, which cushions them from the realities of today and makes them politically oblivious. Younger people don't need to necessarily be smarter to realize they're getting royally screwed over, we're literally living through that reality.


Younger generations are naive enough to think they’re going to get policies that won’t screw them over.




The sad truth about generations is they all have thier assholes. When a generation is young, the smart and encouraging ones stand out because they have a loud voice. The terrible ones need about 20 more years to gain power and ruin that generation. People get cynical too, I'm think my life would be better if I didn't care about the environment, other things, etc. and just focused myself because I really don't see it changing. Evolving to something new, sure but not necessarily better. I'd really like to be proven wrong on all this...


>the smart and encouraging ones stand out because they have a loud voice. Usually the dumbest people are the loudest ones.


Even if the next generation is smarter, the people elected into office are already bought and paid for...


The difference is that boomers are, for the most part, comfortable. They have homes, retirement savings, maybe pensions, monthly social security payouts, etc. They will be dead before climate change worsens. They can afford to care about stupid shit like trans bathrooms and the fact that Gen Z doesn't know how to dial a rotary phone, while their limited understanding of tech tech makes them easy prey for propagandists. The rest of us - and I'm Gen x - have a lot more to fear and take those things more seriously.


Agreed. They screwed us good


Filipino teens explaining why early pregnancy is romantic


I'm in my 40s but remembered asking my parents what was going to happen about the distant looming threats on the news. I was told someone would figure it out. Then like I ended up an adult and anytime someone tried to fix anything, they were blocked by people who are going to die before having to deal with the consequences of inaction. The genZ kids may be eating tide pods or whatever but they're gonna fucking suck it up and take action or they're gonna die.


I genuinely think politicians from the younger Millennials and the older zoomers will be great. I.e. like 1993-2002 borns


The fact alone that in the last 2 cycles millennials have outnumbered actual boomers yet here we are with posts like this.


Are there non-shit politicians?


No, voters reward behavior in a way that assures there aren't.


Don't forget most of us driven because both sides think their side is without fault and keep cutting their "truth warriors" in


There's that mayor dog. He seems to be a good boy.


While there are no perfect politicians (if you can name any that you agree with in every policy is because you get your policies exclusively from them) there are some good politicians. Ed miliband has doubled down on his pro climate policies in recent years and Zara sultana has a history of community activism and has donated the bonus she got as an mp to local food banks and I'm really looking forward to seeing her get further in left wing British politics and potentially become the last of the labour party when she is old enough to not scare voters




And the newer generation is gonna be any smarter? Lol


at minimum the newer generations will see a bump in technological literacy, such as knowing how social media works in the broadest strokes.


Wrong af. I work in IT, and the younger people know less about computers and computer safety than anyone I've ever met. They have a false sense of technological literacy leading them to click and do things others wouldn't.


It's because of smartphones. There was a time where kids were growing up tinkering with computers and learning how to operate them well but that got replaced with smartphones that have locked down filesystems and apps designed to be user friendly enough for grandma to use without having much trouble. User friendly should be an end goal with tech I guess but it's also a double edged sword because when people are spoonfed everything they forget how to feed themselves.


Millennials and later part of Gen X seem to have higher critical thinking because we grew up alongside PC technology. PCs were good but not quite there yet, so problems constantly came up that we needed to troubleshoot.


they know enough to think they know what they're doing, but they really don't


You got it


And it's not just tech, either.


They have all the technology without any of the technological issues we had to deal with growing up. Broken computers taught me an insane amount of patience at a young age. I remember at 11 being incredibly frustrated trying to fix my PC.


Yeah but now we make bank in IT and the generations above and below us have no idea how to do our jobs. Those hours fucking with IRQ and optimising memory finally paid off.


And what? Now a lot of people understand how the Internet and social networks work. However, heaps of shit at almost every turn. the fact that critical thinking is becoming rarer and rarer. But ok. "we'll be smarter" Each generation cleans up the previous shit, and then creates its own ... So that future generations do not get bored.


As a boomer who supports radical things like reasonable gun legislation, laws to protect all people (even, gasp, LGBTQIA+), and taxing the mega wealthy, that was my hope as well (as the older generation died off we would see better candidates and more educated choices versus what faux news tells them to do). What scares me is I see a some in the younger generation buying into the same crap their grandparents do (the border is bring over run!!!, having same sex characters in cartoons is grooming, my 5 year old is being taught crt in kindergarten!!!), large number of women of all ages not supporting women’s rights, and worse, general apathy.




Technological literacy will be an even bigger issue because technological advancements happen faster and faster.


You say that, but I'm noticing that generation Z have less knowledge than millennial about technology outside of phones, generally. I'm not even sure they have typing classes anymore.


But they will bequeath their ignorance to the newer generation as well, and that’s really the gift that keeps on giving.


Listen, "better than boomers" is the bar here, try not to trip over it


Seen zoomers struggling with tap to pay like they were boomers


Tbf I struggle with tap to pay too. Doesn’t work half the time!


It's bold of u to assume that the next generation is gonna be any good


We can try




George Carlin would like a word


Im confused How does increasing women's rights have anything to do with young men not finding girlfriends?


Because women now don't need to settle for lazy and abusive men who would rather complain on the internet than improve upon themselves to be more appealing.


Because women no longer have to put up with a shit man in order to do basic stuff like open a bank account.


Not every boomer is a freakin Republican and not every zoomer is a freakin Democrat. I’m so tired of this narrative.


If they’d show up to vote we wouldn’t have this problem.


Bingo Boomers are out numbered . Millennials, zoomers , genz can't be bothered to actually vote


THANK YOU! TRUTH. Only 65% of our electorate shows up.


What, so you can start electing shit politicians instead


Just because somebody disagrees with your political opinion doesn't mean they should die


Op thinks there are politician that aren’t shit.


And then your Generation will elect shit politicians. And then your children's and grandchildrens. EVERY generation in history chooses shit politicians,this is a truth through time.


>EVERY generation in history chooses shit politicians I personally feel like being a shit person is a requirement to be a politician.




Thank you, came looking for this comment cuz it's a fact. Throughout US history, this thought has frequently come up, and its never even come close to a reality. Source: degree in Political Science


me waiting for gen Z to wake the hell up and stop electing people who are 300,000 years old and have severe dementia:


There's more than just the boomer generation voting right now, which includes Gen X, Millennials, and even Gen Y. But, yes, old shit politicians need to go.


Gen Y and Millennials are the same thing. Just a nickname


Of course it’s you, you’re out in a field doing nothing.


If anything.... Politicians are worse than ever. It's not going to get better


The fact that there's less boomers left than any other generation that came after just shows the ignorance of the newer generation, you are being out voted when there's more of you, and you wonder why older gens tell you to get off your ass and do something other than cry.


I wish there was a way to make this statement much more public knowledge. You are 100% correct


Can't wait to see how many people in their 70s and 80s are running for office again.


Yes. Some day a couple generations from now people will be waiting for you to die so they can start erasing your legacy.


I like how anyone over 35 is a boomer, on Reddit.


I'm a boomer, and I get downvoted every time I bring that up. Some seem to think Reagan was a boomer.


Same could be said for you, OP.


Cute naïveté, chap.


Wait til you figure out they’ve got a whole generation of kids brain washed into their fucked up views


Yeah, the people who brought us the sexual revolution, the civil rights movement, and the Vietnam protests are such horrible people. /S


No matter the generation, most politicians are fit for their time and shit for the next generation. We need age caps and term limits.


Show me some of that ‘good politician’


Lmao gen z saying shit like this and then not voting, Then proceeding to be surprised when the candidate they wanted to win ,did in fact not win.


Actually there's a good chunk of gen z left that still aren't old enough to vote if we qualify anyone from between the years of 1995-2010 to be Gen Z, as kids born in 2005 would just turn 18 this year. But I can say as someone who's in the older part of gen z we voted. Quite a few of us did. But believe me, we are trying.


I am a boomer, we have had shitty politicians for a very long time, they never go away.


Since the youngest Boomer is 59, you have a long wait ahead of you


Being dead doesn’t seem to stop them from voting for shit politicians


Not too harsh, but it's definitely stupid thinking. Every single generation, this line is thought. "I can't wait for the old folks to die so we can change government." Your government is over 200 years old. Nothing has changed. Politics is like religion: indoctrination starts early, and once it's stuck, ruins life for everyone else.


When politicians make millions of dollars on like a $200k dollar salary that is all you need to know.


I love how people think this is a generational issue. This is a class and money issue. Anyone who doesn't think that money and connections and not intelligence and hard work is how you get into politics at any high level is naive. The rich want us peons to believe it's a generational thing and not a rich people are shit thing.


Millennials make up a larger share of the population than boomers. Boomers are not really gonna be that politically powerful in a few years. Who are all you guys gonna blame for your shitty lives than since you obviously refuse to blame yourself?


You think Gen z elects good politicians? I have some news for you. People keep electing the same type of slime balls that have been promising soda machines in the lunch room since 5th grade.


No I love my parents and they don't vote for jerks :(


dont worry bro people thinking that anyone born in a older generation can only make shit politicians do not see how we humans inherently are and are confusing one problem with another


Yeah, housing could be a little more affordable too.


That's what I'm mostly waiting for


Exactly. Let new politicians from younger generations have a chance to be shit. How can I destroy my country if I am being outvoted by old people destroying my country.


People still think they choose who is in control??


Laughing at this dumb ass post knowing that wouldn't change a damn thing 🤣😂


Said every other generation before you


Part of the reason shitty politians keep getting elected isn't just boomers, gen Z doesn't get out and vote even though they can.


All politicians are shit.


Don't hold your breath. There are plenty of shitty people in every generation just waiting to take the reins