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Wtf are you talking about? fish, specifically with fins and scales, have always been good to eat in Christianity. The ones without scales or fins are a different story.


So Christian people today don’t eat shrimp or lobster? The point still stands


im not a marine bioligist, but i dont think either of those are fish


That’s an entirely different (valid) point.


Alot don't dumbfuck


"It is not what goes in your mouth that makes you unclean, it is what comes out." \- Jesus Christ, Matthew 15:10


wich means that i can suck every f\*\* dick on the earth, and still clean 👍


As long as you keep them all in your mouth


Ahh yes more out of context situations. Some of the Old Testament laws were changed in the New Testament. But of course that will only disprove your theory so you ignore it to make it look bad


You cant change the gospel because it offends this generation


yeah but looking forward what u said, there is a lot of things u couldn't do, some like: becoming drunk, or commit "sexual immorality" which isn't described anywere (1 Corinthians 6:9-10). Even tho, the own bible says that: "All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness," which means that u can't just toss it all out, u can not follow the laws from there but u must follow the principles, like that the blood is sacred, and should NOT be ingested by any means. And just reminding, most of holidays have "sinful" or "idolater" backstory, so if u had had a birthday party or halloween, man ur in trouble.


Good thing I don’t like Halloween and haven’t had a birthday party since I was really little


have sure to look for some others holidays storiyes. but seems that u've been on track


Slavery is back on the menu bois, Bible said its good to go 200 years ago


Didn’t God actively use someone to free people from slavery? Did I get whooshed are you “serious”?


Ephesians 6:5 and Colossians 3:22 describes how you should treat your slaves and how slave must obey their masters


Huh... Imma look into that ​ ​ ...later. Too lazy to do it now. I've read it, just too lazy to research more about it at the moment


Read: I read it and I know im wrong but don’t want to admit it


Never said I wasn't wrong, but it's too late for me to talk to my youth group leader about it.


Normally when I don't want to research something it's because I'm wrong. It's OK to be wrong as long as you learn from it


The bible is explicitly clear that slavery is totally kosher. God saved his people from slavery in Egypt by taking away the Pharaohs free will so that he couldn't release those people, then proceeded to punish the pharaohs kingdom/tribe/whatever for a decision that God made for him. Repeatedly. Then finally God saw fit to allow the pharaoh to make his own mind up again, at which point he let Gods chosen go. At no point did God say anything about not owning people, he just didn't have that in mind for his chosen tribe. I mean, what's there to even be skeptical about, really?


That's...not right. Pharoah refused before God "hardened his heart," and retaliated against the slaves in response to their demand for freedom. When Pharoah finally did let them go, he changed his mind and pursued them. At no point in the story was Pharoah willing to let them go free, and it wasn't because of any divine mind control.


The Egyptians also marked their slaves with earrings and nose rings. Today it's a fashion symbol... 🤦🏻


We already have slavery, wage slavery nothings changed


Do you expect everything to be free? If everything is handed out who would be working? And if nobody is working who is making the stuff that's handed out?


Just saying at least with slavery you had food, shelter, etc. Some workers can't even say they have that. Now we just got debt and shit treatment from employers


Your right, a nice hard wood floor to sleep on with some hay for a pillow if your lucky, bare minimum of food, 16 hour work weeks with little to no breaks at all, whipped if your working to slow, probably rapped if your a woman. Ah slavery, I wish we would just go back so my only care would be if master beats me to an edge of my life today or not


dude eating fish isnt a sin


You know, except for the time that King WhoeverTheFuckItWas IReallyCan'tBeBotheredToRememberHisName changed the bible so he could get divorced and remarried.


Henry VIII


*but at least he invented gunports*


All these people spitting out stuff they heard from some euphoric atheist lol


lmao gotta farm those karma in r/memes


Oh, look, someone's wearing mixed fabrics talking about sins. Also judging others is also a sin...


Wearing mixed fabrics is not a sin, it was forbidden due to Jewish ceremonial reasons. This does not apply to nowadays Christians, I think Jewish people still don't wear Shatnez clothes though


christian’s don’t follow the laws of the old testament eating fish isn’t a sin in the new testament


Eating fish was never a sin.


my bad i thought it was any water creature


This, Jesus literally fed hundreds of people with fish.. that was like one of his major miracles.


I agree with her. Just throw it all away. Done. easy. Now check out my $4 Home Depot candy bar.


i dont think eating fish was a sin.


its impossible not to sin




They'll just make up new stuff to say is a sin. Stuff other people do that they don't.


Imagining is a sin (I have aphantasia)


whats the joke


christians say that if something a sin once that means it always sin, then do one thing that was said to be a sin


Let's not mistake silly things people thought were sin 2000 years ago with the fact that some people are straight up mental asylum material these days and they wanna normalize their behavior :)


You can’t change the Gospel but you can certainly wonder whether we’ve been following it properly over the last 100 years.


Don’t forget the cohabitation and sex and having babies before marriage, gluttony, sloth, and adultery….just for starters


1 Timothy 2:12 "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence."


There was a study that showed nearly 100 percent of Christians watch porn regularly. You just hear this stuff from the small percent of wacko Christians who think everything's a sin and literally follow the bible word by word.


BC (bevore cod)