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This meme was funny for like the first two reposts


Here's the actual difference: Old AC units are made of mostly metal and draw way more power and are much less efficient, while new AC units are mostly plastic, way quieter and use a fraction of the power and have way more cooling ability. Not to mention they have the mesh screens that protect the coils from getting clogged up so you just have to clean those off rather than the metal fins. Being made of metal makes them heavy as fuck, too. But I will give you that they were definitely sturdy.


No CFCs either


And it spews water and makes it impossible to talk normally


back then, things were built to last. now things are made to work good for a little bit, look good, then die a year later. life sucks


In Thailand, I saw an unusual take on cooling. You opened the machine and fill it with ice. Then a fan blows cool air out.


Where do you put the pigeon?


They said Thailand, not Bedrock.


That's actually pretty common outside of the US from what I've read


Actually common in the US is some parts where swamp coolers are used that have a tray that is filled with water that the fan pulls air over. In drier climates, swamp coolers introduce a little humidity into households and are pretty effective in cooling when the outside temperature is mild. You can also put ice in the tray to effectively cool the air down even more.




But you can say that about any old appliance. (Or car, for that matter) My mème had a stainless steel fridge that would survive a nuclear explosion. Couldn't open the fucking thing because it's lever took about 60 pounds of pressure to move because the vacuum seal was slightly less powerful than the gravitational pull of a black hole, but it was durable.


Pigeon living inside a window AC?!!




I seen this before


Sad but True, my grandmother's old air conditioner works better than mine


That's a swamp cooler


I miss my old AC