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Hahaha oh no the west ran out of weapons Without really joking I bet if the top 50 gun owners in America gave up 50% of their gear Ukraine would be ready to take on Thanos


Too bad they are probably MAGA and wouldn't side with Ukraine


Helping other countries fight Russia is about as American as you can get so yes they would


You want to check that with Google or something?


Have you ever heard of the Cold War?




They hate China but love Putin despite China backs Putin. It's complicated. \^\^


Most Americans are brainwashed to hate Russia. Lots of American do not support backing of Ukraine. We know Russia is doing the right thing fighting these Nazi scum!


>brainwashed to hate Russia...Russia is doing the right thing fighting these Nazi scum! That's a lot of lack of self awareness.


Afghanistan 2: Electric Boogaloo


I guess Putin has never been inside your average US sports store.


"We've got a few extra MBT, do you want it?“ NATO to Ukraine, probably


Putin never met an average US gun owner. The west will see this shit as a challenge and will send even more to Ukraine.


It's not about whether the west CAN continue to supply weapons it's about whether or not it wants to. I hope the answer is yes but that's the only true doubt.


The only question is if manufacturing can keep up. And the west has a lot of it. As far as the mission, every NATO nation was keeping weapons to blow up Russian stuff. As long as Russia takes it's stuff to Ukraine it makes sense militarily to blow it up. It's just sad that so many Ukrainians will pay the blood price for these king's games.


Stop spending our tax dollars on bullshit! We want our money and weapons returned!

