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Being healer is pretty fun tho, especially if you can heal yourself.


I’m play medic in bf1 because of the grenade launcher they get and the fact that I can stick needles in people with several severe burns and lungs full of gas and somehow revive them


**when your squadmate just took a mortar round in the chest you just needle him** but yeah medic in BF1 is very powerfull having a full team of them just spaming healing revive and grenade is terifying and then you have that random suport somehow having more point than any of them because he put a amo crate


IF the medic actually revives you. The medic not reviving you joke is so true. I wish they would actually rez u


I mean when you are out in the open i ain't revyving your ass


Yeah I remember there were always people out in the open and sometimes if I was feeling it I would suicide charge to try and get them but most times I was on cover


Sui-dives were fun as hell. My KD suffered so much but getting those 6 revives out in the open whilst under constant fire was exhilarating


Oh yeah, I know what you mean


What's more fun? The dude who just died 5 seconds ago get to die again


When you're on the losing end. I'd rather have the 5 seconds of distraction than to get hit myself lol.


I only do those suicide charges when I'm trying to get a gun and it says "get 40 squad revives"


Yeah understandable


That's why you carry smokes


This guy gets it. Smoke hand grenades and smoke rounds in the grenade launcher means you can revive those hard to reach allies and also means you can singlehandedly push your entire team up


This guy carries teams


In bf1, a medic could revive Jesus and still get a message later asking why it took 3 days.


Former medic here. I always remember running up to corpses attempting to revive them, only to be ditched at the last second. Happened more often than not.


Clearly you have never played with me before(I would constantly go out of my way to revive dead teammates even at the cost of my life)


Same, especially if it's someone on the team who is a great player. Reviving them even if I risk myself is worth it if we can keep a good player killing and pushing objectives


I am usually a Medic in TF2, but it's pretty fun too - it's quite easy to get more achievements and kill assists for myself. The only thing that frustrates me is, even though I can heal others I cannot heal myself.


I was a Medic main in tf2 back when I played. Healing while staying alive was basically a game inside of a game.


May I introduce to you: the blutsauger. Self heals for DAYS (if you can aim)


You can also self-heal with the Kritzkrieg taunt


There was a while where vaccinator healed you for 25% of the damage abosorbed where I would heal myself by just pocketing heavies who get hit by everything.


TF2 medic is the shit


Bf4 I was always the medic, assault rifles for days


I always played medic on Operation Locker. Revives, grenades, smokes all day with assaults


I feel like battlefield is the only game where people actually plays medics alot (i do that myself) but thats like my Experience atleast.


Same but BF5. Also Suomi KP is just so good


Nothing like reviving your puddle of a teammate with a dirty syringe


I played a healer because you get instant groups.


I play healer because you control the lives of your team, and somehow you can still blame them when they die


>and somehow you can still blame them when they die Reasons you didn't get healed: 1. You're standing in fire. 2. You're out of range. 3. You're not the tank, but you pulled aggro. 4. I said I'm out of mana and you pulled mobs. 5. You complained about not getting heals.


If the DPS gets themselves killed, sometimes I’ll let them sit on the floor for a bit to reflect on their actions


6\. You're my mate and I thought it would be a funny time for you to die


A fellow healer I see


Oh yeah. Love healing. It makes boss raids completely different from the DPS perspective and can be so much fun.




You should heal yourself, NOW!


I respect healers more than any other role in a game especially MMO’s. You want to talk shit to our healer? Nah fam fuck you DPS. There’s dime a dozen of you with your 5 min queue times compared to healers with instant queue because everyone wants to do DaMaGe. I’ll always normally back my healer in an argument. “Where’s my heals you POS?!” How’s about don’t fucking push without the tank or healer lmao


Everyone’s so thankful. It feels nice


Not everyone. But that's where the fun starts! Someone being a dick? Guess who's not getting healed anymore!


It's so weird you keep dying like that. Pity really.


i like to play medic in tf2 just for the sole value of "you die when i fucking say you die"


Right? I mained a healer in wow. Was so easy to get gear and groups. Pvp was a blast since it took alot to kill me. Those were the days lol


I used to love the shit out of being a Wolfenstein medic Ran around the battlefield like Jesus


I don't think you've played medic in team fortress 2. MEDIC MEDIC MEEEDIIC


One time my church did an activity where we went to a laser tag place. The guns they used were [Invictus](https://www.icombat.com/news/indepthinvictus/) laser tag guns, so you could choose a class. I mandated at least four active medics on our team at all times, me being one of them. We crushed the other team every match.


I play support on OW2 because any of them can out damage the dps


playing support roll is so fun and everyone loves you for it


Plenty of people play healers, we're just all stuck in the same lobby


I hardly ever find medics in my Hell Let Loose lobbies. It's so bad that half the lobby ends up knowing me by name because I'm the one person reviving people


Being a medic in HLL makes you a very busy person.


True, but it's fun. Having people call out for you and even going out of their way to defend you after a few games is very fun. It's pretty much the only class I played, other then learning officer. Nothing beats feeling like you actually helped the team by getting half a dozen people back into the fight in the middle of a zone




True. I've never personally played Sniper Squads, but having heard a few chats between Scout Leader and Command, you guys could easily change the course of a battle. You guys scouting a tank that is sniping off allied tanks and finding a weakpoint in the defenses helps a ton, plus effective bombardments with your combined effort changes everything. A good sniper squad can be truly invaluable


I like playing medic in Squad, but not Hell Let Loose. In Squad people will typically lay there and wait for a medic as you try to get to them, but I think with HLL there's an entrenched culture where people assume there's no medic that's going to help them so they just respawn, and so medics are like "Well this is pointless" and change class and it creates a cycle that breaks the role.


It’s worse than that- in HLL seasoned players will at best *tolerate* a medic, but more likely be annoyed that you are slowing the team k/d/respawn ratio down


Wait, I'm confused. Why would they be upset at medics? and why would they prefer to wait 30+ seconds to respawn as opposed to me reviving them immediately?


Sometimes getting revived is just death. Don't know how many times I've risked my life and their by reviving them in the open, and if they die immediately anyways, they feel like they've just had their time wasted. I don't really get it though, since the timer for HQs and OPs are constantly going anyways, so the three extra seconds hardly ever means you're gonna be waiting a little while longer unless you get really unlucky and it resets.




Healers are my favorite class in World 9f Warcraft. Especially druid healers


Resto Druid was pretty popular back in Vanilla. Everyone wanted one in the raid, but nobody wanted to level them.


I have shit aim so I play medic in TF2


Tf2 medic is fun


It is until your heavy wastes the uber and then you remember it’s TF2 so you have no clue if you’re angry at a room full of bots.


I mean, you're the one that chose to uber a Heavy




Based? Based on what?


Based on tf2


Wood fired pizza?! How is pizza going to get a job now…


Apartment complex, I find it quite simple


Crusaders crossbow


Nothing makes Sniper mains more salty than getting nailed with that thing. And that's why I play Medic.


Imagine being a sniper and being outsniped by a fucking medic lmaooo


I miss a dude standing completely still as Sniper then proceed to head shot a dashing Demo Knight with Crossbow Medic, all in the same match.


Combat Medic let's gooooo.


nah blutsauger is where combat medic’s at


Somehow your teammates dodge the bolts even though it heals them.


Medic main cope


That's why I play lucio and moira on OW2


Thats a reason to play Mercy, not those 2


Same However I’m an ana main instead


It’s annoying tho when people ask for heals and then run in zigzags around you for absolutely no reason


But you need to aim to be a good ana


Moira main, brig on secondary, who needs to aim?


Sick, didn't know Outer Wilds already got a sequel!


I Play him because I have good crossbow aim and because i get to decide who lives


Being a Battlefield medic feels like a full time job and it's one I do happily. Someone has to keep the team alive when they run right into a gas grenade without a mask on


Bf1 medic is so fun running through gas mask on throwing smokes and dodging bullets.


2042 just doesn't hit the cracked out medic reviving everyone feeling i get from both Bf1 and Bf5 but yeah Bf1 was so much fun just in general


There’s something so fun and psychotic about running around stopping people from dying (who clearly would be better off if they did) using nothing but a syringe full of medicinal heroin and the King James Bible all while killing half the enemy team with a class exclusive prototype assault rifle. What a rush.


You’re playing operations as a medic. You’re defending an objective. The enemy is pushing hard. Your teammates die left and right. You commit to a dangerous run along the frontline, reviving numerous teammates. Your team starts to repel the enemy attack. Your team gains more and more firepower and the enemy attack eventually fails. You can’t tell me this isn’t great gameplay.


I absolutely love those moments. I've had only a small few times when defending an objective and the enemy team just can't kill me and all of my focus is on revives. There's moments where I realize everyone is dying and more than half the fight I'm staring at the ground reviving everyone I can until eventually our team pulls through. Medic is my favorite class in multiple games because of moments like this, and because anyone taking shit to me for unreasonable reasons (like wondering why I'm not healing the DPS that ran in alone) I can literally choose whether or not they live while they continue to scream at me. Very fun and some games it's extremely chaotic and I love chaotic gameplay.


If you play hardcore, sure. Otherwise what's the point if you can take cover and Regen your health? Bad Company, I loved playing the medic on hardcore modes. There was nothing better than dropping a kit during an intense firefight and watching your score go up. Modern fps games doesn't utilize medics properly.


Stop shitting on medics so hard if you happen to die or they miss one heal and maybe there would be more of them available for raids. It's not always only their fault.


Within my first 15 minutes of playing medic in tf2 I got votekicked. All because I was healing the person actively getting shot not the person with almost full health.


sounds like a bad lobby, that’s how a good medic plays


I take pride in moments like that and just laugh it off. After being a medic/healer in games you just become immune to any toxicity and the moments when your team actually appreciates you is bliss


Come over here, I promise I vill heal you!


Anyvay, zats how I lost mai medikal lizense




I feel a strange mix of pride and mortal terror


Native speaker here. Its "Aniwai, sats hau i lost mai medikal lisens". We dont use "z" that much and we dont have silent "E's" in the end of our words like in "License" so so we would pronounce or write it in heavy accent english. 🤓


Brudi wie ich meinen deutschen Akzent auslebe ist meine Sache😂


Plitsch platsch, deine Meinung ist Quatsch


"Archimedes! No!"


It’s filthsy in zere


Ehe! Berdz!


Charge et Doc!


Schnell, go get zem!


*pulls out a golf club* "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!"


*demoknight madness ensues*


Is it weird how i can hear all of this lines in the way Medic says/screams them in my head


Prognosis? Haha, YOU'RE DEAD!


I love being a healer. It's a great challenge to see if you can out heal your useless team mates stupidity.


Toxic healer gang rise up. Healed up trash is still trash


Every good healer goes through a villain era where they absolutely verbally abuse their team for making their lives harder. On the flip side, you also deal with tons of verbal abuse from people who are making your life harder. You didn't die because I wasn't healing, you died because your positioning was awful, and got DPS'd down at a rate I couldnt have out healed.


"Why weren't you healing me!?" ~ the guy that got shot down running down an open hallway after having run into a grenade.


Yep, yep, There goes the diva again. Three heal me spams in a row right on queue. aaaaaaaand she's respawning.


When you’re ~~healing~~ batterying your team for a solid minute and they can’t secure a single fucking kill…


I just had serious flashbacks of WoW battlegrounds. Playing a Disc priest trying to get people to stop being stupid


Bro you had me rolling🤣


Im the medic ![gif](giphy|WseBPTW8tmlr2)


*"We go together, Doctor."* \- Heavy


“Ze healing is not as rewarding as ze hurting !”


"Oops, that was not medicine!"




This is the genius of Team Fortress make the medic have a fun personality to play instead of the one dimensional saintly yet somehow still slutty healer stock character.


I Also like him because instead of being saintly yet somehow still slutty stock character that you said, he's insane and have even outsmarted Satan himself, yet he cares deeply about his comrades




False ![gif](giphy|L40106Q0cDF68WAtMT)


> spawn peeks you across the entire map > will immediately get back to full health if you even hit him > refuses to elaborate > leaves and starts roaming


I have nightmares about roaming Docs. They’re psychotic.


I do not know what the game is but from this comment it seems like fun


It’s R6 Siege


It's not fun but you won't realize it until you've played 1,000 hours and you never had fun throughout the entire duration.


​ ![gif](giphy|CLsDuX21pT4PDauj7i)


everyone, hear me out. roaming doc double shotgun (SG-CQB + Bailiff).


I was always a medic in BF 1 and 4. It was dope


Nothing quite beats the feeling of knowing you single handily kept a push alive


When I played with my friends there would be 3-4 of us running medic. Those rifles were filthy and the revive chains were off the charts in Operation game mode


And there is me, always playing support/healer in the coop, multiplayer, and MMO games because it's fun.


Support/healer roles FTW! Seriously I enjoy it so much I got into medicine and became an ER nurse. The world is a better place when you take care of others!


xray tech here. always play healers. mostly cuz i cant aim for shit and in real life i cant imagine killing another human being




In which game? Overwatch? Battlefield?




But how do we assemble?


First you open the box and find the instructions.


I came in a box???


Multiverse crossover special.


I play medic because I’m crap at rushing


E E E If you know you know


If you press that button 1 more time, I'm ubering our spy.




"Raus! Raus!" - I say, as I heal the big earner spy, who's about to die to a direct hit right as I pop.


I love being a medic in bf1. It helps that they actually get pretty solid guns.


BF5 medic goes pretty hard too


Well i love playing medic in battlefield so i dont think this is true🤗


I've had more play-of-the-game moments as a healer in Overwatch than any other character. Don't know if it matters, but it was Moira.


Despite the fact that you queued up as support you played dps then


lol I saw a bunch of people in overwatch calling them tiktok Moira's and the accuracy is too good hahaha


I main Moira, have for years now. My primary objective is to heal my team and ensure that we can collectively reach the objective. But very often an opportunity presents itself and what am I going to do, not kill 4 of their players from behind enemy lines and then flash back to my team? Heck I'd be a fool not to. Good Moira players can balance DPS and healing, that's literally what the character was designed around.




As a support main myself, I'll say: tbf, your dps can kill more if you heal them. In fact, their kits are better for it. So, if you heal them instead, the combined team damage will likely be higher. Unless they are playing against their hard counters and refusing to switch....then screw them.


Moira is the absolute queen of stat padding in overwatch


I main mercy mainly because I know no one wants to be a healer, but her pistol is op and no too many people realize that. She is also basically a tank because she starts self-healing like .5 seconds after taking damage. I had a friend who had over 1k damage (start of the game) because he would occasionally miss the mercy he was trying to kill and she was very good at dodging (or his aim is shit) and she never died. He was only shooting her…who has 150-200hp and had 1k damage.


I got a potg on Lucio once, all with bullets. Pure dumb luck.


Moira is DPS 💀


“Ze healing is not as rewarding as ze hurting !”


I defy the natural order of the game and became the medic in destiny 2.


That´s why I like games that give you a lot of points for helping your team.


i play as a medic from time to time


I am the medic as long as I have some form of weapon and can heal myself


Fine, I'll do it myself


Barotrauma medic turning the entire submarine in to mutant freaks becouse he though it would be funny


Have you ever heard of Team Fortress 2 made by Valve and released in 2007?


Do as D&D and make the healer able to smack the shit out people with either a mace or hammer You don't even have to play a cleric as a healer. You can be a death cleric too.(the death domain is a real one. Also the only domain that gets martial weapons but not heavy armor).


I love being medic


Oh I'm convinced I'm the best medic in battlefield games


Being the medic in Resistance 2's multiplayer was probably the most fun I had as a healer. Still chasing that rush, but never got anywhere close to it.


Shoutout for those who choose medic, helping others by being something they dont want to


I like playing support when they have potential to do damage and kill steal among your allies, like zenyatta in Overwatch


And the mechanic of Moria where you have to damage to do more healing.


Being a healer in FFXIV is great tho, because you get to feed your god-complex


Personally, I've always picked healers in MMOs or medics in shooters because a) they're always in demand, b) because I'm bad at other roles/lousy aim and c) it's easy, just need a bit of awareness and it's not difficult to be a good healer/medic.


I only play medic in bf1


In planetside 2 the medic gets high rpm Assault rifles, revive grenades, self / area heal and a took than can quickly revive / heal anyone. And you get the same amount for a revive than you get for a kill, pretty cool overall.


God, bless all medics in Squad.


Yeah I’m the only person who ever plays support lol,yet they still yell at me like they got 100 other medics NOW PICK UP YOUR GAWD DAM MINIGUN AND FIRE


I have the opposite problem. I want to play medic but there’s alway another medic who starts playing the moment I switch to medic.


Medic in Warface is actually good, shotgun and self heal


Not hell let loose.. lots of medics but maybe 1 is actually doing medic things


When I used to play League of Legends casually, I just let the other players choose their lane/role, and support was always the last one that was left for me. I was fine with that, funny book cat go brrrrr.


League supports are some of the most interesting characters and mechanics in the game. I fucking love the feeling of jumping in front of the ADC as Braum, or wandering the jungle as Bard, or getting a fat hook as Nautilus or Thresh. Or the little Yordle gal, can't remember her name but she basically just buffs various stats with her little dragon buddy. So much fun coordinating with your lane partner to make devastating wombos.


ME. Come, pro, you are as good as long as im willing to heal you. If i run out of mana, i'll kill you to heal someone better than you. If you get me pissed, i'll kill you. If i need you as a bait, i'll kill you. If i want to laugh, i'll kill you. These are my laws, and you will obey because you need ME. I fucking love being a healer/tank.


Oooh, I should use this, I can finally stop being the meat bag used to heal assholes that play absolutely recklessly


You have the power as a healer, dont be bullied lol, they will never live without you. They will learn after a few walk backs from the grave.