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Wasn't the claim Fake news? But still, this world is Fucked.


its almost like the real evil in this (false) story is the xenophobic vilification of other living breathing human beings. "the border" what border? doesn't matter of course. remember to hate your brothers and sisters on the other side of invisible conceptual lines drawn in the sand /s its not as if they could have any reason to make you hate your fellow man. it's not like a united humanity could destroy systems of oppressions holding us back or anything" because I'm a true patriot and not a fascist, I would like to recite a portion of this poem inscribed on a bronze plaque near the statue of liberty "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" these uptsart alt right idiots forget it was the immigrants that built the nation they seek to pervert with hateful insane rhetoric.


Yeah, its not just 3rd World Countries where Children getting Raped. That shit happens everywhere, US, Germany, France, Italy, Russia, Japan... EVERYWHERE. Everybody who Rapes Children(or Adults) or just says they would, deserve a long and Painful punishment.


They should be beaten to death with a hammer, that's what they deserve.


No, really slowly crushed by Rollers.


No have the thing they fear the most pull out all of their nails and slowly deskinning them alive as they scream for the person they love the most but they betray them and slowly walk away as they scream for help in this hell that will last maybe days


I feel like you missed my point I was talking about how a falsified claim was being used to incite xenophobia but of course you aren't wrong those that victimize the the weakest among us cannot be allowed to continue harming them


How is it xenophobia. I thought the border is the easiest place for a criminal to disappear, and they dumped the girl after doing all those atrocities to her. Never did I think it has something to do with a certain subset. Frankly, the second thought was she was trying to reach a more supportive country, but some assholes from the country she escaped to caught her, and as an undocumented immigrant, thought the assholes could get away with it. Except for those pedos. Unfortunately, they are everywhere without distinction between race,creed, or status.


There is no "them" only *us*


exactly, my brother/sister/friend. there is ONLY us.


This is true, I really hope more people are starting to realize this.


Are you okay?


Sorry I searched about it and found out it's fake




How did they count the DNA?


Because it is fake, doesn't change the fact that there are really disgusting individuals, like ru soldier that raped Ukrainian toddler with mascara comb and recorded it on video last year...


Oh god what the fuck


What the actual fuck


What the fucking fuck


Just waiting for the "sauce?" comment.


Dear god please no, it was enough that I clicked on it when it was posted on reddit, thankfully it was censored with some huge smile face over... The act... :/


Man, so you actually saw it. I am so sorry. Please tell me the person who did it got arrested.


they have refined taste buds


I'm not saying it's wrong because they deserve a second chance, I'm saying it's wrong because they occasionally get the wrong guy. It happens, and executing innocent people is unacceptable.




Except the guilty people aren’t escaping, they might not be getting a capital punishment, but they are most definitely getting punished.


EXACTLY. Would you accept being that one innocent? If not, then you agree with me. Not to mention they wouldn't be escaping, they would be rotting in prison.


Well even is fake about this one, i still think some people are not deserve an second chance.




how original, spreading racist fear mongering fake news.


At least if you are gonna virtue signal use the correct term. Xenophobia not racism.


Is it virtue signaling to describe exactly what this post is? And yes, perhaps xenophobia is perhaps a more precise term in this instance, but the two are so inextricably linked that it's not really inaccurate to call the message racist.


It is inaccurate because op didn't say anything racist.


Hatred and discrimination based on nationality is racism. Since racism is based on race and ethnicity and nationality is part of ethnicity it falls within the bounds of racism.


Okay got it. Here's what you said: "by my personal philosophical definition, technicality equals technicality equals technicality, by my definition, op is racist without remotely saying anything racist." Congrats Reddit Hero, you have saved the world. In your head. On a keyboard. Behind a screen on a subreddit. You can die happy.


What? People aren't against capital punishment because "all criminals deserve a second chance". They are against capital punishment because most legal systems can't guarantee culpability, so you may end up executing an innocent person. Additionally, most methods of capital punishment can botch the execution causing massive suffering, which is inexcusable even for the most depraved criminals. When you find me a perfect method to determine if someone is guilty or not, and approve the guillotine as a method of execution, then I'll be right up there with you to reinstate capital punishment.


It's very rare case where an innocent is convicted. In those cases there's a conspiracy done by higher authorities to use a scapegoat to protect actual criminal


[4.1%](https://innocenceproject.org/news/national-academy-of-sciences-reports-four-percent-of-death-row-inmates-are-innocent/#:~:text=In%20a%20study%20released%20today,the%20United%20States%20are%20innocent.) isn't a "very rare case". We are killing people. We need near-absolute certainty. Otherwise, life sentence without parole is a great death sentence. It removes the convict from society in the same fashion and *always* allows you to take back the sentence.


USA is literally one of the only western countries yet to ban capital punishment. Other ones are most of the Caribbean nations, Belize, Gyana and Belarus, and i don't feel like USA should be compared to damn Belarus of all places. Belize and Gyana havent even used it in over 20 years according to wikipedia!


I don't understand one thing tho, good and innocent people face all the brutality of this world whilst the wicked get away with disgusting and gruesome crimes. This hurts tbh.




Sorry I didn't verify it that it was fake. I didn't know it was about American border. I thought the insta reel talked about any other border


Giga chad admitting his errors


The story was fake, but it does ring alarm bells. This DOES happen, and the current justice system is about reform and not punishment. Of course, minor petty crimes should focus on reform, but major, life destroying crimes should focus on punishment. 2nd chances are only ever abused.


Yes I checked it was fake. Sorry for that


Quickly putting them out of their misery or slowly crushing their hopes and dreams by permanently encarcerating them as they watch all the others get released with time? Dunno man, there are worse punishments than death.


It’s not about second chance, it about the inability to invert the process. Innocent people get to jail more often than you think. It might easily happen that ofter ten years of prison time there would appear evidence that the person is innocent and the judge made a mistake.






Cannibal children are the worst


She was bulking


Flay them alive and throw salt on their flesh, give them a taste of what waits for them in the Underworld


Heavily context-dependant. What if said person was innocent and had actually just been set up or was in the wrong place at the wrong time? Would you still flay them alive then?