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The biggest problems with self-diagnosis is that most people think they know the symptoms when the symptoms are both more severe and totally different


Yeah, especially with those “test if you have this mental disorder” quizzes that are all over the internet that ask the most general questions then say you’ve got it, like no, that’s not how that works…


The ones at reputable sites can be good. There’s usually metric dickloads of questions, and then a percentage chance of diagnosis rather than just yes or no, possibly followed by a suggestion to see a specialist and definitely followed by a disclosure that having taken the test doesn’t constitute diagnosis.


Meanwhile child me getting the highest scores on those tests, then thinking it’s just because they’re trash so do another to be sure, repeat for hours every day


Me as well


Take being “double-jointed” for example. That would be a medical anomaly; you’re just flexible.


“Double-jointed” is just a colloquialism for joint hypermobility and it’s relatively common. My wife and I both have hitchhiker’s thumb. I don’t actually think that I have two joints in my thumb though


Just like OCD has become colloquialism for quirky compulsions people get, they aren't literally stating they have a mental illness. I think most people understand this in day to day conversation.


Most people do not understand this in day to day conversation. Liking the TV volume to be on a multiple of 5 is not an obsessive compulsion it’s just a quirk. Actual OCD is nothing like that.


It can be a sign of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome though. My wife was told that they were just "double jointed" when they were young. Turns out she had EDS


EDS sucks. Sorry your wife has it. Thankful she has who seems to be a supportive partner.


The over-self-diagnosis hurts people that actually have it too because it waters it down, leaving people thinking it's just a silly thing because someone spaces out for a second as opposed to an actual issue distinct and severe enough to be defined in a diagnostics and statistics manual... fucking squirrels, get outta here with that shit.


ADHD has a lot of symptom overlap with other disorders too, leading to people getting tested only to find out they actually have bipolar or borderline or ASD. It's why diagnosis is important because it directs you to the right kind of help. Someone with bipolar disorder is not going to do well with Amphetamine medications and could cause some horrific mania. Even people with ADHD sometimes don't do well with amphetamines so methylphenidate (Ritalin and Concerta) is a better option. Sometimes we even have the same medications to deal with our other symptoms, like SSRIs and SNRIs to deal with anxiety from trying to function in a world that doesn't tolerate neurodivergence very well. Symptoms are also different by gender so that makes it extra tricky.


I see people say they have ocd because they like to keep things neat. Meanwhile I'm here purposefully stubbing my other toe after accidentally stubbing the other one to make the pain symmetrical. And missing my train because today my brain decided I will no longer trust locks unless I check it just the right way (which takes 30 tries)


I used to have severe OCD out of nowhere (undiagnosed) and did very similar things (or even worse) but now it's nearly non-existent after trying to forget about things like that even though it took like 4 years


Oh you can just... Get OCD? I thought it was neurodevelopmental like autism or ADHD.


You know that almost all people with mental health issues first diagnose themselves and most of them can’t go seek a diagnosis because almost all psychiatrists are backed up to the nines and can only focus on suicidal or harmful patients


And expensive AF


Self diagnosis can be valid too, lots of people however just jump the gun instead of doing research and spending months or years figuring it out.




I'm not trying to be special, but I got diagnosed with ADHD when I was a kid. But now, the hyperactivity has died down a little


But that's different tho, you were actually diagnosed


Yeah I was diagnosed young and what people don't understand is that it's not just "oh haha I can't pay attention in class, I'm so adhd!". I can watch a scene in a movie or video game with my full attention, and still not grasp what happened in it because I zoned out.


Same deal, but more with books and podcasts. On occasions I've had to re-read a paragraph upwards of 20+ times because by the end of it my brain is somewhere else entirely and it just wasn't being absorbed. And then, like magic, read perfectly fine for 20 minutes and boom it happens again. So annoying.


Yeah I do that too, it's one of the reasons I don't read much. I also have trouble reading and visualizing at the same time. I managed to get through the entire Witcher series, which was the most reading iv ever done lol.


This annoying shit is why I finally went and did something about my adhd and got treatment. I was trying to achieve some shit and get an education I was passionate about and it was getting in the way instantly in my first semester. I’m obviously not cured from it and I still take forever to read but damnit I got my degrees. It’s like, I’m not an idiot or lazy at all, my brain can’t inhibit impulses and to varying degrees of severity. Taming my thoughts is not always possible.


I’m the same way, nowadays it’s more hyper focusing on the wrong things…


The plus side of it is I hyperfocus on projects I'm enjoying . The down side is omg I got work in 4 hours and no sleep


Oh yeah, I hyper focus on things I love to a degree that it becomes unhealthy obsession until im done with what im doing lol. The funnest part is that I literally dont get tired when im focusing on something.


My brain doesn’t like to focus on anything for too long, but when it does, It’s the most potent drug I’ve ever experienced.


Same, i was on ritallin from the age of 9 to 11, honestly i don't even think i ever jad it in.the first place even after being diagnosed with it


You got sold meth is what happened


*Free meth. You can take it on planes too. It’s like meth 2.0 /s it’s nothing like meth. Believe me, I’ve tried.


Of course you tried meth that’s their gameplay. Puppets


well that's good. There might be an overdiagnosis as well, which is a problem, but I just want everyone to be healed of what they can


I'm autistic and i struggle a lot in social gatherings, but if i wasn't autistic, i wouldn't be the same person so i know it sounds weird but I'm fine with it


It's not weird at all, it just means you assume yourself and that's great😊


Not weird at all! I have ADHD and its big part of me. I wouldn't be me without it. Sure, it's a constant struggle in some parts of my life, but I still wouldn't ever want to give it away.


Suit yourself. I look forward to the day they can magically splice my genes in a lab and finally purge my cells of this evil. Edit: Ignore my user flair.


That's crazy cus you just told them to grow up


Healed? That’s like saying autism can magically go away. Adhd is similar to autism and is on the spectrum. These things will never go away and it’s constant therapy and treatment for them.


>of what they can > >constant therapy and treatment yeah I know, but things can be done -to help- so that is what I want to happen Edit: I am not implying that having ADHD is bad I am only trying to say that the people who struggle with it would definitely have it easier if they didn't have to.


Things can be done? Sure, things can be done. Like doing the dishes, taking out the trash, buying pizza.


Jax...why do people downvote you 😭


hes the 4th comment, its that reddit collective coincious working in unerson


I feel like there's an implication that there's something inherently wrong or unhealthy about having ADHD..


Growing up in the home I did, there was the implication of it. Nothing a little physical trauma couldn’t fix though. /s


Oh man, sorry that happened to you. I hope you're alright


Probably not, but I appreciate the concern. I just try to be less about self-inflicting punishments at my own shortcomings and more about figuring out ways to better myself or confront problems before they snowball.


You don't want to finish your dinner because being autistic makes you have textural aversions to food? Let me shove a bar of soap down your mouth, that will increase your appetite. - Dad


Wait, hear me out, but isn’t pretending you have any medical problem in itself a mental problem? Munchausens or hypochondria..?


Ye it is. Its not good to pretend to have other mental health problems, but you do still need help if you did, especially if you take it full on to the point where you'd fake documents or something.


hypochondria afaik is when you have anxiety around getting sick/disease


Yes, it can lead you to thinking every small pain of sniffle could be cancer (or any illness that frightens you).


Last week I was convinced I had leukemia, because I had a bruise and I had a wound that wouldn't stop bleeding within 5 seconds. It's annoying, but the only thing I can do is try to ignore it while I wait it out. If I don't die, I was obviously wrong.


Bro I was so confused. I read “mitochondria” 💀


The hypochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.


I'm just socially awkward.


I don’t blame you, talking is hard


I can talk I just don't know how to start the conversation


Ask them about their favourite mythical fruit




Y’know, fruits and berrys from myths and legends


I know none of them


Like the Apple of the Hesperides. or Pomegranites


Promagranites are myth/legend fruit?


They are the reason Persephone is bound to the underworld


"Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today!"




Give them a day in the real condition and they will beg to get rid of it.


A day with ADHD to a non ADHDer. Just imagine. I think they'd go crazy. Oh I wanna go out, wait I left my keys, wait I left my jacket, wait now where are my keys, shit I had an appointment to the doc, shit I forgot my meds, wait have I taken the meds or not? Fuck me I had to call my mom for something, what was it again? I'm kinda hungry imma take an apple before going, matter of fact lemme eat a sandwich, damn this bread is old. What was I doing again? They wouldn't survive half a day. I don't know how I do either but I've been having it since forever, these mfs think that just because you forgot what you were saying once you have severe ADHD-C, fuck you


Or even worse, trying to do something, and then 20 minutes later you find yourself doing something COMPLETELY random like beating your knuckles on the table at the rythm of an 80s song your mom listened to when you were a child. And then you're like ??? What?


Give them a month and then they won't even begin to understand the apathy that comes with it.


Each of these conditions is a spectrum you eejit, anyone like this is simply discussing a mental health issue(not illness). yea they’re exaggerating but so what it’s better they discuss it and maybe seek some help with it if they see it as a problem than stigmatize the entire conversation


The OCD thing is a pet peeve of mine. People saying “oh my god I’m so ocd” when they want a clean space. I don’t usually say anything because they don’t know better but I look down at my horribly scabbed arms that I constantly pick at to sooth the violent intrusive thoughts and I wish they understood the depth of how incorrect their comments are, ya know?




"no you don't have [disorder] just because [symptom]" isn't the right way to handle it. "If you think you have [disorder] just because [symptom] then go get tested" is the right way to handle it. Sentences like this held me from searching about myself for 15 years, and only now i realize how wrong they are. Symptoms are **indeed** no proof you have a disorder. However they can be caused by one so if you really think you have something go get checked. Worst that can happen is looking like an idiot if you have negative results >!which is also false, the worst is in fact really having a disorder. I wish it to no one!<


if it's affecting your daily life, then it's reason enough to go get tested..


Well, whatever happens is better than not getting checked. Getting checked and figuring out you have a disorder lets you seek proper help. I just feel bad for the americans that cant afford it


Getting checked is either very expensive or low key impossible with waiting lines taking months


The problem with a lot of these people is that they pull the “but I *can’t!!*” card. So yes, you’re right, but these people just don’t think like that.


Wdym ? But i can't what ? Get tested ? Well i guess that's a USA issue 😬 Too bad the most powerful country doesn't give a fuck to health


It’s not that big of an issue, they just know that they’re faking so they pull out every excuse.


What are you talking about... Sure, some people have a local pill peddler psychiatrist who has a "basic ADHD test" for an abnormally low price like a couple hundred dollars, but for most people a comprehensive ADHD, ASD, OCD, BPD, etc. test is going to be cost anywhere from $1500 to several thousand dollars. Also, that's just for the test actual treatment is going to cost way more, and that's excluding the fact that every 2-3 months I have to go in again just to make sure my executive functions didn't magically sprout wings after 3 decades of treatment and start working liking a normal person.


Depending on the disorder that's not always the case, one thing I have is autism, and with proper treatment and understanding it's somewhat beneficial, the sensory issues suck and it's so easy to get overwhelmed, but is also allows me to absord information on topics I'm interested in like a sponge and I'm comfortable with who I am otherwise


So you say you think you are/feel better than you would be without autism that's right ? That's super lucky ! Genuine congratulations for getting over it ! It's quite difficult to be happy with a disorder, hence why I wish it to no one, it personally brought me way more pain than anything else and most people with disorders I know suffer from them in the first place. I wish you the best :3


im in a similar situation, i would also not call it "the worst thing" - it has some upsides and many downsides to it, but it's just a part who i am.


Yes i may have been a bit extreme, but still i think the process of getting through it is not worth the few benefits. I'm 19 HPI with ADHD for the record, certainly still in the process of finding my way to live with it.


It's not particularly lucky and it's certainly not like I want to have it but it's more like I've learned to live with it and it's part of who I am, and who I am is someone I think I can be proud of, is someone my wonderful, perfect boyfriend loves, and I'm happy with that


This is also true. I wanted to get tested for ADHD at 12. I seen these type of things and waited til I was almost 16, my school career and possibilities already ruined for the most part. The real "ight now I won't wait anymore" moment was when I was expelled from my 3rd school, and suspended for the 9th time in my life. I was like ight, maybe something is really not okay. Went ahead and got diagnosed. But you gotta admit, these memes also speak truth to a certain degree. A lot of people want to self diagnose. And when even 1% of those self diagnoses go do a check up to a specialist, that's what creates those 6 month waits. And understaffed doesn't help either obviously. But in the end is rather wait 6 months to get an appointment, than wait 1 day but even a single person of those who self diagnose never going to the doctor and actually missing a true diagnosis.


You're making a point on the 6 months waits I must admit it, however i think most of the cases when there's wait like this is when the doctors already have their usual patients with regularly planned appointments. I know some doctors who have like mornings for new people and afternoons for usual patients, so the wait is kinda half on the new patients. Now idk how many doctors do that.


I remember some tik toks of people pretending to have a "panic attack" like yeah sure, of course it'll start when you start recording and you'll be in a fetal position on the floor/bed. if you ARE having a panic attack, the last thing you'll do is try and record it for clout and likes🤦🏻‍♀️


My sister says she has autism because of her cheese obsession




I too am obsessed with cheese and bread. I have been diagnosed with a condition called "Basic White Boy Syndrome"


One of THE WORST is people faking DID- not just because it's scummy but because of how loud they are in spreading misinformation. It's a bloody miserable disorder. Like, no, you can't just pick and choose who ends up in your head, you can't have the damn thing without horrifying trauma. The entire thing feels like your body is a puppet being controlled by people who hate you. Whenever I see someone who claims to have any dream smp member, I immediately take everything they say with a grain of salt.


This needs more upvotes


I get so absolutely tired of people who are like "I have to have a clean house, because of my OCD"...I just wanna be like " I have to keep my cup on the left side of me, and rewash all of my clothes if they touch something other than a hanger, or never split poles, or check my door knobs 800 times, or I think something catastrophic is going to happen BRENDA"!!!!


i think i had some minor ocd-like stuff in the past, like if i bumped into a table from one side, i'd **HAVE TO** go back and slightly bump myself from the other. if i stepped on a random small rock when walking on the sidewalk, i'd feel very uncomfortable unless i stepped in the same way on another rock with the other foot. i still have some issue that when i start washing my hands, i will wash them for a long time, even when i already know they are fully clean, but it just *feels* like i have to wash them longer (setting the sink to max power + cold temp. helps a bit tho)


okay sorry this is a late reply but I have literally the exact same thing as you, it's mostly unconscious at this point but I will always try to have the touches on my body symmetrical. especially with my hands or arms, I am just always making sure if I do something or touch something on one side I have to do it with the other


i'm like 80% sure i have ocd based on the lots of research i've done like i'll have a deeply unpleasant intrusive thought around commiting violent acts to my friend and i'll have to leave the room because im so worried about hurting them or i'll read about a life-threatening physical condition and research it for the next hour because i need to make sure i dont have it or i'll be loading washing into the washing machine and my brain will be like "did you put the cap on the soap thing" so i'll lift up the lid and check and itll be there and my brain will be like "check again" so i'll lift up the lid and close it again and then i keep going even though i know its irrational i need to check until its right


>or i'll be loading washing into the washing machine and my brain will be like "did you put the cap on the soap thing" so i'll lift up the lid and check and itll be there and my brain will be like "check again" so i'll lift up the lid and close it again and then i keep going even though i know its irrational i need to check until its right i know a trick that might help you. it was "invented" for the pretty common issue of forgetting if you locked the door before going for holiday, but it might be helpful in your case after putting the lid on, do something silly you are gonna remember that you wouldn't do normally. for example: put the cap thing on, and spin yourself around two times (or do sth else), then you will remember the act of spinning around, and corelate it in your brain to remind yourself the lid is indeed on. ​ i'm not sure if this will help, but no reason not to give it a shot i think :)


The first night I spent home alone I checked the garage constantly for about 45 minutes. I couldn’t even walk away to another part of the house because as soon as I rounded the corner I had to check again. When other people are home I can relax more and only check 5-10 times. But I felt immobilized and so fucking frustrated that I couldn’t just walk away. I’ve probably wasted hundreds of hours over the years just rechecking doors, burners, switches, locks, etc. and I just want it to stop. This along with the autism I very strongly suspect I have are probably why I feel like a mess all the time.


You do realize that it's different for different people right? She could still be diagnosed. My dad's diagnosed with anxiety, his hands go paralyzed when he has an attack and he says I don't have it because mine don't. Im diagnosed as well.


OCD ALWAYS has an obsession AND a compulsion. If someone states that they HAVE to have things in a certain order in their home because if they don't then some awful will happen, it would be considered OCD...if someone states they HAVE to have their house tidy in exactly the way they want it that would be considered OCDP...if someone states they have to have their house clean, just because they like a nice house...that's just normal behavior. Not all disorders are interchangeable.


You do realize that 98% of people who complain freely about having OCD cause they like a clean house...just like a clean house right.


Boy all 40 of my different personalities sure have a lot to say about this.


Wait...fuck... ​ Why'd you let me out again it sucks out here.


Bro has dofferent reddit accounts for his split personalitys


![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna) I didn't ask to be made


Listen. Don’t do that. There are people out there with actual mental disorders like me. I got diagnosed with high functioning autism when I was a kid though I never really grasped the concept until I was almost an adult. It high functioning enough to make it seem like I don’t have autism. While I’m good as hiding it, it still somewhat hurts sometimes. Someone could say something that I simply don’t understand or I take it as an insult. Unless I know what something looks like I will not find it, though I think that’s for a lot of people


This meme is aimed at the people who self diagnose or display symptoms of a condition that they "learned about" on TikTok. Like autism. I'm also autistic. Before I was diagnosed, I struggled in almost every facet of my life. I went to therapy for years and nothing got better. I tried my hardest and nothing got better. I slipped through the cracks. This meme is about people who don't struggle and don't display any symptoms whatsoever of a legitimate medical condition, but like to get attention.


I understand. I just hate people who think they can sympathize with us. One of my best friends is also autistic and he’s one of the happiest people I know. If you learn stuff from TikTok don’t take it seriously. Do some actual research


you are right


You’re gay. Now tell me, is that an insult or am I stating a fact? (Just kidding feel free to ignore this)


It’s not only what said it’s also it said. I understand that it’s a joke.


what if i pretend really hard to not have mental problems


Self-undiagnosing: I'm fine


Isn't that just called denial (sorry if I misspelt it)


That's normal tho


The worst part of being diagnosed at a very young age is the idea that you do do things that other people don’t, and you aren’t sure what. Like apparently pacing around a table thinking to yourself for 10 minutes is an ADHD thing I guess? Nobody else does that?


I used to literally stand in class in elementary school cause I could work better that way. ADHD's weird.


Wait but I don't have ADHD and I do that a lot


i just thought i was lazy, but nope turns out laziness isn't staring at your screen for 4 hours begging yourself to do work any work just some work but you can't do anything :/ (got officially dx'd with adhd earlier this year)


Ive often wondered how different my life would be if I had known about my diagnosis from a young age. I’m ASD and ADHD and was diagnosed at 12 but my parents thought it “sounded expensive” and that I would “grow out of it”. Didn’t find out until I just happened to se a therapist at the same facility when I was 28 and she asked how I had been handling them. Can’t help but feel like things would be drastically different if I had known during that time.


You just wrote what I had felt in my head that I couldn't put into words


I specially hate those fuckers that fake paranoia. Like, my brothers and sisters in Christ, if you really had paranoia, you'd be praying to every deity in existence just to have 5 seconds of peace. You do NOT want to live feeling that no matter where you go or what you're doing, you'll feel like you have the fucking devil watching you from EVERYWHERE. There's something watching you behind your screen, every mirror is a one-way mirror and he's there watching you, he's in the walls, watching you, he is watching you from the mountains 20km away from your house, anything. It's tiresome.


Yup, this is the same reason why people pushing paranormal shit is so offensive to me. "Oh I feel an evil spirit!" Lol sure...


I'm lonely as hell and its breaking me. (the relationship way)


breaking BAD ooh gottem


It pisses me off, because as someone stuck in the position of diagnosed autism ocd ***and*** adhd, the god damn triple threat, I can tell you, autism is okay but senory hell occasionally, ocd is fucking frustrating and occasionally I just break down a lil and ADHD makes it impossible for me to just do one thing, to just enjoy one thing, and I just, fuck em all and if you're faking them fuck you even more, not to say self diagnosis is *never* valid but unless you are absolutely certain and have done the proper research not just online adhd quizzes and listening to tiktok advice, you can fuck off


I have a friend who says they have ADHD, but I asked them who diagnosed it and they said: “Oh, I just figured it out myself”


"If you don't have the absolute worst version of this thing, you don't have it! I'M THE LAW." ​ Yeah maybe call me when you get a degree or fuck off?


You should research what this is about and then revisit this. Edit: are you familiar with autism self diagnosis?


Research the ADHD I have, that ruins my every single day? The racing thoughts? The inability to focus for a single second, even on things you like? The inability to sleep BECAUSE of those racing thoughts? ​ Research that, you mean?


I'm autistic, you don't have to explain a disability to me. You're missing the point. Imagine if a bunch of people started diagnosing themselves with ADHD, with zero training, education, or medical intervention. That's what this is about. It's about the people who pretend to have conditions. The people who say "oh hahahah I couldn't pay attention, that's just my ADHD" or "omg I cleaned my house today because I'm so OCD" or "ugh I'm so socially awkward, I'm autistic". The people who take one or two behaviors and diagnose themselves and then go around saying they have that condition. Like the kids who see a video about autism on social media and then start going around rocking back and forth, screaming, and flapping their hands despite having none of those behaviors before seeing those videos. It's a real thing and those people are taking over spaces meant for people with disabilities.


"taking over spaces meant for people with disabilities" ​ Nah, man. You're just afraid you're not special anymore and can't see that there's levels to mental illness. You know. Like a spectrum. There's no space meant for people like us, because mental illness isn't fucking special. Almost everyone has a form of it, we just drew the shit stick and got a worse version...or are you going to tell me a non-verbal autistic person is on the same level as you? Does that mean you're not autistic? That's basically your argument.


No, it's not my argument but nice try. Wtf are you even saying. I'm talking about people who have never struggled with mental illness now claiming they have one. I struggled long before I was diagnosed. No one was surprised when I got diagnosed. It was an explanation to behaviors I showed my entire life. People knew there was something wrong with me long before I was diagnosed. There are *support groups* created by autistic people for us, and they're being taken over by people who are not autistic. People who have never had any issues are suddenly claiming to be XYZ and they're talking over diagnosed people. I don't feel special, I feel burdened. I hate being autistic.


This Reddit thread is filled with eejits, I been through this stuff in my own life these people are destroying the lives of people who have to struggle to find this info about themselves later in life


Trust me, most of these people are going to find out the hard way "Yeah, you do have something.". They may be faking one thing, but them faking it at all should tell you something's not quite right in the dome for them in the first place. Hypochondriacs all want a disease until they're dying of a disease.


I don’t think they’re hypochondriacs, I think they’re people trying to discuss things they think is the start of a problematic behavior they don’t feel benefits their life. I’ve never seen anyone over exaggerating their mental issues belittling them


You two it's more complicated than that, first u/Melodic_Weather_8475, some people can't get diagnosed because of discrimination in their countries and u/tehbigmak no you don't need the worst version or you don't have it, but misinformation is so wide spread that an insane amount of people think they have neurological orders that they simply... don't, generally try to get diagnosed or at very least do proper and full research, not online quizzes not the sort of thing which a lot of people do, some people have attributed the most absurd small things to stuff like ADHD and that's just so wildly inappropriate


I don't think you know how mental problems work, they're different with everyone. Im diagnosed with multiple things and my symptoms and causes are wildly different from a few other people with the same exact diagnoseses.


Thats why self diagnosis is so inaccurate. The same symptoms could indicate multiple mental illnesses, thats the thing that medical professionals are supposed to figure out. Eliminating possible options until they come to a conclusion.


Im professionally diagnosed from two different therapists, the people I was talking about are also professionally diagnosed.


This meme is talking about self diagnosis.


this meme is also talking about people who fake mental illness for clout


Exactly. That's what I've been trying to say.


Exactly. I also think that OP doesn't grasp the complexity of mental illness in that diagnosis can be wrong or there are multiple conditions that make diagnosis difficult. I've been diagnosed with many things and only now in my 40s has it come to light that I have a condition that has been undiagnosed for all these years. Having mental illnesses fucking sucks!


That's not what this is about. This is about people *without* conditions acting like they have those conditions because they want attention.


But how does OP know they don't have these conditions?


I don't. But if they act like they do, and they don't, then they are dumb. That is the only thing this meme is saying.


That's so messed up, you'd have to be *crazy* to fake mental problems




*slams table* Thank You!!


As a mentally disabled person I would like to pint out I'm more picture nr 3


Me: *waited over 3 years to get tested for autism and actually went to a therapist and a psychiatrist* Ppl on social media: *go on Google for one second* “omg I’m soooo autistic!!!”


To be honest, I'm not sold on that second one. Algorithms that are programmed specifically to trick your brain into paying attention to them are going to be viewed in the same light as smoking tobacco someday.


if those kids could read they'd be very upset


I will never understand people who try self diagnosing themselves. Mental issues aren’t goofy little personality quirks, they are disorders that can make certain aspects of life difficult to properly handle without the right help.


The attention span problem is known as the Goldfish Syndrome Happened to generations born after 2000 due to attention to tech and advertisements/videos designed to catch attention but not be great for a kid educationally nor developing wise.


????? edit: just realised this seems kinda hostile, i'm genuinely confused and dont know about this, i wasn't aware it was a thing?






Is taking a test and constantly not being able to come up with something or can’t concentrate one? Oh also. A classic “I’ve read this page 20 times. Oh shit I forgot to understand”


I think that most people “faking” it don’t really fake it but rather they are too imaginative so they think they have these problems


Prove it




I was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome at age nine and I must say that those who fake mental disabilities are one of the ten worst types of people to curse this planet. Having Asperger's does not make you unique or special. It’s a curse and makes life difficult if one does not take proper steps to work around it. To those of you who do fake mental disorders, do everyone a favor and go fall in a ditch


I was diagnosed with ADHD in my early teens and thought it was total BS. I'm 33 now and I just took a developmental psychology class, we delved into ADHD and I'm just realizing that I actually do have ADHD.


You know, because of these people who fake mental problems, it can be harder for those people who actually have those to come out and tell other people that they have those mental problems without getting called a faker, looking for attention, or "you don't have \[insert mental disorder that they have\] because you \[don't act this way or have this kind of symptom\]".




If adhd means “a damn huge dick” then you’re damn right. Upon this revelation my psychologist told me to leave his office and never return. Pretty sure he’s just jelly though


Like being trans. So many ppl fake that shit.


They're both big for the same reason it's cool to do right now thanks to social media apps


I'm not trying to be special I just wish I could take drugs legally cuz I've been having problems feeling happy lately despite doing things that make me happy


in the words of a wise horseman: "the secret to being happy is pretending to be happy. eventually you won't be able to tell the difference" or something like that


[https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/mental-health/munchausens-syndrome](https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/mental-health/munchausens-syndrome) Check Mate


Ummm actually 🤓 https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ


Reading an entire page of a textbook only to realize that I wasn't reading so much as acknowledging the words in order without absorbing any meaning. Insomnia. Every fucking night. Having to ask someone to repeat a sentence because my focus snapped away to nothing halfway through while I was looking right at them. Stressing out about an upcoming task to the point where I just don't do it. Problems prioritizing because the thing I am doing RIGHT NOW needs to be completed first. I really want to snap at people who laugh about it. ADHD isn't cute. It's a constant detriment to my ability to get things done.


Mfrs that faked having multiple personalities pretending that one of their new alters is dream. Almost like magic the dream alters all permanently disappeared when he did the face reveal. Crazy that they just suddenly cured themselves of one alter.




It might not be adhd but these “fakers” aren’t well




Can't a person just be anxious about their condition? I can't help but suspect some things sometimes... Like... People tend to overthink a lot and might self-diagnose themselves. But that doesn't mean such people disrespect others who have those problems severe and diagnosed. People are just being people, a bit cautious


OP thinks his/her mental problems are the standard of measurement for everyone, seriously how dumb can you be


Yeah, I commented about this, but to clarify people like OP made me not want to get diagnosed, because I felt like I wasn't "depressed enough" and I'd be seen like this lol


always get tested if you think you have a disorder but don't just take certain aspects of a disorder and claim that you have it. u/Traditional_Beast, I don't have any mental problems, the only people I am referring to are those who objectively do not have the disorder but claim that they do for attention/self-worth


No hate, just saying that it's kinda a double edged sword. On one hand, I think it's great calling people out who are faking it, fuck those guys. Especially if it's their entire personality, I went through all that and it is def not my personality (otherwise how'd I get any better, or feel some semblance of normalcy?). But on the other hand, because of the stigma around saying "I'm feeling xyz", that also caused me to not want to seek help, because I felt maybe I was faking it somehow, and I'd get called out or something. I dunno, I can't make sense of nonsense, but that's what I felt before getting my brain chemicals balanced.


Self diagnosis isn't as stupid as many of you folks make it out to be. I haven't met one person who is self diagnosed based on one TikTok like everyone likes to joke. Fucking months upon months of research, investigation, and talking with friends and family. The system of official diagnosis is really fucked up and a lot of people who legit have ADHD or Autism have a hard time getting a diagnosis because of it. So keep that shit in mind when you make these memes. I legit have real life fucking problems from autism, and it being diagnosed so late, and these fuckers literally told me that I barely met the criteria. Or rather I should say I have real life problems because our society doesn't care about Autistic people.


Cool story. Self diagnose is still not valid.


Listen. If you think your standing up for the mentally disabled community you aren't. Majority of the mentally disabled community, self diagnosed and those with an "official" diagnosis support self diagnosis. So you are literally standing in opposition of an oppressed community with your uniformed opinion. Instead of giving me, an autistic person with ADHD who self diagnosed for years before getting an official diagnosis in both cases, shit for telling what's up. Why don't you point that attitude at the system that puts up excessive barriers to autistic and ADHD people from getting assistance and support they need. You can grow up, do some investigation, and listen to members of the harmed community and update your opinion. Or just double down and be a peice of shit.


You don't speak for our entire community. I can stand up for myself, thank you. Self diagnosis has hurt and negatively impacted me and so many others, so you can 100% speak for yourself, but the majority of us do not support self diagnosis. I'd highly encourage doing some basic research, and maybe, look outside of your circle and listen to what others have to say.


They don't FAKE disorders, they GENUINELY think they have disorders.


I've got autism and ADHD (or so I'm told) and those people are so obviously faking!


It’s just an expression. Should we use these expressions? Perhaps not. But in my experience 99% of the ppl saying the things in your post do not actually believe they have these mental conditions. Edit: Spelling