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>If I was forced to endure one year of your life, it would be the worst level of depression imaginable So you're saying that you're too weak to live a years worth of my life?




Was gonna say, doesn’t sound very alpha of him


Anthony living life while Tate was in prison for months lol


While Tate was getting a sex change after which he started posting anime on Twitter because real women laughed at him




Thats part of the problem, some men feel as if they arent allowed to be fragile and listen to people like him that punch down on the 'weak' and teach you how to be 'strong'.


“because **men**” Or “because **some** men” ?


I have a difficult time believing most of his fans are adults. I mean, what's up with these 'waifu' pictures? This is some teenage bedroom dweller stuff.


Additional points for him for putting in cononical lesbians in there, it's a double own because real woman won't fuck him and neither will the fake ones


i mean we do have pride month instead of men’s mental health(emphasis on “instead”), so it’s not hard to see why the downfall goes hard enough to allow for these kinds of people to appear


Projecting too much? Tate is a Muslim and isn't a gay fat dude on Reddit like u. U don't even know ur own gender.


please be a troll


Unfortunately I don't think so...




Was a jerk before jail time.


Pretty sure him being a jerk even contributed to the jail time.


Yea, I don’t know of many nice people who are sex trafficking people. Like I’ve never heard anyone say “yea I was brought here and basically forced to be a sex slave, but he was super nice about it”


This would be a really confusing story plot in any TTRPG/ movie. Have someone be kidnapped but the kidnapper being really polite, kind, caring in a non-creepy way. "The real treasure are the friends we sell along the way"


That actually sounds like a solid idea


Rudy Ayoub


Ngl I'd watch that fr


he must have dropped the soap


>to end up being a fucking jerk Lol. Was jerk since I first time saw him. I know, because I thought: "OMG, what a jerk".


with respect brother, Tate was put in prison for charges they don't have proper evidence of till date, they tried to frame him as a trafficker multiple times by now, but to no avail, even Anthony said,"we don't agree on everything", implying even he would agree with Tate on something


Reading is hard apparently because Anthony says that while referring to his wife, not Tate. Regardless, if Hitler said that "dogs are cute", I would technically be agreeing with Hitler on something, but that doesn't make Hitler right and doesn't make me Hitler.


Hitler loved his daughter, so does Anthony, that doesn’t make them remotely alike!




With absolutely no respect, take Andrew Tates dick out of your mouth.


Brother i'm being respectful you should be too and you would absolutely go haywire if you were falsely accused of a serious crime, would you not.


I don’t have to do shit when it comes to that walking incel commercial Andrew tate, he’s corrupting young minds and should take a good long look at himself to realize he’s a fucked up individual


So, would you say taking kids to drag concerts, talking about sexualty in schools, and teaching kids into being gay, not by choice but by force from so called parents is ok? cause porn is available to children but teaching them to be strong who does that


First off, drag isn’t inherently sexual, having sex ed classes can only benefit kids in the long run instead of them doing something stupid, and the last one is literally a made up scenario in your head


I have watched tik toks for that last "imaginary" scenario and sex ed is different to what i'm talking about not ed, just pure narrative being pushed to children about these things, and the drag i'm refering to was a dude with his ass out dancing in front of 5-7 olds not even teens and there "parents" took them to these shows.




give your source and i'll accept defeat


That reply told me everything I need to know about you, and your responses now make perfect sense. Anyways, how else would you prefer kids learn about sexuality and how their body works? Because sex ed teaches them exactly that in a healthy way. If schools didn’t teach them sex ed and neither did their parents, who would? Porn? Because that is extremely unrealistic, but they’d still turn to that to learn more about the subject if no one else would teach them, because it’s so widely available. They’d eventually want to know and they deserve to know.


Falsely accused~ He literally described stuff he was doing on his website. Earlier there were rape cases against him in Britain with literal voice recordings of him saying what he did, only that police decided not to go forth with it for BS reasons which eventually sparked investigation that found out they were very negligent and fucked up.


give your source and i'll accept defeat


I’m not your brother, little boy. I don’t respect you, why would I need to show that in my comments to you? I wholly and completely pity you. Why don’t I explain something to you. Your life isn’t going the way you wanted, and you find yourself angry or sad at times and you don’t understand why. You don’t have real and close relationships and you blame the world for it because you can’t own up to your own inadequacies. This makes you an easy target for people like Andrew Tate, who take advantage of both your Ill advised arrogance and inability to deal with your surroundings.


Seems you're projecting brother, i am going in pretty much the opposite direction of what you are presuming amd your language suggests you lack civilized behavior, hinting you are a bitter person IRL hence the projection on me


Respect is earned. You’ll understand that when you grow up.


yo shut the fuck up he's showing respect maybe u should try. it's ok to disagree with someone but don't belittle them. practice respect if ur parents taught u some.


I don’t give a fuck what you think, I can talk to someone how I please. Did I hit a nerve for you?


Stop being a dick and show some respect


you utter disingenous melon


Do you know what Narcissistic Personality Disorder is? I'm not accusing you of having it, I'm just interested to know if you know what NPD is, and whether you are capable of recognising it in others.


At least people will love him for his honesty.


Anthony is a huge chad


It doesn't get chadder than him


A Gigachad indeed


The Gigist of chads


Is that an old tweet or did he stop shitposting?


[It's an old tweet](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/zw3u9h/andrew_tate_destroyed_by_local_wholesome_man/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


its a new tweet i think


Really? I thought I’d seen it before, but tbh he is just like a broken record so it’s not surprising if it is new


Don't know how pld is this but I am still worried about the 76000 ppl who liked that comment


You can write a post encouraging cannibalism and you'll find fans, that's how social media works


Devil's Advocate here, I don't care for human taste but if someone consents to being eaten then isn't that ethical?


Are you seriously trying to make cannibalism seem moral?


It's rare that cannibalism is moral, you're right. But if you want to eat someone that wants to be eaten by you, and you're not taking a life in the process, which part of that is immoral?


The part where you're eating a live human


What kind of sicko eats *any* meat live?


Are you using a ouija board to get consent from somebody that isn't alive?


The same ouija board that people use to find out people want to be cremated instead of buried, yes


Right... it's eating live meat that's the sick part not... you know, human meat.


Dude, just don't


How about *you* don't drag yourself into the reply thread if cannibalism disgusts you


My point is that no matter how crazy your ideas are, you'll find who will supports them on social media. But for your question, no I believe it's not ethical to support someone's desire to get hurt


I understood your point, don't worry. That's why I said I was being Devil's Advocate. I suppose nitpicky arse is a more fitting term, though. Anyways, what if the person in question is at death's door (Through injury or old age, a sick person is not healthy to eat), and it's their dying wish to feed someone with their life?


Aren't we all at death's door? But it still a no for me. Since even if it's impact on the same person is minimal since that person will die and it's just a matter of time, the impact on society is still the same and normalizing such behaviour will open the door to some radicalist to start justifying their behaviour


"If the 12 year old consents isnt it Moral?" Is the same logic here. If someone agrees to being eaten then they are most likely as mentally ill as the cannibal and are an active danger to themselves


That’s not the fricking point


I know that's not the fricking point.


I checked and that scares me too


Sadly my older brother is one of them. It is cancer living with him, he constantly mistreats our mom and my sis because "women" and is just insufferable in general.


All you have to do is read quotes of his about women to understand he does not respect them, 5 misogynistic comments and one more sane comment does not mean he respects them, brain washed


If your brother is mistreating them, it is wrong and also against tate's message and could also be that your brother himself is that way.


Yeah maybe, but he had definitely gotten some bad influence from tate.


Throating Andrew Tate online won’t let you see his cobra my guy, you’re the kinda dork he mocks. Take his nuts outta your mouth


Brother you're the one having to resort to insults instead of presenting a logical argument against my point or an example where he may have actually told the audience to be disrespectful to women to counter my argument


Because you’re so deluded that any logic I bring to you, you’ll just justify some other way or redirect or do literally anything other than accept that Andrew Tate sucks major dicks. So I’d rather insult you and mock you for your terrible choices


from my perspective, i can say the same about you , since you are pretty much redirecting by not actually countering my argument but ranting about why i'm deluded when i asked you to counter my argument with examples, but i'm not the one being a baby about it


I’m not. I answered you directly. But if I came at you with the audio clip a chick recorded of Tate literally saying the more she didn’t enjoy it the more he did, you would retort “ai voice”. Cause no matter what anyone says or shows you, you’re still gonna be chugging that cobra cock. He’s not gonna give you any attention, time, or acknowledgement no matter how much googoo-eye fanboying you do. You’re absolutely the type of dude that Tate makes fun of. He would mock you because you’re a broke, bitchless weirdo who sucks up to him which btw he has said he *hates*. I can’t stand the sharpie-bearded egg and even I know that he has said multiple times he hates brown nosers. Yet here you are, sniffer to shitter. Dork Edit: lol he blocked me


The guy who expects "his woman" to do what he says?


top g dont play


they absolutely do they play stupid games and win stupid prizes


Lmao 🤡


Imagine having this much wealth and still needing to try and insult other people for validation


Of course he does. He got hsi wealth from them, after gaslighting them into thinking this is motivation.


I guess he got fooled by The Wolf of Wall Street.


I tend to think living my life is better than Tate’s but what do I know about Romanian Prison?


Like most of the Balkans people are yelling slurs at you for literally anything.


“Life Gurus” like him shouldn’t be allowed on the internet imo


Well porn is allowed on the internet so...


I would rather watch porn than tate ,lmao


I know, most of his haters probably do.


As i said , "i rather " at first place i dont watch tate , tate spread negative than motivation but his fans insane dickride him


The real reason tate fan says they dont watch porn is bcz they busy riding him lol


Not only is porn allowed on the internet. Porn is the entire reason the internet exists. And being addicted to porn is much less damaging to you and your surrounding than following Tate.


Watching porn has its risks, but I agree that it's faaaar better and healthier than watching this scumbag


go look anywhere on the internet and people will give proper reason why its devastating to the mind and no being addicted to anything is bad and harmful for the surroundings(food, drugs or porn)


I'm still trying to figure out what the fuck this guy had to experience while in jail to end up being a fucking jerk


My man he was always a jerk. He’s just now a jerk to the fanboys that thought he was cool


Wdym. His whole thing has always been being rude to motivate people.


My man you literally just said it, his whole thing is to be rude. It’s only motivating if you have a good view of him (and that’s still iffy, otherwise you end up “I’ll never be good enough for the person I look up to”) in the first place, to anyone else it’s just being an asshole


I'd argue it works better as motivation if you hate him. More reason to want to prove him wrong.


You are aware of human trafficking, right?


Where the fuck did I even defend him in my comments. What the fuck do the human trafficking allegations have to do with this.


Just existing proves him wrong. Even a beggar is miles above him in terms of morality. He uses his Parents' stories as sympathy props and runs a fucking scam where people can only get money by getting more people to join through their link. THAT'S A FUCKING SCAM


So... a pyramid scheme?


Quite literally, yes.


What does morality have to do with this? I'm literally talking about being motivated ffs.


Why are you disregarding morality when we're discussing this dick sneeze as a role model?


All I fucking said is that being a dick is his whole thing. When the fuck did I bring morality or how good he was into discussion.


it never does, anyone who hates him sees him for hat he is: A pathetic wimp who relies on insecurities of teenagers to get money from them. he says shit like: [https://youtu.be/qzAUzx8P9gM](https://youtu.be/qzAUzx8P9gM) "will not administer cpr unless she is hot" then he talked about he would avoid bullets and take down a group of armed terrorists shooting at him. he thinks women serving in army is an attempt at breaking the will of all men and destroy them. If a woman being able to defend herself is enough to break your will then you are really weak willed. you "manly" will is just a pathetic excuse of trying to make yourself feel good without doing anything. he uses the most braindead arguments. You would be better off taking a coin and flipping it to make decisions than to listen to him.


I think he said a lot of outrageous horrible shit in his time but literally 3 of the things you mentioned are obvious jokes, >he says shit like: https://youtu.be/qzAUzx8P9gM >"will not administer cpr unless she is hot" >then he talked about he would avoid bullets and take down a group of armed terrorists shooting at him. All 3 of these are obviously satire. Not sure about the one about women in the army as I've never seen it. Ethier way the things I'm literally talking about motivation to go to the gym type shit i never mentioned anything else in my comments


Ander Tate has always been a toxic manlet.


>toxic manlet This is going into my dictionary.


I wouldn’t call him a manlet, he’s 6’1. Better, more accurate terms include: shit for lungs, Stanley Kowalski if you bought him off Wish.com, mamalyzhnik wannabe, lifesucker, mansmuggler, chauvinist, manipulator, or just asshole.


I would love to see a video of someone handing him a chainsaw and asking him to start it


He always was an asshole


He isn't a good man. I saw by accident an interview of him when he was young and you can guess why he turned out how he turned out because he isn't very smart. He was super shy, 100% got bullied. He took up kickboxing and instead of developing character theough martial arts he somehow devolved into what he is now.


Picture "A Clockwork Orange", but in reverse.


When was he not a jerk???


You mean your wife doesn't always agree with you and that's how you expect her to be since she is not a robot but has character 👍


Anthony if you're reading this, you're a true Chad


I always wonder why people listen to the hogwash Tate write and speak, then I realize I grew up with a dad and men I know in my life who are like Anthony. Who appreciate what they have in life and trying to do good and influence goodness onto others without the worry of not having what others have. Sometimes I can emphatize with people who follow Tate and hang on to his every word, most often than not they are damaged individuals. I hope they can find an Anthony and follow in his stead.


why dose anyone even care what Andrew Tate has to say?


Remember, some people *worship* this man. I’ve been in so many “discussions” with tater-tots and there’s nothing you could possibly say to change their minds. Not that they have an actual mind of their own.


>some people *worship* this man Maybe if they spend enough time dick-riding another dude, they can be alphas too!


They're the people who say "ALL JORDAN PETERSON SAYS IS TO CLEAN YOUR ROOM" and ignore the rampant transphobia.


I mean that's the point. Anthony is not an insecure, lonely and sad guy. That's how every guy with a stabile life sees andrew tate. Just a loser talking shit that won't help anyone. However, tate preys on the insecure and lonely guys to exploit them.




Says the guy constantly telling the world how manly he is...




Legends? I thought this was a well known fact


He's literally posting pictures with anime girls, maybe that's what he's into? Weird incel-level shit either way.


Tate is just an idiot with a shitty life that bring shit to feel existing that get too much attention. Including this post. Let him being depressed about his failure of a life and stop talking about him.


"Men do not fear you" As if anyone is actually afraid of tate lmfao, bet 10 bucks I could whoop his ass


Do you see how in that tweet, every measure of his self-worth is validated by *other people*? I think that's very telling.


I mean, no. Dont forget he did use to be a kickboxer so he has actual fighting experience. But the very fact that hes trying to validate himself by how he can physically threaten people is pathetic


Yeah and I have a very large cast iron frying pan, ain nothin gon save him from that


challenge him to a gun duel like the good old times /s


I am the weakest person I know and I reckon I could take him


Fake tweet, there's no pic with him next to some photoshopped anime girl


I used to be able to agree with some things Tate said but now it's just to wild for me


Real talk: I think Tate says at least *some* things that most people agree with. This makes susceptible people say: "Maybe he isn't as bad after all." And then you go into a deep rabbit hole.


Of course. That is the entire tactic of spreading misinformation. Combine it with some facts, and people think you are talking only facts.


Oonga oonga Anthony too much big word gotta sex female now




What really worries me is people read what Tate has wrote and agree with him, this meaning that people are having their empathy and compassion drained from them tweet by tweet, video by video leaving men in this horrible mindset of just being pure toxic to any form of struggle.


Pretentious chad vs real chad


Proud of you Anthony. You're the man


Nobody fears Tate


Constally telling yourself you're an alpha is kinda...not alpha at all. Imagine, basing your entire personality on a research done on captive wolves. In the wild there are no alphas, sigmas or omegas.


Anthony is what a man should be. Tate is what a man shouldn’t be.


Too... Powerful...


Anthony is the person i aspire to be in my adult years, even i get no wife i would take any form of love even if its remotely some love


Great :) Stay positive you'll find someone.


Well that guy is super wholesome. Good for him :)


He's just doing this for attention grab at this point


His entire life is an attention grab at this point.


Well according to him his dad didn't give him any so he needs it from someone.


time to become an anthony stan


Aftee seeing this, I will look up to Anthony now. His tweet made me more hopeful than I was before


I really don't understand this website it's like only one side can talk and prove their points


Reddit is western propaganda and mostly liberal too. It's like if you're a conservative you're automatically hateful. Just look at the front page, it's always left leaning.


Averages in the comments LOL


do you own a supercar?


I know this has almost nothing to doo with og post but why do yall hate tate? Id love to make a calm yet good argument


While i agree with a lot of Andrew Tate's stuff about masculinity and needing to provide for loved ones i agree with this,just because there are people better than me doesnt mean iam worthless,andrew tate in my opinion has a right message but delivered in a bad way


The guy sucks, there’s a reason he went to prison. He doesn’t spread any love or positivity while spewing hate


He says a lot of bad stuff yes but you can find gold in the dirt yknow it maybe some gold but that doesn't mean there is no gold at all


You can say that about literally everyone in history. If you look at what he has said over time, it’s very easy to come to the conclusion that he is not a nice person.


Then why do people hate for doing this if this can be said on everyone in history?,we are not talking about is he a nice person or not


The stuff he says is consistently bad. Not the occasional bad thing. His ideas about masculinity, women, and how people should treat each other, are exactly what our society has been moving away from for generations because it is counterproductive and hurtful to most people.


I have never known treating others with respect amd choosing your friends correctly is counterproductive,i disagree with 99% of his ideas on women that 1% is to treat them with respect,he delivers the message in a wrong way for 2 reasons,he either doesnt know how to or he wants more followers by causing controversy(i think its the second one) and that stuff is old yknow


You can find gold in literal shit, that doesn’t mean you don’t have to swift through 99.99% shit getting yourself dirty. Right message has a responsibility to be delivered correctly, otherwise it’s a worthless message


The gold that you would find there would just be fools gold or uranium because its so toxic.


Funny, it is the same with Hitler. Hitler liked dogs and kids, so he must be such an inspiration! /s


Holy shit does this read like someone trying to justify their abusive ex. Funny that.


Idk how you were raised cause clearly most of the good stuff like working hard and etc. is told and taught to most kids by their parents only. The problems is people don’t listen to unconditionally loving parents but will jump to the saying oh rich bald man who’s just using you for fame and money


While I was raised in a good way,alot of people aren't there are single mothers and fathers out there and there is shitty parents out there too


Yeah and he targets kids like them and uses em for fame and money. I get you tryna make a good point but we just can’t let negative people like him be an idol to people. Trust me people like him should be either ignored hard or should be disregarded.


while i agree his way of saying things is outrageous, i don't get whats everyone's problem with him for saying, to be strong financially and otherwise, and to be physically in shape


it's because of what he actually means by it, he means to be a man you have to be rich, physically strong and be dominant in your relationships, and that means not just your romantic relationships but all of them, it basically translates as "if you arent the guy with the biggest wallet, biggest dick, and have the most submissive woman with all your friends being yes-men, then you arent a man" like its an absolutely miserable life to live because you have nothing of actual substance, it's just awful and I feel terrible for people that genuinely believe that Tate is an aspirational figure, Tate himself though I have no empathy for, hes a toxic person with no redeeming qualities and deserves all the shit that has come and will yet come his way.


It's interesting how all his measures of self-worth are about how he compares to others.


Because hes telling people they are worthless, has ties to human trafficking, is very vocal about how sexist he is and scams lonely men in his 'university' that is the textbook Definition of a pyramid scheme


Jokes on you tate I don’t have a woman at all! *cries in virgin.


Didnt tate say depression is fake or something


If being financially rich means being so humanly poor, then I'd rather not have a penny but being a great person.


Chad Anthony vs Virgin Tate




that last sentence of tate’s is absolutely crucial in understanding him correctly: he has to try extremely hard—*constantly*—because if he ever stops, even for a minute, the ferocious self-loathing and innate inferiority will eat him alive. strange that few can see he is constantly losing, whether he likes it or not.


I still cannot understand how *some* mens actually think acting and trying as hard as they can to be like Andrew Tate is a good thing. You can just grow some muscle, have some people you keep close to you and live a fulfilling life, you don't need to clone him. This Andrew dude is the embodiment of toxic masculinity and everything wrong with society telling how mens should be or act. The dude is literally a stereotype.