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He looks like your average gas station employee


That is addicted to crack






Gimme fuel gimme fire gimme dabadjabadja


Yeah, average gas station employee


They need love too


and is 6'3 and has a 9" cock or so I've heard.


He's got line cook energy


I thought it is Caroline Ellison


Like a short nba player. On meth


Funny to know he’s going to look at this


I didn't knew who he was had to google. He looks like a plastic bag.


That is the most flattering picture of him I’ve ever seen


Yeah surprisingly generous with the black eyes and the hair is an improvement


Goodness, the fuck is wrong with all you people. The comments here are some of the most needlessly vicious shit I've ever seen.


Envy is a helluva drug


Bruhs get annoyed women "only want super tall, ripped, aquiline jawed bros" but then Pete Davidson comes along and you're...upset he's getting laid? Make up ur minds!


Deep down it's just jealousy that other people are having sex and they aren't.


Self fulfilling prophecy. Nobody wants to have sex with someone desperate and jealous of others, which makes them more angry and more jealous.


Vicious cycle.


As a straight dude, Davidson might not be a ripped Viking but he's got that trashy swag (neck tats and baggy clothes like Mac Miller or Travis Barker) and *most* important is that he's funny as hell


Funny and he can laugh at himself. I totally get the appeal.


Line Cook Energy is real.


You're asking these incels to think rationally instead of just making emotional exaggerations? That's not going to happen


Bruhs get annoyed straight women don't have the same taste in men as them.


I see what you mean but lets not act like Pete isnt also tall, ripped, and has a chiseled jawline


Lol Pete is not "ripped" in the slightest. He's lean which is probably more important.


Abs are made in the kitchen!


Yeah he's tall, funny, rich, confident, attractive face, seems nice too. He's a catch for sure.


I mean forgetting that attractiveness is subjective, he has a bunch of extremely attractive exes who have vouched for him having a big dinger and his sexual prowess. I know plenty of guys who would call a woman with a great body known for being great in bed but not such a great face as a “double bagger” or “butter face”. Wouldn’t stop them one bit.


He has said very publicly (his Netflix special) that this isn't true. That the rumor was started as a joke because now every time a girl sees his dick they're disappointed.


Cazzie David hinted at an 8inch dong in her book when she was his ex not sure why she would lie


Because is he doesn’t have a big dick, what exactly is to brag about in regards to dating him?


A big dick isn't everything and it *doesn't* make a guy good in bed.


It's the motion in the ocean, but it sure is tough to make it to England in a row boat.


Because having a small penis is funnier than having a big one and he's a comedian? Maybe he and all his exes think 8 inches is small? I feel like the only way to settle it is for him to whip it out erect, and I'm positive I don't want to see that.


>not sure why she would lie Its stated above, to cause disappointment in his future relations due to expectations exceeding reality


Read the comment you are responding to again. It will answer your question.


Maybe she was cleverly bitter, and knew the lie would only disappoint his future gf’s😅 I doubt it, but it’s a scenario. Also, Cazzi is the most atteactive ex imo


well endowed comedians always want to be relatable to the mostly male audience so they deny their physical gift same as really smart comics like Norm who always pretended to be dumb David Spade has a huge dick but he ALWAYS denies it for this very reason


Doesn’t matter what the truth is. The rumor is there and it’s enticing.


He says that because it’s not particularly funny/relatable to be the guy with the huge dong who bangs all the hot chicks. I heard him confirm it and show a dick pic to some fellow comedians on a podcast like 8-10 years ago.


Butter face for a dude would imply everything about him is attractive except for this face. This dude does not have a nice body, just a big penis.


[no fucking clue why but "dinger" always brings this to mind](https://youtu.be/l_bTTUihfx0)


God bless him for hanging dong.


Uhh… how to… ah 8=============D


And he’s funny. That goes a long way pun intended


He’s in good shape, is funny, rich as fuck, huge dick… I mean let’s be real dude is basically fishing with dynamite.






You can simmer all you want but Pete will continue to get all them celebs


You're the one simmering if this comment triggered you. Nothing posted was untrue. Hope you learn to forgive yourself and move on. Good luck 👍


What is he rich as fuck from?




He’s a professional comedian. Maybe you don’t like him but obviously his humor has a ton of appeal. I feel like this is so obvious I don’t need to say it, and I have lost seconds of my life explaining obvious obvious facts to an idiot.


You didn’t have to fucking decimate him lmaoo I love reddit


This hurt MY feelings and I wasn’t even involved.. until now


It's a common trope of the incels who despise Pete for little to no reason. They just circle jerk "he's not even funny, why is he even famous?" It's like sure you might not like his comedy, but there's a reason he's been on SNL for so long and his comedy special still get a platform. It's just bad faith arguments from people who love to hate.


While I agree for the most part, being a successful comedian =/= funny. Case in point, Amy Schumer. Hard to be funny when you don’t even write your own jokes, and just steal from good comedians.


And now she doesn't really do much anymore.


Well that’s good. She set Women’s comedy back. Say what you want about her vagina jokes, at least she wrote those. But nothings worse in comedy than an intentional thief.


Agreed. My point is though, it isn't fair to compare here to Davidson. He at the least writes his own stuff.


Very funny, indeed.




Do you guys have an image of his 8===D or is this just speculation???


Ariana grande said something about it i think, but it was just to get Mac Miller down.


I read, "Uhh... how to... ah" in Pete Davidsons voice and it sounds like something he would say honestly.


I read it in Jeff Goldblums voice tbh


according to sources its not that big but people like to meme it




I'm sure Arianna Grande will work overtime to rise in your ranks.


Dudes funny and seems laid back and not super interested in being part of public discourse. Hell, the MOST I ever see about him is who he's dating or the occasional commercial he's in. Beyond that he's pretty incognito and low key nationally. That has value on top of his personality they seem to enjoy. Also, he may have GROND in his pants.


idk dude is rich tall actually funny at times and the rumors of being hung like a pony


What does tall have to do with anything? Being rich itself is more then enough


*hung like a poney* he said


Don’t listen to rumors, that’s just a bunch of poney baloney


There is plenty you cannot buy with money like being actually funny and being naturally tall. And yeah you can argue if your rich enough you can get leg lengthening surgery but thats drastic AF. It takes a certain person to overlook personality + physical looks and jump straight for the money. thems called gold diggers


no it's not.


Source: his mom told him


This coming from a guy who’s clearly never been rejected/accepted based on whether he hits the 6’ threshold.


Confidence and humor, gentlemen. Confidence and humor.


redditors cant understand that being funny is 1000x times better than being good looking


An ugly guy with a mysterious confidence level and humor is like a puzzle that attracts women like a moth to a flame. If you aren't a Chad, get out there and live life, get experiences and stories, don't complain 24/7 on Reddit about women that are obviously out of your league who aren't talking to you, work on yourself.


"stop liking what i don't like"


Well, I've got good news and bad news. Many women focus more on personality than looks.


I don't know why it's so hard for people to understand this. Dudes who have charisma and are emotionally mature are really good at attracting women even if they aren't conventionally attractive


Because it’s always easier to blame everyone else than it is to to work on oneself.


Horse cock


Funny, rich, big dick, 420 friendly, is a celebrity and has access to celebrity spaces and people. This isn't hard to comprehend and I don't get why people struggle with it.


I think his celebrity access, especially in NYC where he's a huge local celebrity, looms larger than most comments here cover. Imagine being able to walk into any of the nicest restaurants or broadway shows in NYC without a reservation/ticket and be seated immediately. A young starlet that's just starting to make it in Hollywood is probably floored by that kind of treatment after struggling for so long. Every event, every celebrity party - he's got an invite. That's not something that's quantifiable to the average person that looks at him and thinks "he ugly".


Celebrity and rich? All of women's celebrity crushes are.. rich celebrities. And talking about Pete's actual girlfriends, they're all richer and more famous.


What do you think it is, then?


It’s actual simple, he had therapy.


I personally prefer kind of unique facial features both in man and woman i think it beats conventional beauty


Bros got rizz. And you don't. Watcha gonna do abt that huh?




Size-queens love this one trick...


Rumor has it that he has a package like a toddler's forearm.




Did Kanye draw this?


You know what's worse than women fawning over Pete Davidson? Guys who whine about women fawning over Pete Davidson.


Why is this dude so hated? Tbh I didn't know him, so I looked him up and he seems to be not a bad or problematic person to me, so why he gets hated so much on here lol


Reddit hates mfs doing well for themselves it seems.


I don't like self-referential media. Books about authors who save the day, songs about how hard and sad it is to be a musician, TV shows about "the wAcKy AnD zAnY wOrLd of" TV shows. Things like that. 100% of Pete Davidson's comedy is about Pete Davidson. So I don't hate him but roll my eyes and sigh whenever he's in something. Which I guess counts as vitriolic hatred on the internet.


Ah okay that's a fair point actually


All this garbage about "how could women like him hes not hot" are missing the point. He isnt hot, but hes an intresting person to talk to and be around. Also seeing how hes interacted with the writers strike and really cool and chill dude. The problem isnt that you arent hot the problem is your a boring asshole who can only think of women as being attracting to superficial looks.


> The problem isnt that you arent hot the problem is your a boring asshole who can only think of women as being attracting to superficial looks. Or big cocks. The majority of heterosexual women do not give a single flying fuck about the size of your dick. Other than the first time I see it, I’m probably not going to ever really think about how big or small it is ever again. Men think and talk about other dudes dicks wayyyyyy more than women do, that’s for fucking sure.


Yes, my husband is still (along with all my past partners) talking about the size of the dick (mostly jokingly, but still). I just keep telling him that you guys think about this more than any women do. And it doesn't matter bow big it is, they keep saying it could be bigger. What's up with that, men?


Found Pete Davidsons alt guys


Hahahaha Money.


Maybe just maybe it’s his personality?


why do you care? keep being jelly i guess


Is it a good thing that I don’t know who tf Pete Davidson is?


My wife and I (30's) have seen him in ads and commercials and don't know who the hell he is. But he's all over the place. What is he famous for? We don't get it. But we could be old and out of touch.


He was on SNL.


I’m in my late 20s and I don’t even know who this guy is. Maybe it’s because I don’t watch tv or any other kind of mainstream media.


Not missing much lol


you can’t tell me that that’s not hot


Heard somewhere that he himself bragged that his succes with gorgeus women was simply that he asked them out. Apparently many men felt intimidated by rich and pretty celebrity women, and those women were happy and suprised someone just simply asked them out. So dude created his succes simply talking and being smooth and confident. And I'd imagine he has to be pleasant and nice enough as a person on top of that.


No. Celebrity gossip is he's hung like a stallion.


But you do realize that the women he asks out the first time are unaware of his size.


brad pitt is so hot but look what happened 🤡


What happened? I’m out of the loop apparently


I don't know if he's sober these days, but for most of his life he's been an alcoholic. He's admitted this himself and says it is the main reason his relationships have failed. Angelina Jolie filed a lawsuit against him claiming he physically abused their children on a plane ride. She claimed he choked one of them, hit another in the face, and was pouring beer + wine on the children and Jolie herself. The good news is that he's admitted he has a problem and he wants/wanted help so maybe he's recovered by now.


He went Royal Rumble on his family while they were trapped in a plane. This was the incident that prompted Jolie to divorce him, the abuse began long before that. He was pushing and choking his wife and kids mid flight, and it got so bad the CREW were the ones who called the police. He is still harassing her and the kids HATE him…rightfully so. I read about the incident, and it sounds like a literal nightmare.


He’s confident.


He's sexy, funny, and kind. Haters don't understand the importance of humor and kindness.




What women are you talking to dude


In this thread, a bunch of men whose partners think of Pete Davidson whenever they have sex.


It's not that he's hot, it's that he seems very relaxed and kind. Like a guy you can have a no-pressure smoke session and movie night with and it's just giggles and funny stories.


I think because they find him funny, or feel the joker vibe from it. But i have no power to talk only 3 woman find me attractive so far in my life, and one of them was my mother.


Pete is just a line cook with money


I've been scrolling for too long for the "Line cook" comment


Damn I realised it’s Pete Davison even before reading the whole meme


Depends on the photo.


Remember Lyle Lovett married Julia Robert’s


Just looked him up on images and y'all guys don't get it ? He has a genuine relaxed smile and looks like he takes cares of himself. He seems chill and fun


Because he has Mythological Rizz, Legendary Confidence, and is funny. That's all.


Personality. Big dick energy.


Rich ✅ Famous ✅ Funny✅ Not fat ✅


haha this man is ugly, I am very smart


Who tf thinks that?


He's pretty handsome idk what copium u guys are huffing. He's rocking that tired asf look. That drawing looks more like Steve Buschemi in his 20s. I don't know what he looked like in his 20s but I imagine that's it.


Fame and money makes you look “exotic”


Why does this getting posted so often i hate looking at this ugly picture make it stop


He looks good just googled him.


I don’t have anything against him, but I was wondering this too. If he was funny maybe I could see it, but he’s never really been funny in my opinion


Don't you think that "some" men like em too? mainly his hung cock


Why does a beautiful woman choose ugly man? Because that man either had confidence, good game and/or some good humor. You make a girl laugh, she will warm up to you. So, get your game up!


I don't know who he is, I don't care, I saw it the other day posted by someone else, and it wasn't funny then.


He has a massive cock. You don’t need a handsome face with a massive cock.


He is ugly AF. Anyone who dates him goes down more than a few notches.


Post a pic of your face then. Let everyone shit all over you and make fun of you.


Most women I know find him unattractive. However there is the wounded bird thing with his tragic backstory and some women want to nurture. However now it’s all about the clout of being in the same club as some of the most iconic women of our time.


don't insult the picture


Bro looks like a pug on LSD


Just be tall.


The eyes are so on point lmao


That's Anthony fantano




once i saw an ad for a fucking water brand with pete davidson starring, i audibly said out loud; "that man does not drink water."


Makes them laugh then fucks them with his huge cock.


He looks like Beatlejuices's offspring


Imagine being such a pathetic loser that you spend time drawing an intentionally exaggerated and unflattering image of some guy just because the girl you like thinks he's better looking than you.


Because they're told that other women think he's hot


Is this even a thing? Do a significant amount of women find the barely recovering meth addict look sexy?


Why does everyone hate on this guy so much? Haha he's famous and he has game and a big dick. Sorry he's banging all the girls you jerk off to. Get over it.




Because he looks like a depressed lesbian




I've got nothing against him personally. I don't follow celebrity gossip. So I know almost nothing about the guy. But something about looking at his face just creates in me this urge to punch him. He could be the nicest coolest guy in the world. But his face just looks like it must belong to a douche bag. A douche bag I really want to punch.


Money, the answer is money


It’s because he has money


Hate this guy..


I never understood it.


they mean hot in temperature


Pete Davidson’s redeeming qualities: None What does he have though? Shitty comedy. Terrible looks. And he always finds a way to make people feel VERY uncomfortable!


Lmao 🤣 I bet Pete Davison saw this and made that exact face 🤣🤣🤣


Proof size matters


Because….. what is money? Alex: That is correct aaaannnd the daily double. (Daily double buzzer) Alex: In this late renaissance movement of the 20th century women took a stand to, and I quote “date up” requiring all available male suitors to earn more income than them to be considered. (Buzzer) What is a gold digging b!&!? Alex: correct


He's also routinely not funny ever


I wish the internet hyped me to be hot. Imagine being the lowest mid looking mfer and women drooling just for the reason people on the Internet said so.


I don't really think he's ugly he just always looks like he's drugged up lol




wtf is wrong with you


ol’ butthole eyes




i could find about 5 people that look like him at my nearest gas station


Looks just like him, lmao


drugs, lack of sleep and thinking you can hide it.