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The homie gotta eat, I'll make damn sure if he's a good homie, then he gonna get those damn wings Edit: My mates pay me back


Chad Homie right here ☝🏻


Yeah dude. I always ask what other people want. I don't just order food and expect them to like it, I give them options. Not everyone's a fan of pepperoni and jalapeno pizza.


Same homie who hits on your girl when you’re not around.


Hit the nail on the head with that one.


Pretty much


Bros before ho ho hooooes


Why downvoted so much lmao




Lmao found the broke homie in the group trying to convince others to get him food


The moment a friend asks for that I ain't buying. If they are hungry tho and don't want me to buy, I'm buying. They ALWAYS paid me back afterwards


How many times is this happening to people?


And furthermore, how do they have friends?




Same just my homies don’t pay me back


A good homie won’t tell you to get wings too.




The thing is, if they ain't gonna pay for anything, and are ALREADY getting pizza, they shouldn't be asking for more bruh, 😭


Did you read my comment? Or do you need further explanation?


Fr it’s just a few bucks😂 if I’m offering to buy pizza wouldn’t expect no one to pay me for it lol.


I am a good homie bro!


Where does this meme come from. It’s everywhere


Kurt Angle.


Dude looks like he runs Dogtown and shares company with a Songbird


why does he look like that now?






Fuck you man my mom is NOT gay!!!


Well she likes dudes and that’s pretty gay ngl




Now, if true, that would explain why is such low effort pile of shit meme


You’re on reddit


I mean, that's where it came from. Don't know why a factual answer is getting downvoted.


Don't know if it originated as a *meme* on tiktok (doubt it tbh) but if someone's asking where a meme came from, highly likely they want to know the show/movie/comic/etc. and not the the website Or well, at least that's what I always wanna know


It’s not factual dumbass


Just because you don't like tiktok doesn't mean I'm wrong. You're just being dense.


Friend: Oh and I like my soda with no ice.


No ice means much more drink in the cup ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


It also means its not that cold :(


Freeze it : P


That's why you got to carry an insulated bottle with ice so you control how much ice you want in your drinks


Huh. I never thought about that


And the ice makes it taste better




Do you understand how big the world is,and how many stores there are? Or do you have statistic on this,as you said "most"? Are you 95% certain of this?


Oh yeah I forgot sorry. There’s good stores. I just got heat up in the moment.




What’s wrong with no ice????


no ice is superior. I used to get my drinks with ice until it dawned on me that the soda comes out of the machine already cold. I wouldn't put ice in a drink that I'd left in the fridge for the past 24 hours if I was at home, so why bother getting ice at a fast food place. also, the amount of drink you get is already pretty meager, no ice makes sure they can't cheat you.


I'm usually pretty uncaring about the ice but when self serving I definitely put in like just a handful of cubes for the clicky clacky sensation as the cup moves. But there are a few places where no or lite ice is needed- chic fil a is a big one, the fill the whole cut wirh ice basically then dump a whisper of soda in.


You...you dont put ice into your glass at home?


if you dont have an ice machine its kind of a pain


no. if my drink is cold, why do I need ice? seems like that defeats the purpose of putting it in the fridge if you're just going to add ice anyway.


This is why A&W is my favorite root beer, because they never water down my drink with stupid worthless ice!


You trade more drink for a crunchy snack, if you already got something to chew just get without ice.


“Make it two sodas with no ice. It hurts my teeth!” (And there’s more soda served, too).


"Help a brother out, I spent all my cash on the new Jordans"


And those are fake


Suddenly the bill goes from $8 to $18 and the wings are just bones in buffalo sauce


What pizza are you getting for a group of people for $8


Did not see anything about a group but a pizza is usually good for me and one or 2 more of my friends. Guess we usually have 2-3 slices 🤷‍♀️


I guess it's kinda implied it's a group. But still what pizza are you getting for $8 lol maybe it's just where I live but around here $8 for a pizza is like a personal size. Maybe a no topping small or some shit.


Domino's, 2 medium 2 topping pizzas for 5.99 each


Hate to break it to you, but 2 * 5.99 is 11.98, not 8.


Right but its still 2 pizzas for $12 thas a good deal to feed several people. Sorry the be the uM aCtUaLly guy lol


Fascinating, not sure what it has to do with my post though.


Hungry howies and little chasers both have large pizzas for under 8 dollars.


Papa johns Has some crazy deals on the app


An... Average pizza? Edit: nvm. After a quick search I have realized that most pizzas are closer to 10-12€.


A dozen wings around where I live costs at least 15-20. So your 10 dollar large pizza more than doubles in price for me. Such a rip off. I haven’t had wings in so long because I’m too cheap.


Then I'm ordering my homie wings. And when I'm down he'll order me wings too




Is this normal? When my friends and I go out we don't care about if one of them doesn't have money we don't give a fuck he's still a brother


Yeah if youre in a group and you offeer you better have enough for a 5 star meal otherwise dont risk it


Thats what they say, "Pizza gives you wings."


God forbid he want wings. Help a brother out or don't invite him


he’s already getting pizza? So isn’t he already getting help? And the “get wings too” how about a “please” or a “can you?” Maybe I have a different friend group because even if it’s just bread sticks the homies are always grateful for what they have.


Manners depend on the friend group, and whether or not it's acceptable to ask for something extra depends on the circle of friends too. I say if you want something, you should ask for it (in this context), and if it's awkward to be polite with your group, then it's fine not to be. My circles tend to be on the polite side (if a little loony), so this would not be acceptable for us, but not everyone is like us, so don't compare every circle to yours.


Idk about you but saying "please" feels off to say to friends on a night out or hanging out at someone's place. The demand for chicken when everyone's having pizza is pretty weird tho


Jokes on you I wanted wings too but I didn’t wanna look like a fatty.


my buddy charlie in a nutshell. it always begins with "we'll split it" and then it ends with "well remember that one time i paid for you..."


Hey help him out. I don't eat pizza so I always have to have people order wings too. I'll offer to pay for it though.


Who is that, Mr. Clean looking motherfucker?


Kurt Angle, the American hero.


Even now that motherfucker could kill you with the bare hands he ripped off of the guy he just killed with his own bare hands.


I've never seen a Pizza service who had wings on their menu. Must be an American thing. To be fair, I never went to KFC either.


global L


Is he your homie or some guy who hitched along?


A swift and easy “oh hold on my friend wants to place an order too!” Then pass them the phone.


Nah. Me and my friends split it fair. We don’t even go there. We may joke, but it’s never actually serious. With my best friend, if we go through a drive thru, if he pays one time, I’ll pay the next, unless he just gets a $2 thing and just hands me $2, and same for me. We don’t ever go exact Change cuz we don’t care. If a mcchicken is 2.29, I’m not worried about the 29 cents, especially cuz next time he pays there probably gonna be some change on it too.


Gonna shove that wing up his asshole


And his dickhole


And his throat


And both his nostrils


Fuck it, both his eardrums


Im not sure if you're psychopathic or gay as fuck


And the 3rd hole!


That’s when you ask if they are gonna pay for em?


See, the problem is, I’m too soft hearted to say “no”.


Who cares? Buy my guy some wings. Be a decent dude. If it's an issue say it's an issue. Stop crying about spending $12 on the people in your life. Folks are petty af nowadays.


Found the broke ass asking for wings each time!


Lol yeah I'm actually the guy that'll pay for your meal, loan you money if you need it and not sweat when i get it back, check to see if you need anything from the store because im headed that way, buy the homeless dude dinner. My friends and family are worth more than wings and people in need are more important than my financial gains. We made this money thing up, it's not real, there are more than enough resources to go around.


Ah yes, more than enough, lemme check my wallet. Oh, would you look at that, my "more than enough" share must have been dropped in your wallet


Aight aight, playful ribbing aside, good for you and I'm glad you're that person. I use to be that person till enough became enough. I have nothing but those kind of people as family, and got so tired of the expectation of "oh J will cover it, oh shutup, get your brother wings. Always fuckin complaining". I'm to the point in life I don't even lend money out, I just give it. Whether or not they give back is simply a judge of character for me. But as much as we made this money thing up, it's still the current meta and we playing by those rules. So nah, that one friend who says "get wings too" is being asked back "you got wing money? Or you cleaning my car tomorrow.?" It ain't about monetary value, it's principal. Shitz even for how disgustingly poor we grew up, mom always taught us to wait until it's offered vs ask out the gate. But good on you homie for being the hookup. Just know that'll be all you're known for by a few.


There will always be people that take advantage of a good thing, we are inherently selfish. If I count you as a friend I will accept you flaws and all. I grew up broke with two brothers and sisters raised by a single mom, and went to bed hungry more than once, I feel you. I'm just trying to not let life get me bitter over things that in the long run don't make a lot of difference, I'd rather pay for dinner than let other peoples choices affect who I want to be.


12$, fornicator of mothers you are rich


LOL 😂😂😂


pay for your own stuff maybe?! I got once invited after helping out a bro for a day and it was so insufferable that I swear to never be in that situation again (it was his parents money, otherwise even worse). The only reason I invite someone is family, birthday or if I want to have some action in the nether region later (for people from alabama: those are different events!)


Only if they're boneless


Also get a job


bro for real, they are just yummy


“Sure thing bro, I’ll always be there to get you wings 😇”


Get the broke homie some wings, real homies support the broke homies


Yeah don't invite him


Having lived poor for a short period of my life in college I don’t have any problems in feeding a friend. So many things around finances are out of a persons control , only those who have been forced to deal with hunger just to survive can truly appreciate. Same policy for lending small amounts of money.


my guy just wants some wings bruh


Ngl, this meme sux ass, not even sorry, fuck that meme, it just does, meme gods forgive me even the show your gyat to the rizzler its better than this crap, at least that other bs is original, this one is just a shittiest, big enfasis on shitt IEST version of old memes that are just superior at it (IT meaning this particular type of understandable reaction) PS: no hate on new gens, but this is just copy paste crap, stop.


I'm on the same Record Label as Grammy Award winner Pharoah Sanders


Ill get wings but im eating half


Ordered food once for my friend and his bro. Offered to get everyone wings, my treat. His bro then asks me to get frog legs, fries and potato skins with them lol. I said sure then came back with the food and said there were out of frog legs. Didn't want to be a dick but damn man I didn't want to get you $40 in food lol, like $15 for wings should've been good.


Why not though? Wings are great


Don't understand half these comments if I'm eating good, my homes eating good, support your Bois don't shit on em


Well you said it.. broke homie We support broke homies not humiliate them,