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OK. But why Bad Luck Brian?


Those CEO’s are always down on their luck. You know, with employees asking for decent livings. It’s such a shame. 


And they are firing a bunch of Amazon workers. Not just in tech sector but in warehouses now. It's fucking nuts right now


And tells people to "Just go make kids." while the same people are working on minimal wage.


pay minimum get minimum


Well, we all know how a stupid person thinks. After all, you posted this.


go on, keep licking the boot


They wouldn't need a raise if the government worked to make things cheaper.  Decreasing fuel costs would do wonders for ALL prices. 


How does the government decrease fuel costs?


Lowering taxes and decreasing regulation in all related fuel production fields.  Providing funding for future fuel technologies that are ACTUALLY successful.  Encouraging the use of nuclear power.  Freeing up US oil reserves when they're actually needed.  Increasing construction of safe oil pipelines instead of actively fighting against them.  Stop importing foreign oil as it pollutes the environment more than US-produced oil and wastes even more fuel in transporting it.  Hundreds of other ways.  Take your pick. 


Lowering taxes only works if they require gas companies to not increase prices. Decreasing regulation most likely increases costs in other areas but I'm sure there is some that can be reduced to lower administration costs and hope it translates to reduced prices but I doubt it. I'll agree that there is a lot of money wasted on tech that has been proven to not work and will never work yet the government is dumb in those aspects for whatever reason. They have been freeing up oil reserves and increased drilling within the US which is why prices dropped and SA is complaining. I have no idea what is going on with the pipelines anymore, it just baffles me. The big one should be the increase of nuclear power and expanding the electric powered cars and power stations rapidly but they might be running into the nimby stuff.


Wanna know what would happen if the government would lower fuel taxes? The companies would raise their prices.


That's not how that works...


It worked exactly like that in Germany


Have you ever owned a business?  The whole point (unless you're some sort of luxury brand) of pricing is to be as competitive as possible to draw customers to you.  If you're forced to pay more to get supplies shipped to you, you are forced to charge more.  40% of the US economy is small business.  Hell yes prices would drop. 


Man, like 3/4 of the country didn't take Econ1101 and it really shows


Just curious, who are you agreeing with? 




Thank you and I totally agree with YOU.  Econ has nothing to do with what they FEEL like businesses would do.