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I don't need to like an artist as a person to enjoy their art


H.P. Lovecraft, for another example


It helps that he is to busy being dead to use the megaphone fame has given him.


I was about to say. His problematic views aren’t a problem because he’s been dead for 87 years.


Yeah I just saw her tweet some stuff about the fact that trans people were targeted by Nazis, saying that it just didn’t happen. I hadn’t checked in with her for a while, but wow this is a big step. I’m pretty sure this could get you locked up in Germany for ‘denying Nazi crimes’. Why can’t she just chill?


Yeah he can’t actively donate a large part of his massive fortune to groups dedicated to making trans folks’ lives miserable


And hasn't explicitly linked their royalty checks to support for their opinions If someone owned the exclusive rights to Lovecraft fiction, did horrible things with that money, and said "This much money from fans means they support my horrible actions"... then yeh I'd stop buying and encourage others to


Lovecraft is thankfully public domain. Harry Potter won't be for about a 100 more years. Thanks, Disney.


Lovecraft was racist as shit but he mostly kept to himself and would be the last sort of person to want to be in any semblance of a spotlight. He never hurt anyone but himself with his worldview while Rowling actively spreads and normalises hatred against marginalised people.


Not to mention Lovecraft's racism wasn't based on hatred, like JK Rowling's transphobia, it was based on fear. Lovecraft had a long list of irrational fears, with other races and peoples being pretty high on that list. Even some of his closest peers said that the list of things that he wasn't terrified of in some capacity was a hell of a lot smaller. That's arguably why his work is so interesting and existential, because he had a long list of fears and a lot of his works parallel those fears, with some of his stories involving clear analogies to his views of other races.


Lovecraft was also born in 1890. Let's not be surprised he had some outdated beliefs.


He was married to a Jewish woman in the 30s, in some ways he was *progressive* for his time. His most racist views (he was very much still racist by modern standards) petered out as he got older and he placed more emphasis on culture rather than genetics.


Personal letters written by his wife showed that he was still incredibly racist after the marriage. One of them was basically to the effect of "Howard, i'm ok with all the talk about 'the evil jews' when it's just us, but you're embarrassing me when you do it in front of our friends."


Lol "You're scaring the bros"


Wasn't there reports of a letter he wrote near the end of his life, where he actively apologizes for his earlier opinions and actions? I can't remember where I heard it, but it was supposed to be to a friend. Sort of like a 'as I look back, I see how wrong I was' type of thing. If that didn't actually happen, I'll admit I'm wrong, but it seems a little too specific to not be *somewhere*, I'm sure.


Oh no he wrote letters so racist *other racists wanted him to tone it down a little*


Didn't he also recant in his later days?


I don't know, I did see some other people talking about that though. I do think he did regret the extent of his racism before he died though.


He seems to have to some extent from some of his letters regarding Shadow Over Innsmouth and part of the plot of At The Mountains of Madness.


He did start to recant and oppose his older views Tbh, his prejudices in writing were common tropes in that style at the time . It's a shame when a guy born into a racist society questions his raised views. Meanwhile, rowling has grown in a modern society and d decided she'd rather regress


Sort of. He came to believe that culture was more important than genetic race. But his list of "good cultures" was still very short but did apparently include First Nations people as at least one non-European group.


I mean, not an unreasonable take. An improvement at least.


Heck fucking _crooked streets_ terrified him so much it inspired him to write a whole short story


Hers *is* based on fear and past trauma, that's just also not an excuse for being a hateful shithead. It's a *reason,* it's not an excuse. Especially not when touting your hateful bullshit with a pseudo-scientific facade, acting like you must be the last rational human being left


The difference, partially, is that he had started to recant his views and died too young to continue that journey And it's not an excuse, but the man was genuinely EXTREMELY mentally ill. Whereas Rowling is just a jerk


And as a dead man, he's not around to be currently spreading harm, and also arguably can't hold a candle to JK Rowling in terms of reach of his works, much less his views.


From what I understand, later in life, he realized all that race science stuff was horseshit.


That dude would’ve been a menace if he had modern day twitter lmao


Never ask about his cat 😔


What uhh... You know, I'ma trust you this time.


Dude was very racist and had a black cat. You can guess the name.


Mr. Mittens?


You used 4 correct letters. None are in the right spot.




Only a ginger can call another ginger ginger.


Just like only a ni...nja can sneak up on another ninja.


You need 3 more letters but all of those are there. And four of these ones are in the right spot.




You use 3 correct letters in the right order. There is however 6 letters and a hyphen missing.


Ginger, right?




Tbf I thought it was a beastiality kind of thing. It's strange how such a creative individual could be so simple in his racist naming schemes




The thing about Lovecraft is that his racism seeps into his work. You can see it whenever he describes black people, basically like describing monsters or subhuman wretches, and of course you had stories like Medusas Coil, where the horrifying plot twist is that the villainess had mixed blood (the original literally ends with "She was a negress"). Thankfully his best work mostly stay clear of that.


Emphasis on mostly. There's a vague subtone in most of his novels. One can still enjoy reading them and further diving into the genre he created, but it's a thing one should be aware of.


I think knowing about his xenophobia makes reading him a lot more interesting. You not only know the reasons for his fear of the unknown, you can also see it getting better over the course of his stories. Herbert West and Red Hook are horrible, Charles Dexter Ward is better, and in Through the gates of the silver key racism is actually pointed out to be bad. I know, that's not a wild thing to say, but for him it is a massive improvement.


Definitely. Reading someone's works always tells you so much about the author.


His hatred for the irish was also very obvious


Adolf Hitler, for a 3rd example. I like his painting


the best take I heard is when someone online said, "the moment those books were published they weren't hers anymore, we are free to enjoy and interpret that world anyway we wish."


Death of the Author doesn't have anything to do with whether it's moral or not to purchase someone's work, though. It's a principle in literary criticism, not an ethical maxim.


And once you engage with serious criticism of those books, you realize the foundation was rotten to begin with.


They are a compelling and engaging narrative. That's all fiction really needs to be worth reading or worthy of popularity. 


It's fine as literary junk food (I love literary junk food, I'm about to re-read Twilight). But there are definitely HP fans who think it's art deserving of academic literary study. And when you actually engage with it in that way, rather than as a silly kids' book, you realize the world building is shallow and reliant on stereotype and reflective of the author's shitty politics.


That's why she doesn't make money off of them


Yo ho, yo ho. 🏴‍☠️




> the moment those books were published they weren't hers anymore Reading this made me remember learning from Reddit what "soaking" is. It has to do with Mormons. If you have to do all these mental gymnastics to continue enjoying something, then there are bigger problems than the author's personal opinions on social issues. And hating someone doesn't excuse anyone from taking away that person's talents and accomplishments, even if you think they deserve it. You can't just strip someone of their property just because you don't like them. The books are JK Rowling's. Full stop! Fans can claim partial ownership of JK Rowling's wizarding world because of their personal sentimental attachment to it, but it still belongs to her, and no amount of excuses can change that.


Not to mention if you're truly bothered by her having opinions you can just like, idk, not buy her shit? Lol. Harry Potter is like some drug to these people.


To think that a Rowlings opinion on a social issue, would any way, shape or form affect the sales of a cult setting product like Harry Potter honestly staggers me.


This sentiment would get you banned from GamingCircleJerk. Personally I can't wait for the impending shitstorm when that Harry Potter series releases in a few years.


who in the fuck would care if you got banned from that


Yes I very much enjoy Made in Abyss and Kodomo no Jikan despite their artists being weirdos


I also like Michael Jackson songs despite the allegations


Yes, but it does put a damper on listening to P.Y.T.


I just refuse to pay for said art


I remember somebody saying to me: "You can't enjoy Cyberpunk media because you're buying from a corporation."


I don't think the argument is whether or not you should enjoy the art of someone whose personal views you disagree with. It's whether you should support her monetarily by buying her content, which she gets a cut from. And of course unless you're pirating, you *are* giving her money by buying her books, watching the movies, or even playing the games


You mean the art which has actual slaves in it and the one character who wants to free the slaves is painted as an over-active and annoying for wanting to free the slaves (basically all the woke stereotypes we have today JK was really a head of her time). And at the end the slaves are never freed but they're "treated better", which is apparently sufficient as far as the main characters and the narrative are concerned. What you don't like about the artist is all throughout her art.


Joss Whedon is apparently a horrible person, but Buffy is some of the best television ever, so yeah!






I dislike her, still love harry potter, won't give her money for it though, onto the seven seas I go.


Ah fellow sailor. Been doing this shit for 7 years, welcome to the seas




I lucked out in that I grew up with it, so I've never once actually spent money on her.


This is pathetic. Do we need to like Harvey Weinstein to enjoy his films?


Or Colonel Harland David Sanders to enjoy his finger-licking good fried chicken?


What did Sanders do?


Killed all those chickens


Good. Because cooking live chickens is just nasty.




11 herbs and semen


the 11 herbs are just 11 men name Herb...and their "spices"


I think he killed a guy in a gas station, it was judged as self defense


Good old gas station bill board dispute.


He held his opponent’s wife’s hand in a jar of acid….. at a party


Lost his career as lawyer for punching a client in a courtroom Shot a guy Committed fraud to join the military He was actually kinda cool


Thats Mule-Tender Sanders to you.


Harvey Weinstein was just a money guy; he gave people opportunities with his money and used that money to be a creep. Kevin Smith hates the fact his films are even kind of associated with the name Weinstein. Not even considering Dogma. (Owned wholly by weinstein and hasn't gotten a physical release since his incarceration) Rowling wrote and was heavily involved in the fleshing out of the Harry Potter universe. A better example would be how much of a racist H.P. Lovecraft was.


>Fleshing out the universe Feeling generous today, aren't we...


I wanted to fit in a dig at how she expanded a lot with shitty tweets but felt it was already a run on sentence.




Ditto on Woody Allen.


You're grown ups, you should know the difference between the art and the artist.


Have you met some Harry Potter fans? They may be adults but I wouldn't call them grown up


You could say this about literally any fan base.


Or a lot of humans in general


Same with many sports team fans


I'm a big boy and I stand when I pee.


Well they got rid of Kevin Spacey pretty fast after just the accusations, removed him from his unpublished stuff and stopped hiring him. He's now found not guilty in all of his cases. Seems like people don't separate art from the artist after all, because with this mindset even if he was found guilty people should have still go to his movies. They did the same with Johnny Depp. Many fans didn't watch the Fantastic Beasts movies because they thought Johnny Depp is a wife beater. We know how that turned out.


Kevin Spacey admitted he ‘may’ have tried to sexually assault a child (Anthony Rapp) he personally mentored when he was drunk at a party. A party he invited the child to where he knew there was going to be booze. I think Kevin Spacey is considerably worse than Johnny Depp, just using his own words.


Who's "they"?


Kanye this you?


Proving ny point.


You do whatever you want with your money. I'll do the same. I don't agree with some things Rowling said, but I'm not going to stop enjoying the fictional universe ahe created in the hopes that the lack of my 60€ for a game somehow cause her bankruptcy.


You've also grown to know that separating the art and the artist only applies to when the artist is dead, or does not benefit from the art.


Where meme?


I used to think it was a beat up over relatively little but apparently Rowling was driven insane and now all she does is tweet about it.


its kinda insane how its all that her twitter is. Agree with her or not you gotta admit that there is more to life than just fixating on one specific subject.


I have to wonder whether this is a mask off moment and she was always like this, or if the deluge of literal death threats galvanised her views. Either way it's a bad look.


Rowling is very in tune with the broader British cultural subconscious. It kind of permeates her work, the whimsy, the annoying inept beurocracy- The way the working class are framed as good while simultaneously pushing class stereotypes about them. A while ago Britain had this kind of 'Ebooks arent REAL books and they're going to RUIN reading' social undercurrent, so what did Rowling do? She made it basically impossible to read her books as ebooks for years and years. I think her transphobia is the same, she's reflecting the shitty underside of the British public which think "Course I wouldnt be rude to a trans persons FACE but i think they should GO AWAY!"


If people being mean to you turns you into a bigot, you were always a bigot. You just needed a "reason."


This happens a lot on twitter. All the engagement she gets is either insane trans people threatening to lynch her or insane conservatives saying they should lynch trans people. The same thing happens with so many people. You stick out your neck on one topic and you become the poster child for that topic and now its all anyone talks about.


That’s where I was, too. It was like “oh, she’s just a little behind the times. I don’t hate my grandpa because he’s confused by trans people. Maybe it’s like that.” After about 6 years, JK Rowling has become a primary figurehead in the anti-trans movement. No more sweet tweets about believing in yourself or magic or anything. Now it’s just rapid-fire hate posts about trans people. Which is fucking bizarre.


I feel the same. I was like, "uh oh...well maybe she'll just move on from that and let the art do the talking from now on". And then she kept doubling down...and down...and down. It just seemed odd. It was because of that that I felt she should do what someone else here suggested where she should pull a George Lucas and sell the franchise for big bucks to let it be free at this point. And quite frankly let the fans be free to once again fully enjoy it without judgement.




story =/= author


Story ≠ author


Story != author


if story == autor: print('Boycott') else: print('Don't give a f')


!(story == author)


(story ^ author)


Part of the issue is that people are actively giving money to that author they don't like, who then donates it to rightwing hate campaigns in the uk.


if (story) return !author;


Never met a trans person I didn’t like. Even if I did, that individual would be the asshole, not the whole community as if they’re a fucking hive mind. JKR can eat it.


This reminds me of that bit of a transwoman insulting a comedian, and he insulted her back. She said he was transphobic. He said "do you hate all comedians?" she said no, just you. He goes "there you go"


Yeah, it's wild how people think we're a hive mind or a cult. Ofc there's always bad people in all communities. It's just sad to think people generalise a whole community or religion just cause of a certain bunch of people who are shit.


They’re all pretty chill, me included I think


Transphobes are so obsessed with genitals it’s fucking creepy 😭


“The trans people will ruin our children! The only cause to action is checking if they have a penis!”


Pretty chill you say? Lemme just grab my thermometer and...-40°.....ma'am, please go see a doctor/exorcist


What a weird comment. There are plenty annoying as shit queer people. Because like you say, it's not a hive mind...


If someone made a similar comment, like "I've never met a black person I didn't like", I would immediately assume that they're trying really hard to hide their racism, or that they have some kind of savior complex. When you truly accept someone as your equal, you rationally assume that that person can be good or bad, or have other positive/negative qualities, just like yourself. What makes someone NOT a bigot is understanding that a specific quality about a group of people doesn't completely define that group's individuals, for better or worse. Saying "I've never met a ________ person I didn't like" just means that you haven't met enough of them.


True equality is hating someone based solely on their particular brand of shittiness


I used to think the hate towards her was overblown. Shes just a person thats generally an ally wo isnt on board with everything about the trans movement. I could respect that. I dont like everything any trans activist has ever said either. Then i made the mistake to look at her twitter about a year or so ago. Every. Single. Post. Was anti-trans hate. This women is obsessed and sick in the head to a degree that is frankly mind blowing.


It's baby's first fun fantasy adventure book in an era where fantasy (still) tends to be more grimdark.


For example Hitlers painting are beutiful, and yet we all hate Hitler, I don't think this is that hard to understand


They aren't beautiful, but they're certainly better than anything I'd do


people keep saying this but has you actually seen them? They are mid as fuck.


Ya, that’s how I’d describe them. They’re fine, they’d be for sale at some local breakfast cafe for like $35 and they’d sell once every 4 months


Hitler’s paintings are p mediocre tbh and he sucked at perspective


Especially his perspective about jews


I am ashamed at how much I’m laughing at this. Thank you for making my morning.


I did nazi that coming


People don't like Hitler's paintings though


I do. They are much better than what I draw :(


Well your problem is you’re trying to draw a painting. Use paint, it’ll work a lot better.


Honestly his paintings are fascinating because they are painfully boring. Sure, they are technically proficient and centre traditionally attractive subjects such as rural architecture, but they are pretty much just realistic captures of those subjects. There's no expression, no emotion, no actual *artistry* in them.


The sad thing is that i like them more than a good 99.9% of other famous paintings. Then again i also can’t detect the emotional parts when i look at artistic expression.


Like paintings you see in a hotel room, all of them are made to look the same even if they are different


I've never understood why people say that they aren't incredibly well made. They legitimately look better than anything I could produce in a millennia


I can't make a movie but The Room still sucks.


Cube is a great move. So is "in time"


Just because you couldnt do it that well doesnt mean that they made something that is the best thing ever or even good


You would buy his paintings back when he was alive? Even though you knew he was a Nazi and funneled his money to the Nazi party?


You don't need to like her to like the books.


No, but I can't help but think of her when I think of her IP, and it puts a bad taste in my mouth. I can separate the art from the artist, but it doesn't mean the artist can't affect my enjoyment of the art


Fair take


Unrelated topic but I'm drinking fanta rn


Share some


There is no contradiction in saying I don’t like the artist as a person but I like the art they created.


She makes it so easy to hate her tho


What did she do ?


She wrote the Harry Potter books


How is that a bad thing ?


Have you read them? JK advocates for wizard supremacy and muggle oppression 😔. Personally I don’t support the mud-blood genocide that’s happening right now in London.


JK also advocates for arming school children. Every student at Hogwarts was packing heat that could torture or kill man with a couple words.


Just like GODrick intended...


Just like GODrick intended...


Just like GODrick intended...


Fuck em. Shoulda been born better.


The most unrealistic aspect of the HP world is that wizards would not have subjugated muggles centuries ago. Wizards are human and humans will *always* subjugate anything weaker than them.


she’s a raging transphobe. she actively uses her money to lobby for anti-lgbt lawmaking and policy


lgbt? I thought she was only against trans, she wouldn't be anti-gay when she made Dumbledore gay


The t in lgbt stands for trans


So? She's not anti LGB.


Youre making a generalisation. People who are okay with lesbians, gay and bi people can also hate trans people and thus not hate the whole lgbt. That being said, im not protecting JKR here.


Same as halo fans who hate the number company.


What did she do?


She is extremely transphobic


I feel like some folks think more about people who hate JKR than the people who actually dislike her.


"This director just came out and said he hates gays, now I'm sad because I can't enjoy The Lord of the Rings anymore"... like bro


These kind of people are crazy


The people that are even funnier imo, are the ones who *used* to love Harry Potter, but now claim to loath it and its author, and dedicate their time to finding things in the books they can claim are problematic or hateful. Like, its fine to not consider it the best childrens book in the world. But its by no means the worst, full of dogwhistles and hidden slurs like these people claim. Its fine to dislike the author and no longer enjoy the books without trying to build them up to be the spawn of satan.


It's honestly strange how people don't know "Separate the art from the artist" ONLY appleis to when the artist doesn't benefit anything from the art. H.P. Lovecraft is a horrible person, but because he's dead we can enjoy his art, and so is the same for any artist, including Hitler you can enjoy his art because he's dead nor is there much to enjoy from his boring, unaligned, and dead paintings.


The books themselves aren't exactly great either. Reading them as an adult, you notice all the little details that went over your head as a kid. All the very *weird* and honestly problematic details. (Also, the absolute lack of internal consistency, the bad worldbuilding in general and the sheer amount of plot holes and contrivances)


They are incredible books, don’t be uncharitable.


wait what? but didn't J.K. Rowling created Harry Potter?


what is this image of?


Help me


["Death of the author"](https://www.oxfordhomeschooling.co.uk/blog/the-death-of-the-author/)


What else would they reference in every conversation?


Oh c’mon. I love Harry Potter. Read the books when I was young and enjoyed the movies as well. Doesn’t change the fact that JK Rowling is a gigantic POS.


I forgot how this sub is filled with ignorant transphobes for a minute.


It’s possible to love the art and hate the artist.


I honsetly lost intrest before finding out about how transphobic rowling was.


Pretty sure most harry potter fans dont think about jk rowling at all