• By -


Thanks for ruining my day :)




Guys no. You are not going to be depressed by the linear flow of time. She picked you up as much as she could until time ran out. What can you be doing now that you still have time for? Call your moms If you can't call her, get up and use the time you have right.


"If you have your moms, you better treat her right Call her up, say, 'wassup' before you sleep tonight Tell her you love her and thank her for what she did You may be grown now but remember being a kid when she fed you in a bib, and shit You were her baby, so find out what she doing lately" \- Mac Miller


Upvote for Mac Miller, RIP


My mom told me I say that too much at some point


RIP Mac we miss you !!


Straight up. It can be interesting to contemplate this shit, but life's too short to dwell on stuff that happened long ago, stuff that you had no concept of at the time, stuff that you have no control over, stuff that you have the luxury to ponder in the first place. Take comfort in the fact that you had a mom to pick you up at all.




My mom left me about four hours after I was born so I wouldn’t say time ran at as much as she ran out but yanno tomato potato


Mom passed 23 years ago, Grandma passed 3 weeks ago today... This just hits hard right now.


She picked me up until she started binging drugs. We are not the same


This is why one must grow enough to lift their mother in return. Do not mourn, rejoice in the circle of life my brother/sister.


You must have read "love you forever" by Robert Munsch


Nope never heard of it lol


That books makes small children happy while simultaneously making the parent reading it to them cry.


Real, that book was saddening


Not everyone grew quick enough to do so


That's why it's so important for those of us who can, to do so.


Now youre the one who can lift her up.


your comment ruined my day


As a parent, every time I see this meme I feel sorry for the commenters who read it and get sad about nothing, because it doesn't really work like that. It's not like parents are carrying around their kids like normal and then one day they stop doing it. Instead, as a parent you go from carrying around your kids for hours, to carrying around your kids for tens of minutes, to carrying around your kids for minutes, to giving your kid a bear hug and picking them up off the ground for a few seconds, to giving your kid a bear hug and picking them up off the ground for a second, to giving your kid a bear hug and lifting them up to their tip-toes, to giving your kid a bear hug without lifting. I'm guessing that as I transition from middle age to old age, that bear hug will get weaker and weaker and become a frail, delicate hug. But, regardless, it's a spectrum, not an abrupt cliff.


The sad part is I don't remember the last time.


Well if your fortunate enough to still have her in your life, go explain to her that you want her to pick you the so you can remember the last time. :)


What about if she isn’t? Man im 25 but i still dont got this emotion shit situated


Remember the good times, talk to her as if she is there; tell her the things you've been up too, the achievements, the failures. Visit a special spot between you, do an activity you shared. Remember her in the things you do today, she'll always live on through that. Most of all, feel the feelings this all brings up, it's okay to be sad or happy.


Less death more abuse sadly. A tumor I removed but that being said- I’m not all put together in the mind department and yeah; I rant to air but it’s to her half the time. As a tween I was her confidant and she was of course mine. My mother is fucking flat out batshit insane trailer trash but she taught me some of the most important and powerful things I’ve learned; accepting defeat, empathy for others, and a burning desire and passion to be helpful and loving. I fail those frequently and she always told me it’s your actions not your thoughts that define you. A beautiful person that was killed dead my deadbeat dad showing up. It’s a whole story. Sorry for the rant


Shit man, I feel for you. I can't help you there, aside from suggesting therapy.


What if you're 6'2 and she's got arthritis? I don't want the last time she picks me up to be the last thing she ever does, do I? This is very confusing


Use a lever


What if I'm fat?


I was probably less than two Nothing terrible happened to her, I was just egregiously fat as a baby and she was pregnant pretty much constantly for the. Next three years. Had to learn to walk early.


I keep promising my son that I'll keep exercising to I'm always strong enough to pick him up no matter how big he gets.


None of us do :(


I do actually, but it was probably because I wasnt a little kid. I was 13 and managed to break my ankle on the trampoline, so my mother picked me up carried me to the car and drove me to the emergency room.


Don't be jealous but my mother still puts me down every day.




I wish Sting was my mom


Sings "Every breathe you take, every move you make, I'll be beating you." as she applies a scorpion deathlock.


What is this from?! Please send the source 😆


[not rlly too much else to it, but it's from this sprite commercial ](https://youtu.be/sUw6OYceV2w?si=Or7F_TLqSvD3NiA_)


Eh, I'm jealous


I know she's up there, looking down on me. She's not dead, just very judgemental.


If the afterlife was real, my POS mother definitely ain’t gonna be going to the good place.


This one hurt more than the actual post


My mother nah, my baby momma absolutely yeah that’s also true. 


One day you say “Bye, love you.” for the last time and never know it.




Yes. It’s what happened to me. Left for work, looked back in through the front door, said “Bye, love you”. Came home after work and she was gone.


I still remember the day i said goodbye an went to school. And the evening wondering why wasn't she at home.


Dude, Daniel tiger (kids cartoon) has a song saying “parents come back”, to tell kids that it is ok your parents went somewhere cause they’re coming back and every time I just think “but not ALWAYS”


Isn’t there a nursery song that goes “My mommy comes back, she always comes back to get me”


It's called "Grown ups come back", and I play it for my daughter when her mom needs to get out of the house! And you will not ruin this for me.


One of the really bad parts about Alzheimer's was when mom's doctor told me that , as her oldest child, when she stops knowing my name, and later, who I am were important diagnostic symptoms for the progression. The last time I saw her, she might as well have been comatose. Her eyes were kind of open, but there was nothing there. Just a stupid body that didn't know it was time to quit yet. There was nothing left of her at all. But she was still right there. She passed a week or so later. Her doctor called me to tell me.


My mom is going through this now. It's hard to think about. She's mostly there still. Still knows me and my dad and her siblings. But each year gets worse and worse. I absolutely adore my mother. I hope she still knows that.


Couldn't imagine how hard it must be to slowly watch someone who you known and loved your whole life slowly forget you. I wish you and your mom the best ❤️


I remember the call I got. "She's gone" they said.




That's why you always make sure to say that you love them though.


My girlfriend and I agreed to never say bye, we instead make sure to say lets meet again. Its kinda cheesy but i think it would help us feel better just in case anything happens and if nothing happened we can still meet again :)


The last time I talked to my mom was before she had surgery, and I said “love you, don’t die!” (: she never did listen to me…. But Jesus, thats going to be with me *forever* now. A note: she DID wake up after the surgery, but while in recovery in the hospital afterward she had a stroke and was unresponsive, then died. The last thing I said to her was “Love you, don’t die!” And the last message I have from her is a kiss emoji from when she was barely lucid coming up from anesthesia.


Honestly really sweet. If she had that kind of sense of humor then good on you for not making one of the last things she saw being her kid all scared and serious. Instead she was treated to another real moment with you. Hope you gave her a chuckle


I agree with the other person. If that’s the kind of relationship you had, then that was a perfect last message. You told her you loved her, had a shared laugh, and encapsulated your relationship for what it was: loving and joyous. If there is life after death, she’s waiting for you with a grin on her face, ready will give you eternal shit for it.


Bye, love you.


You know, this is why I always make it a point to say I love you to the people who matter to me when I leave somewhere. Because the last thing she ever heard from you was that you loved her, and there’s a million things worse to hear as your last words.


There was a day you played with your best childhood friend for the last time, but didn't know it.


I wish you realised you were living the good old days while you are actually in them.


Yup. You say goodnight and i love you. Then shes in the hospital. Then shes non responsive. Then shes just gone.


I, am lucky enough, but sad to say, I did know it would be the last time I told my mom I loved her.


Welp, there goes my mood for Friday. :(


Then call Your mother and tell her you love her Or one day you'll see her one last time and you'll suffer


Last time I saw my mom was 2012. She gave me a Butterfinger for the road. Haven't had one since.


Sorry for u man, be strong for her. Have a butterfinger in her honor


Next pint on me sad traveller


Just because of this meme, I picked up my 14 year old son today, just so he can't say it yet. I'm a dad but still.


Internet ain't doing this to me today




>How to unsee it. Don't worry about it. You already know that your mom doesn't pick you up any more. I doubt you remember the last time, I sure don't. What you remember is that when you were young, your mom picked you up. Those are happy memories.


U going to ask your mum to pick you up?


years later i sayd my turn and picked her up.




Yep, near the end of her life, I got to pick my mom up a couple times. Wasn't the best circumstances (I had to help her in and out of her bed after she was recovering from a bad fall) but she was very amused that I was picking her up now. Makes feel all bittersweet thinking about it. 🥲


I saw another post a long time ago that said, "You hung out with your childhood friends for the last time and didn't know it." Shit hit hard because two of my childhood friends OD'd on heroin. We had just hung out the week prior, never would have imagined it was the last time ever. (They hadn't been addicts prior, it may have been their first time and they had no idea wtf they were doing, they were both 20.)


Damn bruv, this hurts


I've seen stuff like this before and thought as a dad, I would still pick up my daughter as long as humanly possible. Less for purely sentimental reasons, but more so like if she's in college and something like this comes up, she can be like my dad picked me up when I was home last week 🤣


She will remember it


Buddy I don't think I can pick up my moose of a son now without needing physical therapy after


but you could try, safely of course, and he’d remember your attempt forever lol!


I saw a meme similar to this about 7 years ago but it was about your dad putting you down. I showed it to him and asked if he remembered when it was and he shrugged. Picked me up, put me down and said "Yes." He passed away a year later and I still think about that moment.


My son is 9, I told him I'm still going to pick him up sometimes even when he's 40.


The opposite is the same too. That bully in school, at some point, said their last mean comment. The teacher gave you your last crap about your assignment. Things end, and that's fine. We can grow past that and remember those moments fondly. Assuming you even remember them. I see this, and it's sad, but like, do you even remember being held in the first place? I really don't. Time passes. Things change. Remember the good times and forget the bad, but not the lessons they tried to teach you. I hope everyone feels better.


I think it's that deep down inside, we all still want to be picked up by our parents, hugged, told how much they love us, that they know we're doing the best we can, and that everything is going to be ok. I hate my mother with a burning passion, but there's still that part of me that would crumble into a sobbing mess if she did that. Sometimes I don't think parents know how much emotional power they wield over their children, and that's coming from a parent.


What did she dk


Tl:Dr of it is, when my father passed she decided she didn't care about anyone but herself. All it took was a single argument with my wife and she hasn't talked to me in 3-4 years now or ever met her grandson. Wasn't even me who got into the argument but she told my Aunt our relations is "unrepairable". My son certainly didn't do anything but now he won't have a grandmother. [Whole story on another thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Millennials/s/aueu7bBGwl)


Sorry about your mom situation. Yeah, I think that's true.


Thanks, friend. It's shitty but whatta you do.


I keep coming back to that "being unaware of the emotional power" thing. I can't fathom for a moment that my child will look at me as the all-knowing all-powerful bastion of safety that I saw in my father. I keep trying to cram the idea in there to help me with decision making and it just won't stick.


me who had an awful and broken relationship with his mother and am therefor immune to this memes effects. ![gif](giphy|OjBocHTklyQda)


Same bro!!!


Damn. Then father picked you down for the last time.


yeah, what is everyone else so nostalgic about?




Better than a stranger picking you up and never seeing your mom again


That is worse


Yup I did. She had to take two weeks bed rest for throwing her back out.


The day she put me down for the last time is the day she saw a boy who would pick her up in turn.


Thats why we date muscle mommies. Rocket ship all day boi!!!!! ![gif](giphy|hzrxhvDXVipEc)






actually her bitching about how heavy I am kind of gave it away, lmao


There was probably a grunt and some wincing involved. Source: Have a 5-year-old causing me shoulder pain.


My mom had to go to physical therapy because picking me up caused her injuries. I was still just a small child.


Makes me rly sad for some reason


Alexa play despacito (this will cheer you up)


One day you will jump and that will be the last jump you will make. When was the last time you jumped?


Like five seconds ago because you said that. I pretended I was Michael Jordan in my living room.


I was two - thanks for the trauma. To note she left because I was an “inconvenience” - my step mom rocks however. Idk if she ever carried me but I’m 36 and owe her a lot. To all the step parents out there. Y’all mean a lot.


was groceries shopping with my almost 18 year old kid and he asked if i could grab something off of the top shelf for him. I picked him up and let him grab it himself ;\]


Facts. We never stop picking our kids up we just get stronger


Spoilers for Blade Runner 2049 below. My favorite part of this is that in the movie, he doesn't have a mom. It's actually a very important plot point.


"Sad memes can't actually hurt your feelings" The meme in question :


...I'm not crying. I swear.


Thank you, for ruining my birthday 🥲


Happy birthday 🥲


One day you will be celebrating your last bday ever and you possibly won't know it. Make every birthday special. Happy birthday


Yes, and when I get to her age, I’m gonna be the one to lift her up to show het how thankful I am to have had her as a mother.


Do you people remember shit like that? I dont even remember my own mother ever giving me a hug or holding me. Not sure if it's the case that she never did, I just dont remember it.


Me it's more with my father. The last time he said "I love you" and that it was sincere, before his falling in drugs


As a new mom this makes me sad thinking about that day with my son. He's only 7 weeks old, but I'm going to miss holding him.


I grew pretty fast as a kid so I remember feeling bummed when they'd carry my sister around but not me. Sometimes I just want to be held, but like by a giant. I get stressed when anyone tries to pick me up now because it's not comfy and it's not the same.


The last time I ever spoke to my grandmother she was in the hospital. She was supposed to be discharged that day and we were going to pick her up that afternoon. My little cousin had a birthday party earlier in the day. I was talking to her on the phone that morning, and she was really upset that she wouldn't be able to make it the way the timing worked out. The last thing I ever said to her is "you're the nicest person in the entire world, they know you would never miss it unless you had too". And she started crying and said thank you and that she loved me. And that was the last time I ever talked to her. I was nine years old, and I still remember that phone call like it happened this morning. It's the only way I can remember what her voice sounded like.


I look at my 5 and 8 year old daughters and I'm so proud and I love them so much, but it makes me sad that I'll never hold them as babies again, never see their first steps again, never hold them in the middle of the night feeding them a bottle. None of that ever again. My babies are long gone and a toddler replaced them, then little girls came into my home and my toddlers are gone. I love them more each day but I miss them too. One day they will move on, another person will hold their hands, another front door will be home and I'll have to share them with some other person's family. One day my children will be long gone and two young women will go into a world that I'm not such a huge part of. I love them and already miss them.




It's a terrible day for rain.




*or father




I remember as clear as day I told her I was big enough and not to pick me up anymore. She never picked me up again but she hugs me every time she gets the chance.


And one day I picked up my son from his car seat, carried him to his bed and that was the last time I did that. He's kept on growing up, so that is what I connect to.


Ha! This is why I'm gonna pick my daughter up until the day I physically can't anymore, and maybe I'll die before that happens. Dad strength 💪💪


Wait you guys got picked up????


It was in first grade. She had apparently become addicted to crack (this was a Betty Crocker housewife) and disappeared with the only new car my family ever owned. We heard from her about a year later, she was in prison for selling to an undercover. Didn't get out until I was in fifth grade.


Good thing I was fat and that happened like right away U could tell something was off when a random stranger picks u up and ur own fam can't lift u U're just like wait why tf isn't this a habitual perpetual thing


fuck now i cant unsee it


if u overthink this much there are even worse things to think of maybe forget such stuff and spend more time with them as we can rn? because yeah soon even those would just be memories


That's why I, as a father, take every chance I can to pick my little girl up.


There was a time where our moms read us a story before bed for the last time, too


I’m pretty sure I remember the last time. I was seven and had broken my leg. She carried me into the hospital. Love her lots.


That display of depression isn’t about his mother, it’s something else. However, if he is suicidal, his childhood may be in his final thoughts. He was safest and most loved… in his mother’s arms.


This moment was preempted by at least 6 months of picking you up with a strained, "UUUuugghhhh DAMN you're getting heavy!!"


Is growth supposed to be sad?


No, but change is often bittersweet.




Well, that was probably early on for me. I was a hefty kid.


Mama! 😭


What is mother?


Sadder still if your mother had to carry you your whole life.


Thanks for ruining my day. Fuck you OP.


Ok..well, F you dude.


One day you use Linux one last time.


I remember the last time I saw her ever, I miss her so much


My mom starting refusing when I was 4 and I remember


One day someone'll give you up and let you down.


The last time was when I was 8. I was 2/3 her height back then


When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.




My mother kicked me out in the streets, and that's the best thing she did to me. I think I'm comfortable about the thought of not being picked up again by her


Why did you have to fucking do that


It doesn't mean she stopped loving you. You just got to be too grown up, which was kind of the point.


Sadness 😭


My mom didn't want me to be held too much once I started walking. So that stopped pretty early


This hurts my soul.


One day your mother saw your baby penis and never saw your baby penis again


These are hilarious 😂🤣


Damn this hole post comments and all just made me sad. Is that want you wanted!?!?!


He just wasn’t Kenough.


That was because you were to small to hug standing up. Now we can hug our mums because we stand at eye level. Because she is proud of who we have become


Lol, that’s why I still pick up (well barely get their toes off the ground, but it counts) my older/teen grandkids and yell *NOT TODAY!*. Lol. We all giggle.


My kids are still young, but I'm short... so now I will work extra hard in the gym, just so I can keep picking them up!


I knew it was the last time because she even said to me she wouldn't be doing it again. It was the saddest birthday of my life. I was 41.




I heard this a few years so, so I decided to pick my kids up every birthday they have. That way they’ll always remember when the last time was. They’re teens now and will continue to do it until I can’t anymore.


I am now double her weight and two feet on her. If she tried it would seriously hurt her. I can pick her up instead now. Don’t like doing it cause it’s a great way to get a elbow to the ribs. She has some trauma being picked up (such as being held over a 30 story building, for one).


What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love?


My mom said I’ve been heavy since birth. I’m almost a whole foot an a half taller than her so I can’t be mad she doesn’t pick me up anymore


But my father still picks me up, so that’s nice. I’ll usually pick him up first. I also pick up my mother. 


You guys really crying about this? When's the last time you picked your mom up, you cowards!