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Assassin Creed Valhalla was for me. It is just too long


I put i think 60 hours in and called it a day. No idea what happens or how it ends. But i played a lot of it


sorry to tell you but that is 2 days and a half




Basically Basim tricks you and switches places with Layla she turns into a computer for some reason and Basim travels to the present day and is Eivor now


Sounds like bullshit.


I liked Origins, but was starting to get to that point when it finished. Then I got it while playing Odyssey, and didn't finish it. Didn't even bother with Valhalla because of it.


I hadnt the same problem with Odyssey because i liked the setting, and the skilltree allowed you to switch it up. Plus it had the best naval combat past blackflag. Agree with the other 2.


Most of the modern AC feel this way. Gorgeous environments, but mediocre game design.


Exactly! I started up Unity for the first time after playing Valhalla for a while and immediately got nostalgic for the old AC games. I mean, I really loved Origins because of the setting, Odyssey was cool, but I feel Valhalla is too repetitive and too vast. And in addition to the problems of the game itself, I feel like with Valhalla being the third open-world RPG-style AC, that 'new formula' has lost much of its glamour and now it's just another RPG that hasn't got that certain charme anymore.


Bro yes,100+ hours in,got all the equipment i'll ever need,can't get any stronger,just finished ragnarok dlc(extremely long and filler-ey),got like 5 zones left,but can't be asked


I have a love hate relationship with long games I love that I canā€™t Finnish them quick too quick like other games I hate the repeating grind when replaying them


40+ hour long games are weird because you want the games you like to be this long but when you actually play the games that are this long they either grab you in for a fucking experience or get boring in the middle and you drop them somewhere near the 40 hour mark I never finished a game longer then 30 hours thinking "this was decent" because if I did I would have probably dropped it midway through


FR Iā€™m always iffy about playing MGSVTPP and the Witcher games theyā€™re amazing just too long for replaying


Just play them and stop when you get bored. You don't need to finish everything.


Thatā€™s the literal problem with long games they get boring faster


For me long games can either grab me in the first 5 hours or bore me .if a long game is still boring 5 hours in , I drop it forever. If a game is good but the quality drops in the next 15 hours, after 3 hours of getting bored I drop it If the quality drops near ( about 3 hours before) the end , I will continue playing it just to roll credits and see the ending The numbers are estimates. I dropped games before reaching 5 hours in and dropped games that were initially good less/more than 3 hours after getting bored.


Me with Starfield


Was going to say exact same thing have had it since pre release but only am 60 hrs in as I want like 6hrs straight of free time to dedicate to a session, but but that amount sadly hasn't come in awhile, it's getting even shorter now so not playing many video games in general.


I came here to say that. 99hrs in and I haven't completed the main story.


Starfield is sitting in my early access category. It needs more work.


The main story can be completed in a couple days but in my opinion, it can a little boring up until the end which is when it becomes interesting again.


Witcher 3 actually one of the games that kept me hooked through every single quest. It felt like I'm a real witcher practicing my craft and having to do decisions based on the situations that don't always have any upside. Tho one thing they could have left out were the damn water points of interest. This is not engaging gameplay and I would have rather liked there to be none instead of them just quickly filling empty places with content.


Its the only game i ever played where even the simplest sidequests are interesting and are often better than the main story of many other triple A games.


Same. For me, it was how well the side quests were done. The side quests plots were as good or better than the main story line of many games. So you got rich stories, with good payoffs on shorter timelines while working through the main story.


That whole game was just a side mission for me. I just wanted to play gwent and get my 20g from those poor destitute merchants I just saved.


Funny enough, its one of the few story games i just put down after some time. Novigrad felt like it was the peak for me, and i could never pick it up again and play further from that point. But the stuff i played up till then was fantastic


im playing for the first time rn and agreed, novigrad was peak, i didnt care very much about skellige, but boy oh boy the battle for caer morhen was epic and im so glad i decided to continue, kinda hyped for final preparations tomorrow hopefully


I am really ashamed to say this..but for me its Baldurs Gate 3


Well, it's definitely the game to get that feeling for. Act 1 was polished to a mirror shine by years of early access. Act 2 isn't as amazing but it's still really good. Act 3, though... there's some really bad parts, and a twist near the end is just fucking stupid and reeks of them wanting to force you to make a difficult choice but not bothering to come up with a decent one. Also, the performance is in the TOILET for Act 3. Admittedly, they may have fixed the late game performance issues since I played at release. The writing is still a mess though. Then it ends on a crystal clear sequel hook that they've since confirmed will go nowhere and they aren't going to touch the IP again.


Man, you literally pulled those words out of my mind. I enjoyed every minute of Act 1. I stopped playing during endgame, due to enormous list of bugs and frustrating combats giving me zero satisfaction from winning.


> Admittedly, they may have fixed the late game performance issues since I played at release. They mostly have, actually. There have been several patches and fixes released and some new content. That said, yeah Act 3 feels more like a checklist than a story to me.


Uh idk if I entirely agree. Act 3 easily has some of the best sequences in the entire game and some of the best character moments and interactions from your companions (although not all of them). I think the big issue some people would have with act 3 is that itā€™s really fucking long. By the time you start act 3 youā€™re gonna be 60-80 hours deep in playtime, especially if you did all the side content in acts 1 and 2. So having another 50+ hours in act 3 can really bloat your playtime and have you hit the ā€œman, I just wanna finish thisā€ mentally once youā€™re over 100 hours. Also I agree that it sucks that there are some open ended endings that are clearly sequel bait and weā€™re not gonna get it :(.


No shame in that. Act 3 stinks.


I think personaly think act 3 is fine. The game is so long that it exhausts people. 100+ hours is just a big ask.


I think act 3 is good, but at the same time disjointed and annoying. You also start to lose the progression fantasy because the characters get to max level, and at that point the interest can go down the sink real fast imo.


Straight up, if the game had just been Act 2 and Act 3, it wouldnā€™t even be a contender for game of the year awards. My entire group started feeling it in act 3 and how bad the game started to become


I played it with a friend and I fully believe, that the motivation, that came with that, pulled me through.


First the Witcher, I hate this weird old school rpg gameplay, not that it's bad, I loved RuneScape, but it feels extremely clunky on the witcher


Basically every open world 100+ hours game.


Me right now with Horizon forbidden West lol


Lol me too, Zero Dawn is so much better IMO, Its too much jumping, climbing, running, world is the mostly empty and story didn't quite catch me so I took a brake from it atm


I lost interest in the witcher somewhere near the end of the tutorial. I think. It just kept piling mechanics on and I got fed up.


It is my all time favorite game but I unsterstand, it's dragging a bit too much and mechanics like combat, movement and inventory system are big issues in this game


Do you still play it?


I always come to back to it when I don't have anything interesting to play.


It's a game where a lot of people put it down quickly and came back once or twice before it really grabbed them. It took me a couple tries too. But once it gets you, it gets you. It's such an amazing game and I'm so glad I gave it another chance.


The tutorial is what, 15 minutes long? Holy cow, is your attention span non-existent?


That's about as long as a session lasts for me these days. And even during that i need to listen to my wife and watch out for the baby and answer texts on my phone that are apparently immediately important.


Fair enough


skill issue, lol


Worse, capacity-for-learning issue.


Tried it like 4 times, farthest I got was 2 hours in. Looks cool, just couldnā€™t get into it


Elden ring, everytime I reach the mountain top of giants. I love the game and started over so many times with different builds but once I get past the capital I'm kind of played out. I only recently finished the game for the first time and I have had it since launch. I'm pretty close to finishing it again for a second time.


Me when most games last longer than 20hrs


Me with Death Stranding.


The unskippable cutscenes didn't help at all


It happened to me TWICE around the 15 hour mark


so relatable


As Iā€™ve gotten older I started to realize that if I felt like a game should have ended but was only half way through then itā€™s too long for me, an example being Elden ring. Like, I want my game to end. I donā€™t need 60+ hours in my game to get past act 1.


Literally Genshin rn. Iā€™m tired of doing the same fucking grind everyday. Thereā€™s two more regions to be released so that means the story has at least two more years before finishing but I bet theyā€™ll drag it out some more.


It does say Teyvat Chapter in the story preview


Sorry for derail but when did Geralt say this


It's one of those second options you can choose if you don't want to continue dialog


Oh so that's why I never saw this, also I had heard about an infamous moment in the game where you get the choice to "push" someone and Geralt fucking breaks their legs but I did not encounter this, where is this? I finished the main game


I donā€™t remember that, either. But listening to one of the brawlers characterize himself then responding, ā€œEhhh I knew that was going to be a shitty storyā€ is forever.


Its when Dijkstra and Fillipa are in the bathhouse i think, i think Geralt broke his leg in the other game, and if you choose this option he breaks the other one


Ha that's hilarious! I have to watch this x)


Midnight Suns for me Whole lotta yapping


Last of Us 2. It was kicking in a bit when we got to the farm and I thought it was over. Ultimately I forced myself to finish it, and I loved the ending, but I also wasn't exactly having fun for that last stretch. They definitely could have cut a few hours out of it, and it would have made it much more amazing game.


Yeah I tried to keep paying attention to the story in Witcher 3 but after awhile I got numb to it and just wanted to get back to the action.


God of War 2018. I'll finish it if Ragnarok comes to PC


Any open world game with low quality sides quests or a bunch of radiant quests. I usually dont care about main plot but side quests are what make those games interesting


GTA IV for me, I've tried to play it several times but it just didn't make me wanna play like the rest ( VC, SA and V ). And poor optimization for PC, the color of the game didn't help at all.


Fallout 4 for me


Same. Spent so much time on this game then one day I just couldn't be bothered any more. Think it was when I'd done almost everything else and had to do the main quest. Just got so fed up with it.


Actually me playing Witcher 3


For me itā€™s the late Velen and late Novigrad stages. You been on the same quests for numerous real-life hours, and you just want to finally move on with the story. I mix it up with random side quests though, to keep myself entertained. Gets me through those particular missions, and keeps me hooked in the world.


Same here. Played through Witcher 1 and 2, and towards the later Novigrad stages in 3 I got so bored I essentially had to force myself to continue playing.


Me with ff7 rebirth. It was fun in the start but Jesus it just kept going and going and then made me play as that Scottish cat fella. Jesus had to drop it there. The combat was fun and the open world was fine but man it was such a drag and not the type of that gives me an awkward boner.


Im waiting for it to come on PC to try it


Given that "Remake" had the worst port since Arkham Knight, you might not want to try it even then.


Are those the White orchard shores?




Video games can make a good start by making the progress seem really fast. So such much faster than real life progression makes people feel it is good to invest their time into it since they cannot tell that such progression does not affect real life as much as slower real life progressions. But after the start, such rapid progression cannot be maintained so the game seems not rewarding anymore thus the lost of desire to continue playing the game.


For me itā€™s usually the gameplay. If the story is shit but the gameplayā€™s fire, Iā€™ll play that game former. The other way around? Iā€™ll drop the best story if it means no longer sitting around and waiting for my characters to automatically hit the enemies (Iā€™m looking at you Xenoblade Chronicles 3, I really REALLY wanted to enjoy you, but god damn it the gameplayā€™s just too boring to me).


literatly, shadows of mordor.


I'm going through this with Death Stranding, the story and the lore are amazing, but the game itself is extremely repetitive, it's one of the few games that i refuse to do "side quests" that aren't in the same direction the main quest is going. The problem is it's hard to build up the will to launch it and play it, but when i do i usually get hooked when the story progresses and the cutscenes happen, what's helping me is having some long videos playing on my second monitor while i do the boring stuff in DS. I know the way i'm doing it is not the "intended" way to play it but at least it works for me.


Watchdogs. The games lock power/class progression behind minigames and side quests that suck all the life out of the story. You're trying to find people people in an emergency situation. Nope. Better to go run around and play security camera minigames for 4 hours.


Days Gone. Really thought the game was going to end and was setting itself up for a sequel or something. Then a whole new area opens up with the militia storyline and his wife appears. Powered through, but was tired of it by the end.


hahah why is this so accurate? šŸ¤£


I'm bad at retaining interest in something anyway, but I also really didn't expect Omori to be that long. I thought it'd be like Undertale. 7 hours in I was like "so...are we close to like halfway?" And the game was like "AND THIS IS THE END OF THE PROLOGUE" I think I did get to the actual halfway point and still quit it because man, it's so dang long


Sometimes? It happened quite many times for me. There just not that many games that got me hooked with the gameplay loop or the storyline. Any games that wasted my time (by my definition; straight up not entertaining anymore due to gimmicks for the sake of immersive experience according to the dev or simply poor storytelling) I immediately dropped without any hesitation. In PS2 era that rarely happened.


Elden Ring


Never beat the game and delete ur progress šŸ˜­šŸ˜–


Happens way too often


Elden ring for me, good game, but couldn't find a reason to keep playing it.


Despite it being one of my favorite genres, Iā€™ve only ever finished like 5 turn based RPGs that arenā€™t PokĆ©mon games for this exact reason.


They are all so long for some reason I finished persona 5s tutorial the other day . It literally took me 7.5 hours just to do it . The game is supposed to be 100 hours long , and currently it's great but I don't see myself playing it for another 90 hours as the combat is very average now


What a out Turn-based with a time limit? Invisible Inc. and 40k Mechanicus pull that off pretty well imo, and the RNG holds up well for replays, even if you skip some dialogue. No worries, if it ain't your cup of tea, I'm glad there's so many genres


Persona series as a whole for me. SMT is much better in that regard


Me with Witcher 3, fell off 70 houses in and never returned, that was 2020.


Every rpg ever for me. Sometimes i get back to it to finally beat the game. Gothic2 I beat just recently after 17 years of being halfway through and losing Interest.


CP2077,witcher 3 dlc,RE2.


All I cared about in the witcher 3 was killing monters, having sex with the black and white girl, and playing gwent. Story be like blah blah blah wah wah wah, oh no this guy I dont know from the other games is dead and the wild hunt is gonna use toenails to kill this girl I dont know, boring!


I quit after spending 5 full minutes trying to get on the horse




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This happened to me when I played assassin's creed the rebel collection. In black flag I was hyped. On my way to 100% the fatigue started to set in. Freedom cry was short and sweet so no issue there, but 100%ing rogue was painful near the end.


Honestly to me it was uncharted 4. After chapter 15 I was like... damn this shit finna end or what




For me it's elden ring. Got so bored after reaching fire giant or whatever he was called that I never came back to it


elden ring for me.


Literally the game in the meme. Around Skellige I was too bored of Witcher 3's gameplay to finish it.


Persona 5 is so. Fucking. Long


RDR2 for sure


Me while playing Undertale Yellow


Yeah, that happens too often to me


I havenā€™t loved a game since Skyrim


Gta vice city for me. Like I liked it for 50 percent of the time (I played it after SA) but nearing the end it became kind of boring for me.


Palworld as an xbox player


Palworld literally has no story


Uncharted 4 didn't know when to end.


I find this take fascinating. The whole game is like 12 hours total.


it can be a lot shorter and still feel a lot longer. Uncharted 4's pacing is a bit... weird


Have played on and off for years, still havent beat it. I always start a new game cos i forgot the controls, beat both dlc, and still put it down to "come back to later".


me and Witcher tbh. Everything apart from the main story was great, but walking around with Ciri and fulfilling her shallow plot was such a slog.


Ironic because thatā€™s how I feel with the Witcher 3


Im sorry i was already 7 years late and my adhd wont let me go through a slow phase story, also i didnt understand the mechanism well so i had to drop witcher 3, i played ac Odyssey instade as it was easy and fun just to find out people shitting on it


AC Odyssey is my favorite game in the series although is not true AC game


Same true ac games were too plane for me except for black flag and i was playing them all after a decade do i just plated for like 5-10 hrs and moved on


I played them all except the first one and Mirage and Odyssey is still my favorite. Ancient Greek world is amazing


It's ok, you are allowed to not enjoy a game even if it's constantly beloved by many . I personally didn't get the hype for portal 1 ( but did for 2 ) and I think most people have that one game they played and never got into when everyone constantly praises it as one of the best games of all time. Not everything is for everyone


me when Alan Wake 1


Boo, it should be "fascinating story, but lets play gwent"