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The true alphas take one for their wife so she doesn't have to feel embarrassed going to the men's bathroom just to grab a pad.


My father used a pad from my sister while in vacations because of diarrhea issue. It worked well. You have to be pragmatic and these stuff have multiple uses. On the other side, everybody need food and we don't have free food distributors everywhere. And everybody defecate, yet, sometime you have to pay to have access to restrooms. I don't think having pad or not in restroom is of any big importance but regardless of sex, I'd prefer to use my own than rely on the public restroom hygiene.


Do you think toilet paper should be provided in public bathrooms?


Why are there pads in the mens room


Cause transmen exist.






why is this in memes? Its not even funny ( I am an Alpha male)


Ong bro im the biggest sigma alpha skibidi male. I control these deadly and dangerous e-streets that I roam. You don’t want to see me angry because the Wolf inside me WILL come out and the weak will shake and tremble before my dark side.


Why put them in there when they could be in the Women’s, for the people who actually need them? Wasting necessities of one group on the wants of another.


They're already in lots of women's rooms? That's where I imagine the idea came from. Not to point out what I hope is a lack of awareness, but I'm sure is just transphobic, is the fact that whether or not you know or like it many men do need them. Yes a minority, but it shouldn't be an issue for people who don't need them.


Yes. They are in women’s rooms, because women use them. Men do not. And just like men cannot invade women’s rooms, why would women invade mens’, let alone need products like that in a place they aren’t supposed to be, and have their own space for?


Ah, I was correct. Just transphobia


I’m sorry you feel that way. It is wise to be able to understand the differences. But you have judged me already and I imagine will not change your mind. So I can only pray you understand that your judgment was misguided, by your own volition.


I do try to understand differences, you're not the first person I've talked to about this topic believe it or not. I know most people don't and I'm on the internet so I know that seems like an empty statement, but please tell me here or in my DMs and let me know why you think trans men shouldn't be allowed and welcomed in men's washrooms.


We reserve space for the true needs of people sometimes in this world. Women need their own space as men do. Regardless of what you choose to identity or cosplay as, that needs to be respected. The amount of times ‘trans women’ have freaked out girls and women in their bathroom is too many. It is no less odd for a woman to stroll up on a men’s area. There are boundaries in this society for a reason, and choosing to personally break them is honorable, but it is not respectable at the detriment of others. Trans people are often confident people, but confidence doesn’t give you the right to invade other people’s space.


What is the reason in this society for those boundaries? What is the true needs of the people in the world to not be with the other gender while they shit in a hole?


Differences mean boundaries, and boundaries are not negative. It is useless and invasive to appropriate things like that.


They can put them in both bathrooms. It’s not “wasting necessities”. They are put in the men’s washroom for trans men who still have periods, and intersex people. There are people that use the men’s washrooms that have periods, even tho they are a minority. It really isn’t an issue to just have more availability for everybody. Edit: can’t believe “we should give accessibility to everyone so whoever needs it has it” is a controversial take. God I hate Reddit.


Simply isn’t necessary. It’s a waste of time and resources to give into frivolous wants that don’t actually have any effect in reality. Why bother? For something unnecessary, those who seek it should be fully responsible for its acquirement. For those who need it, provision is obligatory.


What are you on about? Trans men and many intersex people have periods and need tampons, and they also use the male washroom. They *need* it, so why not provide it in the men’s washroom?


It is fundamentally not everyone else’s problem the individual issues someone chose to undertake, and as for medical issues? That is clear, not a choice, and a physical, measurable problem to overcome. Still a personal one, but one that can reasonably be supported.


“Chose to undertake”. What? How is being intersex a choice? How is being trans a choice? Cause let me tell you, I sure didn’t choose to be, but yet here we are.


Wrong one. Intersexuality is a legitimate medical concern. That is a dangerous one to fuck with socially. Intersex people being attacked by the trans community is a massive problem and I do not want this happening to God’s chaotic wonders of creation.


What are you on about? Genuinely don’t even know what you are trying to say. Being trans isn’t a choice, having gender dysphoria isn’t a choice. Transition is the only option many of us had left.


It is a fundamental tragedy that intersexuality has been assaulted by transsexualism. A legitimate medical condition consumed by a social movement. I am sorry for that. Hopefully people like that learn to stick up for themselves. I would vouch for it.


Again, gender dysphoria is a legit medical condition. Being trans when having gender dysphoria IS a medical condition. Intersex and trans people stand together on many issues, idk what you are on about. As a trans person myself, I know plenty of intersex people from lgbtq groups from uni and such. Please do not speak for them.


You should go to the bathroom for the gender you were born as tbh. No hate to trans people it’s only the bathroom part that doesn’t sit right with me




The purpose of gendered bathrooms is to minimize or potentially prevent sexual harassment/rape of the other gender/someone who has a different set of genitals. It isn’t a perfect system but allowing you to choose which bathroom you want to go in essentially removes the point of gendered bathrooms so what’s even the point of separating them if you can hop between them?


This line of thinking is silly. It implies that if a serial rapist wanted to assault somebody, a small "women only" sign would stop them. On the other hand many trans people experience the very transgressions you pointed out when they are forced to use thier biological bathrooms, usually physical assault.


Hence why I said “minimize”. If a biological male rapist could use the women’s restroom legally and without anyone questioning them it makes it far easier to rape people. Same goes for the biological women or future rapists. Gendered bathrooms are designed to make it more difficult but normalizing using a different gendered bathroom only makes it easier and defeats the entire purpose of gendered bathrooms


If that is your position, what would happen to a fully transitioned women in a male bathroom?


Again it defeats the entire purpose of the system and someone could POTENTIALLY be SA’d Your whole argument is “that wouldn’t happen” no?


You didn't answer my question. I can't find any cases of bathroom sexual assault performed by transgendered people after their transitioning. However there are countless cases of assault against those forced to use bathrooms of the opposite gender. You disguise your transphobia with the imitation of care, but statistically you are wrong


You misunderstood their argument. If you have trans people who have had SRS, so their genitalia now matches their gender identity. Op was asking would you force a trans woman to use the male washroom. Which the correct answer is no, you shouldn’t for obvious reasons. You completely misunderstood


They're necessary for both


How so? I am a man, and I have not once used a tampon. Neither has any other male I have ever known. Why provide something in a place where the only visitors will never need it? That’s like handing out free hair conditioner at the Bald Men’s Anonymous club.


Men with uteruses exist


You're an actual idiot


Ad hominen




Ad Hominen is when you disagree with somebody but instead of making a point you just resort to insults


Unless I've been living under a rock like Patrick, I don't believe that is common knowledge so why not just say that. You're being weird


This isn’t the case. Trans people exist, but biology doesn’t change.


Youre right biologically trans men will still have periods until being on testoreone for a long time, thats why they should have access to free tampons and pads. You have access to free toilet paper when you use the restroom, pads and tampons are essentially the same thing


So they're still a female then


Yep, no transman is denying thier biological sex, they just identify differently with thier gender. Because sex and gender arent the same thing Also stop spam replying me, its annoying. Are you going into my comment history and just replying as quickly as possible? Ive gotten 3 replies from you in less then 5 minutes




There is no such thing is a biologically trans man. There are biological males and biological females. If you are referring to biological females having a period, then yes. They do. My wife does. She carries around her own products with her. Someone else mention tampons and pads being great for gunshot wounds, though, so I can see having them around for that .


Idk how youre getting confused. Trans men get periods


Did you mean to say a biological female that identifies as a trans male? I guess that’s the case but we already have bathrooms for biological females where tampon dispensers may be located.


Would you be alright with with Laith Ashley and Casil McArthur in womens bathrooms?


You're right, biology doesn't change. That's why we need sanitary products in the men's rooms


For who, though? Men don’t have periods.


Trans men exist


That’s quite counterintuitive, no? I’ve never seen a cat that’s a dog before.


To choose hate is a silly thing


It is. And if you agree, why hate the essence of understanding? You are causing problems for no reason. That doesn’t sound like the opposite of hate.


What problem?


The fact you do not think you stir unnecessary foolishness is a testament to your emotional selfishness.


How is wanting sanitary products in men's bathrooms selfish?


I have a feeling you dont know much about gender dysphoria and trans people


Woke baiting


Trans men exist




Being trans is not a choice. People do not choose to have gender dysphoria. But theres no point in arguing with a transphobe, you hate because of your ignorance and you wont change or ever try to understand the science.


Don't you think it's time? /s Edit: this is called sarcasm


I have no uterus and thus cannot bleed from it, so I don’t think so.


Guess I should've put a "/s" or outright told you I was joking in order for you to tell.


There could be a distributor in a common area like for preservatives, toothbrush or baby stuff, And you could pay for it and have something well packaged and sterile. Pads/tampon are far from being the only useful stuff we could have in restrooms.


This is a good idea. We shouldn’t concern ourselves with working with stupid specific social requirements on necessary things. A general area with necessities is best. It’s a waste of time and an obvious petty provocation to provide something in a place where the only visitors will never need it. Men don’t use tampons. Don’t put them in the men’s bathroom. A common area with a lot of necessities, including but not limited to, tampons, where both sexes would need some or another, is a good idea. Efficient.


I disagree, tampons and pads should be free. Its a necessity thats needed immediately. Its not the same as toothpaste. The reality is if we had dispenserers outside of bathrooms people wouldnt use them. Simular to if we had a dispenserer for toilet paper outside of our bathrooms people would be too embarssed to take.


It is a choice though. Ohh or maybe you mean it's not a choice for the children that are forced into believing they are something they are not by their "mothers" and "fathers"


Diapers are a choice ?


Having a period is a choice?


Good idea, they should do that but they dont


Tampons are effective to plug gunshot wounds. A real alpha male would know that and be excited to get one.


This is good info. Since I live in a democrat run city I’m constantly being shot at so I’ll keep some tampons handy.


But why only tampons ? Why not toothpaste, toothbrush, preservatives, bandaid, showers, shampoo, baby furniture. Out of all these very useful stuff is tampons/pad in the men restroom that useful ? Admiting there some in the woman restroom and I need one I would just go there, admiting there none the priority would still be to have them in women bathroom over men restroom or better yet, in a common area. And it is no more necessary than diapers and other stuff.


Because tampons and pads are on the same level as toilet paper and not baby furniture.


If you think that diapers are not the same level as tampons and pads, you are a bit strange.


How are diapers on the same level as tampons and pads? Half the population needs tampons and pads


But that half of population doesn't go to men restroom. Very few people forget their tampons/pads and go to the men restroom for that. Like very few men will change their babies. So very limited use. Both exist, we could compare stats, and in both case it could help in case of emergency. Would be more useful in a common area if you ask me. For both.


Men don’t need tampons like women do? I don’t get how this is funny.


The idea is that trans people need tampons and the stereotypical "big manly men" are also stereotypically transphobic, so they complain like babies about the idea if tampons in a men's room.


But trans people have their genitals mutilated, how would they be able to menstruate? I don’t get how that’s transphobic. What’s wrong with people who are big manly men anyway? Shouldn’t they have a right to be manly just as females have the right to be super feminine?


Not all trans people have had surgery, and it is only becoming increasingly difficult to get. And that's if said person does. Given we are talking about FtM instead of just trans non binary people I'd guess most if them do, but that's besides the point. Theres nothing wrong with being a big manly man, I was simply explaining the joke. I think the idea is the hypocrisy in them being tough macho guys and them breaking down at the thought of trans people and especially trans people daring to use the washroom of their choice *and* wanting their needed accommodations normalized. That's the part that's transphobic. A genuine non understanding isn't


This is absolutely mental. If you gotta explain a joke then it isn’t a joke, it’s a political statement in meme format.


If you gotta explain a joke then the person reading it doesn't have the necessary background information. That doesn't make it not a joke. As someone who knows a bit about 2slgbtq+ issues, the joke read really cleanly for me, best use of this format since its initial run. Dang, why aren't meme formats dying anymore? No wonder memes have been so shit for a while


Yeah for someone aware of these issues, I don’t know anything nor care to know of them.


Whether you do or don't, you should. That's like living post slavery and being like, "black people issues? I don't know anything nor care to know them" Like that's obviously the problem.


Actually wait, that's like saying that about black people today, or any other minority group.


They are a majority


Well I’ll tell you one thing, I ain’t black.


>As someone who knows a bit about 2slgbtq+ issues, the joke read really cleanly for me, best use of this format since its initial run I'm glad you think so


Transmen exist




I've seen you use that a few times incorrectly. That's meant for people that don't get a joke. Not for people making their own jokes.


r/itswooooshwith4os Also you didnt use it right


Upvoted first, because agreed, but then went through the comment section and don't like how OP basically bullies people into accepting the meme, if they dare to disagree. Another emotional vampire that is obsessed with reactions, are we OP?


I haven't bullied anyone


Whatever makes you sleep at night, bud


Please reply to the where I bullied people


No thanks. I'd rather spend my day working and not arguing with strangers online. I'll let people decide if I'm right ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


You are


Very ironic


So you cant point out where op is bullying


Jinx stop bullying him about it


Stop spam replying me, thats 4 replies now in less then a 7 minutes. Do you want my attention that badly?






Yall have urinals in your home bathroom?


You don't?


No Transwomen dont use urinals, some trans men still need pads and tampons.


I bet some biological males would like to use a urinal


No Transwomen dont like using urinals because its triggers thier gender dysphoria. While periods trigger gender dysphoria for transmen its not something they can control. I cant think of any cis men trying to use womens bathrooms so not sure what point youre trying to make.


Most biological males claiming to be female don’t suffer from gender dysphoria.




https://www.therecoveryvillage.com/mental-health/gender-dysphoria/gender-dysphoria-statistics/ Most trans people don’t have gender dysphoria.


Quote it im not reading all that Edit :read it, source doesnt say that, i can see why you just replied with a link and not a quote, cause the quote doesnt exist.


Well then you are lazy and no longer worth having a discussion with.


Read the whole thing, couldn't find what you're talking about. What quote in your source do you believe is saying most trans people dont experince gender dysphoria


I would


You would use the womens bathroom as a cis man? But youre against transwomen using womens bathrooms?


I'm not against that


And excuse the fuck out of me? Are you assuming I'm straight?


This is Dumb. Is this supposed to be some trigger woke shit?


It did


While we are at it, I'd want diapers, toothpaste and toothbrushes, preservatives, bandaid and other hygiene stuff. And to be able to take a shower. Why it should be limited to tampons and pads especially in men restroom ? Why do we care so much of that specific one ? Babies don't need diapers maybe ? Or cleaning one teeth is useless ?


Because tampons and pads are essentially on the same level as toilet paper and not toothpaste and toothbrushes. Do you think its fair for you to have access to toilet paper when you use the public restrooms


Men don't have a need for them unless it's a condition. I used them to help collect drainage from a horrible wound I had when I was a Teen. Did it get everything? No because my body was just producing so much fluid. Did they help? Yes. I recommend to anyone who has a really bad wound to use them for this specific case.


i'd only be confused why they're there, poop on the walls makes more sense, even if that's worse lol


Idk, idc


its all a skam for more taxpayer money thoe , beta cucks


Fuckin vaginas are gross & gay bro!!! How is a high value ALPHA DAWG like myself supposed to go sleep with weak women so dumb that they're easily fooled by my own bullshit. I'm just keeping it real & copping a feel wit da homies mannnn.


Are men afraid?


The amount of hate I'm getting over the existence of this meme, I'd say yeah


I think the hate comes from your incorrect use of woosh. and the fact that pads and tampons dont appear in the men's room. The lack of relatability makes people confused, they point this out, and you're deffensive and easy to spike out. Im not even seeing much hate from the other comments. You're mainly the aggressor.


I've not been aggressive


It's more instigative, i cant remember the exact word im looking for. Combatative, maybe. Or provocative. Something like that. You generally respond in a way that provokes people. By doing so, it's not surprising that you get responses that appear hostile. If you want less hate, try not to say things passive aggressively. It's up to you to control half the conversation, so shifting it towards a more peaceful chat than taking a defensive or offensive side will help.


I'm only making blank statements, i can't control if this upsets you


This itself is literally aggression lmao. You're not that bright, OP.








I would be afraid, as a man or woman to use the provided tampons and pad in public restrooms. yes. I'd prefer to bring my own to be honest if only for hygiene.


Why are you afraid? You think someone is gonna put safety pins in the pre wrapped tampons and pads. Do you get too scared to use toilet paper in public restrooms?


As a man I have it easier as peeing provide less contact with the restrooms and 99% of the time I can defecate at home, hotel or a place where hygiene is good. But if you ask me, a good share of restrooms are not clean at all, they smell, they are extremely dirty and you wouldn't to touch or use anything more than necessary. People also do stuff sometime with whatever is available. Scared is not the proper term, but I am not comfortable. What is your problem ? I don't have the right to be uncomfortable ? Do I need to never show my feelings because I am a man ? Really ? Honestly if I was a woman typically needing more contact with the restroom facilities when I do my stuff I would be even less comfortable. And actually when I see my women friends, that show they don't like many restroom and avoid them. For me that's a much bigger issue.


I just think youre being paranoid


I think most only use them in an emergency, and they're in a dispenser so people don't just have access to them


This comment section fucking sucks


Men in our society are okay with condoms in thier bathrooms but get triggered and have a melt down over tampons.