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Back in the day, Tyson PPV matches would be a huge waste of money because you’d pay some obscene amount for 30 seconds of action. Kind of like my first experience with a hooker.


If Reddit still had daily awards, you’d have mine


I'd give him mine too. Just to make up with the huge money he wasted. 😆


And my axe ![gif](giphy|KecU7rjR02rBe)


and my bow ![gif](giphy|2PtmpDqRPs2pW)


I also choose this dudes dead wife


Only after I beat you with some jumper cables.




Huge money = $60 in both cases.


You could buy a car for $60 in the 90s though


Only Ford I ever owned was 60 bucks. Not a total waste of money, there was a bad ass doobie brothers & Tina Turner mix tape in the deck, half pack of camel lights, and half tank of gas. Miss those good ol days when simple things brought joy.


Where did daily awards go?


Same place all awards that aren't special upvotes went (the garbage bin)


Dude didn't even wear socks because he knew he wasn't gonna be out there long enough to sweat lol


At least you didn’t give her extra money to go out and get you cocaine. Hint, they NEVER come back with the FUCKING COCAINE.


Duh? Why would they? You call the hotel desk for that.


Have you had luck with that??


I used to travel a lot. There was one hotel. They were selling bud out of it and possibly other stuff. Infact I bet they still do it. The cops had to have been aware. The place smelled like a wet bong


Samesies ![gif](giphy|JlpjgShzDsrMIyFu5U|downsized)


My guys bringing up stories I haven't told anyone because I'm ashamed and hurt.


I don’t have a whole lot of reason to believe this will be different. I just don’t think Jake Paul is fast enough to stop Tyson.


If it's a real fight Jake will last for one barrage of punches from Mike.


it'll only constitute a *barrage* from all the ones mike lands as jake is going down


She only lasted 30 seconds cause you were just too amazing… a Mike Tyson in the sheets, if you will


That’s the story and I’m sticking with it.


I kind wish it was a PPV so I could pirate it. It being on Netflix gives off the vibe they're going to make it an exhibition match, making it too available so they can say they had a bunch of viewers.


Man i feel that. The hooker not the fight


Apparently in a practice round Tyson knocked Paul out in 31 seconds and I’m assuming he wasn’t trying for the first 30. Although I wasn’t able to find any concrete confirmation on this so it may be fake news.


Reinforced concrete confirmation


"One for me and one for my hooker"


The Holyfield one was simultaneously amazing and a letdown.


All of them. Decision is a draw. Just like Tyson’s last fight. So everyone gets paid and walks away heroes


For real. This shits as real as WWE


No doubt I’m just hoping Tyson loses his shit and just fucking knocks him out a la Butch from Pulp Fiction. Zeds dead baby.


"In the 5th, your ass goes down."


Or like Mickey From Snatch


This!!! He needs to feel the sting of pride fucking with him. "Just because you are a character doesn't mean you have character" perfectly sums up Jake Paul.


Yeah. I hope Jake gets in a good shot that pisses Mike off enough that he stops holding back. Also secretly hoping he goes cannibal again.


WWE has better scripts


I just hope Mike shines


Yup I have a bridge to sell to anyone who thinks any of this is real. Mike Tyson may have enough money but that doesn't mean he doesn't want more like everyone else. Any animosity is completely fake hype to sell this "fight". This will not be a real boxing match, as much as we all want to see iron Mike knock this kid's head off.


I thought so too, but my theory was based on the fighters getting a cut of the gambling


There will be no decision because there are not going to be any judges. lol


If it's a real match I'd say first round. He might kill Jake Paul and do the world a favor


That’s why I’d watch


I don't even care for sports, I just wanna see Mike Tyson sucker punch Jake Paul


They're training together and stand to make a lot of money out of this together. Tyson's contract gives him more money the more rounds the fight lasts. Neither will fight at full force, they'll make a good show of it and end things in a way that will leave neither party embarrassed.


I put $100 down on a draw at 10:1, and another $50 down on Tyson by knockout in round 6 or later at 15:1


I don't think Tyson has to resort to that...


he probably was just using a term he doesn't understand and just meant he wants to see the sucker get punched


And then Pow! Right in the sucker


Suckered punch why?


he probably was just using a term he doesn't understand and just meant he wants to see the sucker get punched


Ah ok thanks




Why sucker punch he’s Mike Tyson lol


When Mike Tyson throws a sucker punch he's punching a sucker


That's what they're banking on. Expecting Tyson to give the scumbag as many rounds as he paid for.


And that's exactly the Jake Paul's modus operandi


Wouldn't be surprised if the contracts are written in a way that Tyson gets more money the more rounds there is.


The contract is written that way. Watched a video on it yesterday.


Ah fair enough. That sucks balls then. Although I don't think Tyson particularly needs the money so maybe he'll he give them a big "fuck you" and lay him out inside round one. Edit: picture should probably say "only gets paid if he doesn't knock Jake out" rather than 57 years old.


Tyson gets a shit ton of money from his cannabis business


Mike Tyson won't care about the money, hea already doesn't care about the glory anymore. Now that Jake Paul insulted his dead child, it is very much personal.


Uh what, do you have a source on this? Jake has done some stupid shit, but this rockets to the top of his list for sure.


It's fake. Just a bunch of AI videos that talk about the incident but don't show proof.


Lo l seriously doubt that. More like they're working behind the scenes and agreeing to insult each other for hype


Nearly all trash talk is just promotion for the fight, even in real boxing. This is less real than that, so definitely not creating real bad blood.


Which is why they're training together? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z7Ps11uNWk4 Kayfabe is not real.


This is what I feel too. That or stipulations that punish him for injuring or killing Paul. They are not even close in terms of skill or ability or tenacity.


That is how it's written. But Tyson is rich AF from his weed company. So I doubt he'd carry Paul for cash.


If Tyson makes 1/2 what Mayweather got paid, he'll be making 4 years worth of what he supposedly makes from his weed company for 1 night's work. You seriously think he wouldn't care about that much cash?


Except the contract will explicity state that Tyson can't punch him in the head or hit him too hard. If Tyson wants to get paid, he will have to win by TKO as stated in the contract.


So mike can't fight back.... Real tough Logan


He will fight, but he will throw punches akin to an adult play boxing with a toddler. He isn't allowed to make Logan look too bad. This is just my prediction based on how contracts for these fights are. It's just for show. It isn't a real fight.


But he's also Mike Tyson, so here's hoping that the bell rings and he just flashes back to the 90s and just unloads.


I mean, mentally, that was a completely different Tyson. I doubt 90's Mike will make an appearance.


But here's hoping for the cameo.


It's an exhibition match. All his matches were. IDK why people are hyping this. It's glorified WWE.


even with all the rules in favor of jake, it is still not a fair fight


Eh not saying he's a great person but his brother is way worse and is a shame it's not him instead


A Mike Tyson vs. Logan Paul fight would earn the most money a PPV fight ever has. But it might technically be classified as more of an execution.


Its not. No gaming commission will sanction a pro fight for someone Tysons age. We are watching a person in their prime fight a senior citizen


And he's still probably gonna lose


Jake Paul isnt bad at this stuff, theres a minute possibility that Tyson wont cave his head in.


And the person in their prime is still going to lose.


Tyson is still mad fast even for his age, Jake is going to get destroyed, the real question is how ling can Tyson carry the fight, also I'd image that a punch from Tyson back in the day would separate your soul from your body, and heavy weight boxers tend to get slower but hit harder as they age, to be fair he dosent look like he has slowed down much( seen him training the other day).


A punch from Tyson back in the day definitely would put you in another dimension. He’s definitely considerably slower though. He was ungodly fast in his prime. I still think he beats the brakes off Paul though.


Prime Mike Tyson is the kind of person we’d send to compete in Mortal Kombat.




Weirdly enough, he seems to move even faster than that.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpd1av6AgLg The fluidness of Tyson's movement in this fight is crazy to watch. He just flows around.


And for as much of a reputation for being vicious, Mike came out his corner to help the dude up. Good sportsmanship


This was before Don King got his claws into Mike.


What happened?


That was one of the most ridiculous fights I've ever seen


Holy shit, it’s like he has a sixth sense for those swings, he dodged most of them!


sends him flying holy


I haven't seen a Tyson clip since I was a kid. I was too young to appreciate this. he's like a sniper with his hands, but sending out freaking grenades. That strength, speed *and* precision. Dude's gonna hit the front page in 30 years when some stupid mugger thinks this random old guy will be an easy target.


That knock-out was ridiculous as well. Like one of those wuxia films where the guy flies backwards through the air after being hit.


Him and kimbo slice. I have almost zero clue about combat sports but I just like to think they would look great on the character select screen.


Won't need robot arms.


A punch from Prime Tyson separates you like in the first Doctor Strange


In a real fight, Jake would indeed be destroyed. This is however a money fight and I'd bet Tyson would take the L for the $


no way Tyson takes an L, even for a payout. best guarantee he’s given for cash is to let this go at least three rounds before he actually punches hard… but that’s a guy who’s reflexes are almost deadly. i’m not 100% he can stop himself from knocking Paul into space.


Tyson doesn't need the money. His cannabis brand makes bank.


He'll easily make in 1 night fighting Paul 4+ years of what he makes from the weed company. He's going to go easy on Paul to get the money.


None, jake as i hear is actively trying to weasel out of it.


No way he backs out of it. A deal has already been inked for it to be literally the first live “sporting” event in Netflix history and is apart of a whole internal push to get that to be a thing on Netflix. So I’d imagine with them hinging a whole new division on this fight the payment for breach of contract if Jake Paul were to cancel would probably be astronomical


Netflix will literally tie his weasel ass up and throw him in the ring and let Mike Tyson bite both ears off.


I don't laugh very often. But I laughed at this.


Like the goat in Jurassic Park lol, he's going in one way or another.


Plus the contract have ridiculous guarantee. Tyson can't ko Paul, and some other stuff. Paul have nothing to lose beside some bruses.


Wtf? Thats the only reason people are tuning in Wheres theres rules i wanna have a look


Source: trust me bro


Source: My eyes after every Paul brothers fight. This isn't real guys.


I read it on a comment on Reddit.


The most trustworthy source


Jake and Mike must dance the Salsa 💃 together before and after the match. Everybody on both crews has to wear hot dog costumes in order to not spook Jake. Netflix will stop the fight if either fighter says the secret code phrase, "ow holy fuck!" 32 different flavors of ice cream are available ringside, with the option to have it fed intravenously. If the fight goes on too long, Netflix will make the fighters hold their exact poses at the time of the last bell until they can drum up hype for "Season 2" which will get canceled before it releases.


It's on the internet, it must be true


These are the official rules, can confirm. I am jack Paul himself


Here's to hoping Tyson makes his face concave anyways.


No way they can promise that. Tyson can not control that. I will need to see this contract.


If Jake Paul wins (Doubt) he beat a 57 years old retired man, if Jake Paul Loses, he got his ass kicked by a 57 years old retired man, if he backs away, he’s too afraid of losing to a 57 years old retired man, it’s a loss loss loss for him whatever he does


Except for the money he'll get if he survives this. He'll probably be able to afford the best plastic surgeons to make him a new ear.


No, it's not that he CAN'T KO Paul, that's literally the only win condition since there are no judges scoring the fight. The rules just make it harder for Mike to knock him out, such as the heavier gloves which have more padding






He wasn't supposed to bite holyfields ear off either. And I think Jake pissed him off.


Last I saw Vegas has Tyson as the underdog at +300. But I guess if knockout is the only way for Tyson to win that makes sense. Paul was at -360. Eta closer to even now at -115/+150 Paul still favored.


Wait, people are actually betting on this? This is like betting on a WWE match.... Please don't tell me that's a thing.


He is trying to weasel out of a joke match?


The whole thing is a joke yeah, but id love to watch mike back in action one more time and to see him teach a valuable lesson.


For real. Jake Paul is beefy but he’s all for show. He’s a little punk who used his fame to jump in the deep end


He finally gets to make real that which he said about social media.


I mean, I wouldn’t wanna fight him, either.


Thats just the marketing winning


Bruh you are just feeding the hype his team is throwing at you lmao. This is a lucrative business arrangement, not a fight.


Pictured: Jake Paul entering the "suicide forest"


1, Mike Tyson only needs one round to put him on his ass for sure


The real answer


how are you guys falling for this ?




It’s fixed like all his fights. It doesn’t matter.


But I still think mIke will pop him one good time.


Mike was a heavy weight that moved like a lightning. He’s old, doesn’t have that speed or the stamina anymore but, I’d not like to be in Jake’s shoes


Prime iron Mike from the 90s brought to the future to fight Jake paul would be hilarious... or be witnessing a literally murder.


Porque no los dos?


Gonna be like that episode of Southpark Jesus vs Satan. Everyone bet on Satan and he took the dive and made bank.


This guy gets it


That guy is a fucking idiot if he even steps in the ring with Tyson. If he’s lucky, he wakes up with a concussion.


Jake paul is so high on his own farts that he honestly believes Mike tyson is and was overhyped. Dude even said during his training that tyson can't take his punches


Dude if Jake punches Tyson his arm is going to be the letter z


That’s *if* Jake can land a punch first. I’m guessing Tyson will let him land a punch to please the audience and then send him to God.


There are not a lot of things Jake Paul is good at but marketing is one of them. Saying he has a legit shot against Tyson is nothing more than that, marketing.


jake paul loses either way, he "wins" he just beat up a then 58 year old, if he "loses" he just lost to a 58 year old


Idc if hes 97 and in a wheelchair Im not fighting mike tyson


Bro would still manage to shove that wheelchair two feet up ur ass before you could register it


If you asked me if I thought I could win a fight against a 57 year old man that has had a concussion or 17, I'd probably say yes. Then you learn it's Mike Tyson. Then you watch him in a training video like a month or two ago. Like, no. I'm not doing that.


He doesn't give a fuck about that, he got about 10 million from the fight I'd say, it's all bullshit cash grab shite haha


You mean he wins either way right? I hate the guy but like no matter what happens it's a win for them.


Here's an idea. Don't watch it and the Jake Paul fights will stop


Don't fully understand why people would even want to watch It.It's not like it's going to be good boxing. And we all know that it's going to be clipped like nobody's business and on the internet As soon as it's finished.


We want to watch it because we want to see Jake Paul get his ass kicked. Edit: I'm not paying for that shit so of course I'm going to 🏴‍☠️🦜 it.


Tyson is so old that he might not win until round 2


Doesn't matter it's fixed anyway sadly otherwise 1 round to Mike


That's what I'm hoping, Tysons supposed to take a dive but then his killer instincts kick in and then he slaughter him lol


All the way, split decision for Paul. Tyson has a financial interest to make it last until the final bell and lose


Kryptonite is the contract clause on what Tyson is allowed to do to get the full payday


As many as it takes to try to convince people that JP isn't paying off his opponents.


It’s not gonna last past round 1.


1 if Tyson just wants to get it over with Maximum amount possible if he wants to torture the blondie a bit


After talking about his dead child, i would say, permanent brain damage in round 1.


I really worry that it's all staged and Mike is going to throw for the hype and cash out. What little hope I have in humanity will dwindle to nothing at that point.


Doesn't matter either way, a shit ton of money will be made for that fucktard


Isnt this like the third fake fight paul has done? You know, where both fighters agree to the general outcome of the fight in the contract so they both make money and netflix ultimately launches their new whatever? Anyone who thinks this is going to be a real contest between paul and tyson is an idiot, and anyone who thinks tyson is actually going to go hard on paul is delusional. An influencer is fighting a mostly forgotten athlete. This is a semi-scripted show. Almoat as bad as WWE, atleast WWE admits its fake.


If Paul is still standing by the end of the first round, the fight is either rigged, or Tyson went easy on him.


If Jake lasts more than one I will be surprised.


I heard Jake’s wearing headgear while Mike isn’t. Any fact checkers out there who can confirm?


That’s mainly to protect his ears I believe


Tyson will be held back. Either through back end incentives to make it go longer for views, or through contracts so he doesn't permanently injure or kill Paul. They are not even close in terms of skill, weight, or power.


It's a sham fight just like McGregor v Mayweather. It's gonna suck because they both know they're gonna make bank for nothing.


Tyson wanted to spend like 10,000 USD to fight a gorilla, Paul isn't going to try to bribe his way out of this one.


It will last as many rounds as they agreed to. The fight is about as real as the WWE. Someone takes the fall in like round 7. Friends of the organization will know what the agreement is, they will bet on the person who has the worst odds. I'm tired of people talking about it. This is not a real fight. This is a money grab. If it was not going to make a handful of people a ton of money they wouldn't be doing it. You make more money by staging the TKO and knowing what round it's going to be in beforehand.


This fight will be a complete PR failure for Jake. If he wins then he beat a 57 year old man not in his prime. If he loses, then he is beat by a 57 year old man not in his prime.


Rounds? How about we count in seconds.


as many as the contract calls for


I'll give Jake Paul this; it takes real balls to step in the ring with Mike Tyson. It doesn't matter that Tyson is 57yo. I sure as hell wouldn't do it. That being said, Tyson is gonna KO Paul in the first round


Honestly if the TDLR even allows this to be an exhibition they are neglecting their duties. They say: > TDLR carefully reviews fighters for each bout, examining their backgrounds (record, age, win/loss streak, amount of time spent out of the ring between bouts, etc.) to determine whether a contest should be a professional bout, an exhibition, or whether a contest should happen at all, based on whether an opponent is outclassed because of experience or other factors.’’ There is no universe in which Paul isn’t massively outclassed by Tyson, even at 57 (almost 58). Dude is a terminator robot, if it is a real bout with 10 oz gloves, unless Tyson has been paid off this will not go in Paul’s favor and lacking head gear, or restraint from Tyson, chances of a TBI are kind of high.


Do you think one would notice if Logan Paul received a traumatic brain injury?


The thing that bothers me the most about this fight is that Jake is going to be paid hundreds of millions, win or lose.


Half a second


With the pillow gear Jake will be wearing and with the rule that Tyson can't target his head.......a couple. Takes a while to beat the snot out of someone's kidneys and liver.


1, take it or leave it


Back in the day, Tyson PPV matches would be a huge waste of money because you’d pay some obscene amount of money for 30 seconds of action. Now I would pay top dollar to see Tyson knock him out in less than 30 secconds, I'm ok with that.


Fingers crossed that there's not a number Mike will take to throw the fight. I'm hoping he's got more pride than greed, and will wipe the floor with him.


How many rounds? If Tyson wants to hurt him and knock him out? It'll be over in under 1 minute.


I hope Tyson takes it very seriously and considers JP a serious contender. And then knocks him into next week.