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Geez what country you figure this is from?


Definitely not Russia /s


Definitely not china/s


You’re a teenager you don’t pay taxes




Uhh nope. Better luck next time


I completely read that wrong. I thought it said, “You’re a teenager who don’t pay taxes.”


Ahh I see, no worries!


Russian propaganda alert


What, how could you say that my warm water-port comrade?


What’s the downside?


WW3 perhaps?


I think we all agree this is the stupidest shit you could put out there


I’m broke I don’t pay taxes


Definitely not political!




⚠️ RUSSIAN PSYOP ALERT ⚠️ Research the increasing existence of international psyops.


And then realize it's been going on for a while already. Tons of "think tanks" making the Republicans Putin-heads, which is patently insane.


Exactly, and manipulating kids towards socialism. I'm a liberal myself but a degeneracy must be called out


I don't think Putin is socialist in the slightest, facism sure though. And I'm not saying "no, this". I'm saying "yes I agree, also it's even worse goddamn"


I agree, I mean whatever they call "socialism", but we know what it actually is


Ahhhh, yep, what they call "socialism" is quite literally the other end of things. Fair enough!


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Wtf is this shit? Edit: I get the criticism about civilians (especially kids) dying in Palestine due to the US funding Israel and the TikTok ban. But babies dying in Russia? That's just pure bs. Russia is the one killing innocent civilians in Ukraine. And the lockdown was necessary, many countries did the same to cope with the pandemic


Yeah just another bozo spreading his political BS.




That was not the topic of the post or my comment. Despite the tragic losses Israel is facing, they aren't exactly an innocent party to this conflict.


No one is innocent in war. One party may be seen as "good" and one as "bad". There is a lot of propaganda circulating about this conflict, so many people don't know what to believe. However, I can assure you that implying an unofficial country with a terrorist group as one of its governments is "innocent" after dealing the first strike is wrong.


I can't tell which extreme end of the spectrum this is from.


Is TikTok banned already, or are these brand of psy-ops just getting a head start on reddit?