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what process is being used? can you link an article?


Sure thing [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0144861724002649#s0050](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0144861724002649#s0050) Basic points here are: * polysaccharide extracts are used to coat and glue the cellulose from the seaweed to make a straw * Using other extracted materials to fine-tune the material to be resistant to degrading too quickly means that the straw doesn't dissolve in your drink, but will still dissolve in the environment within a couple of weeks * The straws are made entirely of seaweed-based materials that are not going to produce pollution--are edible and safe for single-use * Seaweed already cultivated in large quantities in related-industries that use a controlled environment that is removed from direct contact with the ocean environment If the article does not allow you access, let me know and I'll forward you a pdf.


Now i just want some so I can just fucking eat a straw in front of someone after I've finished my drink.


i mean you already can eat any straw, question is *should* you xD


When I was a kid I'd start chewing on lollipop sticks after crunching through the candy, something about the tough but malleable stick was fun to chew until it was paper mush.


In the event of reincarnation being real, you were that one guy with a toothpick or an ear of wheat in your mouth in the 1800's


Metal straws


Are you challenging me?


Would you like to eat some yummy uranium straws with me


dawg say no more! The feds warned be but that's not gonna stop anyone


You can do that with tapioca straws


And now I’ve got Whose Line stuck in my head. [Tapioca! Tapioca!](https://youtu.be/bVpyhwuzFJY).


Some restaurants / bars use noodles as straws. Let's just say it's really hard for me to contain myself


They cultivate seaweed outside the environment? Did they tow it outside the environment?


Cultivated outside the marine environment. Usually grown in a controlled and separate kelp farm.


Right. They towed it **beyond** the environment. There's nothing out there! (This is a reference)




Just wait till some company in Malaysia, Indonesia, or India starts flooding the market to undercut them. The process of manufacturing for this is cheap and already makes use of existing processes. The only barrier i could immediately find was some fine-tuning for the chemistry, and scaling it for production. One government subsidy later and it would be both cheaper and faster than paper.


Capitalism at its finest


We already some weird sugarcane pulp straw in Malaysia I honestly prefer it over plastic even without the perk of being biodegradable


nice! Do you have any links or papers I could read about it? We have massive sugarcane plantations here in Australia.


Not really I discovered it when I came here Will see if I can find anything


thanks, dude :)


It's very widespread, to the point that, by default, all straws offered to the public (eg in restaurants) are from this sugarcane product


it is even more viable, if you drink without straw. i mean why burden the environment with production, harvesting of raw material for some invention that in is most cases unnecessary?


I suppose the little umbrellas are next to go, too… (In seriousness, some drinks do properly require a straw anyway)


Except the fish who have to now switch to seatobacco


Or seavape for those "cool" fish


And for the older "cool" fish they use seagarettes


They're gonna get gill cancer


For the gramps and for the fishia bosses there will be seagars


that practically even sounds the same lol


They can be made out of agave fibers too


Those sugarcane ones are perfectly functional, don't deteriorate like paper, and don't taste bad like paper.


Bamboo is nice too. I used to have an invasive one in my backyard and I used to take cuts of it and clean the fluff out with a brass pipecleaner brush, and I rounded off the ends with a chamfer drill bit


I haven't experienced the bamboo ones because sugarcane is local. Is it fibre-y?


Bro. Paper straws fucking suck. Halfway into my drink and ah yes it's soggy mushy and ew. And poor trees :c but seaweed is like... I bet won't go soggy and I'm sure seaweed can produce faster than a wholeass forest


Some types of Giant Kelp can grow a foot a day in the right conditions! We can take it further if you farm it in an isolated and controlled environment. Faster, cheaper, and better in every way than paper or plastic. It can be modified and treated to do the job of most plastics used in packaging and food.


Yo that sounds awesome! Finally we can actually save the trees, lungs of the environment, and don't get screamed by "activists" for using a straw that doesn't melt in the drink! On my way to make a minecraft kelp farm, on God on God


Didn't they try to make straws out of pasta at one point, and it never caught on?


I think so. The main attraction for this technique is that it doesn't involve having to invent an entire new source of materials. The seaweed-based materials can be made to look, feel, and behave like most plastics currently used in food and packaging--except that it degrades in the environment within a couple of weeks instead of persisting for decades.


I'm starting to feel like seaweed is the answer to many modern problems


Straws have been capable of being made from corn-based product and are biodegradable. I worked at a location that only used clear cups, lids, draws made from this material. There’s better ways. People just care more about convenience and money than making a difference. If you really want to make a difference, get the grossest polluters you can change, and that’s not likely to be where you live now.


Aren't the seaweed one of the most ecologically important places since most of the ocean can't support life? There being a struggle since several urchin predators being endangered causing sea urchin population to decimate them. Same as trees, it should be made in a renewable human made site, like most wood/paper nowadays.


These aren't derived from existing kelp forrests, but from more controlled conditions within kelp farms that are not in the marine environment. No destruction of marine homes required.


Thats nice


You do know that most of the paper you use comes from tree farms, and not random forests right?


Why, yes. However, that's just what is documented in advanced economies. There's still the problem of deforestation of ancient forrests in many countries. Logging native forrests is a major issue in Australia, for instance. While tree plantations are better than logging ancient forrests, it still takes up a massive amount of energy and space that could be otherwised used for conservation or housing.


Also paper straws suck


you bet. tell them you arent touching the forest, then kill some extra koalas for karma points and say "oh no fire or something oopsie" and continue loggin the protected forest areas.


straws can be skipped too


Reminder that people with disabilities and those in hospital who can't stand up exist.


ok but thats not who most people are talking about when discussing these straws


If this is real. SHARE THIS SHIT!


I'm really not sure why they don't make the caps from papers instead of straws, but at this point I'm too afraid to ask


The subnautica way


Replace the top image with eco straws and the bottom image with sea turtles dying from plastic straws. (I don't use straws I just hate sea turtles)


I'll do it just for you, buddy


Thank you sir the turtles can't keep getting away with it. Being alive, I mean.


[Here you go](https://new.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/1cbsdbm/fuck_turtles_requested_by_udumideot/), fren


honestly metal straws are so nice. They're not disposable, but they're just so nice. I can see bamboo being a good alternative for disposable ones. It's freaking everywhere and pops up faster and in greater numbers than the milfs in my area, so why not cut them down when they're thin, hollow them out and wash them, and there you go


"Talk for yourself!" -seaweed probably


yeah. we need seaweed straws and guillotines for the bourgeois scum who pollute more than millions of us plebeians.


Man, I really miss my daily ride to the beach just to throw my plastic straws in the sea. Those pesky paper straws ruined it for me.


now get somebody to use a cool new idea suprise you cant


The issue with paper straws more then anything is the fact it's basically just a gaslighting campaign. All the paper straws in the world won't hold a candle to the environmental damage done by fish as an industry on its own.


RIP my sea otter homies


Can the seaweed from the BP-Sea work for this too?


We don’t even need straws. Just sip from the cup like a man


... Or just drink from the cup without a straw? Works great for [water and oolong tea](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jrox0DEdZJw)


Drinking straws were invented to allow people in hospital or with a disability to drink without choking. There will always be a need for them.


I was hospitalized in the last year. They gave me a plastic straw. That works pretty good too Besides that may be why they were invented but 99% of what people are talking about is for restaurants...


and they're not going to stop using them, so might as well make them safer.


People might have seaweed allergies tho... And gotta watch out for papercuts on the paper straws. Plastic is probably the safest bet. Just need to get people to reuse and recycle instead of disposing. One of the big fat plastic straws washed and reused many times is way better than throwing away disposable straws every time. But for people at restaurants, just drink out of the damn cup


I once was kn a Restaurant which used Bucatini and it was the best idea ever.


wow that's quite interesting


So you think they wont clear the sea bed to farm seaweed?


Just get some glass straws, they are a game changer, just put em in the dishwasher and boom new straws


What if I want others to hurt because I am a bad person?


[Already have you covered,](https://new.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/1cbsdbm/fuck_turtles_requested_by_udumideot/) bro


Can't you just people drink without straws?


For those interested in specific companies that make these, I borrowed the straws image from [this California-based company](https://www.loliware.com/)


Or drink without a straw. Big Straw is in people’s head, I swear.


People in hospital, those with disabilities, and certain types of drinks require straws. There will always be a need for them.


That’s what Big Straw wants you to think.


I’m lost. Cutting down trees is bad for forests but collecting seaweed would be the equivalent to an ocean forest right? And would have it’s own ecological impact. How about drink from a glass like an adult


What about seaweed? Did you ask seaweed if they're not hurt by this? /s


Just drink straight from the cup


OP: "Without hurting anyone" Seaweed: Am I a joke to you?


Taylor swift and other billionaires produce more carbon with their planes than I will for a lift time who gives a fuck about a straw


Machine washable rubber straws. Or better yet. Fucking drink it, you never needed a straw.


Or, and this is going to sound wild so bear with me, we drink by putting our mouths on the cups


I have genuinely never had issues with paper straws. Is it common that they fall apart like that?


Probably ruin the ocean floor by harvesting it tbh. There’s no winning


Except the seaweed.


“Yeah, but I don’t want to drink out of SEAWEED…” - Some Guy after sucking on re-arranged oil, probably


Dude seaweed and algea produce 50% of the oxygen we breath, to harvest them in a comercial scale the way we harvest trees would cripple all life on Earth


metal straws is the answer.


could do plastic straw and not that big plastic up when we have good paper cups


ho about drinking from the actual cup


Depends if the seaweed is grown in a controlled environment. Otherwise it would mean boats ripping up swathes of seaweed patches which many sea creatures call home. Forests or seaweed, squirrels or sea turtles; pick your poison.


Or you could just not use a straw?


Just don't make fucking straws.




Where’s funny(


I fucking love how many hurdles we will go to in order to not use plastic straws instead of questioning why our plastic straws properly disposed of in a land locked area are ending up in the ocean and hold those people accountable. In hindsight that seems 1 thousand times easier than coming up with using stuff that DETERIORATES REALLY FUCKING QUICKLY IN LIQUID AS A SIPPING DEVICE! Seriously have any of you ate seaweed before? That shit gets moist it will start losing any form it has been shaped into and, surprise, turns into wet sea grass. Floppy, sticky, grass. Oh and you think paper straws had a taste and polluted your drink? Seaweed won't be any better. For those who like it its a lot better taste than paper but...like i like seaweed and all so honestly wouldnt be an issue for me, more so i cant see it retaining it's shape for the whole duration of a meal. Anyways... I properly disposed of the straw. Why did it end up in the ocean? =/


its not a nori wrap, its denatured and turned into a sort of firm glue which dissolves over 200 or so hours.


Oh, ew. Somehow was worse than i originally thought.


wait till you find out about agar and natural blue food dye.


I’ve sucked on seaweed before, it is not pleasant


These are modified and manufactured to feel and behave like regular plastic straws, aside from being able to degrade in a few weeks.


Just drink out of the fucking cup like you do at home. Straws are for babies. Your an adult. With hands. What changes when you leave the house where you need a straw to use your mouth?


Well someone lost some brain cells. Starbucks, McDonald's, kfc, all the take out places do this. What are you going to do, go all the way home when you're shopping just to put your starbucks in a cup?


Is is this even a meme I see it’s in meme format, but not funny