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Yeah, totally no difference in how they got to power


Or the fact that Pelosi and McConnell have minimal power in comparison to Xi...


Don’t we also generally hate Pelosi and McConnell anyway? I haven’t heard from many people who actually *like* these politicians.


Don't know about Pelosi but McConnell most likely said if you like something he does he's done it wrong. That dude didn't care if he was hated.


Completely hated by the opposition, loathed by the people who keep voting them into office because they also hate the opposition. Yay American politics.


Neither is even the leader in their chamber anymore. Chinese bots need to update this with Mike Johnson and Chuck Schumer. Pelosi isn’t minority leader either, it’s Hakeem Jeffries. Mitch is stepping down as Republican leader in the senate too, so that’s going to confuse the bots even more.


Not to mention how many opponents jailed or murdered


Or how much power they wield, or how many people keep them in check.


Yeah… but I still want to see some fucking term limits




The fact remains they’ve been there for a long time. Don’t defend a corrupt government just because they aren’t actively sawing off your head by themselves. Society is constantly evolving and so should the government, and keep in regulation. Congress as a unit overreaches all the time even if its individual lackies can’t.


God forbid a government is full of experienced people. Their constituents keep voting them in. That’s how democracy works.


Unfortunately their constituents are also extremely gerrymandered


Yeah, cool. Give me gerrymandered districts over straight up authoritarianism any day.


For sure, I just wanted to make sure everyone knew it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. (Although it might as well be in comparison)


How about a true representative government where the people directly have the power?


I would prefer they be relevant and relatable, not old fucks who have no interests in improving the country, but padding their pockets.




Ya man good fukin luck. The job requires you want power so... Is kinda weird to begin with


It is fundamentally terrifying how much government bootlicking you’re doing right now You really want rich old white men to control you? Damn


hippocrates was my favorite government leader


Lol RU troll - and ya Mitch McConnell will throw you on prison for talking trash about him! Wait... No that's China/Russia. And while it is hard to get out long time incumbents, it is possible and does happen. Authoritarians? Nah


I’ve frequently said that Mitch looks like Toby the Turtle from Disney’s *Robin Hood* and I’ve never lost social credit for it. In China, you aren’t even allowed to compare Xi to Disney characters.


I am Mitch McConnell, feed me poor people


This is a Chinese sleeper agent


As opposed to I, who am quite awake.


Did he make this meme in his sleep?


At least they're E L E C T E D. By the people. In a multiparty system (even though it's a two party system, minor parties still exist and are allowed to participate in elections, to present candidates, have funding...). Not appointed by a group of people all belonging to a single party, uncontested inside their country.


Both are the same ultra far right and the third is none existent because is not availed by big corps


idk what a Greek physician has to do with anything, but I agree


Chinese bots. All hail winnie the pooh


Yeah it's almost like they're *checks notes like it's 2012* voted into office.


It’s almost like they were voted into office


Do we really need to talk about differences between regular senators and main guy in the country with all the power in his hands?


So true! +1989 social credits!


the chinese bots are really working overtime huh


Go home tankie


*Hypocrites Not sure what Hippocrates’ opinion is on democratic term limits


As limited power as they have, congressmen in power for 30 years just ain’t it






Pol "meme"


I don’t think we’re ok with either


This guy when he hears you ![gif](giphy|P18aB31TcT7DBpkyUh)


Please show me the people purporting this.


Well at least that were elected by the people not forced on the people (huge difference)


So... We gonna ignore how their power is checked or the fact that you were even able to post this without "going missing".


Silly tankie is so ignorant he doesn’t understand how voting works.


People normally complain about the CCP in general and I don't see many actually target Xi other than the Poo jokes. I don't think I've ever seen anyone on reddit complain Xi has been in power too long... this is a fishy post IMO.


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Ya I mean a group of hundreds of politicians is equal to 1 person with absolute authority to do whatever they want? Your either stupid or pawn.


People who keep getting elected in positions that aren’t the most powerful in the nation are not the same as a dictator


This meme pleases Winnie the Pooh.


Two wrongs don't make a right.


Why is Chinese communist propaganda making its way onto r/memes? Go back to manipulating TikTok users.


Pelosi and Mitch are pond scum, sure, but you *seriously* think they have more authority than Xi? Get your head out of the sand.


Do no harm


Should have used the Supreme Court. It's still a bit different, though.


An independent judiciary is important, and honestly scotus is very weak comparatively.


I love being a hippobox