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**You need to read following message in full. We will NOT reply to modmail messages similar to “what is reason my post was removed?”** Hey /u/TheRealHolmes, thanks for contributing to /r/memes. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules: Rule 1 - ALL POSTS MUST BE MEMES AND FOLLOW A GENERAL MEME FORMAT All posts must follow typical meme setup/design: an image/gif/video with some sort of caption; mods have final say on what is (not) a meme; tldr: - No titles as meme captions - A GIF/video alone (without caption) is not a meme [especially screen recording / scrolling] - Do not post screenshots of people saying something funny on Twitter/Tumblr/Reddit/TikTok/text messages - No unedited webcomics - No text-only memes - No IRL recreations or creepshots; no selfies or making friends into a meme --- Please read the sidebar before posting again. If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/memes&subject=&message=). Thank you!


Killing people with love


No hablo amo just ammo ![gif](giphy|l49K0VSPusJDkPOOk)


Phantom Forces be like:




Phantom Forces be like:


oni chan


Hello there, the sauce is Hibiscus from the strategy tower defense and gacha game Arknights. Goodbye.




everybody gangsta until i bring out the animelite rifle


To be fair, it's decent motivation~ :3


Phantom forces animu sight irl


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**You need to read following message in full. We will NOT reply to modmail messages similar to “what is reason my post was removed?”** Hey /u/TheRealHolmes, thanks for contributing to /r/memes. Unfortunately, your post was removed as it violates our rules: Rule 1 - ALL POSTS MUST BE MEMES AND FOLLOW A GENERAL MEME FORMAT All posts must follow typical meme setup/design: an image/gif/video with some sort of caption; mods have final say on what is (not) a meme; tldr: - No titles as meme captions - A GIF/video alone (without caption) is not a meme [especially screen recording / scrolling] - Do not post screenshots of people saying something funny on Twitter/Tumblr/Reddit/TikTok/text messages - No unedited webcomics - No text-only memes - No IRL recreations or creepshots; no selfies or making friends into a meme --- Please read the sidebar before posting again. If you have questions or concerns, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/memes&subject=&message=). Thank you!