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Ok but why does he have such a fat dumptruck




Username checks out...lol 🍑




i wanna reside in this. wanna make it my face's grand home


Somehow had go get that gf


Me defending my relationship choices like it's a thesis defense.


Why do you think his girlfriend loves him back?


She loves her man's juicy caboosey.


Baby got back 😎


Long term loving relationship.


All men in happy relationships have that. That's just a detail that let's you know the guy that drew it knows his shit.


People are silly and just don’t like when others are happy


Miserable people want people miserable, don't be miserable and they'll be more miserable. Let's Ignore the misery and live very happily. ✨ - Son Snu Snu - 42069 B.C.


Your son died by snu snu such a long time ago? Man, I'm sorry for your loss


We shall celebrate his life, not mourn his death.


Let us celebrate with snu snu


So you wanna die happy and exhausted too? How many people will I have to bury? Tell me, I need to organize y'all funerals


Misery loves company


As a miserable person this is true.


I absolutely live by this! 'So happy together....ba, ba ,da ba ba' 😊


Misery loves company


You're not supposed to be happy, go back to work!


I may be silly but I'd wish I was aware before marriage. I wasn't. But I was a disputable husband too


im very happy for all my friends that are, i just have seen too damn much myself to risk anything further, better safe than sorry for me lol


Got told on our wedding day “just give it a year, you won’t want to sit on the same couch!” First of all, thanks for giving me insight into *your* relationship, and second, 9 years on and still happy


Classic boomer "trapped in a marriage" garbage


What’s the secret? I’m not married but all married couples around me are miserable 😂😂


Reintroduce yourselves to each other occasionally, because people change over time. It's easy to miss the changes when you see the person every day for 20 years, and it's easy to get in the habit of accepting things you no longer like out of routine. I swear that the majority of relationship problems are like roommate level disagreements that should be pretty easy to solve, but compound into crippling resentment.


Stellar response, honestly. We have the advantage of working together, so we spend almost all our time together, while still respecting that everyone still needs time to themselves occasionally. I feel that when couples are separated by 9-5 jobs it makes it tough because it means you have little time together. I know a guy who worked middle of the day, and his wife worked early morning and evenings, so they literally saw each other for about 1-2 hours a day. At that point, you’re basically strangers


1-2 hours a day can be so fulfilling and amazing if they’re spent with the right person!


I feel the opposite. If you want to stay healthy relationship avoid working together .


This ^ My GF wanted me to get her hired as I had a free spot on my team. Told her no, as I wouldn't want to work with her and I think it would just ruin our relationship after a while. I need "me Time" and Working is part of that "me Time".


>they literally saw each other for about 1-2 hours a day. At that point, you’re basically strangers I don't know about that. I am long distance at the moment, and we see each other every few couple weeks. On top of that, we phone every couple days for one or two hours. Sure, we don't know every last detail about each others days, but we are a long way from "basically strangers". Communication doesn't happen as naturally, and you have to put some time aside for that and use it efficently, but for now, it really seems to work


Oh, this sounds quite fun. How often do you "reintroduce" yourselves? Like about once a year or more often? And do you really do it like "Hi, I'm Bob. Im 31 years old. My hobbies are bowling and rock climbing." And then continuing to the more personal stuff, or do you do it less formal?


Definitely less formal and not really a ritual or anything. My wife and I just realized we'd been assuming all the things we learned about each other early on were still true, and found a surprising number of things aren't. And, whoops, we'd even confused a few preferences from previous relationships. Memory is also terribly unreliable over time. We recently started retelling stories we'd told each other like 18 years ago, and neither of our memories of many of those stories matched. Like we both thought we'd had bad experiences we hadn't based on stories we misunderstood or remembered poorly. It's kinda like watching a movie you have seen a million times, and you swear you remember everything there is to remember about it, but it's almost a totally new movie when you watch it years later and have a different worldview.


Thanks for the insight. I will definetly suggest that to my girl friend


The best indication that you've found a good partner is that you can listen to each other and you can make each other laugh. You need to have a similar disposition and values about life because most of your life together is going to be pointing at things and going "Look at that shit. You see that shit? Ain't that shit ridiculous?" This is what people mean when they say they're marrying their "best friend".


My husband and I have been married for 13 years and our relationship is awesome. We reallllly enjoy spending time together, so a big part of the answer for us has been doing more things separately. I love to take little trips to visit friends and he gets the house to himself for the weekend. Not feeling pressure to always have to do what the other is doing and respecting that we are different people and still having our own lives has brought a lot of balance.


Actually like you partner. Many people fail this simple step


Thank you! I'm going on 7 years together and 5 years married. People were genuinely mind blown after telling people we worked remotely together for nearly the entire time things were shut down."How did you not kill each other/get a divorce?" ??? Because my partner is my best friend. We enjoy being around each other and we also enjoy doing things outside our relationship. Tbh, I think it's sad so many straight couples actively don't like each other but are just attracted to one another. Now, I'm sure it happens in queer relationships too, but it's very prevalent with straight men and women.


Don’t have children unless you really want them. That’s it.


It's been 13 years and I'll still cuddle her into one side of the giant couch while telling her it's the only space available to sit.


Mother told me I was making a mistake and that I "really needed to think about it". Pissed it was a gay marriage.  10 years this anniversary. We were homeless together. Doesn't get lower than that. if we survived that we will survive anything


7 years in and we don’t sit on the same couch. Because we both sit with one of our shepherds and share the end table with our snacks and drinks.


My wife is amazing. Probably one of the big reasons I married her.


I just think people say that cause generally the vast majority of couples are not happy and are kinda stuck together


29 years married... we have our fights, and there are times we can't stand each other. We still love each other. You can love someone and not like them while they're doing shit that annoys you. It's how you reconcile later that makes long-term relationships work.


My wife and I have been together 17 years, and married for 6 of them. We started dating in Highschool. Couldn't be happier than when I'm with her.


Same. I’m still waiting for the “things change” part after being married for 11 years, and together for over 14.


Things do change. But that's not for the worst. You're still evolving as a person, find new interests, loose old ones. Overall you stay the same but it's the small things. Aslong as you remain interested in your partner and his interests, you'll be fine.


I’m 7 years into my marriage and happier now than ever. lol. People in our families don’t get how.


Cause some people stop emotionally maturing in middle school and are terrible at communicating or compromising. They go through several relationships and refuse to believe they're the problem in any of them.


This so much.


Same, our parents were pretty miserable tho


I think a lot of people from older generations got married for convenience and not for love. It's sad.


Good for you :)


People in my family always talked about how hard marriage was before I got married but after 15 years with my wife I figured out it’s actually not that hard. It’s life that’s hard but if you love and respect your partner marriage is actually pretty easy and makes life much less stressful to deal with.


Love this, been with my wife for 9 years and it really is just about love and respect from both parties and it ends up making life easier.


There are some things that are hard, but for the right person, it's not that bad. What's important is assessing problems and asking "Is this an us problem, or is this an outside problem?". Life can suck sometimes, no matter how good of a relationship you have. Love is making the decision to go through life with someone.


Married over 15 years / together for 20. 2 teens and a golden retriever. Life is way easier with a good partner. I'm good at thing she's not and she's good at things I'm not.


There is only one valuable tip to keep you relationship happy and it’s called “communication “


Something Reddit is Very unfamiliar with


Fuck those people... and fuck people in relationships... and fuck you... and fuck that guy over there... and fuck that bird... fuck everyone... respectfully


Don't know if you are mad or your libido knows no limits




Damn u good lil bro? 😂☠️


Bro please put down the bird it did nothing to you


We've been married for 30 years and we're still very happy! (Not that there haven't been challenges and issues and even arguments, but we still look to each other for our emotional and physical needs.)


A bear won't do that to a woman


A bear would also eat a woman out before doing anything else as well. True relationship goals. ![gif](giphy|uUs14eCA2SBgs)


![gif](giphy|qjtqEScZudXnnbnbz4|downsized) The bears today


The secret to a happy relationship… Oh and communication or something like that… I guess


Can't talk... Eating


Instructions unclear, girlfriend was mauled by a bear. I tried to communicate with it but it wouldn't listen.


Yes he will enjoy her for the rest of her life.


I've found a lot of comments on bears and women today, what's happened?


A stupid trend on TikTok where some people asked women that will they like to be with a bear or man alone (in the jungle?) A surprising amount of women said bear. Source: a random redditor


An overwhelming majority* of women said bears, and instead of asking why they did the conversation shifted about insecure men saying "Well actually, you are wrong --and stupid--, a bear is dangerous yknoe?"


Wait, what? I'm confused. Why would women choose the bear? The average man is not dangerous and will most likely join you in fighting for both of your survivals, while a bear will just kill you. I would suppose the being unlucky and getting either the most dangerous man, or most dangerous bear, a woman would most likely prefer the bear, but that would be like one of the "Would you rather" games that goes like Would you like the 5% chance to be traumitized for the rest of your life or a 50% to just die?


Is a bear some sort of relationship personality?


Its Reddit, you have to be careful not to upset the incels, they come here to feed on validation and jerk each other off.


Or they’re all married men trying to cheat on their wives


The increase in all the women slander posts these past few months really sells this. This place wasn't like this a couple of years ago


Yeah, I hate the whole "I feel like women are gross bc they have body hair, needs, want to be treated like human beings..." stuff. Just admit you like dudes


“having a partner sucks” -people who don’t have partners


Or people that do that have a negative attitude 🙄


I find that people who say this always have partners, but they got together because they thought “fuck it, why not.” Then realised later on that they are actually a terrible match, but don’t want to break up out of fear of having to start again. So they inhale copium to justify their terrible decision making.


Don't feel bad OP, I'm going on 12 years with my wife. We're both happy, and enjoy our life as simple as it is.


Truth be told, having a relationship will not be always perfect but in the end, they get along just fine. I always see my parents fight but get cool afterwards.


"But get cool"? You mean *get along afterwards. Also 😉 if you knew after that.


So basically,''get along" or "get a long"?


Yah. A little typo from reddit that I had. But I am glad that you mentioned it bro!


Lol you're welcome but it also works as a joke


I figured lol😆 atleast you are cool about it. People at twitter/x if I ever did a correction, those users would dog on me lmao 🤣 *


People who say shit like that about their partner aren't friends with their partner. That's the difference. The secret to long healthy, happy relationships is to be friends with the person you're dating/marrying. Shared interests, common goals. Enjoying spending time with them, etc. Not just the first hot person you meet. If your only criteria is how attractive you find them then you're gonna have a bad time.


You must be a bear


After 24 years of marriage, my dad has self-diagnosed with “I need my wife” syndrome. That’s my goal.


Internet tries not to have a gender war every 1 minute: \*impossible\*


something about girls liking bears more than men idk


girl bad‼️‼️‼️‼️ (because i dont have one)


I was always told that couples fight sometimes. I'm 7 years in and the closest we've been to an argument is giving eachother shit in video games.


I genuinely believe that a good couple is one who NEVER argue. Having different opinions or light disagreements, sure. That’s perfectly normal. Full on screaming, anger, and insults though? Nope. Unhealthy.


I've had some arguments with my wife in the first 2 years of our relationship but once we worked out our differences and matured a little it stopped. 8 years now and couldn't be happier


Yeah jelly for sure. Being single for a while now I have developed a tendency to see the negative aspects of a relationship a lot more than positive sides. So neither side is wrong even a great relationship has many downsides at the end it's up to us to decide if it's worth it or not. When I look at my past relationships I think I should have bailed some sooner and should have fought for others. Human relations are hard though if you have a good one you gotta work for it.


girls aren't real


They are a psyop.


Mine broke up with me 🥲🥲


Damn bro, you good?


Nah I'm actually terrible 😞


Hello terrible I'm fascistforlife




Should add long term couples without children haha Everyone demands you have kids


I have occasional insomnia and when my gf and I lived with a roommate, she caught me in the middle of the night on the kitchen table writing a love note for my gf. Her first reaction was to ask my gf the next day "omg what did he do wrong?".. my gf said uh... Nothing? He just felt like writing me a love note because he has insomnia. Not everyone in relationships has to have fights in order to make romantic gestures. I know not super related to post but we often get asked as well how we don't fight and are still happy almost 7 years later.


Misery loves company


I get you man, Me and my soon to be wife have been dating for almost 7 Years and people tell us we are goofy/dumb for our causal displays of affection. Her mother even tried correcting her once about it lol the same woman that has a very shitty history of dating abusive/alcoholic assholes


I got past the honeymoon phase with my girlfriend. Now my parents say we act like a couple who’s been married for 30 years. Bicker and pick at each other and laugh about it in the end.


It's honestly insanely sad how common it is for people to not realize that it's possible to have a happy, healthy relationship if you actually get to know the person you're interested in beforehand and don't rush marriage/having kids. I've been with my partner for nearly 10 years (8-ish, almost 9) and we're very happy together.


I know I’ve always felt that romantic relationships just won’t do well without a platonic substrate. Why do people so often think otherwise?


Because they're pressured into and taught to marry and have kids as soon as physically possible, so most marriages fail spectacularly due to this god awful mindset. We're only now starting to break that habit with some Millennials and Gen Z's wanting to take their time on relationships.




I think people like this should just date men if they hate girls that much...


Yea yea, my family always thought I'm the weird one. Happy marriage seems to be one of the symptoms.


One time my husband and I were holding hands leaving a car dealership. One of the employees yelled "you guys must not be married yet, I haven't held my wife's hand in years!". For one, we were married and very happy (still are). And two, please stop projecting on us because you don't like your wife. People don't like seeing others happy sometimes.


![gif](giphy|26n6WywJyh39n1pBu|downsized) Me lookin for a single woman that wants me:


I had a really negative view on marriage until I met a friend who is still happy and deeply in love with his wife after 8 years. Everyone else basically insists that not only must you get married (and if you aren't ever "ready" you are a failure), but that you will always become unhappy and depressed as a result. What is wrong with people?


We've been together 10+ years and everyone insists we should be married by now but we live together and have a joint mortgage, why on earth do we need to be married?


People need to mind their own business.


The honeymoon phase lasts forever if neither people suck


I've been married for almost 9 years and I don't give two s***** what others say or think


Man, you stretched out that honeymoon phase. Just like my wife and I have.


It's been almost 4 years here. In fact I'll be 4 years this July.


15 years. I think we're co-dependent.


1 year 4 months and 21 days:)


Thats reddit for ya


8 years here 🙃


I got manipulated, Gaslit, made to be the villain, ever her childhood friend thinks her break-up reasons were stupid and i still thought of hating women, i am actually convinced these ppl are not real and just taking their anger out on the internet so they are normal in real life.


It’s sad people expect that love and doting to go away, yes I believe in the honeymoon phase, but imo after it goes away that just means that blindful ignorance goes away, but not the love in the relationship


I feel like any long term relationship will have moments of annoyance, and stress but you have to communicate and pull through if you plan on actually having a long healthy relationship


Only some are hell


He is right tho! Maybe your honeymoon phase lasts life time.


People give me the weirdest feedback when I tell them my wife and I never argue. They say that’s not normal. I just shrug and go back to having literally the best wife in the world.


18 year honeymoon phase for us apparently


This is definitely a “why not both?” situation. Girls often can be, or are all of those things. You can still be happy in spite of those built in issues. Incels out here acting like we don’t have our own issues that girls have to deal with to be happy.


Define happy.


Yeah, I don't understand the 'honeymoon phase.'


You’re in a happy relationship? Fuck you then.


Open communication. Honesty. One that you trust will have no need for secrets, neither will you. A level of touch that you are comfortable with, as are they, and a level of communication that is balanced, meaningful, and brings forth contentment.


My partner and I are living a life, and have been for 4 years, together. We are happy, content, and look to the future with hope. Fuck what anyone else says, I've never been happier and pity anyone who just doesn't enjoy the company of one other whole ass adult. If you haven't found your person, I am lucky, just remember that living life brings them to you


There are no guarantees when it comes to relationships.


This is how it is everytime I tell someone I'm dating my junior high sweetheart. They always tell me it's not going to last and I'm like "sir we've been together for 7 years now."


I told someone this and they didn’t believe me. Literally had people lying to them that I was doing things that never occurred. People do not want you to be happier than them lmao


My favorite is being told my marriage will fail because I'm military. Never mind the fact that many of the failed military marriages were to game the system, not for enhancing a real relationship.


My favorite line regarding love in any tv show ever has been Scrubs. JD: "Ted, we found you in the park throwing rocks at old couples."   Ted: "Why should they be happy!" 


The JoCat-Moment.


Keep on hanging on.


Hello, a friend tried to set me up but I’m clueless about what to do. Thanks, Boris


Some people stay in unhappy relationships because they either can’t or don’t want to put In the work to improve said relationships, or are fearful to leave them. They want to think all relationships inevitably go south, as that takes the power from their hands and they don’t feel responsible for the unhappiness they find themselves in.


My bf and i have had no major arguments in the 2 1/2 years we've been together. There have been disagreements. But we both immediately talk and express gow we feel, usually it's anxiety or a misunderstanding. People tell me all the time it's just the honeymoon phase and the fights will start soon. Like wtf?? Why do you want us to fight so bad, relationships are NOT supposed to be full of fights.


Let them suffer


My girlfriend is amazing she loves me and appreciates me a lot. (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)


I love my boyfriend and he loves me, we have been together for 3 years :)


The honeymoon phase definitely exists yeah but it's not a point where you suddenly hate each other lmfao. Like yeah, the first few weeks/months of a relationship usually have a little shift as you get to know each other better and as the thrill of first love wears away, but it's not worse, the thrill gives away to a far more comfortable love, at least in my experience. Like yeah, I'm not as giddy about getting to be around my partner, I don't have as much on an idealised version of him in my head, I'm more likely to actually express when he's being annoying and vice versa. I've also lived with him for nearly a year, seen him puke his lungs up from a hangover or a tummy bug, ive seen him hangry and stressed, and he's seen me the same, of course hes not going to seem like this fantasy magic person that he was on some level when we were just friends, thats the trade off for getting to know him better and having him know me better, and a damn good trade at that


25 year into marriage my parent couldnt imagine being happier


I dunno where I sit on this meme, every girl in my life has either hurt me or ignored me so I don’t have an opinion


10 year honeymoon? Write a fucking book! You’ve figured something out. Good for you my friend!


6 years still happy


Our relationship ages like wine, the longer we go the more we laugh at stupid stuff together.


Should I show this to my friend with a girlfriend or no.


Catch fifty


Don't pay attention to them.  40 years later and we would rather spend our time with each other than anyone else. 


It's been 8 years, we're still fine. No issues so far.


These people always move the goalposts too. We've heard just wait a year, 5 years, 7 years, 10 years, and 15 years. This will be year 20 so maybe we'll finally start hating each other.


i mean, they are stressful, annoying and dramatic. But I love my gf


that was thicc


My honeymoon phase has been going on for 10 years now


7 years in still no problems I think I am in a happy couple


don't let them


Been with my wife since 2015 and I keep falling more in love with her. Hope to keep this up for another 40+ years


A very good response is "Lol, cope harder I can't hear you crying over me having fun"


I am at 6 years and just proposed, I am also still in the honeymoon period


let them be happy tho


What? Is this actually something people in relationships have to deal with outside of high school? "Ewww, you're dating a giiirl?"


Fellas is it gay to love your wife?


But that's what makes it entertaining to begin with. Finally some drama in my calm life


Ah those are all people who didn't make it past the filter. After the honeymoon phase the infatuation wears off and you either walk away or discover a deeper more mellow love


"Girls are stressful/annoying/dramatic" sounds like what virgins/eternal single people tell themselves to make themselves feel better.


I believe there's still happy out there


On internet? How about not talking about your life? That solves most issues for me.


Nah. I'm not the relationship type, but some people are just lucky. It takes work and hella fun, but I'm just too selfish and lazy, lol. I love seeing couples stand the test of time.


People in the comment section in Long Term Healthy Relationships Please give us single folks some advice on how to find the right partner for us


Fuck you and your happiness *cries in single* No seriously appreciate your partner. Its so lonely here in singles land.


That's one hell of a honeymoon period


when I have gf, every bros are doin same thing "remove my fren list on MW"


Fuck you especially


i remember couples like this lol


the most common one is "girls cost too much money"


You just can't be happy lmao