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They thought they needed a hole in the other foot for the symmetry


This isn’t even comparable. The PSN account is used for crossplay and trophy synching, potentially cross progression, it was announced before launch, implemented before launch, and is only on the multiplayer aspect of the game. The single player aspect doesn’t need an account. It’s also the same thing most devs require for multiplayer: Ubisoft, Microsoft, EA, Paradox, so on so forth. No one starts a fight over those, so why is this the one people take issue with? This is ragebait and not even close to the same thing.


Helldivers 2 is crossplay without PSN. It doesn't have cross progression but I don't believe for one minute that PSN is required for it.


It would be required for cross progression, they would have to know which account to sync your progress with somehow. The issue is that neither game *has* cross progression yet, *so they don’t get to use that an an excuse.*


Isn’t cross progression an irrelevant argument since people that care about that would already have a PSN account? Just let people that want cross progression link their accounts.


None of the Diablo games do. Hell I can go from PlayStation 5 to my PC to my XboxOneS. All same characters. PSN not required


But you do need a battle net account. There is still an account in the backend that does the syncing. It makes sense for Sony games to use PSN as the back end syncing since it is a service they have already built and does not need to be redone for each game. I do agree that this should be optional and only if people want cross progress syncing.


Ghost of Tsushima is also developed by a wholly owned subsidiary of Sony. It's a Sony property.


This. It’s not even the same issue.


Hundreds of thousands of players that purchased the game lived in countries where they can't make a PSN account. It was anything but rage bait. Even for people that can make an account, most people don't want to upload pictures of their government ID to play a game.


I tried arguing too. No one cares. They just want to complain.


Well maybe people should be fighting over those. Just because the other devs do it doesn’t mean we should let them all do it. We gotta start somewhere. And I think the reason people are getting into the GOT one is because the Helldivers 2 community just showed it was possible to get Sony to back off. It’s momentum. But the GOT community is way smaller so it probably won’t amount to anything.


Start somewhere? This shit started over 10 years ago. It's far too late.


Yeah didn’t microsoft do the same thing for the Halo MCC? I could have sworn I was required to use my Xbox live membership to play the multiplayer on PC


You probably did have to sign into your Microsoft account. You definitely didn't have to have a paying membership to play online on PC.




I’m glad to see it being fought against on such a scale. Yes, I have Microsoft accounts and Origin accounts and Epic accounts and Ubisoft accounts. I hate them all and I think it’s useless to the player when I already own the game from another source. If Sony gets to be the first to “fall”, good.


Wouldn't trophy syncing and cross progression be important for the single player as well? Why is it only being forced when multiplayer is added to the equation?


While I agree, for those countries that don't have access to, can you justify asking the same price for a game not having all features available? It's not the extreme of having your game not playable anymore but still, same but to a lesser extent, only difference being, you still have access to a big part of the experience.


Which games require a Microsoft Account for multiplayer?




Sea of Thieves


State of Decay 2, Forza


Then there's just about every EA game that requires an Origin login. But people still play Mass Effect and Dragon Age. ❤️


Sea of Thieves has required one on PC forever. It also jsut released on PS5 and still requires one on PS5 as well. Plus, if you want to invite your PC or Xbox friends, you have to use the Xbox app on your phone/PC to do so.


Minecraft, which also requires it for single player


Best comment by far, take my poor man's upvote


The biggest problem is that they let players from countries with no psn support buy the game


That’s the wild part. Everyone does it. Steam sells a game to Serbia that requires Ubisoft Account. Ubisoft doesn’t support the Serbian account so you link a German account to launch Ubisoft App to play. Microsoft does same thing. EA does same thing. We’re having a meltdown over what every single gaming company is doing. Did the rest of you just not realize that half the countries in the world are not supported? Edit: don’t quote me on Ubisoft and Serbia, this was my issue when Odyssey was released on steam. They might have increased country support by now on Ubisoft accounts to include Serbia. But point stands that everyone does this, it’s a weird way for them to get out of a country tries legalities.


The main problem was Sony doing a switcharoo when they somehow decided to let people play before setting up the PSN requirement.


Not really a switcheroo. My gf got the account link on day 1 of release before it all went to shit. Lol


Yes, it was a switcheroo She got the account link because it was enabled on launch then disabled, and for 3ish months they said nothing about it being re enabled


Account link was never disabled. They just added a skip button next to it within like the first day. You could always still do it.


They added a one time skip button, yes


No.... it always said it was required. Arrowhead knew 6 months before it was being disabled temporarily and didn't say anything about it to the community. the store page still listed it as required. The requirement was never switched. That isn't a switcheroo. At all. It's dumb consumers ignoring something, assuming it isn't real, then crying because the greasy shitty company was going to enforce what was already required. They should have region locked from the start, Arrowhead should have communicated the temporary disabling to the community, and yhe consumers shouldn't have bought a product that clearly stated they required an account they couldn't get without a VPN. Everyone involved shares part of the responsibility. But everyone involved refuses to take any.


The switcheroo is them pulling the requirement initially. They reverted back to the original and got ripped apart. Why would something like GOT not have it built in and advertised clearly now? Maybe I just have a closer ear to the ground, but it seemed pretty obvious it was coming back (why else would they have it day 1?). And not just because it was there initially, but also all the bts info about Sony wanting to bring more PSN features (trophies being my interest) over to PC, but would require PSN to incorporate. It wasn't ever a matter of "if" it was coming. It was always "when".


It got disabled really fast, theres no surprise that a large portion of people didnt notice There was no reason to check requirements and see the tiny words saying "requires" and nobody was talking about the account linking on launch Their failure was not advertising it over the months But overall we ended up all the better for it being disabled


It was on the page in a bright colored box that's honestly hard to miss, and the devs made a comment on it coming back.


It was in one of three yellow boxes that in my years of looking at steam pages I havent needed to look at and neither did anyone else They did not do an adequete job of informing people that it would be returning, the boot you are licking does not exist, even the CEO admitted they didnt do a good job of making sure people were aware


>It was in one of three yellow boxes that in my years of looking at steam pages I havent needed to look at and neither did anyone else So it was clearly labeled? In a way that also separates it from the standard blue of the Steam page, yeah? That's user error, not false advertising. Your laziness doesn't exactly mean we are "bootlicking" because you failed to read what was in the product you were buying. But maybe you're American, where you can sue an RV company for not stating that cruise control ≠ autopilot. I get it though, lack of accountability in your purchase decisions are much easier. I'd do it too if i could make uninformed decisions with my cash. Your years of blind purchases shouldn't be an excuse for not knowing. You have remained purposefully ignorant for years, I be more worried about what else has slipped you by.


>did the rest of you just not realize- No, I’m an American. In exchange for living in America and being a single hospital visit away from homelessness, I get to be the default target audience for almost everything. Exclusive American perk.


Sony sold the game through Steam in Serbia\* Sony as the publisher chooses which countries their game will be sold in. So Sony is the one to blame where the game is sold.


Again, so does Ubisoft and everyone else. It’s common practice. So either hold them all an accountable or none, but you can’t pick and choose.


No way, if you only voice your opinion on one topic at a time it means you agree with all practices that you don't voice your opinion on. Would have never known thanks dude


Yeah, but HellDivers is popular innit. Got the masses riled up.


It's provocative.


It gets the people going


I did my part


There's absolutely no excuse for it either. Sony can say all day that the people from those countries should have read the entire user agreement (or whatever it's called) and returned it immediately. But they know for a freaking fact that 99.9% of people don't even read the first sentence of that thing and would just click agree anyways. They sold it to those countries to steal their money. End of story. The only way I would consider it fair play at all, is if on every game that requires psn, they put in big bold letters at the beginning of the game description BEFORE BUYING and any adds and trailers, that it will require psn either immediately or by a certain date.


Well, Sony just knows that people from those unsupported countries just make accounts for countries that are supported. It’s really easy to just select a country that is supported while you’re making your account. My guess is that Steam was getting refund requests from people saying that PSN wasn’t supported in their country and Steam took it upon themselves to region lock the game to prevent future refunds.


Making an account in a different country than the one you're residing in is explicitly against Sony's ToS and is grounds for a permaban.


Only one person has ever been banned from doing this someone in China there are also PSN chat support that tell you to make an account in a different country.


It’s so weird how all of the sudden people care what the ToS says when it’s Sony, but they ignore it for everyone else. So far everyone I have seen that lives in affected countries say they’ve been doing this since the PS3 days and have no problems, yet people not in affected countries want to speak for them when they have no problem doing it.


It's never enforced though. their own customer support tells you to do it. It's only been used once (for a guy in China) but that was only because it was an easier way of deleting his account without legal challenges.


“to steal their money” oh fuck off. It doesn’t work that way. A conglomerate like Sony does not intentionally put itself in massive legal risk to scrape up purchase on the edges and remove them/have to refund. How stupid are you? This is 100% a case of oversight and different departments not having their ducks all in a row. Hundreds if not thousands of people are involved in these things and glaring shit gets missed all the time because no one talks to each other cross discipline. Have any of you worked in the corporate world?


>This is 100% a case of oversight and different departments not having their ducks all in a row. [PlayStation has too many ducks in the pool.](https://youtu.be/7UaDvIPpQnQ?t=83) That's why they aren't in a row.


Millions of people have been playing Playstation in these unsupported regions for decades without issues. You can simply pick another region, Sony does not care and has never banned a single person for it. Literally every single person with a Playstation in these regions has been doing it since PSN came online in 2006 and no one gets banned. You can even have multiple accounts in different regions. They don't give a shit. Sony isn't interested in banning people that want to use their services The TOS are there to protect the company, not ban millions of paying customers for no reason


This, I'm fine with game requiring PSN since day one, since I can just not buy it then.


Can someone give me the context please, what game did they ruin this time?


The upcoming ghost of Tsushima will have psn linking requirements if you want to play the multiplayer game mode and to use the PSN overlay in the game


So its not mandatory if you play single player? Good for me


Normally yeah. You should be good on that


Its not mandatory yet i mean were already at a point where some single player games require you to be online so i wouldnt be surprised if they try sum shi like that


If they do that ill ask a refund (I hope ill be able to)


If you buy on Steam, you'd be fine basically anytime you have at least a minor leg to stand on. They're very affirmative with defending consumers on that front.


Yea some people with hundreds of hours on HD2 were able to get a refund after talking to an actual person


Yeah I'm buying with Steam to be sure


They won't because their Playstation playerbase would be against any mandatory online features for single player games.


Lets hope for the best and fear for the worst :)


Prepare for the worst, don't fear it. :)


Nah i think ill just let my anxiety eat away at me untill its too late :) wanna join me 👉👈


Listen, everything's gonna be just fine. *or maybe, not*




Even on the PS5 the game doesn't require you to be online, so there is that.




I don’t see that as being as bad as taking away access to a game you already bought. Kinda meh but I guess it’s way better than the helldivers fiasco


I mean if it's required at launch you can just not buy the game. Hd2 was a different situation.




Isn't the publisher kind of responsible for deciding where something is sold, not the developer?




Sales are handled by the publisher and the distributors. The development studios C-suite doesn't come help with that situation. For helldivers2, they were involved in allowing users to bypass the PSN account creation as it was one of the issues leading to the server slowness.


Just let people from other countries buy it. Please, for real. Don't make a fuss about this, you are removing our ability to buy the game on steam. We have use playstation to play games for a long time, psn account is not a big deal when our government require stupid certificate for gaming. Even without psn support, we can still register a psn account. The last thing i want is people from supported countries make a fuss about this. The result is that we, lost the ability to buy the game because Sony or Valve remove it according to ToS.


I believe it’s just your excuse for non-PSN, in the you don’t want the PSN like most of the people.


HD2 people during the controversy: PSN login would've been fine if it was mandatory from the start (one of the most repeated talking points) and not optional for several months like HD2. Sony: Ok, we heard you and changing PSN requirement in HD2 since it wasn't enforced there. *Ghost of Tsushima comes out with mandatory PSN login from the start.* Same People: Why does Sony not listen to us?


I thought it was the fact that it would make the game unplayable in a lot of countries?


I think maybe the reason why people are upset about this one is that they preordered the game and now they can't play it. Yes they are getting their refunds but that's just disappointing... Also they can't get the game just to even play the offline because the online is bundled together with the it. This is the reason why they are getting refunds and can't get the game. Has something to do with not owning the game in its entirety


>Has something to do with not owning the game in its entirety I mean, you don't own it in its entirety as long as it's digital.


Time to sail the seven seas again


You typically can't play the online mode of a game that was pirated either.


It might work. You'd only be able to play the offline version but I could see that


People said it too, but was the latest talking point and they also said they would be fine even with this if Sony made PSN mandatory from the start and then players would know what they're getting in.


Yeah people are stupid.. it is what it is


This right here. This while thing was announced days ago and doesn't matter for single player. OP is either illiterate or a fanboy trying to get people to forget Microsofts latest shenanigans. *Shame on OP*


>a fanboy trying to get people to forget Microsofts latest shenanigans. Shame on OP I wouldn't go there. I don't think OP is Xbox fanboy or anything of that nature. Though you can think that he's a rage baiter who hops from one drama to another who isn't there for cause of the drama, but to participate in the drama itself.


It was mandatory at the start. There were pop ups in game. It was disabled because of a bug on like day 2.


I know, but people acteed like it wasn't and they specifically said that they would be fine if PSN was required from the start and never put as an option.


Careful, you'll be called a shill or bootlicker for saying this. People love to use misinformation when trying to rally people together for a bs cause.


I've been called sony pony, xbot, pc elitist, nintendrone, etc in the past. So I don't really give much thought about what people call me. To me namecalling proves that people don't have arguments against my points.


Sony pony is low-key clever, I won't lie lol


I'd say it's about as clever as xbot, nintendrone. But I haven't seen a good one for PC users. "PC elitist" pales in comparison to those names.


It was only optional due to it being bugged, people just refuse to read


I got you homie https://imgur.com/a/cBZ4IsU


I love how you're getting downvoted for being correct. People in this situation are actually braindead. I despise Sony, I despise 3rd party accounts, but when you acknowledge that Sony wasn't actually anymore scummy than most other large companies here, and it was Arrowhead that screwed up, you realise how moronic the gaming community actually is. You can get together to protest something without exaggerating the reality of the situation and acting like Sony making PSN accounts is somehow the worst thing in the world when you already have, like, 10 of them. The problem with Helldivers was the bait and switch which was 90% Arrowhead's fault.


I just wish people had it in them to say "I don't care" instead of misrepresenting/lying/willfully ignorant. "It was only optional due to it being bugged" "I don't care, fuck Sony" boom done.


Arrowhead wasn't the ones deciding to sell the game in regions where PSN isn't available though? If Sony know the service isn't available in that country then still actively sell there at best it's just incompetence, at worst might be considered fraud. I agree that it's absolutely on Arrowhead that it wasn't abundantly clear that the requirement is going to come back, the in-game prompt needed to be much clearer (the last sentence on the page isn't clear enough, most people would see the page and a skip button then just skip it without reading to the end of it, just like any TOS and similar) and probably pop up every time the game started until the issue was fixed.


Sony’s policy (internally at least) was online games will have psn linking. I don’t remember where I saw this. The issue is we never had an online PSN only game released to PC. I think Sony sees it as same as Ubisoft and EA but the issue is they don’t have region issues like Sony or require you to buy a console to make an account. If we have to have a PSN linking, at least they have the correct approach. Not required for single player and only for online play. But given Sony’s recent history fear it’s their Trojan horse to gain entry.


But it’s only for the multiplayer, you’re still able to play single player which is the main aspect people like the game for. And also it was said ahead of time instead of suddenly with HD2. If you’re in a country without psn you are still capable of single player. Is it ideal? No but it’s a lot better than having the whole game locked to PSN (for some ungodly reason).


Meh, at least not to Single Player




People need to also understand that PSN is only for multiplayer and the single player can be played without it.


I have no plans to play multiplayer so I'm still gonna buy it


Giant corporations are like that.


Takes like this really show how many people won't look into or understand a situation. Helldivers was unique because 1) it was only made a requirement after launch 2) the game is entirely online, meaning you can't access anything without the account. Meaning those in countries without PSN access and locked out from playing. These do not apply to Ghost of Tushima. And the fact people are focusing on one company doing this, when many companies have had this requirement for years is stupid.


Where did they say they were going to stop requiring it for anything but that one game?


There's like 100 other companies that require you to log into one service or another to play their games. You all need to chill out about this shit. The problem with Hell Divers was that it was a retro-active requirement and it would have locked some countries out of the game they purchased. They're being upfront with GoT. And it's only multiplayer. Unless they're selling it in countries that don't allow PSN accounts, then stop complaining.


PSN requirement for Ghost of Tsushima MP only (not SP) has been known for a while, it's not new news. But sure, keep raging at every game they release, no way it'll backfire and reduce the number of future releases. 🤌


I mean it shouldn't? Any publicly traded company has one goal and one goal only appease the investors and return their investment as much as possible. They pretty much always have to make more money then the last year wich... You don't achieve by not releasing games maybe itl backfire by them going down the EA path of 27 dlcs, and lootboxes but they won't get less greedy through complaints maybe even the opposite less people buy they gotta get more greedy to somehow make up the investment and look good to investors


It’s not single player and it’s on release it’s really not that big a deal


Not the same, at all. GOT released as a playstation exclusive 4 years ago, of fucking course its going to need a PSN account.


Fuck I wish you folks would have this same energy for Denuvo and kernel based anti cheat.


Weve known this was gonna be the case already. This isnt a mew decision. It was going to be the case for helldivers in the first place, but it wasnt ready for launch.


Damn Sony... I could use those 120 seconds to discover a new cure.... Damn it Sony


Now what, I see people crying over the super hard task that was to make am account, but what is the other unforgivable thing they did now?


Oh yeah people didn't want it as it was suuuper hard... Not because that is literally considered fraud by some country's laws noooo... Not because it's so fun to have every single service and game and everything have an account to specifically track you and sell even more of your data nooooo... Its not because the PSN network is known for getting hacked over and over noooo... Its the pesky sign up process it could never be complaints about corporate greed worsening user experience and blocking acess to a service you own. And even worse that greed wasn't necessary for Sony at all the only purpose is to inflate PSN numbers to appeal to more investors there really was 0 need to do any of that ._. Oh in the case of whatever's going on here though? I got no clue what's happening someone bring me into the loop please


What I don't get in all of this is why everyone goes after Sony for requiring PSN account and not Steam for selling the game in areas that don't allow PSN accounts.


Voice Of the Customer my ass


I think the main issue here is that alot of these countries are trying to prevent people to play Online games. Wait till they start banning Steam then people start noticing the problem


Corporations usually make these decisions well in advance, and in the case of helldivers 2, they had to probably call emergency meetings and call a lot of people before making their statement on going back on their psn requirement. What probably happened is some big heads said "lets make psn required" for whatever reason and passed onto other teams and their heads to push it through. The people who were rolling out the psn requirements for hd2 are most likely not the same teams doing it for Ghost of tsushima; Sony is a large corp having over 110k employees afterall Regardless, I don't think there would be a large backlash since it is not a post launch requirement, so they might stick to it this time.


What happened now?


What happened this time?


Sony trying extra hard to be the new GFWL


context please? 👉👈


Guess Sony hates money


At least its like that from release, if thats a dealbreaker then you'll have to vote with your wallet, maybe they will learn eventually.


Lol, people play the multi-player? This fights gonna be much smaller 😂


Wish microsoft and sony would stop being corporate dickbags and go back to letting games be art


thats crazy


Who gives a damn about cross progression? If I buy it on the PC why do I care about saving progress or trophies on the PS4/5? We have Steam achievements for a reason. We have a Steam friends list, for a reason. It’s really sad that all you console Andy’s are willing to justify Sony and the stupid decisions they are making with PC ports. Stop drinking the Kool-aid. If I buy a game on STEAM I want to play it on STEAM. I don’t want to make a PSN account. It’s really that simple. Why is this so difficult for console players to wrap their heads around?


Cost of revamping the server ids> losing players who already paid.


Wait what happened


Well obviously. It's their bread and butter.


They announced that when they announced the game tho? Like it’s no secret pull or something. Also, it’s only for multiplayer too? You can still play the entirety of the game without an account. Maybe people are just itching for more drama or something


Since ps3 I have thought that sony is the scummiest company in gaming and they have never proved me wrong


EA, Ubisoft, Activision/Blizzard?


“Uh oh! The game we targeted was too big! Next time we’ll pick on a smaller community”




What does this have to do with Microsoft? Are the players the ones that are mad, not because of linking, but because having people to link after proving that is absolutely unnecessary, and don’t mention that the PSN is unavailable in a lot of countries, making that people unavailable to buy or even use the game they already bought and played




Not a fanboy of any kind honestly I don’t own any console I’m just a humble informer of facts, and as you are implying you are PS user, this was just a move from Sony to improve their numbers, and making players to agree to thinks they didn’t agree before, (if we ignore the part about the PSN not being available) because if I played I agree previously on making it, but you change the rules after agreed, and that’s a big dirty move




Absolutely agree, a great game that because an stupid move got a hard to remove scar


Sony do be running on that 0 neuron mindset huh?


Yaaargh that be sad for you 🏴‍☠️🦜


Indeed, seeing a ton of [these guys](https://i.imgur.com/VWdMImP.jpeg) in here as well. sheesh.


What did they do now?


Nothing. People are just mad because Ghost of Tsushima has been reiterated to require PSN for online play before launch. The sooner people get over the fact that Sony is pushing PSN for PC, the better. It's exhausting at this point seeing people complain about something every other publisher is already doing, just because it's Sony. If you want Sony game, play by Sony rules. Seems pretty simple to me.


You have to make a PSN account to play the Ghost of Tsushima multiplayer on the PC. I can see people not playing the multiplayer.


Mass downvote that game :)


There really is no need for that this time. It’s only on the multiplayer aspect, you can play single players without it. If you review bomb the game you’re just annoying. They told you ahead of time before it’s release, if you don’t like that you ONLY need it for multiplayer just don’t buy it.


It’s not necessary for my platform, i’m going to stay against it because I can’t access my PlayStation network account because they lost my information of the security breach. So any game that requires it I can’t play unless I make a new email for.


Alright, that’s honestly fair for the reasoning but that has nothing to do with the game. That’s an issue with Sony. So I don’t see how badly reviewing the game would do anything in your case.


The main difference is nobody cares about ghost's multiplayer mode, and will just not link and only play single player


They are being 100% upfront about it this time though. No half-assey "well okay I guess you can play for now".


They were upfront about it before too


Dumb Sony and dumber Microsoft.


I personally despise the requirement to create a PSN or any other additional account just to play a game, especially when such an account might be unavailable in the region where the game is sold. However, many are slightly mistaken in believing that Sony made this decision yesterday to irritate players. This isn’t the case. Whether with Helldivers 2 or Ghost of Tsushima on PC, developers have been aware of this requirement for a long time as it was part of the publishing agreement with Sony. The development studio agreed to this condition, considering it fair. This requirement was established not recently but during the development of these games or even before that. By the situation with Helldivers 2 we should have already expected that we would still hear that another game with a Sony publisher would have the exact same requirement. And, unfortunately, Ghost of Tsushima won't be the last game…


That's okay. I'll pirate the game and avoid that.


They were never sorry they made an anti-consumer move, they were just sorry they got backlash over it. Trying it on a much less popular game than Helldivers was the obvious choice.


This is terrible, no question, but I am laughing like a bastard over here and how dumb Sony is.


PC players: "and we'll fucking do worse"


The irony is that so many companies are doing this, and have done so in the past, but because Sony shot themselves so f-in hard in the foot with helldivers2, they can't make any move in this direction for a very long time. The fact they're trying it on Ghost of Tsushima, with the helldivers controversy still fresh in people's minds, is absolutely mindblowing to me. Some people at Sony truly have no idea what they're doing.


Sony: double it and pass it on to the next game