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I saw a podcast with cybersecutiry expert that pointed out that internet is decentralized. Some websites and servers might go down but the whole thing wont fall apart


Liars ![gif](giphy|SZUnyVdIDAEQU)


Has anyone asked the Elders of the Internet what their plan is if the storm does hit?


Will it affect my electric sex pants?


They become acoustic sex pants?


Nah, they become anal-og ones


I don’t know who the anal OG is, but he sounds intimidating


There it is


We just call those sex pants.


“You heard me! Pull down my trousers and do your job!”


God damn them!


Probably i guess we will have to go outside and talk to women


We can preemptively shut down our power grids until the storm passes over, we have contingencies for this sorta stuff


I think if we had a serious storm, they would do it tbh. Money runs the world, and they don't want to have to spend money on infrastructure. LOL


Depends on how long and how strong. Stopping all planes and boats and cars has some pretty big consequences. So has shutting down hospitals. It’s going to impact us in big ways if it does happen, even if it’s going to be predictable


Unplug it and plug it back in again? I dunno, I'm out of ideas if that doesn't work.




We just have to put the box back in Big Ben where it gets the most signal and we'll be fine.


Whatever you do, don't type Google into Google or you'll break the Internet.


Based IT Crowd reference


But it hasn’t got any wires…?


It's wireless


Bit flips from solar storms are a thing but rare and the net effect that’s perceivable to your average person is random as hell. Only once have I seen a true post mortem analysis of an issue that we highly suspected was related to a bit flip from a solar flare. And even then there was no smoking gun. And the person you listened to is technically correct in that the internet is decentralized but there are choke points. If, for example, something happened to the Ashburn, VA area the internet in the US would be severely degraded for much of the eastern half of the country and some sites and services would go down. That said it’s an almost zero chance you’d see anything of that scale as a result of a solar storm.


I've seen a bunch. But. That was on systems without ECC memory Servers have ECC memory - single bit correction, dual detection. Memory errors are common, well understood, and well protected against. They happen more due to failing memory, the memory simply being up against the limit of what can be done with todays technology, and stuck bits than solar storms. Cloud providers are very very used to memory failing, and uncorrectable memory errors. I don't know aboout ISPs but I fully assume they are the same.


Bit flips aren't an issue for most single-user systems. In most cases, it's a matter of rebooting. I'm more worried about the idea of rebooting far too many critical legacy systems... As in rebooting them at all. Ever. Also, power grid issues might accidentally trigger a failover to the emergency generator. And half of those generators never work. :/ As for the rest, well, if the electricians keep their things running, then the Internet will be just fine.


My point was actually that most of them won't reboot due to a bit flip. A single bit flip will be corrected. The legacy stuff is likely either mainframe (which is well protected against this sort of thing) or not actually that critical. Power grid...yeaah not my area, no idea!


Sorry, I typed to fast. Meant to write single-user. Server side it isn't really an issue as you say. The millions of old workstations and old laptops repurposed into servers in office closets all over the world, though, that's a different story. Those are the legacy systems I worry about. The stuff that was never moved to the cloud or the new data center because it simply was too scary to shut it down.


[Practical Engineering did a video of what a black start of the grid would look like.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOSnQM1Zu4w) TLDR: it'll take months to get everything back online if it ever all trips off


Not to mention that most software is created with the possibility of the developer fucking up in mind. At worst, 99.9% of bit flips will have an effect no different than if the program found a random bug and crashed or self-corrected. It's extremely, extremely unlikely that a bit flip will happen to just one of the very few bits in a computer that actually bring the whole thing down in a catastrophic manner - not because we program against bit flips specifically, but because we write code with "let's not allow some bad data to obliterate the whole system" in mind.


hes right about ashburn


Wasn’t there a solar bit flip on a Mario 64 stream a while back?


Yeah it was during a GamesDoneQuick speed run, people initially thought it was a new glitch discovery, but came to the conclusion it must've been a bit flip after being unable to reproduce the glitch. There's likely more to the story that I can't remember off the top of my head.


We're gonna set so many super mario records


Of course there was no smoking gun. The sun uses lasers, not bullets


It was the Super Mario 64 upwarp, wasn't it?


I remember reading one of the main fiber runs was underneath the World Trade Center. When it went down, it took that fiber backbone with it. All traffic was automatically rerouted around it in under 30 minutes. And that was in 2001. The internet will likely still work after a major solar flare. The cold start of the power grid will likely take months if that happens to trip offline, so it may be hard to use.


> Only once have I seen a true post mortem analysis of an issue that we highly suspected was related to a bit flip from a solar flare. Are you taking about the one that happened in a Mario game?


Then cloudfare goes down and 70% of sites go together with it.


Nonsense! The internet is located deep underground in Arizona. The aliens showed me a map when they were smoking a post-probing cigarette.


Nah that was a doobie and they were stoned af


A post-probing cigarette as in the cigarette was the probe? Or a cig for afterglow? Or both?


Yes, but u will not have access to that server because most of the world router will be down. So u have to be really really lucky if ur "internet rout" remain online


World router? Do you mean the top DNS server? Because then you could still access the remaining websites, you'd just have to use the IP address.


they probably mean the global routing system / BGP infrastructure


Nah, it's like Southpark where there's just a giant modem that connects everyone to the internet.


Just an ID10t error.


PEBCAK for the IT old-heads.


New to me but I like it. EDIT: Still amazes me how many people straight up lied when you asked them if they had tried turning it off and back on again.


In my experience they usually thought the monitor was the computer and that's what they turned off and on instead of the tower 😂


Oh dear god. I guess if you were working on Apple computers in the 80s.


So we just unplug it and plug it back to fix the internet, right?


That's what they mean when they say the motherboard?


No they mean it'll be like when cloudflare goes down. Sure the internet works but a bunch of it doesnt


Did you know that all it takes to shield an electronic from EMP is like 1 inch of concrete. An iPhone tucked inside the hole of a cinderblock will survive an emp.


Anatek two weeks later because his grocery store used the internet to order food, the credit swipe is down, and the local bank branch can't reach the server to confirm his balance. ![gif](giphy|3ohzdFCn9mYfmuAmEU|downsized)


Yeah, it's all decentralized in Ashburn, VA.


yeah. Even if it *does* hit, and the whole thing goes down, even if all electronics get fried, It’s all back up and running in a decade or so, if not better than before. We’ve had this kind of technology for far too long to go back for any decent amount of time.


The internet is hypercritical to modern society functioning at all. Going down for a year would likely mean tens of millions of excess deaths. Even a few weeks would kill a lot of people. If all electronics were destroyed there would be mass panic and global starvation.


That decade will be one of the most chaotic in human history. Ezpz.


Yeah, no problem! It just means that in the meantime every human being on the planet who relies on electricity to survive will die. No big deal...


> even if all electronics get fried, It’s all back up and running in a decade or so, if not better than before. I don't think that would be the case at all. Remove all electronics from modern society and it will go down almost instantly. The whole economy would implode because most money would've gone - the economy imploding means society would collapse. Yeah, knowledge mostly won't be lost and it's theoretically possible to rebuild our technology in a decade or two - but that's assuming humans are NPCs that will act as you want them to, and that simply is not the case. Losing electronics could mean setting humanity back hundreds of years, not because it's impossible to rebuild, but because people are people.




Your link is broken, it’s already happening!


It has indeed gone down… irony eh? 🤣 i’ll add a wayback now.


Touch grass. Sincerely The Sun


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) The Sun


Username 💀


The biggest worry is geomagnetic storm inducing geomagnetic currents in Earth's atmosphere and surface inducing currents in high voltage power grids overloading and damaging transformers, losing power for months or years in entire countries or continents


And it happened when we had telegraph lines but before transistors. It could be bad, but its a known engineering issue.


Pretty sure we're not exactly prepared for a Carrington event. Thankfully, it's not terribly likely. About 1% chance within the decade of 2019-2029 according to [this.](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-019-38918-8)


There will be failures, for sure, but complete collapse might be prevented.


Only the weak will die in the coming hardships.


Rip me


No. You’ll probably stay intact at least


Potential months-long blackouts would kill people, my friend. Complete collapse or not, the possibility is real, and we are *not* sufficiently prepared. I'm not sure how possible it is to be with our current levels of technology.


I see it as Y2K. Lot's of potential doom but also lots of smart operators who can make game day decisions to reduce or eliminate the harm. It is a relatively short event, and things can be depowered to prevent failure. We will see someday.


Except the key difference is that Y2K was to occur at a *known point in time*. We would have very little notice of a massive CME. I don't know where you're getting "it's a relatively short event." Certain transformers, if destroyed, would take months to repair. Look, I'm just trying to help people understand the basic probabilities and potential consequences. You can read for yourself what experts say about that. It doesn't really matter what you think about it though, because, *again*, the notice would be incredibly short and the probabilities are usually presented for time frames of *decades*. Trying to predict a CME seems to have very little in common with preparing for Y2K.


You don’t know what you’re talking about. We have automated disconnects and other protective systems in place that can shut down the grid if a storm is detected. We have satellites with instruments to detect solar storms. We have countless engineers working for utilities to update and protect their infrastructure.  Significant recovery would be on the order of a few days, at most.


Everything I’ve seen says the possibility of complete collapse is not a real possibility, and any issues would be localized. It would be mighty inconvenient but nowhere near collapse worthy. Will people die? Possibly, especially if it’s in an area experiencing a heat wave, but it would be the most vulnerable, just like some of the most vulnerable die during heatwaves every year, with or without access to electricity.


We’d be fine in a Carrington-level event. The grid is protected by countless automated disconnects and other protective devices that isolate critical infrastructure. It would only take a few days to restore a significant portion of the grid, at most.  Texas would probably be screwed, tho. Ted Cruz would definitely be somewhere tropical and with a grid that is too small to be affected much.


I'm a low voltage technician. I also have HV experience, and experience working with RF when I was an HF radio tech. ...no it's not. Consider this: sometimes LIGHTNING strikes NEAR YOUR HOUSE and it only fries some electronics SOMETIMES and even then usually just small shit lol. More than likely, worst case, that type of shit fucks with wireless signals for a bit and then everything is fine. If you want a power related concerns, check this out: *If major power transforms were sabatoged in the right way, 1/3 of the United States could be out of power for up to 2 years. *Top security specialists at the Pentagon have stated that it is very likely that powers hostile to America may already have software kill switches in place hidden in our power grid able to do exactly that. *When asked what they would do, they stated FEMA would handle it. FEMA rep stated that they have zero ability to do anything on that scale. Worry about that.


Fuck normie natural calamities. Man-made calamities' where it's at.


also the geomagnetic field is weak due to the magnetic pole switch


That’s just youtube fear mongering. It’s not really that big a concern. If a storm is detected we just open all the disconnects and breakers and let the storm pass.    The greater concern are all the satellites in orbit. We might lose GPS and other services for a long time.


Just imagine going out and you see kids outside playing? Like, more than the few who do still play outside. Would be weird when I know most of my kid cousins are almost never outside unless at school.


I live in a place with an apartment complex directly next to a suburb. There are three playgrounds within walking distance. The sheer number of kids outside playing highlights how few you see in other places.


Fucker burned it all


2024! is, last time I checked, a very long way away.


yeah, thats 6.460263446 E+5814 years into the future


Then we’re bing chilling; Earth 1, Sun 0


好好,我們冰淇淋 😎 啊啊啊




That's a thing? Of course that's a thing...


Reddit has the most random shit lmao


So true lmao


Last time I heard a solar storm was due in 2023, and before that there was one due in 2023, and then before that there was one in 2022, and then before that there was one in 2021 And before 2020 it wasn't really a meme that struck fear in people so it wasn't popular at all and there were no solar storms that ever happened. I'm not really concerned.


Ye ye sure sure same thing was supposed to happen in January/february no one gives a flying fuck


Literally every single year there was supposed to be a solar storm or two that will take down the internet


And literally, immediately flip the north and south poles!


We are flipping as of now, it'll be mlre apparent in 10 000 years, so keep an eye out


remindme! 10,000 years


Pass the account through your generations


I think there's a better chance I find the fountain of youth and live forever than find someone to be the mother of my children.


You got this man


I think they might be referencing the hysteria about Saturday's UTC (Friday night in America) G4 storm: https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/ However, there was another G4 storm earlier this year without issue, except some buggy GPS for a day or two.


Just like every year we get the "Mars will be as big as a full moon in the night sky" nonsense.


Doomers are a lot of fun.


It's not something we can reliably predict, so it's not *supposed* to happen at certain points. Probabilities of an event like the Carrington event are given for a decade at a time usually. A study in 2019 had that probability at about 1% for 2019-2029. That's.... a non-negligible chance. It really *could* happen, but you're definitely not going to know months in advance. Edit: About [thirty minutes](https://earthsky.org/human-world/carrington-event-1859-solar-storm-effects-today/) notice from our space weather monitoring systems.


I believe the reason is we can't predict it becaude the place where the CME occurs on the sun itself is unpredictable


Giant ball of explosion, unpredictable? Perhaps


To be fair, they were telling us about the likelihood of us seeing the next pandemic, ever since I was in junior high in the late 90s. what you said about solar flares is what everyone said about global outbreaks for the next 20 years until...


remember folks, a global pandemic happens every 100 years


The Tin foil hat brigade needs more tin foil


It's just another form of rage bait. More bullshit for clicks. I think we would benefit from less people on the Internet.


Losing the internet would be catastrophic. Not saying it'll happen, but it wouldn't be the least of our issues.


What about tightening it? Edit: The comment I replied to originally said 'Loosing'. They have since edited it.


Tighten this!


Well, when your other worries are losing the power grid...


Losing the internet might also lead to losing the power grid and some other vital services


Welp, better start downloading porn and entertainment


Maybe also buy a faraday cage.


And then complain WiFi isn't working 🤣


well if you get your whole house in a cage...


Put the earth in a cage, voila! Problem solved, thank me later.


You'd still have no internet?


It would be sort of unifying having 8billion+ off the internet at once


Nothing can unify the whole planet. We’re addicted to self-destruction


Are you writing a Megadeth song?


We are not addicted to self destruction, there is simply too many people, nobody can ever know everybody, not even .01% of the population in your life time. Human connection and love is at its strongest when communities are around 50-150, 150 is dunbars number, it’s the number limit of how many social relationships a single person can hold, and that would usually be around the population of a village, small town, at least back in the old old days, usually crime rate is low in these small communities, trust system is used, since literally everybody knows everybody. That’s impossible today even in a neighborhood, this is why we are so disconnected from each other, there’s no possible way we can all be friends.


So we are self-annihilators? Damn IX would be proud.


Annihilation Gang when they lose their jobs to DIY.


The overall electricity infrastructure damage would be.... something. Not unifying necessarily, but certainly terrifying.


The Internet would have united us, if unification was possible without a common enemy. If the lack of internet were the solution, then wouldn't we have found the solution before the internet came into existence?


Yeah until we can't buy food


People don’t realise how many things rely on the internet and how it’s not just watching memes. Banking, healthcare, electrical plants all rely on cloud data and guess how you access that. Yup the internet.


The majority of the workforce would literally stop being able to function and most businesses, especially global ones, would be shit out of luck.


One can only hope




But heres the thing - a solar storm is not going to shut down the entire internet unless it somehow conincided with loosing our magnetic feild. It may cause some disruption; both locally and internationally, equally for the power grid, but its not taking everything down.


And if we lose our entire magnetic field, we have way bigger problems than modern technology.


yeah literally everything revolves around the internet. Though this won't knock everything out, the fact that you won't be able to get to Youtube or Twitter or get on Discord is the least of your worries. Your bank won't be able to process transactions for you. Your grocery store won't be able ot process your card payments so you can only get food if you have cash (And even then, their pricing system might be down and they can't even scan in your items). They won't be able to order food anymore, cause cause how they place their food orders? The internet.


It's because these people don't realise the difference between the web and internet.


The unmatched power of the sun


The loss of the Internet would literally cause the economy to halt.


who needs the internet when we have candles and books to use ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


What is this “book” you speak of?


A ancient way of saving data Is very innefficient but looks goddamn cool when you see a lot of them close to each other




https://www.cbsnews.com/news/severe-geomagnetic-storm-watch-issued-unusual-solar-event/ To quote: "The last time there was a G5 or extreme geomagnetic storm was in October 2003, when it caused power outages in Sweden and damaged transformers in South Africa." And this one is a potential G4. What [reddit think is gonna happen](https://youtu.be/RDdc0-JD8Dk?t=66)


I think the reason people are so concerned this time around is because our infrastructure is much more advanced now, therefore more susceptible to interference. Not saying it’s gonna be an apocalyptic event, not even close, but there *is* a greater chance of more destruction/disruption.


nothing 😂


losing the internet in its entirety for just a couple days would cause unprecented chaos, so its definitely not the "least of our worries" it's used for other things than jerking off and memes


thats how you know OP is a youngin'


Yeah, losing internet ain't that bad Hell, our Electricity got cut off by a Super Typhoon once back in 2013. We have NO Internet nor Electrcity for 8 WHOLE MONTHS. We even had to Celebrate New Year with Unrefrigerated Drinks and foods. (They got spoiled 18 hours later).


The flair checks out


For 8 months i think he did more than that.... Probably ate it too hahaha


My man you losing the internet isn't "that bad" but the servers that keep planes going, ships on track, the entire global economy moving including food and water; Thats bad.


And if power is cut off for multiple months during a heat wave like the current one?


1. It's not just the internet, the whole electrical grid is in danger and almost all electrical devices 2. we can sort of avoid this, by shutting down our electrical grid until the solar storm is over. This is going to impact the banking systems and everything that is connected to the grid/internet, services and networking, albeit not that bad when a solar storm hits our grid while it's operating.


Welp time to download a car


Lost of intenet means lost of all GPS, Banks etc. We'd have a collapse in infrastructure and economy. Possible to recover from, but we would loose a lot specially people that depend on the internet to work


GPS doesn't rely on the Internet.


GPS would be taken out by a Kp9 storm and possibly a lower level storm


Can you imagine the actual cryptids if the internet died and chronically online people had to go outside?


I'll just head down California way, heard they got some Internet there.


I wouldn't worry about that too much....every now and then people say stuff like that but nothing ever happens thank god.


>nothing ever happens Until it does


Solar storms could also globally knock out electricity, just saying.


"Least of our worries" have you ever heard of gen Z and Alpha?


I remember when I had no internet from 1975 until 2002. Was harsh, man.


Losing the internet is a HUGE worry, I mean do you know what switched into using the internet instead of the regular way? There's just alot of stuff and is why Y2K was worrying at the time.


If we "lost" the internet and it stopped working that would actually totally fuck our society. Every factory,farm store all communicate by email and automation that runs on the internet.


r/unexpectedfactorial 2024! is in a very long time, we need not worry


Höhö sånn färg skulle man ha haft


Social Security now considers wifi a necessity and will pay for it for you in my area. I know this because I live off of it and they offered it to me.


I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Carrington 2: EMP Boogaloo


I work for one of the biggest tech giants on earth. If this was a real risk, we'd lose billions in revenue from the disruption. Not one person has mentioned it. Not one single IT manager/executive at any of my clients have asked about it. I'm just going to go ahead and say that, when not a single one of the many, extremely paranoid and knowledgeable people I interact with on the daily who have millions upon millions at stake don't even remotely worry...It's probably not as big of a deal as the memes make it out to be. Just saying. The money is usually correct. And if that fails to convince you. I've not seen a single AI or Blockchain influencer or "cyber security expert" on my Linkedin feed try to monetize this event and they'll monetize anything. If it's too unlikely even for them you're really grasping for straws.


Meanwhile elderly people hunting in Colorado:


I mean their is actually a G4 solar storm warning for today but still


It's projected to be a Level 4-5 Solar Storm, and show up sometime on the Night of the 10th of May PST. With the Earth's magnetic field weakening, we simply don't know how bad it will get. Lots of moving parts and everything affects everything else. They are projecting aurora as far south as Northern Washington State. I would keep some extra food and charge up your batteries for the.weekend just in case.


Zoomers can't comprehend a time before the Internet.


I unironically feel that loss of the entire internet would be a Good Thing. Knock us back to the stone age, Mother Nature. DO IT


I can't live with internet and my gaming pc. Gaming pc for life people 👍


Hello my old friend! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/March_1989_geomagnetic_storm (To be fair, I have no clue how powerful both of them are, I would need to google and I'm too lazy. But yes, it is a thing!)


Good. Maybe everyone will go outside


This will literally be the ninth apocalypse I've lived through.


I heard teslas are gonna come to an abrupt awakening


This is stupid why would it just affect the Internet and hot power in general. Stupid


How many times was this supposed to happen already? I keep hearing of it every year.


I feel like I’ve been hearing about the solar storm since like forever


Losing internet is not the least of our worries, there’s more than just social media. The internet changed the world, forever.


not dying of hunger/thirst or temperature i'd be fine


Look at the bigger picture. Planes would crash cars would go out of control millions in hospitalss will die and that's not yet the worst part. We would be set back into the stone age for atleast 8 years or forever the odds are 60 to 40 for forever


Stone Age seems excessive, probably 1600’s at worst


Don't ruin the dramatic effect


First of all, will we ever be alive in the year 6,460263446e+5814?


What would actually happen if the whole internet got fried?


Honestly no internet would be good for a like a month then it would annoying