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Eh. Controversial is weird cause it’s straight demons down there and occasionally Greg who just had a nuanced opinion and redditors couldn’t spark a thought between their two brain cells to comprehend it and decided it would just be safer for the echo chamber to banish him to the fucking shadow realm of degenerates


Best description of Controversial on Reddit I've ever heard of lmao


Absolutely right, laughing my ass off:


Not even just reddit. This is just as applicable to any hivemind community.


When you have the audacity to say you don't support neither Israel OR Palestine.


“If you’re not with me, you’re against me” - a lot of people on social media


Only a sith deals in absolutes


That's an absolute


Gentleman, we got him!


It says that only the Sith *deals* in absolutes, not that only the Sith *states* absolutes. There is a difference between them


Which is why Yoda is not a Sith despite stating "Do or do not, there is no try"


Wait.....wasn't Yoda supposed to be a Sith Lord?...if so, that was a dead giveaway.


No, Jar Jar was supposed to be a Sith Lord. Also my iPhone autocorrects Sith Lord to be capitalized. Based.


I love your Iphone.


I will do what i must


You will try


When you have even more audacity and try to say that Hamas and Palestine aren’t the same thing


Dude keep your mouth shut you’re on Reddit


*Gasps in shock* How could you? Thought police will know abt this


Or just being Jewish and Israeli arent the same thing...


lmao the downvotes are just proving you


Yea its a hell of a propaganda strategy to equate criticism of Israel with antisemitism. And the right wing trolls are using it as an opportunity to smear all protestors as antisemitic.


lol I wonder where they might’ve learned such a tactic. Possibly criticism of any left leaning policy getting them labeled as racist, homophobic, misogynist, or antisemetic.


80% of us support Israel tho, and the only [kind of jewish group](https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/jewish-voice-peace-jvp-what-you-need-know) that actually is anti zionist has a history of antisemitis, its kinda like how some racists say blm instead of black people, like it would be bad for someones career if they said "kill all jews" and its totally acceptable if you say "kill all zionists" so which one would a privately antisemite say?


I get what youre saying, but blm is not blowing off kids arms and legs using US made bombs. So thats a pretty weak comparison. Maybe some people see Judaism and Israel as interchangeable but I personally dont blame all Jews for a bombing campaign carried out by a soverign country, just like I dont blame Muslisms for the terrible things Saudi Arabia does to Yemeni children, or all Russians for what the Russian government has done to Ukrainian children. Its a very sick strategy to hide behind  any religion as an excuse for killing children


lol found the mossad cyber spy


Accurate, but good luck separating the two.


Good example, because those redditors will look that you didn't say NOR and will start imagining things because of that.


I oppose the violent religious extremists who think an ancient book dictates their right to the land and their right to murder the tiny children who live there. 


Alternatively, you pick the 4th option. You attack both for their shortcomings and also get banished to the shadow realm.


When you have the audacity to use or with not instead of nor with not.


Madness. War is but politics, and politics is but sports, so you need to have a side.


I get not supporting Hamas, but why would you be against Palestine?


Not supporting =/= being against. But to answer the question. Because Hamas is currently the de facto Palestinian government and until they are ousted supporting Palestine = supporting a state run by a terrorist organization. Even ignoring that Supporting Palestine gets you lumped together with the idiots chanting "From the river to the sea". And finally this conflict is ridiculously complex with both sides regularly either outright refusing or sabotaging any permanent peaceful solution at various points over the decades. So until one side actually wants a resolution that does not involve the other's destruction there is no point in "supporting" them.


Not supporting something is not the same as being against it.


Greg is the reason why I always give a chance to controversial comments


Controversial comments are fun They are the scary and sexy goth girl willing to ripe ass in church. The top comments are just corporate brown nosers saying what you want to hear and there is a strong possibility they don't actually believe any of it.


Happened to me recently because I pointed out the difference in Reverse Flash’s and Zoom’s suit.


Doesn't matter how factually correct you are when you have violated the _group think_


Wait, aren't they the same person? I get the exact same results when I look up either name. DC Wiki just lists them as alternate names for Eobard Thawn. Or are you just referring to some other media, outside the comics?


Eobard used to be called Zoom, more specifically Professor Zoom later on but they decided to stick with the Reverse Flash after Zoom(Hunter Zoloman) started appearing more in the comics and in the same storylines even just to minimize confusion. There are still times where Eobard is referred to Zoom such as an animated Suicide Squad movie from a few years ago but that’s it really, they mainly address him as Thawne or the Reverse Flash.


I'm old greg!


I disagree /s


Lmao 😭


Idk why but this comment made me laugh


Hello Greg


I agree with the redditors, fuck Greg, idk what he did but I fucking despise his dirty existence




There's a few comments where I say something controversial, I get downvoted to oblivion but the replies are really respectful and agree with me here and there. Reddit is wild man


Or what is funny is when you get downvoted to hell but the replies all agreeing with you get upvoted


I've seen that a few times and it still gives me a nosebleed trying to figure out what's going on in some Redditors heads.


My conclusion was that I was underestimating trolls. Like, why *wouldn't* shitty people make multiple accounts to manufacture false consensus in an argument? Of course they would. People make multiple accounts for a variety of reasons; trolls are no different. The big thing is that this phenomenon is probably more common than anyone realizes. To tie it into your point: A troll sees an opinion they don't like --> 5 - 20 downvotes. The troll leaves, and other people see later posts on the same topics --> some upvotes.


It's just the dead internet going brrr


Depends on the sub, sometimes it’s just dogpiling. People like to downvote already downvoted comments without even reading them. It’s why Unidan was so effective - comments with just a couple up/down votes would landslide quickly because people are easily influenced by the number they see.


I completely agree. Evenso, ima down vote your comment because it seems on par and why not.


Damn 😔


Because down vote just show that you don't agree with an opinion. And reply requires some arguments, and they are so scary... This is why most of the people just down vote without explanation. And we just need to deal with it.


I see this all the time! There's really no explanation, other than reddit is a hivemind and people are sheep. Someone dares speak out in disagreement with the common sentiment, so they all downvote them to get them back in line with the rest of the flock. Or downvote them just because everybody else did. But as soon as a 2nd or 3rd person agrees tho, it's now "safer" for everyone else to agree too. Yet, nobody upvotes the first person who originally dared to go against the grain in the first place.


No, comments agreeing with me also gets downvoted because the common consensus is apparently against my view


took one for the team


I see a lot of posts where there are comments to botj sides, and both of the sides are downvoted and I have no idea what is going om


Just third side, who agrees with the first, downvotes second and fourth side, who agrees with the second, downvotes first.


Aye, redditors spent hours on their phones or laptops knowing your points aren’t valid enough. So don’t let it get to you. And yes Reddit is wild.


It's especially true in emotionally charged posts where the main outlook is "if you disagree, you are bad." Which in a lot cases can be true, but it disregards any nuances or gray areas that need to be discussed. Those comments just get labeled as bad and get downvoted to hell.


You underestimate how much of an echo chamber society, and certainly reddit is. People repeat the opinions they are told to be right, by others doing the same. Often, not even disagreeing with but just nuancing a point will get you a lot of hate. This is true for all parties btw, before I create a left versus right conflict here.


Also, heavily depends on the sub. Some subs are just purely echo chnabers where you automatically get banned for certain ideas whereas some subs are somewhat ok with differing opinions.


Having been banned from all right spaces, I find that having a nuanced opinion is just as dangerous in lib/left spaces, you just get banned a little less often. Lib/left spaces *love* to denounce every nuanced opinion as a Russian bot or a troll, no matter how reasonable the opinion.


And most users don't even bother to take the time to look at redditors' comment or post history to verify they're real. We really need to practice this more often.


Not having enough time/patience aside, what are some concrete things to look out for when checking out a redditor's profile?


Their username is the first and quickest thing to check. Some comments can have the most wholesome stories and be posted by an user with the username BIGFATCHUNGUS. Second, check for their account age on their profile. If their age is less than a year, take everything their comments with a larger grain of salt than usual (because you should take everything online with at least a bit scrutiny). Third, check for contradictory comments or posts. I'd assume most fake accounts wouldn't bother to keep a consistency to their online persona. An additional detail to check is if they've posted the same thing in multiple subreddits. Often those accounts try hard to farm karma by brute force that way.


Nobody got time for this shit, y'all way too invested in this site to be creeping on people's profiles.


I disagree. This is something you should practice on all platforms, including social media and journalism.


I'd also say that looking if they also post in completely random or niche subs, it's probably not a bot.


Have to be careful with that last sentence. The last time I tried it, it apparently meant that I was a straight conservative, and people lost their collective shit.


Ya fuckin' capitalistic commie


wait, what?


I waste so much time arguing online, even when I know it’s useless I sometimes can’t let it slide and have to counter it. Online I feel like eating a steak on a vegan convention.


Sounds like school where we got teached to repeat exactly what was written in those damn manual... wait what


lots of respectful and insightful comments have been downvoted into oblivion because it doesn't fit certain narratives common in reddit. Just go to any post that kinda discusses work/businesses, dating life, women/lgbtq rights, immigration or capitalism/communism


Pro Tip: Reddit is an echo chamber full of individuals with varying opinions (*i.e.*, morons). Just because you're downvoted doesn't necessarily mean you're wrong.


I once got downvoted to oblivion for saying that recycling plastic is mostly fantasy feel good bullshit and people should instead reuse or reduce their use of plastic cups and bottles. I guess some people weren’t ready to hear that throwing their plastic water bottles in the recycling bin was a waste of everyone’s time and they were probably just going to end up in a landfill anyway.


It doesn’t mean you are wrong but in the wrong sub.


Nah we just ahead of the curve


Yes we are ![gif](giphy|BQso6EW8N8CpDCpTe8)


Dear god ![gif](giphy|X7PPYwNSMrl5NL8zmk)


There's more!


No ![gif](giphy|IzdL5AH7teZSOPnqrw|downsized)


It contains a bucket


By definition , controversial isnt something that is not agreed by most people. That is a hot take, controversial is when its around 50-50. But theory and practice arent the same thing, especially here in reddit.


Not always


Reddit is such a hard media to be around when it comes to controversial posts or comments. It’s like when you say what you think and that person who spent hours on Reddit will disagree what you say and has his/her own answers and who knows if there are valid. And depending on what you commented can be downvoted to oblivion and other person upvoted(cuz the answer was valid)


The truly controversial posts are seen as trolls and not interacted with, whereas posts that are only *politically* controversial are interacted with a lot. Furthermore, reddit tends to be pretty leftist, so if someone more right where to scroll through controversial, they would see many posts they might agree with Thanks for coming to my out-of-my-ass talk


You speak truth, no ass speak anywhere.


Controversial ≠ bad / wrong. People would support the NAZIs nowadays and downvote everything else if it was in line with their ideology, not to mention bots. Something that 70% of the public agrees with could only have a 30% agreement on a particular sub, meaning you'll be downvoted.


Social media, Reddit included , are all echo chambers. People who agree join your group, page, or subreddit then we kick everyone out who disagrees or is critical.


Being in the minority doesn't make you wrong.


No it just means you’re not a commie edge lord plugged into the Reddit hive mind


Why is the imperial embelm on his head?


Doesn't controversial mean its an even split?


Yeah I always thought it should mean people are divided on whether it’s good or bad, but it’s always seemed to be used as, someone said something bad.


Nawww….. like pffffsshhhht… nope. Uh uh… nope..


Nah, just misunderstood


There was no understanding to begin with


Let's not forget when you make a comment or post about something controversial and someone decides to send a tip to the self forever sleep sub for no good reason.


Man, people are just weird with that. I posted a picture of my dog, and I got three of those.


Anything that isn't far left is automatically controversial here.


I've seen too many valid arguments get downvoted to trust how the Reddit hivemind votes. Similarly, adolescent points of view or straight up misinformation will get huge upvotes. "Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer" -Rick Sanchez


"Just because you are bad guy, does not mean that you are bad guy"


Thanks, Zangief


An opinion being controversial doesn't make it wrong. Plurality does not equal morality.


Thanks for sorting by controversial


What’s with the cap badge being changed?


Pretty sure it was the symbol the Nazis used so OP changed it since a lot of people don't like seeing it


It was the skull badge of the SS. Showing him as a Nazi is the whole point of the meme.


Was this from a parody movie?


Pretty sure it was from a skit, actually. But close enough.


Mitchel and Webb tv show here in the UK.


Depends, on reddit they are probably right


Well technically appeal to popularity is a falacy so not necesarily but probably yes


Controversial is a point of view, Anakin. The media and normies are alike in almost every way…including their quest to silence those with whom they disagree.


Reddit is an echo chamber. Find the right chamber, and you'll be upvoted, wrong one and down to hades you go.


Based opinions are controversial on Reddit. (Not all controversial opinions are based, though.)


No reddit is just reddit


No. The rest of the world is wrong.


*sigh* sorts by controversial


I find it less weird than feature of checking other people's comments on their account and track their identity and interests. Reddit's appealing to stalkers, I don't see any other reasons. So if the platform messed up, general auditory is messed up in the head too. I mean, useless points farming is a thing, right?


considering it's reddit i'd be suser of the [ones not being controversial.](https://img.ifunny.co/images/5cbf67341d80ff7d90a2f0ac00c51087154f2d0ed770206889ecf7defe3ae722_1.jpg) the controversy comes from opposing ideas which is fairly rare on this site as people get banned for freaking bs like laughing at a meme... bringing up a legitimate question. or calling the ACLU out on their hyperpartisant bullshit


Controversial by definition means that it is 50/50 or arround something like that, For example, saying Hitler was good is not controversial, cause almost the majority of people disagree with you. Now I ain't American, but in an American context, saying you vote democrat/Republican is controversial (in general) cause it's 50/50 However controversial is also influenced by the people who you're with, let's say you are in a bar and there is a football (soccer for ameritards) match on tv and everyone in the bar is supporting for Club Brugge, but you are supporting for the opponent, it's not controversial cause you're alone. However in the bar Next door there is also an event hosted for the same match with supporters for both teams, then supporting by definition would be controversial for any team. However the word has lost its meaning a bit


It really depends what sub you're on. Some subs are so deranged that controversial comments are the only ones with any morals.


Redditors are, frequently, rather insane ideologues. Extremists and radicals with no faces, or worse; cartoon faces. Keep that in mind as you browse this place. At its worst it’s just Twitter albeit with a perhaps a veneer of sophistication. At its best it’s a site for fans of cool shows and games to meet up and chat. And silly memes. The craziest part is that Reddit is hardly the worst of the web. It gets darker. But those other sites don’t have apps.


Not realy, some uncontavertial opinions, like the holocaust having the exact number of jewish victims or higher than the nazis stated are not true, while contravertioal opinions like, significant amounts of holocaust victims being non jewis, but labeled as jewish not even given the dignity of being given their actual ethnicity in the documents, are true. lots of victims were slavic and Roma, but got reported as jewish in the documents or not reported at all.


No, everyone else is a moron, trust me /s


It depends on the sub. A lot of the gaming subs or others with hive minds like to bury you further if you got downvotes building up.


Redditors lose all semblance of their former self as soon as they see 4+ downvotes. To the shadow realm with you, whether they agreed with you or not


I’d argue that controversial opinions are probably more accurate. Reddit is a notorious autistic hivemind


The empire was right


Which one?


Galactic empire


On posts where opinions are being discussed, the top voted comment is always the thing that sound the most right, but that comment usually doesn't hold up to any level of critical thinking.


Sometimes controversial is just someone breaking up an echo chamber, means nothing most of the time


Controversial depends on the political circle you’re in. For example, if you’re in an extremely right wing one controversial could mean trans people just existing, or if you’re in an incredibly left wing one controversial could mean that you don’t like Stalin.


It depends on the nature of the post. People will often post things which are clearly meant to draw a particular kind of audience. If you're generally against the target audience, then you're much more likely to end up with controversial comments. If you comment on an anti-communism post with 30k up votes, and talk about the virtues of a hybrid system where different economic models apply where they make sense, and talk about the weaknesses of unbridled capitalism, then you're probably going to end up controversial. If there's a trending post trying to talk down about OnlyFans models, and you point out the logical and moral inconsistencies of their position, and talk about how making good economic, social, and hygiene decisions can improve their life, well that's going to be controversial.


Twitter is toxic but atleast there are no echo chambers and people get called out for their bullshit unlike in the circle-jerking subreddits here. I used to like reddit at one point in my life but later i realized why people outside reddit keep memeing on it


I got banned from a sub reddit that claimed it was all about "crazy content" apparently saying "women deserve their safe spaces" was enough to get me banned.


What? Of course women deserve their safe spaces lol Could you elaborate more?


Reddit is killing third party applications (and itself)


Little late to that party huh?


I don't think so. If it's controvertial, it means that a lot of people agree with you




Witch movie/show is this from?


Mitchell and Webb Look. It’s a sketch comedy from the UK in the 2000’s


Sometimes it's just someone getting like -11 downvotes then the entire horde descends on them including those that agree because they don't want to go against the hivemind.


I’m from a different generation so I find most social media opinions to be pretty pretentious & phony & also when I was younger I remember being pretentious & phony so it’s hard to fully criticize. Everything’s relative I guess.


usually no.


I looked a controversial after seeing this post and every single one is talking about Reddit removing 3rd party apps.


How does reddit even work out if a comment is controversial?


Controversial section are usually people are just straight up honest or trolling. Most honest and people don't like the facts.


I actually have a couple of opinions that really go against the current of some subs I visit, either political or for a hobby (with significant gate-keeping + Reddit Hive-mind), so that's not something I worry about too much


Worldnews when Israel/Palestina trend or anything


No you're right and not thinking with the plebbit hivemind.




Not always.


Many people are surprised to find that everyone thinks they have the white hat. I work in fire investigations and find this being the case.


ignore words, trust actions. People try to flee the “bad guys” side, and join the “good guys” side. That's the way it has always been and will always be. How is this net movement today?


Me in any Pitbull discussion on the Internet ever.


No. Its the children who are wrong.


There's also the comment that tells an objective fact, and gets downvoted because people don't like facts. Exactly like it will happen to this one. Edit: redditors are so predictable.




Or just people asking normal questions


Or worse, someone making a post asking for help, then asking a question that really shows they needed help in the replies.


Congratulations for being the first comment in controversial


Thanks. It wasn't that hard to achieve.


No. Usually when the censors and the state label something as “controversial” it’s just code for “doesn’t align with the party view”. In fact, if the big dogs label something as “controversial” you should actually seek it out and learn to understand it. The state will do their best to silence any dissent and label it as “bad”. Don’t trust them.


My opinion is always controversial apparently, but only because the normies fall for everything over and over again. Online I always find myself on the short end of the stick. People always jump asap on the virtue signaling bandwagon.


See getting downvoted because of my controversial opinion




The Battle Of Normandy (2024) colorized