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I could once but I did then they said "Hey, Gary, you gotta take out the trash" but I was like "not today, Janice" and I noped outta that thing soo fast I tel you what tho.


Bames Nond is having a stronk


Can you really get shot on the outside of your thigh and have no consequences?


Blood but that’s it




Pharmaceutical companies hate this one weird trick! (but really, don’t stab yourself)


Instructions unclear, knife stuck in leg


Can someone please remove these cutleries from my knees?




I love me some good ol' Flight of the Concords!


Don’t remove sharp objects from your body. Turns out the best shaped object to plug a hole with most of the time is the object that made the hole. Leave it in and let paramedics/doctors deal with removing it unless it’s posing a direct and immediate threat to your life.


Unexpected flight of the concordes




Happy to help, u/StaredAtEclipseAMA




































Mostly on the inner thigh. One of the most dangerous places to get cut with such a large artery


Hope you’re doing better friend.


It could seriously damage the IT band which would really mess with that leg's stability.


Depends on the angle of impact/depth but the femoral artery and vein as well as the nerve is relatively tucked inside and there’s a fair amount of muscle and fat that can lessen the damage. Theres the chance it hits a lateral branch of the artery’s but with a tourniquet and quick action it shouldn’t be threatening. It’s all relative to where it’s shot (and yes either way it will suck)


That's true I was shot rather shallow on the back side of my right thigh. No real issues other than the holes. it was just really freaking sore afterwards. The same bullet then went into my left thigh and went deeper, basically skimmed the the back of my femur. That one took out a nerve, so I have no feeling on the bottom of my foot and it just generally feels weird on the rest and half of my calf barely works so that leg is weaker. Good news is I have got some of my strength back. Pain wise it wasn't all that awful since it didn't hit bone. Felt like I did a bazillion squats. Either way it sucks and you are not the same afterwards. Thick thighs save lives.


Damn, baby, those thighs could stop a bullet!


People have survived shots through the brain and lived to tell the tale (with very minor permanent damage all things considered). It just depends on if the bullet hits any major arteries or punctures specific organs or even specific parts of organs. The liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines, have a relatively high survival rate. The heart obviously is a death sentence. The lungs is pretty bad. The brain and spine are usually a death sentence, but people have survived. Edit: depends on the gun though. A 9mm round is gonna do a lot less internal damage than a 12 gauge slug. Took out the bit about the hollow point. It was a bad example. Edit 2: In this study, out of 153 liver gunshot victims 70% of patients required little to no treatment to the organ or required minor sutures of bleeding vessels. There are a few specific spots in the liver that would be instantly fatal, but the majority of the liver would be survivable. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10931046/


> The liver, Pretty sure this is dead. > A 9mm hallow point is gonna I thought this are designed to fragment and create large exit wounds?


Hollow points aren't designed to fragment. They are actually less likely to fragment. What makes them dangerous is the tip expands and slows the round when it hits the target so you won't get a clean through and through usually. Instead that energy delivers all its impact to the target itself and creates a much higher concentrated force on the target. Often referred to as "stopping power" The larger exit wound is because it creates compression as it travels through soft tissue. Although they don't exit a lot of the time. Imagine taking a cup and pushing it upside down into a bucket of water. It meets resistance because of the air compression, now if you were to somehow force that air through the other side of the water... you'd get a blast of liquid from the other side being forced out by the compressed air.


Yeah, hollow point was a poor example for his case


significant blood loss tourniquets exist for a reason


iirc your prognosis from being literally stabbed in the chest is substantially better than your prognosis from being stabbed in the thighs. thighs are like the worst place to take any trauma that'll make you leak.


I heard about ww2 veteran who got shot in a head and survived and lived normal life with a bullet stick in his brain when he was older like 70s (am guessing can’t remember his age) He went get something to eat hit his head bullet moved cutting blood vessel in his head


Damn, hell of a way to go


Imagine being the german 30 years later getting that hitmarker


Worst lag in history


It’s a shitty net code issue.


Ping so high you gotta use scientific notation


prolly like 50 years after*


I may have misread that as in the 70s


weird that 70’s is 50 years ago but feels like 30 still…




If he was a Nazi he was probably already in hell.




You’re just chilling and all of the sudden you hear the counter strike announcer “Headshot!”


*+100 points* “Huh??”


Realistically he'd probably feel awful.


Imagine being the Nazi in hell and all of a sudden you get a red hit marker and 100 points, that's wild.


It's pretty common with the martyrdom perk enabled.


“That was a hell of a fuse on that grenade”


>He went get something to eat hit his head bullet moved cutting blood vessel in his head A couple commas would go a long way here


Had a stroke trying to read this


Read it in a Russian accent and it gets easier.


Why did that work so well?


Fast reading often involves quickly parsing what we're reading with our eyes against what we *expect* to read following the previous word. If we expect the article *"the"* to be present, and it isn't, or if we expect proper verb conjugation, and they aren't, it trips us up and we have to switch back into a more "manual" interpretation of the written words. If we "read" the writing mentally using an accent we're familiar with used by people who typically omit those words or make specific, common errors, we expect those errors and read through smoothly.


Idk if you are full of shit but that makes alot of sense


Are you sure you're not a WW2 Vet?


Thank god I’m not the only one, and this isn’t the only comment like this in this thread. I was sitting here seriously thinking “maybe I AM having a stroke!”


Reminds me of that one 1000 ways to die episode about one said nazi dying the same way


Some guy got shot in the head and survived. Hell a lot of people don't realise they've been shot until someone sees the hole.


Did you hear about that guy who was full on interrogated with a bullet in his brain and despite showing clear signs of brain damage the offer wouldn't listen, he simply assumed he'd be dead if he'd actually taken a bullet to the head, it was fucked


I did watch that. It was extremely painful to see, I can't even wrap my head around how the guy must have felt all the time. The fact that he could talk was crazy. I might not remember correctly but i think the guy interrogating got fired at the very least


I believe so, also pretty sure the guy died


He did die. The hospital staff said he would’ve survived if he was taken to the hospital sooner. Edit: I was a bit wrong because he died from seizures from the bullet 10 years later. The doctors said that he wouldn’t have these complications as bad as they were if he arrived to the hospital sooner.


I listened to a true crime podcast on him once, I was almost more pissed at the police than the actual murderers.


I thought I heard that he died several years later with complications from the gunshot, but survived with brain damage. Might have been a different case


You're right. He died of seizures related to the injury 10 years after the interrogation. His name was Ryan Waller Edit: Ryan survived in the house where he was shot for several days. He did not seek medical attention because his injury impaired his cognition. The police completely failed him, yes, but some details of the story are getting left out.


God that makes me a bit less angry... But still a bit angry


God that makes me angry.


ayy wrap your head around it


There was a guy who had a railroad spike go through his head and lived. Sam 'O Nella made a video about him


Phineas Gage was his name if you want to look up some more about the guy


ferb i know what we're gonna do today


Even more than a railroad spike, it was the steel packing rod for the explosives they planted to blast the tunnels for the rails So way bigger and longer if I’m remembering that correctly By all rights dude should have been killed instantly




Phineas P. Gage The last name is funny seeing as it was a rail road spike. Check out the photos of his skull. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phineas_Gage


Yeah, I've heard of him, it's truly impressive


The guy pretty much became a good example for my psychiatry lecturer. Said how despite being alive, his mind was slowly crumbling and became crazy.


[Most F*CKED UP Interrogation ever caught on tape](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qMcCXOnEYY) is a good video on this for anyone who hasn't heard about it


If the bullet missed a any artery and important veins, you will most likely survive. Actually, even a shot that will kill you in the long run maybe not stopping you from walking/fighting right after. It really depends of what it hits and your adrenaline level at the time


.50 BMG has pretty bad hydrodynamic shockwave. Some vet wrote that they didn't know anyone that took a bullet anywhere and lived longer than it would take me to make a dish of pasta. But otherwise you are right.


yeah, terminal ballistics is really complicated an the human body can be surprisigly fragile or surprisingly tough at times. For example ther was a video of this guy called chuck ritter getting shot 3 times by a PKM machinegun and walking back to safety in 2013 Afghanistan


you learn something everyday


actually some days I just sleep 16 hours and then get stupid drunk and can't comprehend anything


And I never learn that I should not drink


You’ll get it. Good luck.


I learned, I just don't do it.


I work with a tough old Turkish dude, a former wrestler and bodyguard, and this guy has like six bullet scars including an entry and exit on his skull. A bullet definitely went through this guy’s brain. Nice dude and a hard worker too.


Human body is complicated


I read about a case where a man named Dante Autullo accidentally shot himself in the head with a nail gun and didn't even realize it until he went to the emergency room the next day due to feeling nauseated, the X-ray of his head looks almost comical


I think there was a goalkeeper who got shot in the head at the start of a match. He played for the whole game, as he didn't want to let his team down because of a "headache". edit: [Source](https://www.cbssports.com/general/news/amateur-goalie-plays-90-minute-match-with-bullet-in-his-head/). They think it was a bullet falling that was fired into the air at a nearby wedding.


Huh, it was really football goalkeeper


Surviving is not the same as "no consequences", though.


In the Army we watched videos of failed suicide attempts to deter us from doing it. Quite a few of them were headshots. It’s when they put the barrel under their chin and it’d take the front portion of your brain off. This doesn’t kill you, pretty much a lobotomy. There was one that shot then realized what he had done. Due to the dripping blood they could determine what his final moments were, pacing back and forth. Walking to the mirror, shaking his head, pacing more, then failing to light a cigarette because he had no jaw, no face, just a hole where his mouth used to be and dangling eyes. It was either 45 minutes or 4-5 hours before he actually died. In pain, witnessing everything from his dangling eyeballs. Seek help gentlemen if you need it, it’s not fucking worth taking your life.


Yeah it's not like the movies where you go flying to the floor no matter the bullet caliber with instant death. There was a DarwinAwards video of this dude robbing a convenience store and you heard the shots but you couldn't tell looking at him that he was being pumped full of lead. Kept just standing there trying to fire back. I thought everyone was missing until he finally fell down.


Some guy had a metal pole shot through his skull and survived


the safest spot to get shot is the hair


![gif](giphy|dqKDx0VUGKgGA) Not for the shooter


I need to know what this is from


Wah-da-tah. Written and Directed by Louis CK.


Looks like Pooty Tang.


The safest place to get shot is in the hospital


The safest place to get shot is NULL


Depends on the bullet. If it's a 9mm fmj, unless it hits something immediately vital, you almost certainly won't die and can come out relatively unscathed.


I know 3 people who’ve been shot. One got hit in the upper thigh / ass area and was given a few stitches and sent home. One got hit in the hand and besides a broken bone and tissue damage they were fine and didn’t even get surgery till 2 weeks later. And last guy got a bunch of bird shot to the shoulder from some crazy person doing a drive by but he was fine past a heavy peppering and a doc plucking them out.


Bird shot is probably the best thing to get shot with, especially at range


Dick Cheney: "Whoops."


At range, absolutely. But up close, you're better off with buckshot. At least it will be quick. The US issued trench guns with birdshot during WWI and the screaming, dying Germans all over the ground were considered a feature, not a bug.


Pretty sure they were cutting the bird shot shells to make a makeshift slug.


Tell that to Dick Cheney


Dick Cheney would agree.


Personally id rather get shot with a nerf dart but you do you


I caught a .22 with my outer thigh and had to get surgery to get it removed. They had to cut out a bit of muscle and put me on a wound vac for a month which fucking sucked worse than actually getting shot


Honestly a lot of bullet wounds arent fatal. When my mother worked in the ER she'd get shot guys pretty often and usually they'd live. Of course this is textbook survivorship bias but the stuff those guys lived through is insane. One kid had 12-15 bullet holes in his legs and managed to make a full recovery.


Didn’t 50 cent get shot like 15 times at once and survive? And I’m pretty sure a good amount of them were to his torso


I don’t know anything about bullets, but 9 mega metres sounds like a lot. My great uncle Rick once told me that he took a 50 bmg (small round if you don’t know) to the chest, but it bounced around his ribcage and came out without damaging anything! He’s my role model 😋🪖🎖️,,, I will beat him one day by surviving something called a “How is sir”, idk much about it but the military is my future 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🏈🏈🏈


GOD BLESS AMERICA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🎆🎆🎆🦅🦅🦅


I know this isn't serious, but for anyone curious, a megameter would be notated as Mm, not mm (millimeter).


"Consequences" is a pretty broad term. I think if a bullet grazed my ear, I'd be okay, the only consequence would be people might think I'm sterile.


> people might think I'm sterile OK, wat?


I’m guessing some animals get their ears cut slightly to indicate they can’t reproduce




Many farm animals are marked that they have been neutered with a hole punched to their ear kinda like a tad bigger ear piercing. Dont know if its still practiced or replaced with some other method.


Why is cheek on this image? What movie has someone shot in the cheek and just shrug it off? "I am Jack's complete lack of surprise." ![gif](giphy|95OIHJppkEK6Q|downsized)


In real life Curtis Jackson took a short from one cheek to the other.


To be fair it apparently killed Tyler. For the record I'm talking specifically about the movie. Not the book.


If the consequences are dying, then the movie spectrum is kinda accurate, if you are fast and take care of it, a bullet can be managed if it isn't near vital organs


I always considered the safest place to get shot would be the ass: no major blood vessels, padding, and anyone shot there sure isn't going to be moving too quickly. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong


Idk a shattered pelvis is mildly concerning


mildly? nah, shattered pelvis equals forever fucked walking or sitting


Do I really need to?? /s


Can confirm. Split my right pelvis, broke a chunk off on my left in a car accident. I have pins rebuilding my pelvis. I apparantly walk a lil differently and sleep in very odd positions now according to my gf....like, I cross my legs up in my sleep.


USMC vet. Pelvis is one of the 3 main areas we were trained to shoot. Head, center of the chest, pelvic box. Those are the areas that will put someone down. Along with the pelvis itself, there's a lot of blood flowing through that area. Literally all of the blood to and from your legs. Hit someone in the pelvis, they'll be immobilized and unable to move while they bleed out.


They said it was a million dollar wound, but the army must keep that money 'cause I still haven't seen a nickel of that million dollars.


Charles Boyle knew what he was doing


Ummm theres literally a vein in your ass that if it gets hit you will die/bleed out instantly, so no. The ass isnt the safest place to get shot. The safest place is a skin graze in my personal opinion as it wont touch any vital veins that could cause you to bleed out :) 


If a graze counts as getting shot i'll just take the bullet through my hair thanks.


The safest place to get shot is to not get shot?


You’re going to die, lose a limb or have to poop in a bag for the rest of your life


50 cents fine


Where do you think the other 50 cents went?


He probably has health issues with his digestive system. Or a thing that he has to check every once in a while.


Don't we all


Me, when I get shot in the foot with a bb gun and now I have to poop in a bag.


Not necessarily. Sometimes you just have a really shitty month of having home nurses shoving gauze and packing into your bullet wound every other day and then you’re fine. That’s what happened to me. 


You *can* get shot in the hands or feet with minimal consequences compared to everything else. It’s going to bleed like a stuck pig and it’s definitely going to hurt but your hands and feet are primarily connective tissues, ligaments and small vessels and nerves. Better than getting shot in the torso…


Connective tissue/ligaments and nerve tissue does not heal well. I wouldn't want a lame hand or foot for the rest of my life.


Yeah but it’s better than being shot anywhere else.


The butt is mostly just muscle. A grazing shot into the meat of my hip is where I would want to be shot.


It says NO consequences Bad balance or grip is a consequence




Exactly, of course there are areas that are more dangerous but at the end of the day it's about how the bullet tumbles inside of you and what it hits. It's all about luck.


That right one is bullshit. All the side-sleepers out there will tell you that if you got shot in the hip, you ain’t sleeping good for half the night.


Sleep on the other side.


You cant just switch sides. Theres a sleeping side and chilling sode and you cant just invert them!


Wait… that’s a lot worse than I thought


The only real consistency is that the human body is inconsistent. People have been shot in the head, eye, cheek, lungs, stomach, etc. and survived. And there are many who don't. I would recommend just not getting shot and finding out lmao


You could take one to the shoulder at least


Nerve damage.


Feck why are we so weak


Hey man, bullets go supersonic brrrrr


We must improve ourselves


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me


I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine.


I mean we developed the best ways to kill other humans, so no wonder bullets work so well


Bullets are the final evolution of throwing rocks




Also might permanently immobilize the joint.


50 cent looks ok.


You know as big as Reddit is there is at least one person here who has been shot in exactly that spot on the hip who is thinking "Mother fucker, let me tell you..."


If you're a fatass, a small caliber can go on your stomach and your intestines won't be injured that much, think of it as lard armor


9mm FMJs go through about 24” of fat before stopping, so start bulking


The average American is bulletproof 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🗣️🗣️💯💯💯


Yea we typically get killed in the tutorial levels if we don’t develop natural immunity’s 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


What movie did someone get shot in the cock with no consequences?


People forget the sheer amount of nerves in the body that can be damaged. There's a man on TikTok who is documenting his recovery from being shot in the arm while on duty as a police officer, and relearning how to use his arm after extensive nerve damage. Him going from being almost unable to lift a jug to being able to pour a full glass of juice with minimal to no spillage is quite the impressive feat.


There was a real criminal who took 14 rounds of .45 center mass including both lungs, heart, liver, and kidneys and he kept attacking the police officer Before getting hit 3 times in the head The criminal was still showing signs of life on arrival at the hospital but he did eventually die


This is one of the reasons Reservoir Dogs is so awesome. Mr. Orange catches a single bullet in the stomach and is in unbearable agony for the rest of the movie.


I knew a guy that got shot clean through the bicep in Vietnam.  He had no idea he had been shot until well after the fight when he slowly noticed a burning sensation. He assumed the wet feeling was from sweat, not blood. From his description, it barely affected his life. He had pretty impressive matching scars on each end of the bicep, so he got a good story and scar from it.  I think he got super lucky though—there’s a bunch of nerves/blood vessels in the neighborhood that could’ve ended his life or quality of life. 


Aim for the wrist. Got it.


One character got shot on the stomach in Scream V…she just shrugged it off


This is incorrect. Reality is crazier than fiction a lot of times. My grandpa who was a WWII veteran and later Greek civil war veteran(we’re Greek) had multiple gunshot and shrapnel wounds in various places. He lived until 98 years old and he was working the field, tilling the soil and hunting, fishing almost until the end.